
PostgreSQL 17: Two Small Improvements That Will Have a Major Impact

PostgreSQL 17 JSON_TABLE and MERGEPostgreSQL releases are incremental evolutions that improve the product. The beta version 17 was recently released, and there are two small items you may overlook unless you have them pointed out to you. So, “Point! Point!”MERGE()MERGE() was a new feature of PostgreSQL 15. It allows you to modify the contents of a target table based […]


Announcing ARM Support in Percona Operator for MongoDB

Announcing ARM Support in Percona Operator for MongoDBPercona is thrilled to announce the release of ARM support in Percona Operator for MongoDB 1.16.0. This new feature addresses one of our community’s top requests and opens up exciting new possibilities for our users.What is ARM, and why is it important?ARM is an architecture for computer processors that is becoming increasingly popular. Major vendors […]


Valkey/Redis: Setting Up Replication

setting up replication in ValkeyIn most database systems, like MySQL, PostgreSQL, and MongoDB, replication of some kind is used to create a highly available architecture. Valkey/Redis is no different in this regard. Replication is native functionality to Valkey, supporting multiple replicas, and even chains of replication.To clear up any confusion, understand that Valkey replication is a different concept compared […]


Beyond The Horizon: Mastering Percona Server for MongoDB Exposure in Kubernetes – Part Two – Istio

Percona Server for MongoDB Exposure in Kubernetes IstioThis is the second part of the series of blog posts unmasking the complexity of MongoDB cluster exposure in Kubernetes with Percona Operator for MongoDB. In the first part, we focused heavily on split horizons and a single replica set. In this part, we will expose a sharded cluster and a single replica set with Istio, […]


Valkey/Redis Sharding Using the Native Clustering Feature

In this blog post, we are going to implement the concept of sharding in a Valkey setup. This is a built-in feature and can be implemented by enabling clustering in the Valkey configuration.Sharding, in general, helps in distributing/scaling application writes over multiple nodes. In a similar fashion, it works in Valkey. Here, it uses the […]


Beyond the Horizon: Mastering Percona Server for MongoDB Exposure in Kubernetes – Part One

Running and managing MongoDB clusters in Kubernetes is made easy with the Percona Operator for MongoDB. Some aspects are just easy to grasp as they are well defined in the operator custom resources and documentation, but some are often considered to be a hidden craft. Network exposure in cases of sharded clusters is quite straightforward, […]


Talking Drupal #452 – Starshot & Experience Builder

Today we are talking about web design and development, from a group of people with one thing in common… We love Drupal. This is episode #452 Starshot & Experience Builder.

For show notes visit:


  • What is Starshot
  • What is Experience builder
  • How will Starshot build on Drupal Core
  • Will Experience builder be added to Core
  • Listener thejimbirch:
    • When will people hear about their pledge
  • Listener brook_heaton:
    • Will experience builder be compatible with layout builder
  • Will Experience builder allow people to style content
  • Listener Matthieu Scarset
    • Who is Starshot trying to compete with
  • Listener Andy Blum
    • Does the DA or other major hosting companies plan to set up cheap, easy hosted Drupal
  • Listener Ryan Szarma
    • Who does this initiative serve in the business community
  • How can people get involved



Lauri Eskola – lauriii


Nic Laflin – nicxvan John Picozzi – johnpicozzi Matthew Grasmick – grasmash

MOTW Correspondent

Martin Anderson-Clutz – mandclu

  • Brief description:
    • Have you ever wanted to have your modules create content when they’re installed? There’s a module for that.
  • Module name/project name:
  • Brief history
    • How old: created in Oct 2015 by prolific contributor Lee Rowlands (larowlan) though the most recent releases are by Sascha Grossenbacher (Berdir), also a maintainer of many popular Drupal modules
    • Versions available: 2.0.0-alpha2, which works with Drupal 9 and 10
  • Maintainership
    • Security coverage: opted in, but needs a stable release
    • Test coverage
    • Documentation
    • Number of open issues: 105 open issues, 29 of which are bugs against the current branch
  • Usage stats:
    • Almost 20,000 sites
  • Module features and usage
    • Provides a way for modules to include default content, in the same way that many modules already include default configuration
    • The module exports content as YAML files, and your module can specify the content that should be exported by listing the UUIDs in the info.yml file
    • It also provides a number of drush commands, to export a single entity, to export an entity and all of its dependencies, or to bulk export all of the content referenced in a module’s .info.yml file
    • There is also a companion project to export default content using an action within a view, which also makes me think it could probably be automated with something like ECA if you needed that
    • Exported content should be kept in a content directory in your module, where it will imported during install on any site that has the default_content module installed
    • I thought this would be a good module to cover today because Drupal core’s recipe system also includes support for default content, so when you install a recipe it will similarly import any YAML-encoded content in the recipe. In fact, I used this module for the first time exporting taxonomy terms I wanted a recipe to create as default values for a taxonomy it creates. Since Recipes will be a big part of Starshot, I expect default_content to be getting a lot of use in the coming months

Valkey/Redis: Migrating to Valkey

As you are probably aware, Redis decided to switch to a source-available, SSPLv1 license. This means, as of Redis 7.4, it is no longer considered “open source.” Because of this change, Valkey launched its fork, retaining the original BSD open source license. At the same time, Percona announced our partnership with Valkey and the Linux […]


Upcoming Percona University Events – France, Germany, and India

Percona University EventsExperience a full day of deep-dive technical sessions and meet database experts and a community of open source database users, developers, and technologists at Percona University events!Percona University is a series of free, Percona-hosted events focused on open source databases and related technologies. Since 2013, we have held these events in cities across the world […]


Beyond Cloud: The Impact of AI Agents on Platform Engineering

Impact of AI Agents on Platform EngineeringIn November 2023, Bill Gates wrote an article about how AI would change the way we interact with computers and personal devices through so-called Agents: “Agents are not only going to change how everyone interacts with computers. They’re also going to upend the software industry, bringing about the biggest revolution in computing since we went from […]

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