
What is the Top Cause of Application Downtime Today?

Application outages lurking monster

Application outages lurking monsterI frequently talk to our customer base about what keeps them up at night. While there is a large variance of answers, they tend to fall into one of two categories. The first is the conditioned fear of some monster lurking behind the scenes that could pounce at any time. The second, of course, is the actual monster of downtime on a critical system. Ask most tech folks and they will tell you outages seem to only happen late at night or early in the morning. And that they do keep them up.

Entire companies and product lines have been built around providing those in the IT world with some ability to sleep at night. Modern enterprises have spent millions to mitigate the risk and prevent their businesses from having a really bad day because of an outage. Cloud providers are attuned to the downtime dilemma and spend lots of time, money, and effort to build in redundancy and make “High Availability” (HA) as easy as possible. The frequency of “hardware” or server issues continues to dwindle.

Where does the downtime issue start?

In my discussions, most companies I have talked to say their number one cause of outages and customer interruptions is ultimately related to the deployment of new or upgraded code. Often I hear the operations team has little or no involvement with an application until it’s put into production. It is a bit ironic that this is also the area where companies tend to drastically under-invest. They opt instead to invest in ways to “Scale Out or Up”. Or perhaps how to survive asteroids hitting two out three of their data centers.

Failing over broken or slow code from one server to another does not fix it. Adding more servers to distribute the load can mitigate a problem, but can also escalate the cost dramatically. In most cases, the solutions they apply don’t address the primary cause of the problems.

While there are some fantastic tools out there that can help with getting better visibility into code level issues — such as New Relic, AppDynamics and others — the real problem is that these often end up being used to diagnose issues after they have appeared in production. Most companies carry out some amount of testing before releasing code, but typically it is a fraction of what they should be doing. Working for a company that specializes in open source databases, we get a lot of calls on issues that have prevented companies’ end users from using critical applications. Many of these problems are fixable before they cost a loss of revenue and reputation.

I think it’s time technology companies start to rethink our QA, Testing, and Pre-Deployment requirements. How much time, effort, and money can we save if we catch these “monsters” before they make it into production?

Not to mention how much better our operations team will sleep . . .

The post What is the Top Cause of Application Downtime Today? appeared first on Percona Database Performance Blog.


MySQL Backup tools used by Percona Remote DBA for MySQL

Percona Remote DBA for MySQLAs part of Percona Remote DBA for MySQL service we recognize that reliable backups are one of the most important things we can bring to the table. In my experience handling emergencies, the single worst thing that can happen is finding out you don’t have backups available when some sort of data loss or catastrophic event occurs.

With our Remote DBA service we can take care of backups for you, what follows are some of the internals of our implementation.

What kind of outages can happen?

  • Someone runs UPDATE or DELETE and forgets the where clause or filters weren’t quite right
  • The application had a bug causing data to be removed or overwritten
  • A table (or entire schema) was dropped accidentally
  • Your InnoDB table was corrupt and mysql shuts down
  • Your server or RAID controller crashes and all data is lost on that server
  • A disk failed, and RAID array does not recover
  • You run into a InnoDB corruption bug that propagates via replication (not common, but does happen)
  • You lose your entire SAN and all your DB servers were located there. Let’s hope your backups are somewhere else!
  • You lose a PSU or network switch in your datacenter and some or all of your servers go down in that location
  • Your entire datacenter loses power and the generators do not start, which happens more often than you might think

What tools do we use in Remote DBA?

We have these major components:
  1. Percona XtraBackup for MySQL for binary backups
  2. mydumper for logical backups
  3. mysqlbinlog 5.6
  4. Amazon S3
  5. monitoring for all the above

Philosophy on backups

  •  It is a good idea to schedule both logical and binary backups. They each have their use cases and add redundancy to your backups. If there is an issue with your backup, it’s likely not to affect the other tool.
  • Store your backups on more than one server.
  • In addition to local copies, store backups offsite. Look at the cost of S3 or S3+Glacier, it’s worth the peace of mind!
  • Test your backups, and if you have a test environment, load them there periodically. You can also spin up an EC2 instance to load your backups onto. In addition, you can binlog rollforward 24 hours of binlogs as a good test.
  • Store your binlogs off your primary server so you can perform point in time recovery.
  • Store your binlogs offsite for disaster recovery scenarios.
  • Run pt-table-checksum periodically (i.e. once a month) and make sure your servers data stays consistent. Checksumming is important, as backups are typically pulled off a slave and it’s vital that it has the same data.

