One of the most important features of InnoDB is the row level locking. This feature provides better concurrency under heavy write load but needs additional precautions to avoid phantom reads and to get a consistent Statement based replication. To accomplish that, row level locking databases also acquire gap locks.
What is a Phantom Read
A Phantom Read happens when in a running transaction, two identical statements get different values, because some other transaction has modified the table’s rows. For example:
transaction1> START TRANSACTION;
transaction1> SELECT * FROM t WHERE i > 20 FOR UPDATE;
| i |
| 21 |
| 25 |
| 30 |
transaction2> START TRANSACTION;
transaction2> INSERT INTO t VALUES(26);
transaction2> COMMIT;
transaction1> select * from t where i > 20 FOR UPDATE;
| i |
| 21 |
| 25 |
| 26 |
| 30 |
Phantom reads do not occur if you’re simply doing a SELECT. They only occur if you do UPDATE or DELETE or SELECT FOR UPDATE. InnoDB provides REPEATABLE READ for read-only SELECT, but it behaves as if you use READ COMMITTED for all write queries, in spite of your chosen transaction isolation level (considering only the two most common isolation levels, REPEATABLE READ and READ COMMITTED).
What is a gap lock?
A gap lock is a lock on the gap between index records. Thanks to this gap lock, when you run the same query twice, you get the same result, regardless other session modifications on that table. This makes reads consistent and therefore makes the replication between servers consistent. If you execute SELECT * FROM id > 1000 FOR UPDATE twice, you expect to get the same value twice. To accomplish that, InnoDB locks all index records found by the WHERE clause with an exclusive lock and the gaps between them with a shared gap lock.
This lock doesn’t only affect to SELECT … FOR UPDATE. This is an example with a DELETE statement:
transaction1 > SELECT * FROM t;
| age |
| 21 |
| 25 |
| 30 |
Start a transaction and delete the record 25:
transaction1 > START TRANSACTION;
transaction1 > DELETE FROM t WHERE age=25;
At this point we suppose that only the record 25 is locked. Then, we try to insert another value on the second session:
transaction2 > START TRANSACTION;
transaction2 > INSERT INTO t VALUES(26);
ERROR 1205 (HY000): Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction
transaction2 > INSERT INTO t VALUES(29);
ERROR 1205 (HY000): Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction
transaction2 > INSERT INTO t VALUES(23);
ERROR 1205 (HY000): Lock wait timeout exceeded; try restarting transaction
transaction2 > INSERT INTO t VALUES(31);
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
After running the delete statement on the first session, not only the affected index record has been locked but also the gap before and after that record with a shared gap lock preventing the insertion of data to other sessions.
How to troubleshoot gap locks?
Is possible to detect those gap locks using SHOW ENGINE INNODB STATUS:
4 lock struct(s), heap size 1248, 3 row lock(s), undo log entries 1
MySQL thread id 3, OS thread handle 0x7f84a78ba700, query id 163 localhost msandbox
TABLE LOCK table `test`.`t` trx id 72C lock mode IX
RECORD LOCKS space id 19 page no 4 n bits 80 index `age` of table `test`.`t` trx id 72C lock_mode X
RECORD LOCKS space id 19 page no 3 n bits 80 index `GEN_CLUST_INDEX` of table `test`.`t` trx id 72C lock_mode X locks rec but not gap
RECORD LOCKS space id 19 page no 4 n bits 80 index `age` of table `test`.`t` trx id 72C lock_mode X locks gap before rec
If you have lot of gaps locks in your transactions affecting the concurrency and the performance you can disable them in two different ways:
1- Change the ISOLATION level to READ COMMITTED. In this isolation level, it is normal and expected that query results can change during a transaction, so there is no need to create locks to prevent that from happening.
2- innodb_locks_unsafe_for_binlog = 1. Disables the gap locks except for foreign-key constraint checking or duplicate-key checking.
The most important difference between these two options is that the second one is a global variable that affects all sessions and needs a server restart to change its value. Both options cause phantom reads (non repeatable reads) so in order to prevent problems with the replication you should change the binary log format to “row”.
Depending on the statement, the behavior of these locks can be different. In the following link there is a good source of information:
MySQL uses REPEATABLE READ as the default isolation level so it needs to lock the index records and the gaps to avoid phantom reads and to get a consistent Statement based replication. If your application can deal with phantom reads and your binary log is in row format, changing the ISOLATION to READ COMMITTED will help you to avoid all those extra locks. As a final advice, keep your transactions short