
Using YUM to install specific MySQL/Percona Server versions

Using YUM to install specific MySQL/Percona Server versionsSometimes it is desired to use particular software versions in production, and not necessary the latest ones. There may be several reasons for that, where I think the most common is when a new version should spend some time in testing or a staging environment before getting to production. In theory each new version is supposed to be better as usually it contains a handful of bug fixes and even new or improved functionality. However there is also a risk of some regression or a new bug introduction as a side effect of code changes.

Quite often DBAs want the same MySQL version to be installed on all database instances, regardless of what actually is the latest version available in the software provider’s repository. There are several ways to achieve this:
* download specific version packages manually and then install them,
* have custom local repository mirror where you decide when and which version gets there, and just update from there using yum/apt,
* have database instance images with all software prepared,
* point to a particular version just using default package-management utility.

My idea was to remind about this last method as maybe the least known one.
In this article I will focus on YUM as it seems this is the only one currently offering multiple versions from official repositories of Oracle and Percona MySQL variants. APT theoretically is also able to install older versions, but command “apt-cache madison …” returns only the latest one for me. For example using Oracle repo:

root@ubuntu-14:~# apt-cache madison mysql-community-server
mysql-community-server | 5.6.22-2ubuntu14.04 | http://repo.mysql.com/apt/ubuntu/ trusty/mysql-5.6 amd64 Packages
mysql-community | 5.6.22-2ubuntu14.04 | http://repo.mysql.com/apt/ubuntu/ trusty/mysql-5.6 Sources

So let’s see how it looks like for YUM repositories. I have installed repositories from Oracle, MariaDB and Percona on Centos 6 test machine. This is what they offer for the main server package versions:

[root@localhost ~]# yum repolist
repo id                                              repo name                                                         status
base                                                 CentOS-6 - Base                                                   6,518
extras                                               CentOS-6 - Extras                                                    36
mariadb                                              MariaDB                                                              17
mysql-connectors-community                           MySQL Connectors Community                                           12
mysql-tools-community                                MySQL Tools Community                                                18
mysql56-community                                    MySQL 5.6 Community Server                                          112
percona-release-noarch                               Percona-Release YUM repository - noarch                              26
percona-release-x86_64                               Percona-Release YUM repository - x86_64                             432
updates                                              CentOS-6 - Updates                                                  530
repolist: 7,701
[root@localhost ~]# yum -q list available --showduplicates mysql-community-server.x86_64
Available Packages
mysql-community-server.x86_64                                 5.6.15-1.el6                                  mysql56-community
mysql-community-server.x86_64                                 5.6.16-1.el6                                  mysql56-community
mysql-community-server.x86_64                                 5.6.17-4.el6                                  mysql56-community
mysql-community-server.x86_64                                 5.6.19-2.el6                                  mysql56-community
mysql-community-server.x86_64                                 5.6.20-4.el6                                  mysql56-community
mysql-community-server.x86_64                                 5.6.21-2.el6                                  mysql56-community
mysql-community-server.x86_64                                 5.6.22-2.el6                                  mysql56-community
[root@localhost ~]#
[root@localhost ~]# yum -q list available --showduplicates MariaDB-server.x86_64
Available Packages
MariaDB-server.x86_64                                          10.0.15-1.el6                                          mariadb
[root@localhost ~]#
[root@localhost ~]# yum -q list available --showduplicates Percona-Server-server-56.x86_64
Available Packages
Percona-Server-server-56.x86_64                        5.6.13-rel61.0.461.rhel6                        percona-release-x86_64
Percona-Server-server-56.x86_64                        5.6.14-rel62.0.483.rhel6                        percona-release-x86_64
Percona-Server-server-56.x86_64                        5.6.15-rel63.0.519.rhel6                        percona-release-x86_64
Percona-Server-server-56.x86_64                        5.6.16-rel64.0.el6                              percona-release-x86_64
Percona-Server-server-56.x86_64                        5.6.16-rel64.1.el6                              percona-release-x86_64
Percona-Server-server-56.x86_64                        5.6.16-rel64.2.el6                              percona-release-x86_64
Percona-Server-server-56.x86_64                        5.6.17-rel65.0.el6                              percona-release-x86_64
Percona-Server-server-56.x86_64                        5.6.17-rel66.0.el6                              percona-release-x86_64
Percona-Server-server-56.x86_64                        5.6.19-rel67.0.el6                              percona-release-x86_64
Percona-Server-server-56.x86_64                        5.6.20-rel68.0.el6                              percona-release-x86_64
Percona-Server-server-56.x86_64                        5.6.21-rel69.0.el6                              percona-release-x86_64
Percona-Server-server-56.x86_64                        5.6.21-rel70.0.el6                              percona-release-x86_64
Percona-Server-server-56.x86_64                        5.6.21-rel70.1.el6                              percona-release-x86_64

