
The small improvements of MySQL 5.6: Duplicate Index Detection

MySQL 5.6Here at the MySQL Performance Blog, we’ve been discussing the several new features that MySQL 5.6 brought: GTID-based replication, InnoDB Fulltext, Memcached integration, a more complete performance schema, online DDL and several other InnoDB and query optimizer improvements. However, I plan to focus on a series of posts on the small but handy improvements – changes and bug corrections – in MySQL 5.6 that can make our lives easier and have passed almost unnoticed by most (not all) DBAs.

Duplicate Index Detection

I commented about this on my last webinar, but did not have time to analyze it in-depth.  If you try to do something like this in MySQL 5.5, you will succeed without errors or warnings:

mysql> ALTER TABLE test ADD INDEX (col2);
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.22 sec)
Records: 0  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0
mysql> ALTER TABLE test ADD INDEX (col2);
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.25 sec)
Records: 0  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0
*************************** 1. row ***************************
       Table: test
Create Table: CREATE TABLE `test` (
  `col2` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `col3` varchar(200) DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  KEY `col2` (`col2`),
  KEY `col2_2` (`col2`)
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

In previous versions of MySQL, you can create two indexes with the same columns (in the same order) and the server will not complain.

If we execute the same sentences in MySQL 5.6, the second ALTER will also succeed -and the index will be created-, but we will get a warning (note severity, to be exact):

mysql> ALTER TABLE test ADD INDEX (col2);
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.36 sec)
Records: 0  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0
mysql> ALTER TABLE test ADD INDEX (col2);
Query OK, 0 rows affected, 1 warning (0.56 sec)
Records: 0  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 1
*************************** 1. row ***************************
  Level: Note
   Code: 1831
Message: Duplicate index 'col2_2' defined on the table 'test.test'. This is deprecated and will be disallowed in a future release.
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

As the message points correctly, this is a human mistake, as it is a waste of resources that could potentially impact our performance, and should be avoided. By the way, a good practice to avoid this is always naming your keys with a consistent pattern. This new behavior was introduced in 5.6.7 with the closing of this bug (although this was initially accepted as a bug as early as 2005!).

The report explains more in detail what the “will be disallowed in a future release” means. In MySQL 5.7 the checks will be stricter: in the default SQL mode, a duplicate index will throw a warning instead of a note. In strict mode, it will throw an error and the second ALTER will fail, preventing the creation of the duplicate index.

Does it mean that tools like pt-duplicate-key-checker will not be necessary for MySQL 5.6? Let’s have a look at the code implementing this feature. The warning will only be thrown if the index has not been created automatically, it is not a foreign key, and it has the exact column definition in the same order. In other words, it checks for duplicate keys, but not redundant ones. What is the difference? Let’s see an example. If we execute:

mysql> ALTER TABLE test ADD INDEX (col2);
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.34 sec)
Records: 0  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0
mysql> ALTER TABLE test ADD INDEX (col2, col3);
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.39 sec)
Records: 0  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

We get no warnings and no errors in 5.6, as the indexes are different. But as you may know, we can use the second index not only for filtering on both columns, but also for filtering by just the first one. Why can’t MySQL enforce this kind of constraints? For many reasons: the first one because it would break 99% of all applications out there that use MySQL, for which we at Percona tend to find redundant indexes. And second, because in some cases, we may need to have what at first seems redundant indexes but effectively they are not -for example, if one of the two indexes was unique or a foreign key.

This is the output of our tool when run on the same table, correctly identifying the redundancy:

$ pt-duplicate-key-checker --tables test.test
# ########################################################################
# test.test
# ########################################################################
# col2 is a left-prefix of col2_2
# Key definitions:
#   KEY `col2` (`col2`),
#   KEY `col2_2` (`col2`,`col3`)
# Column types:
#         `col2` int(11) default null
#         `col3` varchar(200) default null
# To remove this duplicate index, execute:
ALTER TABLE `test`.`test` DROP INDEX `col2`;
# ########################################################################
# Summary of indexes
# ########################################################################
# Size Duplicate Indexes   5
# Total Duplicate Indexes  1
# Total Indexes            3

Additionally, pt-duplicate-key-checker will detect subtle redundancies that are engine-dependent, like redundant suffixes for secondary keys in InnoDB. As some of this redundancies could be necessary, depending on the query optimizer and the MySQL version, we always recommend to check manually the optimizations proposed by Percona Toolkit. The MySQL server, of course, cannot risk to block directly all cases.

