
The Evolution of Stateful Applications in Kubernetes

Stateful Applications in KubernetesRecently I listened to Lenny Rachitsky’s podcast, where he invited Shreyas Doshi for the second time. The session was titled “4 questions Shreyas Doshi wishes he’d asked himself sooner”. One of the questions Shreyas brought up was, “Do I actually have a good taste?”. This is an interesting question to ask for an experienced product […]


Using Loki and Promtail to Display PostgreSQL Logs From a Kubernetes Cluster in PMM

Loki and Promtail to Display PostgreSQL LogsThis is a follow-up to my colleagues Nickolay and Phong’s Store and Manage Logs of Percona Operator Pods with PMM and Grafana Loki and Agustin’s Turbocharging Percona Monitoring and Management With Loki’s Log-shipping Functionality blog posts. Here, I focus on making PostgreSQL database logs from a Kubernetes cluster deployed with the Percona Operator for PostgreSQL […]


Exploring Kubernetes CPU Resources in View of Percona XtraDB Cluster’s Flow Control

Exploring Kubernetes CPU Resources in View of Percona XtraDB Cluster’s Flow ControlEven though I used a dedicated Kubernetes cluster to host my test database, I had this belief that by not explicitly allocating (or requesting, in Kubernetes vocabulary) CPU resources to my Percona XtraDB Cluster (PXC) pods or yet making just a small request, Kubernetes could be delaying access to the free CPU cycles available on […]


Alternatives to Cloud DBaaS: What to Look For

Alternatives to Cloud DBaaSOriginally published on The New Stack. Building a flexible cloud strategy means making decisions that align with operational efficiency, cost management, and scalability. Public cloud platforms offer immense convenience but come with certain downsides. High long-term costs, vendor lock-in, and lack of flexibility are concerns for many organizations. As businesses grow, the allure of quick-starting […]


An Elephant in the Cluster: Making PostgreSQL Feel at Home on Kubernetes

Making PostgreSQL Feel at Home on KubernetesTL;DR Kubernetes was built for stateless apps, but as more stateful applications (like databases) run on it, operators include quite heavy implementations to Kubernetes workload management API (such as StatefulSets) deficits. While creating custom methods allows flexibility and faster time to market, it also leads to inconsistency and complexity. In this blog, I want to […]


Exposing PostgreSQL with NGINX Ingress Controller

Exposing PostgreSQL with NGINX Ingress ControllerI wrote a blog post in the past about a generic approach on how to expose databases in Kubernetes with Ingress controllers. Today, we will dive deeper into PostgreSQL with ingress and also review two different ways that can be taken to expose the TCP service. The goal is to expose multiple PostgreSQL clusters through […]


Percona Backup for MongoDB and Disk Snapshots in Amazon AWS – Part 2

Percona Backup for MongoDB and Disk Snapshots in Amazon AWS - Part 2Percona Backup for MongoDB (PBM) supports snapshot-based physical backups. This is made possible by the backup cursor functionality present in Percona Server for MongoDB.  In a previous post, we discussed Percona Backup for MongoDB and Disk Snapshots in Amazon AWS and showed how to implement EBS snapshot-based backups. Now, let’s see how to restore a snapshot-based backup […]


Percona Backup for MongoDB and Disk Snapshots in Amazon AWS

We recently covered the use case of Percona Backup for MongoDB and Disk Snapshots in Google Cloud Platform; now it’s time to do the same for Amazon AWS. For this demo, I have created a 2-shard MongoDB cluster (where each shard is a 3-node PSA Replica Set) deployed on EC2 instances. Each instance has an extra […]


Percona Backup for MongoDB and Disk Snapshots in Google Cloud Platform – Part 2

Percona Backup for MongoDB (PBM) supports snapshot-based physical backups. This is made possible by the backup cursor functionality present in Percona Server for MongoDB.  In a previous post, we discussed Percona Backup for MongoDB and Disk Snapshots in Google Cloud Platform (part 1) and showed how to implement snapshot-based backups. Now, let’s see how to restore a […]


Unlocking the Power of Cloud Snapshots: Backup and Restore Your MongoDB Clusters on Kubernetes

Backup and Restore Your MongoDB Clusters on KubernetesThere are various ways to backup and restore Percona Server for MongoDB clusters when you run them on Kubernetes. Percona Operator for MongoDB utilizes Percona Backup for MongoDB (PBM) to take physical and logical backups, continuously upload oplogs to object storage, and maintain the backup lifecycle.  Cloud providers and various storage solutions provide the capability […]

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