
Private, custom Percona MySQL Training

Photo of Alexei Rodriguz

Alexei Rodriguez presenting at PLMCE13

During the Percona Live MySQL Community Event this year we had the pleasure of Alexei Rodriguez discussing why Evernote uses Percona’s Private Custom MySQL Training. Alexei is VP of operations there and you can watch a video of his presentation on YouTube.

Alexei said he values having Percona tailor training to their needs, the expert delivery by our practitioner-trainers, and the ability to speak freely about operational issues during private training.

If you would like to talk with our team about private custom training, please contact Sally Martinez at (855) 55TRAIN or
(925) 271-5054, or via e-mail at sally.martinez@percona.com.

The post Private, custom Percona MySQL Training appeared first on MySQL Performance Blog.

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