So at least for both Oracle and Percona packages we can use yum to install several versions back (12 in case of Percona Server 5.6).

How can we do that? Let’s install Percona Server version 5.6.19. To get a full package name with it’s version, we join it’s name with version but the CPU family part needs to be removed or replaced to the end. So Percona-Server-server-56.x86_64 5.6.19-rel67.0.el6 -> Percona-Server-server-56-5.6.19-rel67.0.el6 or Percona-Server-server-56-5.6.19-rel67.0.el6.x86_64:

[root@localhost ~]# yum -q install Percona-Server-server-56-5.6.19-rel67.0.el6 Percona-Server-client-56-5.6.19-rel67.0.el6 Percona-Server-shared-56-5.6.19-rel67.0.el6
 Package                             Arch              Version                       Repository                         Size
 Percona-Server-client-56            x86_64            5.6.19-rel67.0.el6            percona-release-x86_64            6.8 M
 Percona-Server-server-56            x86_64            5.6.19-rel67.0.el6            percona-release-x86_64             19 M
 Percona-Server-shared-56            x86_64            5.6.19-rel67.0.el6            percona-release-x86_64            721 k
Transaction Summary
Install       3 Package(s)
Is this ok [y/N]: y
[root@localhost ~]# rpm -qa|grep Percona

But what if it happens that we have to revert to previous version? We can actually do that with YUM very quickly:

[root@localhost ~]# service mysql status
 SUCCESS! MySQL (Percona Server) running (1998)
[root@localhost ~]# service mysql stop
Shutting down MySQL (Percona Server).. SUCCESS!
[root@localhost ~]# yum -q downgrade Percona-Server-server-56.x86_64 Percona-Server-client-56.x86_64 Percona-Server-shared-56.x86_64
 Package                             Arch              Version                          Repository                         Size
 Percona-Server-client-56            x86_64            5.6.17-rel66.0.el6               percona-release-x86_64            6.8 M
 Percona-Server-server-56            x86_64            5.6.17-rel66.0.el6               percona-release-x86_64             19 M
 Percona-Server-shared-56            x86_64            5.6.17-rel66.0.el6               percona-release-x86_64            720 k
Transaction Summary
Downgrade     3 Package(s)
Is this ok [y/N]: y
Giving mysqld 5 seconds to exit nicely
[root@localhost ~]# rpm -qa|grep Percona

What if we want to downgrade, but let’s say few versions down? It is also possible with a single YUM command. By the way, after the last step we are on Percona Server 5.6.17 rel66.0 version and YUM nicely shows that when listing all available packages, see the screen shot below:


So let’s downgrade to Percona Server 5.6.15 rel63.0 – it’s actually very easy as the “downgrade” option also understands the version attribute:

[root@localhost ~]# yum -q downgrade Percona-Server-server-56-5.6.15-rel63.0.519.rhel6 Percona-Server-client-56-5.6.15-rel63.0.519.rhel6 Percona-Server-shared-56-5.6.15-rel63.0.519.rhel6
 Package                             Arch              Version                             Repository                         Size
 Percona-Server-client-56            x86_64            5.6.15-rel63.0.519.rhel6            percona-release-x86_64            6.5 M
 Percona-Server-server-56            x86_64            5.6.15-rel63.0.519.rhel6            percona-release-x86_64             18 M
 Percona-Server-shared-56            x86_64            5.6.15-rel63.0.519.rhel6            percona-release-x86_64            691 k
Transaction Summary
Downgrade     3 Package(s)
Is this ok [y/N]: y
Giving mysqld 5 seconds to exit nicely

