
The Q&A: Creating best-in-class backup solutions for your MySQL environment

Percona MySQL and MongoDB WebinarsThank you for attending my July 15 webinar, “Creating Best in Class Backup solutions for your MySQL environment.” Due to the amount of content we discussed and some minor technical difficulties faced near the end of webinar we have decided to cover the final two slides of the presentation along with the questions asked by attendees during the webinar via this blog post.

The slides are available for download. And you can watch the webinar in it’s entirety here.

The final two slides were about our tips for having a good backup and recovery strategy. Lets see the bullet points along with what would have been their explanation during the webinar :

  • Use the three types of backups
    • Binary for full restores, new slaves
      • Binary backups are easy to restore, plus takes the least amount of time to restore. The mean time to recover is mostly bound by the time to transfer backup to the appropriate target server,
    • Logical for partial restores
      • Logical backups, especially when done table-wise come in handy when you’re wanting to restore one or few smaller tables,
    • Binlog for point in time recovery
      • Very often the need is to have Point In Time Recovery, with a Full backup of any type (Logical or Binary) its half the story, we still need the DML statements processed on the server in order to bring it to the latest state, thats where Binary logs (Binlog) backups come into picture.
  • Store on more than one server and off-site
    •  Store your backups on more than one location, what if the backup server goes down ? Considering offsite storages like Amazon S3 and Glacier with weekly or monthly backups retention can be cheaper options.
  • Test your backups!!!!
    • Testing your backups is very important, its always great to know backups are recoverable and not corrupted. Spin off an EC2 instance if you want, copy and restore the backup there, roll-forward a days worth of binlogs just to be sure.
  • Document restore procedures, script them and test them!!!
    • Also when you test your backups, make sure to document the steps to restore the backup to avoid last minute hassle over which commands to use.
  • If taking from a slave run pt-table-checksum
    • Backups are mostly taken from slaves, as such make sure to checksum them regularly, you dont wanna backup inconsistent data. 
  • Configuration files, scripts
    • Data is not the only thing you should be backing up, backup your config files, scripts and user access at a secure location.
  • Do you need to backup everything all days?
    • For very large instances doing a logical backup is a toughie, in such cases evaluate your backup needs, do you want to backup all the tables ? Most of the time smaller tables are the more important ones, and needs partial restore, backup only those.
  • Hardlinking backups can save lot of disk space in some circumstances
    • There are schemas which contains only a few high activity tables, rest of them are probably updated once a week or are updated by an archiver job that runs montly, make sure to hardlink the files with the previous backup, it can save good amount of space in such scenarios.
  • Monitor your Backups
    • Lastly, monitor your backups. You do not want to realize that you’re backup had been failing the whole time. Even a simple email notification from your backup scripts can help reduce the chance of failure.

Now lets try to answer some of the questions asked during the webinar :

Q : –use-memory=2G, is that pretty standard, if we have more more, should we have a higher value?
Usually we would evaluate the value based on size of xtrabackup_logfile (amount of transactions to apply). If you have more free memory feel free to provide it to –use-memory, you dont want to let the memory be a bottleneck in the restore process.

Q : which is the best backup option for a 8Tb DB?
Usually it would depend on what type of data would you have and business requirements for the backups. For eg: a full xtrabackup and later incrementals on the weekdays would be a good idea. Time required for backups play an important role here, backing up to a slow NAS share can be time consuming, and it will make xtrabackup record lot of transactions which will further increase your restore time. Also look into backing up very important medium-small size tables via logical backups.

Q : I’m not sure if this will be covered, but if you have a 3 master-master-master cluster using haproxy, is it recommended to run the backup from the haproxy server or directly on a specific server? Would it be wise to have a 4th server which would be part of the cluster, but not read from to perform the backups?
I am assuming this a Galera cluster setup, in which case you can do backups locally on any of the node by using tools like percona xtrabackup, however the best solution would be spinning off a slave from one of the nodes and running backups there.

