
Happy 2013! – The Year ahead


Hello everyone. I trust you all had a wonderful holiday season, and I hope all your plans and dreams for 2013 become reality. :)

I’ve had this blog for about 16 months now, and I want to thank everyone who reads it, whether you just drop by now and then, or are one of the hundreds of people who have subscribed via email or RSS. Thank you! I hope you get value or even entertainment from my posts.

Now it’s your turn: What you would like to see me blog about in 2013? Have I achieved a decent balance of book reviews, news on my own writing, guest authors, the trials and tribulations of being an author, or news about the publishing industry? What’s your favourite topic? Anything particular you’d like to know more about? Is anyone out there interested in becoming a writer and looking to get some questions answered? I’d love to hear your ideas and questions, so please email me.

Another, huge thanks to everyone helping to promote Ocean of Dust. I really do appreciate every mention, tweet or recommendation to your friends. If you bought a copy, then you get extra credit! I hope you enjoyed it, and if you did, please, please leave me a review on Amazon, iTunes, B&N, (or wherever you bought it), or Goodreads. Authors live or die on reviews, so thank you for a few moments of your time. And if you haven’t yet bought it… what are you waiting for? ;)

I’m working hard on my next book. It’s another fantasy, but not a sequel to Ocean of Dust. (But I promise that there will be a sequel.) This new book is about a necromancer and the undead. It’s dark, but not without humour and sarcasm. I’m excited about it and am shooting for around Christmas 2013.

Have a great year, everyone. :)


Written by in: 2013,blog,Zend Developer |

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