We can do the same, or more complicated package operations, using the YUM transaction feature:

[root@localhost ~]# yum shell
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, security
Setting up Yum Shell
> remove Percona-Server-shared-56 Percona-Server-server-56 Percona-Server-client-56
Setting up Remove Process
> install Percona-Server-server-56-5.6.15-rel63.0.519.rhel6 Percona-Server-client-56-5.6.15-rel63.0.519.rhel6 Percona-Server-shared-56-5.6.15-rel63.0.519.rhel6
Setting up Install Process
> run
--> Running transaction check
---> Package Percona-Server-client-56.x86_64 0:5.6.15-rel63.0.519.rhel6 will be installed
---> Package Percona-Server-client-56.x86_64 0:5.6.17-rel66.0.el6 will be erased
---> Package Percona-Server-server-56.x86_64 0:5.6.15-rel63.0.519.rhel6 will be installed
---> Package Percona-Server-server-56.x86_64 0:5.6.17-rel66.0.el6 will be erased
---> Package Percona-Server-shared-56.x86_64 0:5.6.15-rel63.0.519.rhel6 will be obsoleting
---> Package Percona-Server-shared-56.x86_64 0:5.6.17-rel66.0.el6 will be erased
 Package                           Arch            Version                               Repository                        Size
 Percona-Server-client-56          x86_64          5.6.15-rel63.0.519.rhel6              percona-release-x86_64           6.5 M
 Percona-Server-server-56          x86_64          5.6.15-rel63.0.519.rhel6              percona-release-x86_64            18 M
 Percona-Server-shared-51          x86_64          5.1.73-rel14.12.624.rhel6             percona-release-x86_64           2.1 M
     replacing  mysql-libs.x86_64 5.1.73-3.el6_5
 Percona-Server-shared-56          x86_64          5.6.15-rel63.0.519.rhel6              percona-release-x86_64           691 k
     replacing  mysql-libs.x86_64 5.1.73-3.el6_5
 Percona-Server-client-56          x86_64          5.6.17-rel66.0.el6                    @percona-release-x86_64           33 M
 Percona-Server-server-56          x86_64          5.6.17-rel66.0.el6                    @percona-release-x86_64           86 M
 Percona-Server-shared-56          x86_64          5.6.17-rel66.0.el6                    @percona-release-x86_64          3.4 M
Transaction Summary
Install       4 Package(s)
Remove        3 Package(s)
Total download size: 27 M
Is this ok [y/N]: y
  Percona-Server-client-56.x86_64 0:5.6.17-rel66.0.el6           Percona-Server-server-56.x86_64 0:5.6.17-rel66.0.el6
  Percona-Server-shared-56.x86_64 0:5.6.17-rel66.0.el6
  Percona-Server-client-56.x86_64 0:5.6.15-rel63.0.519.rhel6      Percona-Server-server-56.x86_64 0:5.6.15-rel63.0.519.rhel6
  Percona-Server-shared-51.x86_64 0:5.1.73-rel14.12.624.rhel6     Percona-Server-shared-56.x86_64 0:5.6.15-rel63.0.519.rhel6
  mysql-libs.x86_64 0:5.1.73-3.el6_5
Finished Transaction
> quit
Leaving Shell
[root@localhost ~]# rpm -qa|grep Percona

The fact that we can use single command or single YUM transaction, instead of a manual rpm download and installation, is not the only advantage of this method. The other very important one is that we don’t have to worry about breaking package dependencies when we uninstall current version manually in order to install different one, as there may be many packages that depend on MySQL.