A set of MySQL utilities were introduced by Oracle recently, which includes mysqlindexcheck, similar to pt-duplicate-key-checker, but it does not detect all cases. For example:

mysql> alter table test add index redundant (col2, id);
Query OK, 0 rows affected (1.57 sec)
Records: 0  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0
$ mysqlindexcheck --server=user:pass@localhost test.test
# Source on localhost: ... connected.
$ pt-duplicate-key-checker --tables test.test
# ########################################################################
# test.test
# ########################################################################
# Key redundant ends with a prefix of the clustered index
# Key definitions:
#   KEY `redundant` (`col2`,`id`)
#   PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
# Column types:
#         `col2` int(11) default null
#         `id` int(11) not null auto_increment
# To shorten this duplicate clustered index, execute:
ALTER TABLE `test`.`test` DROP INDEX `redundant`, ADD INDEX `redundant` (`col2`);
# ########################################################################
# Summary of indexes
# ########################################################################
# Size Duplicate Indexes   9
# Total Duplicate Indexes  1
# Total Indexes            2

By the way, if you want to get more familiar with this and other particularities of the latest MySQL GA release, have a look at our upcoming sessions for the “Moving to 5.6″ training course in America (Austin, San Jose) and Europe (Manchester, Utrecht).

The post The small improvements of MySQL 5.6: Duplicate Index Detection appeared first on MySQL Performance Blog.


Replication in MySQL 5.6: GTIDs benefits and limitations – Part 2

The main benefit of using GTIDs is to have much easier failover than with file-based replication. We will see how to change the replication topology when using GTID-based replication. That will show where GTIDs shine and where improvements are expected.

This is the second post of a series of articles focused on MySQL 5.6 GTIDs. You can find part one here.

Our goal will be to go from setup #1 to setup #2 on the picture below, following various scenarios:


For these tests, all servers are running on with ports ranging from 10000 for s0 to 10004 for s4.

Scenario #1: All slaves have processed all the writes

This is the easiest case, we will make s2 a master and redirect replication on the other servers to s2. This scenario can happen when you want to perform a planned failover.

With GTIDs, all the operations are straightforward:

#For s2 (the new master), we remove its configuration as a slave
s1> stop slave;
s1> reset slave all;
# For s0
s0> change master to master_host='',master_user='rsandbox',master_password='rsandbox',master_port=10001,master_auto_position=1;
s0> start slave;
# For s1, s3 and s4
mysql> stop slave;
mysql> change master to master_port=10002;
mysql> start slave;

Those of you who have already done these operations with file-based replication know that it is usually very tedious and that proper recording of binlog file/binlog position needs to be done with care if you don’t want to break replication or corrupt your data.

Scenario #2: One of the slaves is behind

Now let’s imagine that s0 has crashed, and that s1 has not received all writes (and therefore s3 and s4 are also lagging behind).

s2> select count(*) from t;
| count(*) |
|        2 |
# s1 is behind
s1> select count(*) from t;
| count(*) |
|        0 |

Can we still use master_auto_position = 1? Let’s hope so, as it is one of the ideas of GTIDs: having for each event across the cluster a monotonically incremental identifier for each event.

Notice that this is the same problem for s0 (which will be late when it comes back) and s1, s3 and s4.

Let’s give it a try!

# For s0,s1, s3, s4
mysql> stop slave;
mysql> change master to master_port=10002;
mysql> start slave;
# And then check the number of records from the t table
s1> select count(*) from t;
| count(*) |
|        2 |

Great! So again, using GTIDs avoids the tedious work of looking for the binlog position of a specific event. The only part were we should pay attention is the server we choose for promotion: if it is not up-to-date, data may be lost or replication may be broken.

Scenario #3: The master has crashed before sending all writes

If the binary logs of the master are no longer readable, you will probably lose the events that have not been sent to the slaves (your last chance is to be able to recover data from the crashed master, but that’s another story). In this case, you will have to promote the most up-to-date slave and reconfigure the other slaves as we did above.

So we will suppose that we can read the binary logs of the crashed master. The first thing to do after choosing which slave will be the new master is to recover the missing events with mysqlbinlog.

Let’s say that we want to promote s1 as the new master. We need to know the coordinates of the last event executed:

s1> show slave status\G
Executed_Gtid_Set: 219be3a9-c3ae-11e2-b985-0800272864ba:1,

We can see that it’s not obvious to know which was the last executed event: is it 219be3a9-c3ae-11e2-b985-0800272864ba:1 or 3d3871d1-c3ae-11e2-b986-0800272864ba:4 ? A ‘Last_Executed_GTID’ column would have been useful.

In our case we can check that 3ec18c45-c3ae-11e2-b986-0800272864ba is the server UUID of s2, and that the other one is from s0 (for s0 which is crashed, the server UUID can be read in the auto.cnf file in the datadir).

So the last executed event is 219be3a9-c3ae-11e2-b985-0800272864ba:1. How can I instruct mysqlbinlog to start reading from there? Unfortunately, there is no --start-gtid-position option or equivalent. See bug #68566.

Does it mean that we cannot easily recover the data with mysqlbinlog? There is a solution of course, but very poor in my opinion: look for the binlog file/position of the last executed event and use mysqlbinlog with the good old --start-position option! Even with GTIDs, you cannot totally forget old-style replication positioning.