Q : With Mudumper, can we strem the data over SSH or netcat to another server? Or would one have to use something like NFS? I’ve used mysqldump and piped it over netcat before.. curious if we can do that with Mydumper ?
Mydumper is similar in nature with other mysql client tools. They can be run remotely (–host option). Which means you can run mydumper from another server to backup from the master or slave. Mydumper can be piped for sure too.

Q : Is Mydumper still maintained. It hasn’t had a release since March of last year?
Indeed, Max Bubenick from Percona is currently maintaining the project. Actually he has added new features to the tool which  makes it more comprehensive and feature rich. He is planning the next release soon, stay tuned for the blog post.

Q : Is MyDumper an opensource ? prepare and restore are same ?
Absolutely. Right now we need to download the source and compile, however very soon we will have packages built for it too. Prepare and Restore are common terminologies used in the backup lingo, in the webinar, Restore means copying back the backup files from its storage location to the destination location, whereas Prepare means applying the transactions to the backup and making it ready to restore.

Q : Is binlog mirroring needed on Galera (PXC)?
It is good idea to keep binlog mirroring. Even though the IST and SST will do its job to join the node, the binlogs could play a role in case you wanted to rollforward a particular schema on a slave or QA instance.

Q : As we know that Percona XtraBackup takes Full & Incremental as well. Like that Does MyDumper helps in taking the incremental backup.?
At this moment we do not have the ability to take Incremental backups with mydumper or with any other logical backup tool. However, Weekly full backups (logical) and daily binlog backups can serve as the same strategy with other Incremental backup solutions, plus they are easy to restore :)

Q : Is it possible to encrypt the output file ? What will be Best methodology to back up data with the database size of 7 to 8 Gb and increses 25 % each day ? what is difference between innobackupex and mydumper ?
Indeed its possible to encrypt the backup files, as a matter of fact, we encrypt backup files with GPG keys before uploading to offsite storage. The best method to backup a 7 to 8G instance would be implementing all 3 types of backup we discussed in the webinar, your scenarios require planning for the future, so its always best to have different solutions available as the data grows. Innobackupex is part of the Percona-Xtrabackup toolkit and is a script which does binary backups of databases, MyDumper on the other hand is a logical backup tool which creates backups as text files.

Q : How can I optimize a MySQL dump of a large database? The main bottleneck while taking MySQL dump backup of a large database is if any table is found to be corrupted then it never goes beyond by skipping this corrupted tables temporary. Can we take database backup of large database without using locking mechanism i.e. Does someone know how to make the backup without locking the tables ? Is there any tools which would faster in restoration and backup technique or how come we use MySQL dump to optimize this kind of issue in future during crash recovery.
Mysqldump is logical backup tool, and as such it executes full table scans to backup the tables and write them down in the output file, hence its very difficult to improve performance of mysqldump (query-wise). Assuming that you’re referring the corruption to MyISAM tables, it is highly recommended you repair them before backing up, also to make sure mysqldump doesnt fail due to error on such a corrupt table try using –force option to mysqldump. If you’re using MyISAM tables first recommendation would be to switch to Innodb, with most of the tables innodb locking can be greatly reduced, actually till a point where the locking is negligible, look into –single-transaction. Faster backup recovery can be achieved with binary backups, look into using Percona Xtrabackup tool, we have comprehensive documentation to get you started.

Hope this was a good webinar and we have answered most of your questions. Stay tuned for more such webinars from Percona.

The post The Q&A: Creating best-in-class backup solutions for your MySQL environment appeared first on Percona Data Performance Blog.


How to create a rock-solid MySQL database backup & recovery strategy

Percona MySQL and MongoDB WebinarsHave you ever wondered what could happen if your MySQL database goes down?

Although it’s evident such a crash will cause downtime – and surely some business impact in terms of revenue – can you do something to reduce this impact?

