Hello everyone, and especially to all the people who have recently subscribed to my blog. Welcome aboard! You might also want to subscribe to my newsletter which comes out every few months. It’s a great way to keep up to date with what I’m working on, as well as the odd freebie.
In about a month I’m going to need about 6 beta readers for my latest fantasy book, Necromancer. If you’re interested please contact me. If you’ve been a beta reader before then that’s great, but no matter if not. As long as you enjoy fantasy. I don’t expect you to be an editor or proofread it, just an honest read in 4 weeks or so and your notes on what worked and what didn’t, what you liked or hated, what confused you, etc. In return you’ll get an acknowledgment in the book and a free ebook copy.
Here’s the book blurb (not fully polished, but it gives you an idea):
Yes, I’m a necromancer. Go on, hate me, everyone else does. Blame me for the creature from your darkest nightmares that burns your city to the ground. The truth is your leaders will not help you. The soldiers and Magi you beg to defend you have turned their backs. The task of saving your ungrateful lives falls to me and my new apprentice. She has more guts than the lot of you.
Don’t bother yourselves as I flee a secret society out to kill me. So too are the very skeletons, wraiths and ghouls that I protect you from every day. Don’t feel guilty. But do be scared, because the only way I can destroy that fire creature is to seek help from the most cursed and horrific ghosts known to man.
Yes, black is white and vice versa. The alternative is red – fire and blood.