Reconfiguring replication when using GTIDs is usually straightforward: just connect the slave to the correct master with master_auto_position = 1. This can even be made easier with mysqlfailover from the MySQL Utilities (this will be the topic of a future post).

Unfortunately, this will not work for every use case, and until this is fixed, it is good to be aware of the current limitations.

The post Replication in MySQL 5.6: GTIDs benefits and limitations – Part 2 appeared first on MySQL Performance Blog.


Talking Drupal #000 – Get the Ball Rolling

Streamed live on May 30, 2013

Our first episode of Talking Drupal.  Episode #000 in a introduction to the show and hosts.  It’s also a test run of the technology to put this together. 


Stephen Cross – @stephencross

Jason Pamental – @jpamental

John Picozzi – @johnpicozzi 

Nic Laflin – @nicxvan

Jay Lee – @jatrlee


Talking Drupal #000 – Get the Ball Rolling

Streamed live on May 30, 2013

Our first episode of Talking Drupal.  Episode #000 in a introduction to the show and hosts.  It’s also a test run of the technology to put this together. 


Stephen Cross – @stephencross

Jason Pamental – @jpamental

John Picozzi – @johnpicozzi 

Nic Laflin – @nicxvan

Jay Lee – @jatrlee


How to fix your PRM cluster when upgrading to RHEL/CentOS 6.4

If you aHow to fix your PRM cluster when upgrading to RHEL/CentOS 6.4re using Percona Replication Manager (PRM) with RHEL/CentOS prior to 6.4, upgrading your distribution to 6.4 may break your cluster. In this post I will explain you how to fix your cluster in case it breaks after a distribution upgrade that implies an update of pacemaker from 1.1.7 to 1.18. You can also follow the official documentation here.

The version of Pacemaker (always considered as Technology Preview by RedHat) provided with 6.4 is 1.1.8-x which is not 100% compatible with 1.1.7-x see this report.

So if you want to upgrade, you cannot apply any rolling upgrade process. So like for Pacemaker 0.6.x to 1.0.x, you need again to update all nodes as once. As notified in RHBA-2013-0375, RedHat encourages people to use Pacemaker in combination with the CMAN manager (It may become mandatory with the next release).

CMAN v3 is a Corosync plugin that monitors the names and number of active cluster nodes in order to deliver membership and quorum information to clients (such as the Pacemaker daemons) and it’s part of the RedHat cluster stack. If you were using some puppet recipes published previously here you are not yet using CMAN.

Let’s have look at what happens if we have a cluster with 3 nodes (CentOS 6.3) and using PRM as OCF:

[root@percona1 percona]# crm_mon -1
Last updated: Thu May 23 08:04:30 2013
Last change: Thu May 23 08:03:41 2013 via crm_attribute on percona2
Stack: openais
Current DC: percona1 – partition with quorum
Version: 1.1.7-6.el6-148fccfd5985c5590cc601123c6c16e966b85d14
3 Nodes configured, 3 expected votes
7 Resources configured.

Online: [ percona1 percona2 percona3 ]

reader_vip_1 (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started percona3
reader_vip_2 (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started percona2
reader_vip_3 (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started percona1
writer_vip (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started percona1
Master/Slave Set: ms_MySQL [p_mysql]
Masters: [ percona2 ]
Slaves: [ percona3 percona1 ]

[root@percona1 ~]# cat /etc/redhat-release
CentOS release 6.3 (Final)
[root@percona1 ~]# rpm -q pacemaker
[root@percona1 ~]# rpm -q corosync

Everything is working :-)
Let’s update our system to 6.4 on one server…

NOTE: In production you should put the cluster in maintenance mode before the update, see bellow how to perform this action

[root@percona1 percona]# yum update -y

[root@percona1 percona]# cat /etc/redhat-release
CentOS release 6.4 (Final)

[root@percona1 ~]# rpm -q pacemaker
[root@percona1 ~]# rpm -q corosync

Let’s reboot it…

[root@percona1 percona]# reboot

If we check the cluster from another node, we see that percona1 is now offline:

Last updated: Thu May 23 08:29:36 2013
Last change: Thu May 23 08:03:41 2013 via crm_attribute on percona2
Stack: openais
Current DC: percona3 – partition with quorum
Version: 1.1.7-6.el6-148fccfd5985c5590cc601123c6c16e966b85d14
3 Nodes configured, 3 expected votes
7 Resources configured.

Online: [ percona2 percona3 ]
OFFLINE: [ percona1 ]

reader_vip_1 (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started percona2
reader_vip_2 (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started percona3
reader_vip_3 (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started percona2
writer_vip (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started percona3
Master/Slave Set: ms_MySQL [p_mysql]
Masters: [ percona2 ]
Slaves: [ percona3 ]
Stopped: [ p_mysql:2 ]

After the update and after fixing some small issues like the one bellow, you are able to start Corosync and Pacemaker but the node doesn’t join the cluster :(

May 23 08:34:12 percona1 corosync[1535]: [MAIN ] parse error in config: Can't open logfile '/var/log/corosync.log' for reason: Permission denied (13).#012.