The simple answer is “yes” by doing regular backups (of course) but are you 100% sure that your current backup strategy will really come through when an outage occurs? And how much precious time will pass (and how much revenue will be lost) before you get your business back online?

I usually think of backups as the step after HA fails. Let’s say we’re in M<>M replication and something occurs that kills the db but the HA can’t save the day. Let’s pretend that the UPS fails and those servers are completely out. You can’t failover; you have to restore data. Backups are a key piece of “Business Continuity.” Also factor in the frequent need to restore data that’s been altered by mistake. No ‘WHERE’ clause or DROP TABLE in prod instead of DEV. These instances are where backups are invaluable.

Let’s take some time and discuss the possible backup strategies with MySQL…  how to make backups efficiently and also examine the different tools that are available. We’ll cover these topics and more during my July 15  webinar: “Creating a Best-in-Class Backup and Recovery System for Your MySQL Environment” starting at 10 a.m. Pacific time.

On a related note, did you know that most online backups are possible with mysqldump and you can save some space on backups by using simple Linux tools? I’ll also cover this so be sure to join me next Wednesday. Oh, and it’s a free webinar, too!

Stay tuned!

The post How to create a rock-solid MySQL database backup & recovery strategy appeared first on MySQL Performance Blog.


MySQL Tutorials: A time to learn at Percona Live 2015

The many hours of intensive tutorials, led by some of the top minds in MySQL, have always been a major draw each year to the Percona Live MySQL Conference and Expo. And 2015’s event will be no exception.

Percona Live 2015 runs April 13-16 in Santa Clara, Calif. and the first day is dedicated to the classroom – so bring your laptops for the combined 45 hours of learning. MySQL tutorials are included with the full-conference pass but a “tutorial-only pass” is also available. Super-saver registration discounts have been extended until Dec. 19. Here’s a look at this year’s tutorials lineup. (There will be a couple more announced in January).

And that’s just on Monday! There will be much more over the four days of the Percona Live MySQL Conference and Expo 2015. I posted a sneak peek of the full Percona Live (initial) roster a couple weeks ago. And remember, super-saver registration discounts have been extended until Dec. 19 so register now – and don’t forgot your laptop (and power cord)!

The post MySQL Tutorials: A time to learn at Percona Live 2015 appeared first on MySQL Performance Blog.


Renaming database schema in MySQL

One of the routine tasks for a DBA is renaming database schemas, and as such MySQL added a command to carry out that purpose called “RENAME DATABASE <database_name>”. However this command just made it through a few minor releases before being discontinued (from MySQL 5.1.7 to 5.1.23). Here’s a link to the reference manual regarding the command http://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.1/en/rename-database.html. Vadim wrote a MySQL Performance Blog post about this a few years ago where he mentions the dangerous nature of this command – that post was appropriately headlined, “Dangerous Command.” Today we will see what are the ways in which a database schema can be renamed and which of them is the quickest.

Method 1: A well-known method for renaming database schema is by dumping the schema using Mysqldump and restoring it in another schema, and then dropping the old schema (if needed).

[root@percona ~]# mysqldump emp > emp.out
[root@percona ~]# mysql -e "CREATE DATABASE employees;"
[root@percona ~]# mysql employees < emp.out
[root@percona ~]# mysql -e "DROP DATABASE emp;"

Although the above method is easy, it is time and space consuming. What if the schema is more than a 100GB? There are methods where you can pipe the above commands together to save on space, however it will not save time.

To remedy such situations, there is another quick method to rename schemas, however, some care must be taken while doing it.

Method 2: MySQL has a very good feature for renaming tables that even works across different schemas. This rename operation is atomic and no one else can access the table while its being renamed. This takes a short time to complete since changing a table’s name or its schema is only a metadata change. Here is procedural approach at doing the rename:

  • a) Create the new database schema with the desired name.
  • b) Rename the tables from old schema to new schema, using MySQL’s “RENAME TABLE” command.
  • c) Drop the old database schema.

