
Talking Drupal #488 – Drupal Open University

Today we are talking about The open university initiative, Drupal in academia, and Fostering Drupal Education with guest Jean-Paul Vosmeer. We’ll also cover Artisan as our module of the week.

For show notes visit: https://www.talkingDrupal.com/488


  • What is the Drupal Open University Initiative
  • How did this initiative start
  • Why is it important to get Drupal into Universities and Classrooms
  • What stage is the initiative at
  • Is Drupal currently in any universities
  • Is it better to approach schools or professors directly
  • How is the curriculum being developed
  • What are the main differences between this initiative and resources like Drupalize.me, Drupal at your fingertips, or Drupal TB
  • What is next on the roadmap
  • Where does Drupal CMS fit in
  • Where does the initiative need help
  • How can someone get involved



Jean-Paul Vosmeer – reactonline.nl jpvos


Nic Laflin – nLighteneddevelopment.com nicxvan John Picozzi – epam.com johnpicozzi Avi Schwab – froboy.org froboy

MOTW Correspondent

Martin Anderson-Clutz – mandclu.com mandclu

  • Brief description:
    • Have you ever wanted to use the Drupal UI to configure numerous aspects of your Drupal site’s look and feel? There’s a theme for that.
  • Module name/project name:
  • Brief history
    • How old: created in Sep 2024 by alejandro cabarcos though recent releases are by crzdev, both of metadrop
    • Versions available: 1.3.8, which support Drupal 10 and 11
  • Maintainership
    • Actively maintained, release in the last week
    • Security coverage
    • Documentation: no, but a lengthy README that includes developer notes
    • Number of open issues: 7 open issues, 5 of which are bugs, but 3 are postponed
  • Usage stats:
    • 170 sites
  • Module features and usage
    • After installing the theme, there is a drush command to generate a subtheme, or you can manually duplicate an included starterkit. You also need to run a couple of npm commands to pull in all the front end libraries, and build the CSS files
    • Once you set the subtheme as your site default, you can customize a variety of ways the site looks, including the fonts and weights to use for heading and default text, the colour and padding of various elements, border weights, border radius, and more.
    • The customizations are grouped into tabs. The base tab includes a colour palette, base font, and link styling. Additional tabs include page layout, header, responsive, and footer, also breadcrumb, headings, display headings, buttons, forms, and components
    • Artisan also provides a toggle to expose extra customization options for dark mode, so if you want your site to give users the option to switch back and forth between normal and dark, this is extremely powerful, but does make for some very long configuration pages
    • You can create and save presets, for easy creation of reusable palettes
    • There is also a companion Artisan Styleguide module that provides a page that previews the theme style applied to an extensive list of elements
    • Last year I was considering making a more configurable subtheme of Olivero for the Event Platform initiative, so I was excited to read about Artisan in a metadrop blog post we’ll include in the show notes

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Talking Drupal #487 – Single Directory Components Workflow

Today we are talking about Single Directory Components, How best to work with them, and their future with Drupal with guest Brian Perry. We’ll also cover Embedded Content as our module of the week.

For show notes visit: https://www.talkingDrupal.com/487


  • What are Single Directory Components (SDC)
  • Why the switch to SDCs
  • What is there in common between decoupled and SDCs
  • Can you give us an overview of your workflow
  • Common pitfalls
  • How should someone get started working with SDCs
  • Does it work with Paragraphs and Blocks?
  • Does it need to be all at once
  • How do you think SDCs will evolve
  • Do you see this leading to more Decoupled front ends
  • What contrib modules make working with SDCs easier



Brian Perry – brianperry.dev brianperry


Nic Laflin – nLighteneddevelopment.com nicxvan John Picozzi – epam.com johnpicozzi Scott Weston – scott-weston

MOTW Correspondent

Jacob Rockowitz – jrockowitz.com jrockowitz

  • Embedded Content
  • Brief description:
    • The Embedded Content module allows site builders to select, create, and update content embedded within HTML inside CKEditor.
    • For developers, the EmbeddedContent plugin is like a Block plugin without context.
    • There is a demo on YouTube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GxOn-P3Q5Gg
    • There is support embedding of single directory component in progress. Conceptually, this is already possible, the same way one would render a single directory component in Block plugin.
  • Brief history
    • The concept and code started as the CKEditor5 Embedded Content module, created in August 2022.
    • In October 2023, CKEditor5 Embedded Content was renamed to Embedded Content.
  • Versions available:
    • 2.0.3 – January 22nd, 2025
    • Works with Drupal: ^9 ^10 ^11
  • Maintainership
    • Actively maintained? yes
    • Security coverage? Yes
    • Test coverage? Yes
    • Documentation? Video and an example module
  • Number of open issues:
    • All issues: 6 open, 17 total
    • Bug report: 6 open, 15 total
  • Usage stats:
    • 509 sites report using this module
    • 1,263 sites report using this module (using old version)
  • Maintainer(s):
  • Module features and usage
    • Insert themed content in Ckeditor5 using Drupal plugins without having to write rich HTML and CSS
    • Render these results directly in the CKEditor
    • Create ‘inline’ embedded content that sits inline with the text, like footnotes.
    • Provides
    • Embedded Content plugin
    • CKeditor 5 plugin.
    • Ecosystem
    • Embedded Content: Examples for examples of how to build your own plugins.
    • Embedded Content: Entity for embedding content entities
    • Embedded Content: SDC for single directory components (under development)
    • Potential Challenges
    • Example of the embedded content tag.
    • Translations via TMS (data is serialized via an attribute)

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