So now you need to update all nodes to Pacemaker 1.1.8 but to avoid again issues with the next distribution update, I prefer to use CMAN as recommended.

First as we have 2 nodes of 3 running, we should try to not stop all our servers… let’s put the cluster in maintenance mode (don’t forget you should have done this even before updating the first node, but I wanted to simulate the problem):

[root@percona3 percona]# crm configure property maintenance-mode=true

We can see that the resources are unmanaged:

Last updated: Thu May 23 08:43:49 2013
Last change: Thu May 23 08:43:49 2013 via cibadmin on percona3
Stack: openais
Current DC: percona3 – partition with quorum
Version: 1.1.7-6.el6-148fccfd5985c5590cc601123c6c16e966b85d14
3 Nodes configured, 3 expected votes
7 Resources configured.

Online: [ percona2 percona3 ]
OFFLINE: [ percona1 ]

reader_vip_1 (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started percona2 (unmanaged)
reader_vip_2 (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started percona3 (unmanaged)
reader_vip_3 (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started percona2 (unmanaged)
writer_vip (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started percona3 (unmanaged)
Master/Slave Set: ms_MySQL [p_mysql] (unmanaged)
p_mysql:0 (ocf::percona:mysql): Master percona2 (unmanaged)
p_mysql:1 (ocf::percona:mysql): Started percona3 (unmanaged)
Stopped: [ p_mysql:2 ]

Now we can upgrade all servers to 6.4

[root@percona2 percona]# yum -y update
[root@percona3 percona]# yum -y update

Meanwhile, we can already prepare the first node to use CMAN:

[root@percona1 ~]# yum -y install cman ccs

Back on the two nodes that were updating, they are now updated to 6.4:

[root@percona3 percona]# cat /etc/redhat-release
CentOS release 6.4 (Final)

And let’s check the cluster status:

[root@percona3 percona]# crm_mon -1
Could not establish cib_ro connection: Connection refused (111)

Connection to cluster failed: Transport endpoint is not connected…

…but MySQL is still running:

[root@percona2 percona]# mysqladmin ping
mysqld is alive

[root@percona3 percona]# mysqladmin ping
mysqld is alive

Let’s install CMAN on percona2 and percona3 too:

[root@percona2 percona]# yum -y install cman ccs
[root@percona3 percona]# yum -y install cman ccs

Then on ALL nodes, stop Pacemaker and Corosync

[root@percona1 ~]# /etc/init.d/pacemaker stop
[root@percona1 ~]# /etc/init.d/corosync stop
[root@percona2 ~]# /etc/init.d/pacemaker stop
[root@percona2 ~]# /etc/init.d/corosync stop
[root@percona3 ~]# /etc/init.d/pacemaker stop
[root@percona3 ~]# /etc/init.d/corosync stop

Remove Corosync from the startup services:

[root@percona1 ~]# chkconfig corosync off
[root@percona2 ~]# chkconfig corosync off
[root@percona3 ~]# chkconfig corosync off

Let’s specify that the cluster can start without quorum:

[root@percona1 ~]# sed -i.sed “s/.*CMAN_QUORUM_TIMEOUT=.*/CMAN_QUORUM_TIMEOUT=0/g” /etc/sysconfig/cman
[root@percona2 ~]# sed -i.sed “s/.*CMAN_QUORUM_TIMEOUT=.*/CMAN_QUORUM_TIMEOUT=0/g” /etc/sysconfig/cman
[root@percona3 ~]# sed -i.sed “s/.*CMAN_QUORUM_TIMEOUT=.*/CMAN_QUORUM_TIMEOUT=0/g” /etc/sysconfig/cman

And create the cluster, perform the following command on one server only:

[root@percona1 ~]# ccs -f /etc/cluster/cluster.conf –createcluster lefred_prm

Now add the nodes to the cluster:

[root@percona1 ~]# ccs -f /etc/cluster/cluster.conf –addnode percona1
Node percona1 added.
[root@percona1 ~]# ccs -f /etc/cluster/cluster.conf –addnode percona2
Node percona2 added.
[root@percona1 ~]# ccs -f /etc/cluster/cluster.conf –addnode percona3
Node percona3 added.

we need then to delegate the fencing to pacemaker (adding a fence device, fence methods to specific node and the instances) :

[root@percona1 ~]# ccs -f /etc/cluster/cluster.conf –addfencedev pcmk agent=fence_pcmk

[root@percona1 ~]# ccs -f /etc/cluster/cluster.conf –addmethod pcmk-redirect percona1
Method pcmk-redirect added to percona1.
[root@percona1 ~]# ccs -f /etc/cluster/cluster.conf –addmethod pcmk-redirect percona2
Method pcmk-redirect added to percona2.
[root@percona1 ~]# ccs -f /etc/cluster/cluster.conf –addmethod pcmk-redirect percona3
Method pcmk-redirect added to percona3.