If there are views, triggers, functions, stored procedures in the schema, those will need to be recreated too. MySQL’s “RENAME TABLE” fails if there are triggers exists on the tables. To remedy this we can do the following things :

1) Dump the triggers, events and stored routines in a separate file. This done using -E, -R flags (in addition to -t -d which dumps the triggers) to the mysqldump command. Once triggers are dumped, we will need to drop them from the schema, for RENAME TABLE command to work.

$ mysqldump <old_schema_name> -d -t -R -E > stored_routines_triggers_events.out

2) Generate a list of  only “BASE” tables. These can be found using a query on information_schema.TABLES table.

mysql> select TABLE_NAME from information_schema.tables where table_schema='<old_schema_name>' and TABLE_TYPE='BASE TABLE';

3) Dump the views in an out file. Views can be found using a query on the same information_schema.TABLES table.

mysql> select TABLE_NAME from information_schema.tables where table_schema='<old_schema_name>' and TABLE_TYPE='VIEW';
$ mysqldump <database> <view1> <view2> … > views.out

4) Drop the triggers on the current tables in the old_schema.

mysql> DROP TRIGGER <trigger_name>;

5) Restore the above dump files once all the “Base” tables found in step #2 are renamed.

mysql> RENAME TABLE <old_schema>.table_name TO <new_schema>.table_name;
$ mysql <new_schema> < views.out
$ mysql <new_schema> < stored_routines_triggers_events.out


Intricacies with above methods :

  • We may need to update the GRANTS for users such that they match the correct schema_name. These could fixed with a simple UPDATE on mysql.columns_priv, mysql.procs_priv, mysql.tables_priv, mysql.db tables updating the old_schema name to new_schema and calling “Flush privileges;”.

Although “method 2″ seems a bit more complicated than the “method 1″, this is totally scriptable. A simple bash script to carry out the above steps in proper sequence, can help you save space and time while renaming database schemas next time.

We on the Percona Remote DBA team have written a script called “rename_db” that works in the following way :

[root@percona ~]# /tmp/rename_db
rename_db <server> <database> <new_database>

To demonstrate the use of this script, we used a sample schema “emp”, created test triggers, stored routines on that schema. We will try to rename the database schema using the script, which takes some seconds to complete as opposed to time consuming dump/restore method.

mysql> show databases;
| Database           |
| information_schema |
| emp                |
| mysql              |
| performance_schema |
| test               |

[root@percona ~]# time /tmp/rename_db localhost emp emp_test
create database emp_test DEFAULT CHARACTER SET latin1
drop trigger salary_trigger
rename table emp.__emp_new to emp_test.__emp_new
rename table emp._emp_new to emp_test._emp_new
rename table emp.departments to emp_test.departments
rename table emp.dept to emp_test.dept
rename table emp.dept_emp to emp_test.dept_emp
rename table emp.dept_manager to emp_test.dept_manager
rename table emp.emp to emp_test.emp
rename table emp.employees to emp_test.employees
rename table emp.salaries_temp to emp_test.salaries_temp
rename table emp.titles to emp_test.titles
loading views
loading triggers, routines and events
Dropping database emp
real    0m0.643s
user    0m0.053s
sys     0m0.131s

mysql> show databases;
| Database           |
| information_schema |
| emp_test           |
| mysql              |
| performance_schema |
| test               |

As you can see in the above output the database schema “emp” was renamed to “emp_test” in less than a second.

Lastly, we are happy to share the script we used above for “method 2″.

