
Talking Drupal #469 – Drupal’s Popularity & Dev Experience

Today we are talking about Drupal’s Popularity & Dev Experience, what could be better, and things that are great with guest Nathan Dentzau. We’ll also cover Spam Master as our module of the week.

For show notes visit:


  • Drupal’s popularity
  • What can Drupal to enhance popularity and enhance dev experience
  • What is missing in Drupal
  • What could use improvement in Drupal
  • What about recent tooling improvements
  • Drupal CMS (Starshot)



Nic Laflin – nicxvan John Picozzi – johnpicozzi Nate Dentzau – nathandentzau

MOTW Correspondent

Martin Anderson-Clutz – mandclu

  • Brief description:
    • Have you ever wanted to defend your Drupal website from webform spam using a constantly updating list of known bad actors? There’s a module for that.
  • Module name/project name:
  • Brief history
    • How old: created in Mar 2018 by Pedro Alves (pedro-alves)
    • Versions available: 8.x-1.99 and 8.x-2.50, the latter of which support Drupal versions 8 through 11
  • Maintainership
    • Actively maintained
    • Security coverage
    • Documentation on
    • Number of open issues: no open issues
  • Usage stats:
    • 449 sites
  • Module features and usage
    • Spam Master is a website protection technology that was originally created back in 2012, and is used across sites based on a variety of technologies, including WordPress, Drupal, Joomla, and more
    • It uses a variety of techniques to identify and block malicious actors, including “real-time block lists”, honeypot traps, comment analysis, and more
    • By maintaining a list of known bad actors, tracked by IP address and email addresses used, you can also benefit from a “network effect” by being able to identify them based on malicious behavior on any of the thousands of sites using Spam Master
    • The module claims compatibility with a variety of forms, including registration, comments, commerce, and more
    • It includes a variety of reports you can use to understand the amount of spam your site is receiving, and the module can automatically send you an email if it believes your site has reached “Level 3” of spam targeting
    • Spam Master does use licenses on, but free licenses are available

MongoDB: New Balancer Policy and Automerger

MongoDB provides scalability and high availability at ease. If you already have a sharded cluster, you know for sure what the Balancer does. If you are not an experienced MongoDB user, the Balancer is one of the key components of a sharded cluster, and the main goal is to maintain the cluster balanced, moving chunks […]


MongoDB: New Balancer Policy and Automerger

MongoDB provides scalability and high availability at ease. If you already have a sharded cluster, you know for sure what the Balancer does. If you are not an experienced MongoDB user, the Balancer is one of the key components of a sharded cluster, and the main goal is to maintain the cluster balanced, moving chunks […]


Dealing with a ‘DatabaseVersion.timestamp’ Error After a MongoDB Upgrade

'DatabaseVersion.timestamp' ErrorRecently, one of our customers reported a problem after upgrading a sharded cluster from MongoDB 5.0 to 6.0. The upgrade of data-bearing nodes was fine, but in the final part of the process, where mongos routers needed to be restarted, the new version did not go well. This caused problems for the applications, where suddenly […]


Dealing with a ‘DatabaseVersion.timestamp’ Error After a MongoDB Upgrade

'DatabaseVersion.timestamp' ErrorRecently, one of our customers reported a problem after upgrading a sharded cluster from MongoDB 5.0 to 6.0. The upgrade of data-bearing nodes was fine, but in the final part of the process, where mongos routers needed to be restarted, the new version did not go well. This caused problems for the applications, where suddenly […]


How Network Splits/Partitions Impact Group Replication in MySQL

Network Splits/Partition on Group ReplicationIn this blog post, we will explore how network partitions impact group replication and the way it detects and responds to failures. In case you haven’t checked out my previous blog post about group replication recovery strategies, please have a look at them for some insight. Topology: [crayon-66f40f3f3cad1905113104/] Scenario 1: One of the GR nodes […]


Talking Drupal #468 – Drupal AI

Today we are talking about Artificial Intelligence (AI), How to integrate it with Drupal, and What the future might look like with guest Jamie Abrahams. We’ll also cover AI SEO Analyzer as our module of the week.