However, if anyone does “yum update” on this system, our packages will be upgraded to the latest version, which is what we probably don’t want to happen yet, and surely not without our supervision:

[root@localhost ~]# yum -q update
 Package                              Arch               Version                          Repository                          Size
 Percona-Server-client-56             x86_64             5.6.21-rel70.1.el6               percona-release-x86_64             6.4 M
 Percona-Server-server-56             x86_64             5.6.21-rel70.1.el6               percona-release-x86_64              19 M
 Percona-Server-shared-56             x86_64             5.6.21-rel70.1.el6               percona-release-x86_64             721 k
Transaction Summary
Upgrade       3 Package(s)
Is this ok [y/N]: N
Exiting on user Command

To prevent that, we should lock our packages on current version. To achieve that, we need yum-plugin-versionlock package which allows us to do this:

[root@localhost ~]# yum versionlock Percona-Server-server-56 Percona-Server-client-56 Percona-Server-shared-56
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, security, versionlock
Adding versionlock on: 0:Percona-Server-server-56-5.6.15-rel63.0.519.rhel6
Adding versionlock on: 0:Percona-Server-client-56-5.6.15-rel63.0.519.rhel6
Adding versionlock on: 0:Percona-Server-shared-56-5.6.15-rel63.0.519.rhel6
versionlock added: 3
[root@localhost ~]# yum update
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, security, versionlock
Setting up Update Process
No Packages marked for Update

Now these packages cannot be updated unless you clear the locks with

yum versionlock clear

(clear any locks) or particular locks:

[root@localhost ~]# yum -q versionlock list
[root@localhost ~]# yum versionlock delete '0:Percona-Server-client-56-5.6.15-rel63.0.519.rhel6.*'
Loaded plugins: fastestmirror, security, versionlock
Deleting versionlock for: 0:Percona-Server-client-56-5.6.15-rel63.0.519.rhel6.*
versionlock deleted: 1
[root@localhost ~]# yum -q versionlock list
[root@localhost ~]# yum -q update
 Package                              Arch               Version                          Repository                          Size
 Percona-Server-client-56             x86_64             5.6.21-rel70.1.el6               percona-release-x86_64             6.4 M
Transaction Summary
Upgrade       1 Package(s)
Is this ok [y/N]:

I think the fact that you can install particular MySQL and Percona Server versions using YUM lets you simplify software management tools recipes, like Chef, Puppet or Ansible. For example, the Chef’s yum_package resource has version attribute, and an example recipe for Percona Server 5.6.20 installation may look like this:

pkgs = ["Percona-Server-client-56","Percona-Server-shared-56","Percona-Server-server-56","Percona-Server-56-debuginfo"]
pkgs.each do |pkg|
        yum_package pkg do
        version "5.6.20-rel68.0.el6"
        allow_downgrade true

Hopefully we will see similar functionality from APT MySQL repositories eventually.

The post Using YUM to install specific MySQL/Percona Server versions appeared first on MySQL Performance Blog.


Solving RPM installation conflicts

Lately we’ve had many reports of the RPM packages for CentOS 5 (mostly) and CentOS 6 having issues when installing different combinations of our products, particularly with Percona Toolkit. Examples of bugs related to these issues are lp:1031427 and lp:1051874.

These problems arise when trying to install a package from the distribution that is linked against the version of libmysqlclient.so shipped by the distribution (libmysqlclient.so.15 for CentOS 5/libmysqlclient.so.16 for CentOS 6) and a version of Percona Server that depends on another version of libmysqlclient.so, usually more recent. Bug lp:1031427 is an example of this, and shows how the packages would conflict when trying to install libmysqlclient.so.

