Author: Josh Constine
Posts by Josh Constine:
Replace non-stop Zoom with remote office avatars app Pragli,
Apr 14 2020 in Apps &Avi Networks &Enterprise &funding &Fundings & Exits &K9 Ventures &Mobile &Pragli &Recent Funding &remote work &slack &Social &Startups &TC &Zend Developer &zoom
Zoom will enable waiting rooms by default to stop Zoombombing,
Apr 03 2020 in Apps &coronavirus &COVID-19 &Enterprise &Mobile &Policy &Social &TC &trolling &video calling &video chat &Zend Developer &zoom &ZoomBombing
Tech giants should let startups defer cloud payments,
Mar 26 2020 in Amazon &Amazon Web Services &AWS &Cloud &Cloud Computing &coronavirus &COVID-19 &Developer &Enterprise &Google Cloud &Health µsoft-azure &payments &Startups &TC &Zend Developer
Control each other’s apps with new screensharing tool Screen,
Mar 24 2020 in Apps &Enterprise &Mobile &Screen &Screenhero &Screensharing &slack &Social &Startups &TC &video chat &Zend Developer
Around is the new floating head video chat multitasking app,
Mar 18 2020 in Apps &around &chat heads &Credo Ventures &Enterprise &Facebook Chat Heads &Floodgate &funding &Fundings & Exits &garry tan &initialized capital &loom &naval ravikant &Recent Funding &Ryan Hoover &Social &Startups &TC &Tommy Leep &video &video calling &video chat &Zend Developer &zoom
Torch & Everwise merge into affordable exec coaching for all,
Mar 16 2020 in Apps &Education &Enterprise &Everwise &Executive coaching &Exit &garry tan &leadership &M&A &mental health &Personnel &Startups &talent &TC &torch &Zend Developer
To make locks touchless, Proxy bluetooth ID raises $42M,
Mar 16 2020 in Access Control &Apps &Enterprise &funding &Fundings & Exits &keyless entry &Kleiner Perkins &Mobile &OpenPath &proxy &Recent Funding &scale ventures &smartlock &Startups &TC &Y Combinator &Zend Developer
$75M legal startup Atrium shuts down, lays off 100,
Mar 03 2020 in Andreessen Horowitz &Apps &atrium &Atrium LTS &Enterprise &Exit &Fundings & Exits &Justin Kan &layoffs &legaltech &Personnel &shutdown &Startups &talent &TC &Zend Developer
Rippling starts billboard battle with Gusto,
Feb 17 2020 in cease and desist &Drama &Enterprise &gusto &hiring &human resources &human resources software &onboarding &parker conrad &payments &Rippling &Startups &TC &Zend Developer &zenefits
Facebook Workplace co-founder launches downtime fire alarm Kintaba,
Feb 10 2020 in Developer &Enterprise &FirstMark Capital &incident response &Kintaba &Recent Funding &SaaS &Startups &TC &Zend Developer