[root@percona1 ~]# ccs -f /etc/cluster/cluster.conf –addfenceinst pcmk percona1 pcmk-redirect port=percona1
[root@percona1 ~]# ccs -f /etc/cluster/cluster.conf –addfenceinst pcmk percona2 pcmk-redirect port=percona2
[root@percona1 ~]# ccs -f /etc/cluster/cluster.conf –addfenceinst pcmk percona3 pcmk-redirect port=percona3

Encrypt the cluster:

[root@percona1 ~]# ccs -f /etc/cluster/cluster.conf –setcman keyfile=”/etc/corosync/authkey” transport=”udpu”

Let’s check if the configuration file is OK:

[root@percona1 ~]# ccs_config_validate -f /etc/cluster/cluster.conf
Configuration validates

We can now copy the configuration file on all nodes:

[root@percona1 ~]# scp /etc/cluster/cluster.conf percona2:/etc/cluster/
[root@percona1 ~]# scp /etc/cluster/cluster.conf percona3:/etc/cluster/

Enable CMAN at startup on all nodes:

[root@percona1 ~]# chkconfig cman on
[root@percona2 ~]# chkconfig cman on
[root@percona3 ~]# chkconfig cman on

And start the services on all nodes:

[root@percona1 ~]# /etc/init.d/cman start
Starting cluster:
Checking if cluster has been disabled at boot… [ OK ]
Checking Network Manager… [ OK ]
Global setup… [ OK ]
Loading kernel modules… [ OK ]
Mounting configfs… [ OK ]
Starting cman… [ OK ]
Waiting for quorum… [ OK ]
Starting fenced… [ OK ]
Starting dlm_controld… [ OK ]
Tuning DLM kernel config… [ OK ]
Starting gfs_controld… [ OK ]
Unfencing self… [ OK ]
Joining fence domain… [ OK ]
[root@percona1 ~]# /etc/init.d/pacemaker start
Starting cluster:
Checking if cluster has been disabled at boot… [ OK ]
Checking Network Manager… [ OK ]
Global setup… [ OK ]
Loading kernel modules… [ OK ]
Mounting configfs… [ OK ]
Starting cman… [ OK ]
Waiting for quorum… [ OK ]
Starting fenced… [ OK ]
Starting dlm_controld… [ OK ]
Tuning DLM kernel config… [ OK ]
Starting gfs_controld… [ OK ]
Unfencing self… [ OK ]
Joining fence domain… [ OK ]
Starting Pacemaker Cluster Manager: [ OK ]

[root@percona2 ~]# /etc/init.d/cman start
[root@percona2 ~]# /etc/init.d/pacemaker start
[root@percona3 ~]# /etc/init.d/cman start
[root@percona3 ~]# /etc/init.d/pacemaker start

We can now connect crm_mon to the cluster and check its status:

[root@percona2 percona]# crm_mon -1
Last updated: Thu May 23 09:18:58 2013
Last change: Thu May 23 09:16:31 2013 via crm_attribute on percona1
Stack: cman
Current DC: percona1 – partition with quorum
Version: 1.1.8-7.el6-394e906
3 Nodes configured, 3 expected votes
7 Resources configured.

Online: [ percona1 percona2 percona3 ]

reader_vip_1 (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started percona3
reader_vip_2 (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started percona2
reader_vip_3 (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started percona1
writer_vip (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started percona1
Master/Slave Set: ms_MySQL [p_mysql]
Masters: [ percona1 ]
Slaves: [ percona2 percona3 ]

We can see that some resources changed this is because we didn’t put it in maintenance on node1 before the update to 6.4

In case we put everything in maintenance mode as it should be before the upgrade to 6.4, it’s time to stop the maintenance mode… but crm command is not present any more ;)

It’s still possible to find the command install crmsh (crm shell from another repository) or just install pcs (Pacemaker Configuration System)

[root@percona2 percona]# yum -y install pcs
[root@percona2 percona]# pcs status
Last updated: Thu May 23 09:24:37 2013
Last change: Thu May 23 09:16:31 2013 via crm_attribute on percona1
Stack: cman
Current DC: percona1 – partition with quorum
Version: 1.1.8-7.el6-394e906
3 Nodes configured, 3 expected votes
7 Resources configured.

