Author: John Mannes
Posts by John Mannes:
Primer helps governments and corporations monitor and understand the world’s information,
Oct 24 2017 in artificial intelligence &cia &data &DCVC &Enterprise &Fundings & Exits &Government &lux capital &machine learning &Palantir &primer &Startups &TC &Venture Capital &Zend Developer
Feedzai closes $50M Series C to help banks and merchants identify fraud with AI,
Oct 17 2017 in artificial intelligence &Banks &data science &Enterprise &Feedzai &Finance &fraud &Fundings & Exits &machine learning &merchants &Startups &TC &transactions &Venture Capital &Zend Developer
ROSS Intelligence lands $8.7M Series A to speed up legal research with AI,
Oct 11 2017 in artificial intelligence &business &economy &Enterprise &entrepreneurship &Finance &Fundings & Exits &lexisnexis &machine learning &Private Equity &Startup company &Startups &TC &thomson reuters &Venture Capital &Zend Developer
Petuum secures $93M Series B to push AI into the mainstream,
Oct 10 2017 in artificial intelligence &business &business incubators &economy &Enterprise &entrepreneurship &Fundings & Exits &machine learning &Private Equity &Softbank &Startup company &Startups &TC &Venture Capital &Zend Developer
Butterfly nabs $2.4M seed round to improve managers with targeted tips,
Oct 06 2017 in artificial intelligence &Butterfly &citibank &corporate training &Enterprise &Fundings & Exits &Startups &TC &Venture Capital &Zend Developer
Rasa Core kicks up the context for chatbots,
Oct 04 2017 in artificial intelligence &conversation &Enterprise &Startups &TC &Technology &user interfaces &Zend Developer
Accela gets acquired by Berkshire Partners as it looks to move govtech services to the cloud,
Sep 28 2017 in ABRY Partners &accela &Berkshire Partners &Enterprise &Finance &Fundings & Exits &Government &govtech &M&A &Startups &TC &Zend Developer
Our favorite pitches from Alchemist Accelerator’s 16th batch,
Sep 20 2017 in accelerator &alchemist &business &business incubators &economy &Enterprise &entrepreneurship &Fundings & Exits &Innovation &Private Equity &Startup company &Startups &TC &Venture Capital &Zend Developer
Our favorite pitches from Alchemist Accelerator’s 16th batch,
Sep 20 2017 in accelerator &alchemist &business &business incubators &economy &Enterprise &entrepreneurship &Fundings & Exits &Innovation &Private Equity &Startup company &Startups &TC &Venture Capital &Zend Developer
Pluralsight IQ allows engineers to compare skills and proficiencies,
Sep 20 2017 in Developer &Education &Enterprise &online education &Pluralsight &TC &Zend Developer