Author: Kyle Russell
Posts by Kyle Russell:
Meteor Raises $20M To Build The One JavaScript Stack To Rule Them All,
May 19 2015 in Andreessen Horowitz &Apps &Cloud &Developer &Enterprise &Fundings & Exits &Javascript &Matrix Partners &meteor &TC &Trinity Ventures &Zend Developer
OnboardIQ Raises $1.65M To Streamline The Hiring Process,
May 18 2015 in Cloud &craigslist &Enterprise &Fundings & Exits &on-demand apps &onboardiq &Startups &TC &Zend Developer
Our Four Favorite Companies At The 500 Startups Batch 12 Demo Day,
May 12 2015 in 500 startups &Apps &Cloud &Enterprise &GreenTech &media &Mobile &Startups &TC &Zend Developer
File-Sharing Service Droplr Is Going Freemium,
May 04 2015 in Apps &Cloud &Droplr &Enterprise &Mobile &Social &Startups &TC &Zend Developer
Airtable Launches Its API And Embedded Databases,
Apr 30 2015 in Airtable &Apps &CRM &Developer &Enterprise &howie liu &Mobile &relational database &Startups &TC &Zend Developer
Microsoft’s New Add-In Frameworks Let Developers Access Office’s Data Graph,
Apr 29 2015 in Apps &build2015 &Developer &Enterprise &Microsoft-Office &TC &Zend Developer
IBM Researchers Can Now Spot Errors In Quantum Calculations,
Apr 29 2015 in Developer &Enterprise &IBM &quantum computing &TC &Zend Developer
OnboardIQ Simplifies Hiring For On-Demand Startups,
Mar 16 2015 in Enterprise &on-demand services &Startups &TC &Zend Developer
YC-Backed TeamNote Provides Enterprise Communications For Companies With People Out In The Field,
Mar 03 2015 in Apps &Enterprise &teamnote &Y Combinator &Zend Developer
Convo Brings Chat To Its iOS And Android Apps,
Sep 18 2014 in Apps &chat &convo &Enterprise &productivity &Zend Developer