Online: [ percona1 percona2 percona3 ]

Full list of resources:

reader_vip_1 (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started percona3
reader_vip_2 (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started percona2
reader_vip_3 (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started percona1
writer_vip (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started percona1
Master/Slave Set: ms_MySQL [p_mysql]
Masters: [ percona1 ]
Slaves: [ percona2 percona3 ]

So if you were in maintenance mode, you should have :

[root@percona2 percona]# pcs status
Last updated: Thu May 23 09:26:56 2013
Last change: Thu May 23 09:26:50 2013 via cibadmin on percona2
Stack: cman
Current DC: percona1 – partition with quorum
Version: 1.1.8-7.el6-394e906
3 Nodes configured, 3 expected votes
7 Resources configured.

Online: [ percona1 percona2 percona3 ]

Full list of resources:

reader_vip_1 (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started percona3 (unmanaged)
reader_vip_2 (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started percona2 (unmanaged)
reader_vip_3 (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started percona1 (unmanaged)
writer_vip (ocf::heartbeat:IPaddr2): Started percona1 (unmanaged)
Master/Slave Set: ms_MySQL [p_mysql] (unmanaged)
p_mysql:0 (ocf::percona:mysql): Master percona1 (unmanaged)
p_mysql:1 (ocf::percona:mysql): Slave percona2 (unmanaged)
p_mysql:2 (ocf::percona:mysql): Slave percona3 (unmanaged)

And now you are able to stop maintenance mode:

[root@percona2 percona]# pcs property set maintenance-mode=false

You can also check your cluster using cman_tool or clustat (if you have installed rgmanager)

[root@percona3 ~]# cman_tool nodes
Node Sts Inc Joined Name
1 M 64 2013-05-23 09:52:03 percona1
2 M 64 2013-05-23 09:52:03 percona2
3 M 64 2013-05-23 09:52:03 percona3

[root@percona3 ~]# clustat
Cluster Status for lefred_prm @ Thu May 23 10:20:36 2013
Member Status: Quorate

Member Name ID Status
—— —- —- ——
percona1 1 Online
percona2 2 Online
percona3 3 Online, Local

Now the cluster is fixed and everything works again as expected and you should be ready for the next distro upgrade!

INFO: If you have the file /etc/corosync/service.d/pcmk you need to delete it before installing CMAN

The post How to fix your PRM cluster when upgrading to RHEL/CentOS 6.4 appeared first on MySQL Performance Blog.


Choosing a MySQL HA Solution – MySQL Webinar: June 5

Choosing a MySQL HA Solution - MySQL Webinar: June 5Selecting the most appropriate solution for a MySQL HA infrastructure is as much a business and philosophical decision as it is a technical one, but often the choice is made without adequately considering all three perspectives.  When too much attention is paid to one of these aspects at the cost of the others, the resulting system may be over-engineered, poorly-performing, and/or various other flavors of suboptimal.

On Wednesday, June 5, at 10 a.m. PDT (1700 UTC), I will be presenting a webinar entitled, Choosing a MySQL HA Solution, in which we’ll explore the topic of MySQL HA from each of these perspectives.  The goal will be to motivate your thinking about HA in a holistic fashion and help guide you towards asking the right questions when considering a new or upgraded HA deployment.

This webinar will be both technical and non-technical in nature, beginning with a discussion of some general HA principles and some common misconceptions.  We will then explore some of the more well-known MySQL HA tools and technologies available today (largely grouped into those which use traditional MySQL replication, those which use some other MySQL-level replication, and those which replicate at some other layer of the system stack) and then conclude with some typical use cases where a given approach may be well-suited or particularly contraindicated.

If this topic interests you, then register today to reserve your spot.  I look forward to speaking with all of you next week.

The post Choosing a MySQL HA Solution – MySQL Webinar: June 5 appeared first on MySQL Performance Blog.


Nerd’s guide to scene design

SceneDesign1A few weeks ago I had to design the huge, climatic scene for my latest book. Doing so had scared me for ages, and it’s amazing how long I can procrastinate for. I wanted every character from the book to play a part, thus tying together all the loose ends in what I hope will be an intensely satisfying finale! Well that’s what we authors tell ourselves, and only hope that our readers agree! :)

If you don’t know by now that I’m a geek and nerd, then you aren’t paying much attention are you? heh. As an anal engineer, I tend to utilize lists and outlines, but over time I’ve learned to merge this tendency with my creative side and indulge in freeform brain diagrams. What? Stop looking at me like that. OK, so they’re just scribbles on pieces of paper, but I can see the order in the chaos, even if you can’t.

So the first thing I did was jot down the names of every character and faction that would feature in this monumental scene. Take a look at the image below:


Here I have my scene-by-scene outline and my cast. Then I wrote down the goals and motivations of each cast member. What are they doing here? What do they hope to achieve? How do they win the scene or lose it? How do they relate to every other character/faction in the scene? Luckily this mirrored the relationship diagram that I had already drawn up for the entire book. Then I scribbled ideas about how everyone could achieve their goals. If A does this, how will B retaliate, and what will C and D be doing all this time? Wouldn’t it be unexpected if E sided with B? What if A thought C was on his side but C was really working for F? OK, so you get the idea.

