Author: Fernando Laudares
Posts by Fernando Laudares:
Scaling PostgreSQL with PgBouncer: You May Need a Connection Pooler Sooner Than You Expect,
Jun 27 2018 in benchmarks &connection pool &connection pooling &Connections &PgBouncer &postgresql &PostgreSQL tools &transaction pool &transaction pooling &Zend Developer
Staying ahead of MySQL operational problems at Percona Live,
Apr 13 2015 in Insight for DBAs &MySQL &MySQL 101 &MySQL DBAs &MySQL operational problems &percona live &Percona Toolkit &PerconaLive &Zend Developer
Worrying about the ‘InnoDB: detected cycle in LRU for buffer pool (…)’ message?,
Feb 26 2015 in Ernie Souhrada &Fernando Laudares &George Lorch &Innodb &InnoDB buffer pool &Insight for DBAs &Least Recently Used &LRU &MySQL &Primary &Zend Developer
How to setup a PXC cluster with GTIDs (and have async slaves replicating from it!),
Feb 20 2015 in Fernando Laudares &Global Transaction IDs >ID >IDs &MySQL &Percona XtraBackup &Percona XtraDB Cluster &Primary &pxc &Zend Developer
What happens when your application cannot open yet another connection to MySQL,
Dec 08 2014 in Fernando Laudares &Insight for DBAs &MySQL &MySQL database &MySQL server connection error &Primary &socket &Zend Developer
Percona XtraDB Cluster: How to run a 2-node cluster on a single server,
Oct 21 2014 in datadirs &Fernando Laudares &MySQL &mysqld_multi &Percona XtraDB Cluster &Primary &Zend Developer
Galera data on Percona Cloud Tools (and other MySQL monitoring tools),
Aug 29 2014 in Cacti. &ClusterControl &Fernando Laudares &galera &Jay Janssen &MySQL &Nagios &Percona Cloud Tools &Percona ClusterControl &Percona MySQL Support &Percona XtraDB Cluster &VividCortex &XtraDB Cluster &Zend Developer
mysqld_multi: How to run multiple instances of MySQL,
Aug 26 2014 in Fernando Laudares &Insight for DBAs &MySQL &MySQL Sandbox &mysqld &mysqld_multi &Percona MySQL Support &percona server &Percona XtraBackup &Zend Developer
mysqld_multi: How to run multiple instances of MySQL,
Aug 26 2014 in Fernando Laudares &Insight for DBAs &MySQL &MySQL Sandbox &mysqld &mysqld_multi &Percona MySQL Support &percona server &Percona XtraBackup &Zend Developer
When (and how) to move an InnoDB table outside the shared tablespace,
Aug 22 2014 in Disk space &ibdata1 &Innodb &InnoDB table &Insight for DBAs &MySQL &Percona MySQL Support &percona server &shared tablespace* &TokuDB &Zend Developer