
Vote for Percona Server in the 2013 DeveloperWeek Awards

Are you a fan of Percona Server? You can show your support by casting a vote for Percona Server in the SQL Technologies Top Innovator 2013 category of the DeveloperWeek Awards.

You can vote through January 7, and voting is easy. Just login, select Percona from the alphabetical list, and cast your vote

Why bother to vote? When Percona Server wins awards like this one from DeveloperWeek, it accelerates growth of our community, which provides us with more feedback and enables us to introduce the features you really need. Larger community also means it is easier and more fun to use Percona Server, such as MySQL Performance Blog gets more insightful blog posts and comments and there are more interesting questions asked and answered at Percona Forums.

Thank you for your Support !

The post Vote for Percona Server in the 2013 DeveloperWeek Awards appeared first on MySQL Performance Blog.

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