Then came the blow-by-blow, or “I should have bought stock in the Post-It company”:


Working through every idea from my pages and pages of scribbles, I wrote one action or event per Post-It note and stuck  it to my desk. It made sense to start with the villain(s) and lay out their actions as if no one stood in their way, then I went back and did the hero, working out how he could disrupt the antagonist’s plans. It’s super easy to shuffle these yellow squares around, and I found it easier than cutting-and-pasting on the computer. I learned this tip from screenwriting books years ago.

After that, I systematically worked through every character and faction and layered in their actions and reactions. I spent hours scratching out ideas, changing events and moving them around for greatest drama and suspense. Many times, a fresh idea sent a handful of Post-Its to the trash. Soon, I was forced to stack my Post-Its as I ran out of room on my desk. This one scene took over 100 Post-It’s of which nearly 50 stayed in the final version. It also took over a week of revisiting the sea of yellow and reworking it night after night.

Then things turned from geeky to nerdy, and I dug into my D&D figurine collection. (I warned you this got nerdy!):



This scene was so complicated that I had to act it out to make sure it flowed smoothly and that no characters ended up standing stupidly about for long periods. I assigned a figurine to each character and placed them in position. Then the fun began! After putting all of my Post-It notes in a single pile, I simply read through them and manipulated the figurines appropriately. This is where I found out that A couldn’t see B and C interacting, and that D and E would easily overpower A unless F was there to assist. Was everyone moving and reacting appropriately or was the scene too static? Was everyone getting their time in the limelight? Oh the headaches of being an author! ;)

During this stage, more Post-Its got rearranged and edited, but eventually I’m happy. After putting my toys away, I returned to the keyboard and typed out the scene outline, enlarging on the few key sentences written on each Post-It. Now I had everything I need to actually write the scene, knowing that I can concentrate on the creative details and dialog because I know exactly how the scene will flow.

You can stop shaking your head now. No, I don’t do this for every scene, just a couple of crucial, complex scenes that I don’t trust myself to wing it at the keyboard. Now who said designing a scene couldn’t be fun? :)




Percona Server for MySQL 5.5.31-30.3 now available

Percona Server for MySQL version 5.5.31-30.3

Percona Server for MySQL version 5.5.31-30.3

Percona is glad to announce the release of Percona Server for MySQL 5.5.31-30.3 on May 24, 2013 (Downloads are available here and from the Percona Software Repositories). Based on MySQL 5.5.31, including all the bug fixes in it, Percona Server 5.5.31-30.3 is now the current stable release in the 5.5 series. All of Percona‘s software is open-source and free, all the details of the release can be found in the 5.5.31-30.3 milestone at Launchpad.

New Features:

Bugs Fixed:

  • Fix for bug #1131187 introduced a regression that could cause a memory leak if query cache was used together with InnoDB. Bug fixed #1170103.
  • Fixed the RPM packaging regression that was introduced with the fix for bug #710799. This regression caused mysql schema to be missing after the clean RPM installation. Bug fixed #1174426.
  • Fixed the Percona-Server-shared-55 and Percona-XtraDB-Cluster-shared RPM package dependences. Bug fixed #1050654.
  • Fixed the upstream bug #68999 which caused compiling Percona Server to fail on CentOS 5 and Debian squeeze due to older OpenSSL version. Bug fixed #1183610.
  • If a slave was running with its binary log enabled and then restarted with the binary log disabled, Crash-Resistant Replication could overwrite the relay log info log with an incorrect position. Bug fixed #1092593.
  • Fixed the CVE-2012-5615 vulnerability. This vulnerability would allow remote attacker to detect what user accounts exist on the server. This bug fix comes originally from MariaDB (see MDEV-3909). Bug fixed #1171941.
  • Fixed the CVE-2012-5627 vulnerability, where an unprivileged MySQL account owner could perform brute-force password guessing attack on other accounts efficiently. This bug fix comes originally from MariaDB (see MDEV-3915). Bug fixed #1172090.
  • mysql_set_permission was failing on Debian due to missing libdbd-mysql-perl package. Fixed by adding the package dependency. Bug fixed #1003776.
  • Rebuilding Debian source package would fail because dpatch and automake were missing from build-dep. Bug fixed #1023575 (Stephan Adig).
  • Backported the fix for the upstream bug #65077 from the MySQL 5.6 version, which removed MyISAM internal temporary table mutex contention. Bug fixed #1179978.

Release notes for Percona Server for MySQL 5.5.31-30.3 are available in our online documentation. Bugs can be reported on the launchpad bug tracker.

The post Percona Server for MySQL 5.5.31-30.3 now available appeared first on MySQL Performance Blog.


Status Update May 2013 and beta readers wanted

Golden Gate BridgeHello. Hey, it’s me, in case you’re wondering who this stranger is. I haven’t posted for a whole month because May has been an insanely busy month.

