
MySQL QA Episode 2: Build a MySQL server – Git, Bazaar, Compiling & Build tools

Welcome to MySQL QA Episode 2: Build a MySQL Server – Git, Bazaar (bzr), Compiling, and Build Tools

In this episode you’ll learn how to build Percona Server and/or MySQL Server for QA purposes & more in this short 25 minute tutorial.

In HD quality (set your player to 720p!)

To watch the other episodes in this series, see the MySQL QA & Bash Linux Training Series post. If you missed MySQL QA Episode 1, it was titled “Bash/GNU Tools & Linux Upskill & Scripting Fun.” You are watch it here.

If you have any questions or comments, please leave them below.

The post MySQL QA Episode 2: Build a MySQL server – Git, Bazaar, Compiling & Build tools appeared first on MySQL Performance Blog.

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