# Copyright 2013 Percona LLC and/or its affiliates
set -e
if [ -z "$3" ]; then
    echo "rename_db <server> <database> <new_database>"
    exit 1
db_exists=`mysql -h $1 -e "show databases like '$3'" -sss`
if [ -n "$db_exists" ]; then
    echo "ERROR: New database already exists $3"
    exit 1
TIMESTAMP=`date +%s`
character_set=`mysql -h $1 -e "show create database $2\G" -sss | grep ^Create | awk -F'CHARACTER SET ' '{print $2}' | awk '{print $1}'`
TABLES=`mysql -h $1 -e "select TABLE_NAME from information_schema.tables where table_schema='$2' and TABLE_TYPE='BASE TABLE'" -sss`
if [ "$STATUS" != 0 ] || [ -z "$TABLES" ]; then
    echo "Error retrieving tables from $2"
    exit 1
echo "create database $3 DEFAULT CHARACTER SET $character_set"
mysql -h $1 -e "create database $3 DEFAULT CHARACTER SET $character_set"
TRIGGERS=`mysql -h $1 $2 -e "show triggers\G" | grep Trigger: | awk '{print $2}'`
VIEWS=`mysql -h $1 -e "select TABLE_NAME from information_schema.tables where table_schema='$2' and TABLE_TYPE='VIEW'" -sss`
if [ -n "$VIEWS" ]; then
    mysqldump -h $1 $2 $VIEWS > /tmp/${2}_views${TIMESTAMP}.dump
mysqldump -h $1 $2 -d -t -R -E > /tmp/${2}_triggers${TIMESTAMP}.dump
    echo "drop trigger $TRIGGER"
    mysql -h $1 $2 -e "drop trigger $TRIGGER"
for TABLE in $TABLES; do
    echo "rename table $2.$TABLE to $3.$TABLE"
    mysql -h $1 $2 -e "SET FOREIGN_KEY_CHECKS=0; rename table $2.$TABLE to $3.$TABLE"
if [ -n "$VIEWS" ]; then
    echo "loading views"
    mysql -h $1 $3 < /tmp/${2}_views${TIMESTAMP}.dump
echo "loading triggers, routines and events"
mysql -h $1 $3 < /tmp/${2}_triggers${TIMESTAMP}.dump
TABLES=`mysql -h $1 -e "select TABLE_NAME from information_schema.tables where table_schema='$2' and TABLE_TYPE='BASE TABLE'" -sss`
if [ -z "$TABLES" ]; then
    echo "Dropping database $2"
    mysql -h $1 $2 -e "drop database $2"
if [ `mysql -h $1 -e "select count(*) from mysql.columns_priv where db='$2'" -sss` -gt 0 ]; then
    COLUMNS_PRIV="    UPDATE mysql.columns_priv set db='$3' WHERE db='$2';"
if [ `mysql -h $1 -e "select count(*) from mysql.procs_priv where db='$2'" -sss` -gt 0 ]; then
    PROCS_PRIV="    UPDATE mysql.procs_priv set db='$3' WHERE db='$2';"
if [ `mysql -h $1 -e "select count(*) from mysql.tables_priv where db='$2'" -sss` -gt 0 ]; then
    TABLES_PRIV="    UPDATE mysql.tables_priv set db='$3' WHERE db='$2';"
if [ `mysql -h $1 -e "select count(*) from mysql.db where db='$2'" -sss` -gt 0 ]; then
    DB_PRIV="    UPDATE mysql.db set db='$3' WHERE db='$2';"
if [ -n "$COLUMNS_PRIV" ] || [ -n "$PROCS_PRIV" ] || [ -n "$TABLES_PRIV" ] || [ -n "$DB_PRIV" ]; then
    if [ -n "$COLUMNS_PRIV" ]; then echo "$COLUMNS_PRIV"; fi
    if [ -n "$PROCS_PRIV" ]; then echo "$PROCS_PRIV"; fi
    if [ -n "$TABLES_PRIV" ]; then echo "$TABLES_PRIV"; fi
    if [ -n "$DB_PRIV" ]; then echo "$DB_PRIV"; fi
    echo "    flush privileges;"


The post Renaming database schema in MySQL appeared first on MySQL Performance Blog.

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