Author: Kate Clark
Posts by Kate Clark:
Centaurs, centurions, centipedes: the $100M ARR CLUB,
Dec 20 2019 in Enterprise &Equity podcast &Fundings & Exits &Podcasts &Recent Funding &Startups &TC &Venture Capital &Zend Developer
SAP spinout Sapphire Ventures raises $1.4B for new investments,
Dec 18 2019 in Enterprise &funding &Sapphire Ventures &Startups &Venture Capital &Zend Developer
Symantec’s Sheila Jordan named to Slack’s board of directors,
Sep 25 2019 in Accel &Andreessen Horowitz &andrew braccia &cal henderson &Chamath Palihapitiya &Cisco &edith cooper &Enterprise &Goldman Sachs &john o'farrell &nextdoor &Personnel &Salesforce & &san francisco &Sarah Friar &Sheila Jordan &slack &social + capital &Symantec &TC &Zend Developer
Work Life Ventures raises $5M for debut enterprise SaaS seed fund,
Sep 10 2019 in Airbnb &Alexia Bonatsos &Andreessen Horowitz &cameo &Chris Dixon &clark valberg &coinbase &day one ventures &Enterprise &Eric Yuan &Felicis Ventures &Finance &founders fund &garry tan &investment &InVision &kevin lin &Marc Andreessen &Ryan Hoover &SaaS &slow ventures &Social Impact Capital &Startups &TC &Twitch &Uber &Venture Capital &webflow &Weekend Fund &Work Life Ventures &Y Combinator &Zend Developer &Zendesk
Sam Lessin and Andrew Kortina on their voice assistant’s workplace pivot,
Jul 02 2019 in Accel &Andrew Kortina & &Enterprise &enterprise software &facebook &Jessica Lessin &Kleiner Perkins &Mark Zuckerberg &pagerduty &paypal &PillPack &Postmates &Salesforce &Sam Lessin &slow ventures &Startups &Venmo &virtual assistant &Zend Developer
VCs bet $12M on Troops, a Slackbot for sales teams,
Jun 04 2019 in Accel &Aspect ventures &Astound &buddy media &chicago ventures &clark valberg &CRM &developer tools &Enterprise &facebook &Felicis Ventures &First Round Capital &HubSpot &InVision &Lattice &New York &Recent Funding &Salesforce &slack &slack fund &Startups &susa ventures &troops &Venture Capital &venture capital funds &wework &Zend Developer
The Slack origin story,
May 30 2019 in Alphabet &andrew braccia &Apps &Canada &computing &Enterprise &Entrepreneur &Flash &Fundings & Exits &General Partner &glitch &Ingrid Lunden &john o'farrell &search engine &slack &Software &Startups &stewart butterfield &tiny speck &Vancouver &Venture Capital &Yahoo &Zend Developer
Slack aims to be the most important software company in the world, says CEO,
May 13 2019 in carsharing &Enterprise &Fundings & Exits &google ventures &Kleiner Perkins &Lyft &operating systems &pagerduty &Pinterest &slack &Softbank &Software &Spotify &stewart butterfield &transport &Uber &Zend Developer &zoom
Slack to live stream pitch to shareholders on Monday ahead of direct listing,
May 08 2019 in Accel &Andreessen Horowitz &Enterprise &Fundings & Exits &google ventures &Kleiner Perkins &new york city &operating systems &slack &Softbank &SoftBank Group &Software &Spotify &stewart butterfield &U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission &Venture Capital &Zend Developer
Okta unveils $50M in-house venture capital fund,
Apr 03 2019 in Andreessen Horowitz &blockchain &Chief Operating Officer &computing &cryptocurrencies &Enterprise &greylock &identity management &Khosla Ventures &machine learning &ML &okta &Oracle &Sequoia &Startups &Symantec &Venture Capital &Zend Developer