For example, when installing php-mysql alongside PS 5.5 in CentOS 6:

# yum -q install Percona-Server-server-55 php-mysql

Percona-Server-server-55 x86_64 5.5.29-rel29.4.401.rhel6 percona 15 M
php-mysql x86_64 5.3.3-14.el6_3 updates 79 k
Installing for dependencies:
Percona-Server-client-55 x86_64 5.5.29-rel29.4.401.rhel6 percona 7.0 M
Percona-Server-shared-51 x86_64 5.1.67-rel14.3.506.rhel6 percona 2.8 M
Percona-Server-shared-55 x86_64 5.5.29-rel29.4.401.rhel6 percona 787 k

Transaction Summary
Install 5 Package(s)

Is this ok [y/N]: y

Transaction Check Error:
file /usr/lib64/libmysqlclient.so conflicts between attempted installs of Percona-Server-shared-51-5.1.67-rel14.3.506.rhel6.x86_64 and Percona-Server-shared-55-5.5.29-rel29.4.401.rhel6.x86_64
file /usr/lib64/libmysqlclient_r.so conflicts between attempted installs of Percona-Server-shared-51-5.1.67-rel14.3.506.rhel6.x86_64 and Percona-Server-shared-55-5.5.29-rel29.4.401.rhel6.x86_64

The traditional solution for this situation was to provide a special package, Percona-Server-shared-compat (modeled after upstream’s MySQL-shared-compat) which would contain ALL versions of libmysqlclient.so.* together and wouldn’t conflict. Probably some of you are familiar with this approach.

# yum -q install Percona-Server-server-55 Percona-Server-shared-compat php-mysql

Percona-Server-server-55 x86_64 5.5.29-rel29.4.401.rhel6 percona 15 M
Percona-Server-shared-compat x86_64 5.5.29-rel29.4.401.rhel6 percona 3.4 M
php-mysql x86_64 5.3.3-14.el6_3 updates 79 k
Installing for dependencies:
Percona-Server-client-55 x86_64 5.5.29-rel29.4.401.rhel6 percona 7.0 M
Percona-Server-shared-55 x86_64 5.5.29-rel29.4.401.rhel6 percona 787 k

Transaction Summary
Install 5 Package(s)

Notice how PS-shared-compat installs along the -shared package, providing the older libmysqlclient.so.16 required by php-mysql.

However, this has proved non-intuitive and problematic, since the shared-compat package wouldn’t get selected unless explicitely installed — and many of our users would rather have it “just work” without requiring additional knowledge of what the particular workaround was, etc..

We’re now trying a solution in which our -shared packages won’t conflict anymore at libmysqlclient.so, so we are able to install them side-by-side, modelled after the mysql-libs packages provided by CentOS/Redhat. So even if the user wants to install PS 5.5 alongside packages that depend on 5.1/5.0, the -shared packages will work together. For example installing 5.5 and postfix in CentOS:

# yum -q install Percona-Server-server-55 postfix

Percona-Server-server-55 x86_64 5.5.29-rel29.4.402.rhel5 percona-testing 19 M
postfix x86_64 2:2.3.3-6.el5 base 3.8 M
Installing for dependencies:
Percona-SQL-shared-50 x86_64 5.0.92-b23.89.rhel5 percona-testing 1.8 M
Percona-Server-client-55 x86_64 5.5.29-rel29.4.402.rhel5 percona-testing 9.1 M
Percona-Server-shared-55 x86_64 5.5.29-rel29.4.402.rhel5 percona-testing 993 k


… and this will install without problems.

Additionally, this has the advantage of allowing an upgrade from 5.1 to 5.5 without uninstalling any software that depended on the old version.

# rpm -qa | grep ^Percona

In this case only Percona-Server-client-51 and Percona-Server-server-51 need be removed, allowing any package that depends on Percona-Server-shared-51 (providing libmysqlclient.so.16) to remain installed. After the server and client packages are uninstalled, you can install PS 5.5 without conflict.

The current package candidates for versions 5.0.92 (which required an update), 5.1.67-14.3 and 5.5.29-29.4 can be tested from the percona-testing repository. We encourage you to try these out and send us your feedback and/or file any bugs you find.

Installation instructions for Percona Testing repositories.

We’re aiming to include these fixes in our next releases of 5.1 and 5.5. Percona Toolkit users in particular will enjoy this update since it’ll mean no more trouble when installing it from repository!

The post Solving RPM installation conflicts appeared first on MySQL Performance Blog.

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