For show notes visit:


  • What is AI
  • What is Drupal AI
  • How is it different from other AI modules
  • How do people use AI in Drupal
  • How does Drupal AI make AI easier to integrate in Drupal
  • What is RAG
  • How has Drupal AI evolved from AI Interpolator
  • What does the future of AI look like



Jamie Abrahams – yautja_cetanu


Nic Laflin – nicxvan John Picozzi – johnpicozzi Martin Anderson-Clutz – mandclu

MOTW Correspondent

Martin Anderson-Clutz – mandclu

  • Brief description:
    • Have you ever wanted an AI-based tool to give your Drupal site’s editors feedback on the SEO readiness of their content? There’s a module for that.
  • Module name/project name:
  • Brief history
    • How old: created in Aug 2024 by Juhani Väätäjä (j-vee)
    • Versions available: 1.0.0-beta1, which supports Drupal 10.3 and 11
  • Maintainership
    • Actively maintained
    • Number of open issues: none
  • Usage stats:
    • 2 sites
  • Module features and usage
    • Once you enable this module along with the AI module, you can select the default provider, and optionally modify the default prompt that will be used to generate the report
    • With that done, editors (or anyone with the new “view seo reports” permission) will see an “Analyze SEO” tab on nodes throughout the site.
    • Generated reports are stored in the database, for ongoing reference
    • The reports are also revision-specific, so you could run reports on both a published node and a draft revision
    • There’s a separate “create seo reports” permission needed to generate reports. Within the form an editor can modify the default prompt, for example to get suggestions on optimizing for a specific topic, or to add or remove areas from the generated report.
    • By default the report will include areas like topic authority and depth, detailed content analysis, and even technical considerations like mobile responsiveness and accessibility. It’s able to do the latter by generating the full HTML markup of the node, and passing that to the AI provider for analysis
    • It feels like it was just yesterday that the AI module had its first release, so I think it’s great to see that there are community-created additions like this one already evolving as part of Drupal’s AI ecosystem

Understanding MySQL Indexes: Types, Benefits, and Best Practices

When it comes to MySQL databases, performance is everything. As more activities move online and data volumes grow exponentially, ensuring efficient data retrieval and query execution becomes crucial. Database indexing plays a significant role in this by providing powerful tools to optimize operations in MySQL. Without an index, MySQL must perform a full table scan, […]


MySQL 8.0 vs. 5.7: Are the Newer Versions More Problematic?

There has been much discussion recently about the stability and performance of the latest MySQL releases. Many database professionals are voicing concerns, especially after encountering several issues in the newer versions. Issues with MySQL 8.0.38 Let’s start with some important news from Marco Tusa. In one of his blog posts, Marco strongly advised against upgrading […]


Talking Drupal #467 – Config Actions System

Today we are talking about The Config Actions System, What it does, and how it helps with Drupal Recipes with guests Alex Pott and Adam Globus-Hoenich. We’ll also cover the Events recipe as our module of the week.

For show notes visit:


  • Explain Config Actions
  • Is this related to the Actions UI
  • How are config actions used in Drupal
  • How will the average user interact with Config Actions
  • What does non-desctructive mean
  • Where did the Config Action system come from
  • Future of the Config Action system
  • How can people help out
  • How does the Config Action system help with Drupal CMS



Alex Pott – alexpott Adam Globus-Hoenich – phenaproxima


Nic Laflin – nicxvan John Picozzi – johnpicozzi Nate Dentzau – nathandentzau

MOTW Correspondent

Martin Anderson-Clutz – mandclu

  • Brief description:
    • Have you ever wanted to set up and configure a robust events system in your Drupal website, in just a few seconds? There’s a recipe for that.
  • Module name/project name:
  • Brief history
    • How old: originally created in Mar 2013 as a distribution, but reborn as a recipe in July 2024
    • Versions available: 1.0.0-alpha3, compatible with Drupal 10.3 and 11
  • Maintainership
    • Actively maintained
    • Security coverage? – no stable release
    • Documentation in the works
    • Number of open issues: 1 open issue, which is a bug
  • Usage stats: not tracked for recipes
  • Maintainer(s): mandclu
  • Module features and usage
    • Listeners probably won’t be surprised to hear that Smart Date is at the heart of what you’ll get when you apply the Events recipe
    • You will have an Event content type, and a view to list upcoming and past events
    • The recipe will also set up add-to-calendar links on your event page, making it easy for your site visitors to be reminded of when your event will take place
    • There are companion recipes to add a calendar view, to be able to associate locations (with maps), and to add event registration
    • A modified version of the Events recipe has already been integrated into Drupal CMS, so it will be even easier to apply for a site based on that
    • Internally it makes use of the createIfNotExists and setComponents config actions, which is why I thought it would be relevant to today’s discussion

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