My mother came over from England for 3 weeks and we had a great time. Even though I had to work, we still found time to take her to Palm Springs and up to San Francisco. We had tremendous fun up there touring the city, going out into the harbor and driving up to Napa to sample some wines. This photo is me grinning ear to ear because the Golden Gate finally came into view, but not until we sailed through the famous fog almost underneath it.

During May we are also re-financing our house, installing solar panels (the latest in our continuing efforts to become greener), and a bunch of other life changes. And all of this on top of work. I’ll be glad to get into June!

Alas, I haven’t written for 3 weeks and will be back at the keyboard tonight and all through the Memorial Day weekend. Yay! I have about 15,000 words to go to complete the first draft of my 2nd book, which is provisionally entitled Necro. It’s dark fantasy, first person in the head of a Necromancer, but I think it’s quite different to other books you might have read about Necromancers.  Once the first draft is done, I intend to make 2 further drafts between now and August after which I’ll be ready for beta readers.

If you’d like to be a beta reader, please contact me! I don’t expect line edits, just an honest read in 4-6 weeks and a response with your thoughts on what worked and what didn’t, what you liked or hated. In return you’ll get a mention in the book and a free ebook copy.

I’m also furiously scribbling background and plot notes for the first in a series of futuristic paranormal novellas that I’ll start this summer.

Finally, a plea to anyone who has read Ocean of Dust, enjoyed it but is nervous of writing a review on Amazon, B&N, Kobo, or even Goodreads. Please do – you only have to write a few sentences, and every review helps a budding new author like me. :) I appreciate it.



ZFS on Linux and MySQL

Data centerI am currently working with a large customer and I am involved with servers located in two data centers, one with Solaris servers and the other one with Linux servers. The Solaris side is cleverly setup using zones and ZFS and this provides a very low virtualization overhead. I learned quite a lot about these technologies while looking at this, thanks to Corey Mosher.

On the Linux side, we recently deployed a pair on servers for backup purpose, boxes with 64 300GB SAS drives, 3 raid controllers and 192GB of RAM. These servers will run a few slave instances each of production database servers and will perform the backups.  The write load is not excessive so a single server can easily handle the write load of all the MySQL instances.  The original idea was to configure them with raid-10 + LVM, making sure to stripe the LV when we need to and align the partition correctly.

We got decent tpcc performance, nearly 37k NoTPM using 5.6.11 and xfs.  Then, since ZFS on Linux is available and there is in house ZFS knowledge, we decided to reconfigure one of the server and give ZFS a try.  So I trashed the raid-10 arrays, configure JBODs and gave all those drives to ZFS (30 mirrors + spares + OS partition mirror) and I limited the ARC size to 4GB.  I don’t want to start a war but ZFS performance level was less than half of xfs for the tpcc test and that’s maybe just normal.  We didn’t try too hard to get better performance because we already had more than enough for our purpose and some ZFS features are just too useful for backups (most apply also for btrfs). Let’s review them.


ZFS does snapshot, like LVM but… since it is a copy on write filesystem, the snapshots are free, no performance penalty.  You can easily run a server with hundreds of snapshots.  With LVM, your IO performance drops to 33% after the first snapshot so keeping a large number of snapshots running is simply not an option.  With ZFS you can easily have:

  • one snapshot per day for the last 30 days
  • one snapshot per hour for the last 2 days
  • one snapshot per 5min for the last 2 hours

and that will be perfectly fine.  Since starting a snapshot take less than a second, you could even be more zealous.  Pretty interesting to speed up point in time recovery when you dataset is 700GB.  If you google a bit with “zfs snapshot script” you’ll many scripts ready for the task.  Snapshots work best with InnoDB, with MyISAM you’ll have to start the snapshot while holding a “flush tables with read lock” and the flush operation will take some time to complete.


ZFS can compress data on the fly and it is surprisingly cheap.  In fact the best tpcc results I got were when using compression.  I still have to explain this, maybe it is related to better raid controller write cache use.  Even the fairly slow gzip-1 mode works well.  The tpcc database, which contains a lot of random data that doesn’t compress well showed a compression ration of 1.70 with gzip-1.  Real data will compress much more.  That gives us much more disk space than we expected so even more snapshots!


With ZFS each record on disk has a checksum.  If a cosmic ray flip a bit on a drive, instead of crashing InnoDB, it will be caught by ZFS and the data will be read from the other drive in the mirror.

Better availability and disk usage

On purpose, I allocated mirror pairs using drives from different controllers.  That way, if a controller dies, the storage will still be working.  Also, instead of having 1 or 2 spare drives per controller, I have 2 for the whole setup.  A small but yet interesting saving.

All put together, ZFS on Linux is a very interesting solution for MySQL backup servers.  All backup solutions have an impact on performance with ZFS the impact is up front and the backups are almost free.

The post ZFS on Linux and MySQL appeared first on MySQL Performance Blog.

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