How do we use these components to give our customers reliable backups?

Think about the 10 example outages listed above. Each tool has it’s strong points given the conditions.

Percona XtraBackup for MySQL for binary backups.

Strong Points:
  • It can restore an entire server very fast. Often the limiter of how fast this can be restored to another server, is how fast you can transfer data over your network. If you have 1GB network and you have 1TB of data, it could take awhile.
  • It can compress the DB on the fly
  • It can backup a server at approximately the maximum rate the server allows, given it’s IO system
  • It can typically execute a backup with little to no major impact on the server. For example in xtrabackup 2.0.5+, the time taken for “FLUSH TABLES WITH RAED LOCK” is normally under 1 second.
  • If you have a lot of non-transactional tables (i.e. myisam), use –rsync option. This will rsync a copy of all the frm files and all the MYD/MYI files. It then does a second rsync while under a global lock. This means where you may have been locked for hours where you had many non-transactional tables, now you can be locked sub-second. Even with innodb only this can greatly cut down on the lock time by syncing the frm files.
  • Enable –slave-info when backing up from a slave so you know what the position you are in the master’s bin logs
  • –compress option, compresses on the fly using qpress under the hood.
When do we typically use xtrbackup restores:
  • Setting up new slaves
  • When we lose an entire server due to hardware failure, corruption, etc
  • When the majority of data on the server was lost. e.g. there is one primary schema and that schema was dropped. Basically when restoring may take less time that trying to load a logical backup.

Restoring your data from backup is another topic. Piecing together data after accidental data loss is one of Percona’s specialties, and there are many different techniques depending on the scenario. I will go through some of these in detail in a future blog post.

Mydumper for logical backups

Strong Points:
  • Very fast for logical backups – compared to mysqldump
  • Consistent backups between myisam and innodb tables. Global read lock only held until myisam tables are dumped.
    • We are researching into how we could further improve lock times here when non-transactional tables are
  • Almost no locking, if not using myisam tables
  • Built in compression
  • Each table is dumped to a separate file. This is very important to make restoring single tables easy. You can quickly restore a single table, instead of restoring your entire backup just to find a tiny table you need. This is actually the most common type of restore needed, so it’s important to make this operation as painless as possible.
  • Compressed mydumper typically 3x-5x smaller vs compressed xtrabackup
  • Typically we upload mydumper backups to s3 vs xtrabackup given the time needed to upload/download. Though it depends on the available bandwidth and should be factored into your restore time.


  • You can’t rely on mydumper to dump schema’s. It does not handle views/triggers/procedures etc. Run with –no-schemas, instead use mysqldump for the schemas and rely on mydumper for data only.
  • You will have to compile it yourself as binary packages aren’t distributed
  • Be careful with importing a dump from a server running in a different timezone. We have a fix here.
Details on how we dump schemas:
  • loop through each DB
    • write out ALTER DATABASE DEFAULT CHARACTER SET <charset> to the schema file, putting in the current charset
    • mysqldump … -d -R –skip-triggers, out to the schema file
    • create a schema-post file that has the triggers # mysqldump … -d -t
How to restore mydumper data:
  • Load the schema file
  • Run myloader –threads=x
  • Load the schema-post file
I will get into specifics on the tips/tricks to restore data in a future blog post.
  • run with –kill-long-queries to avoid nasty problems with “FLUSH TABLES WITH READ LOCK”
  • –compress, compresses tables per file and should typically be enabled by default. The time needed to uncompress is not a limiting factor on restore time when done inline.
When do we typically use mydumper restores:
  • Restoring a single file
  • Restoring a single schema or rolling forward a single schema to a point in time
  • Restoring data while automatically replicating out to all slaves

mysqlbinlog 5.6

Last year Percona IT director Tamas Kozak had a great blog post that showed how mysqlbinlog in 5.6 could be used. With mysqlbinlog 5.6, you can now pull binary logs in real time to another server using “mysqlbinlog … –read-from-remote-server –raw –stop-never”

  • Useful to mirror the binlogs on the master to a second server.
  • Allows you to roll forward backups even after losing the master
  • Very useful for disaster recovery.
  • You can have your backups in S3 and mysqlbinlog –stop-never running on a small ec2 instance. This can allow for a very low cost disaster recovery plan to ensure you will not lose data even in the worst case scenarios.
  • Takes very little resources to run, can run about anywhere with disk space and writes out binlog files sequentially.
Tips/Tricks (how we run this):
  • Ensure it stays running, restart it if it appears to be hanging
  • Verify the file is the same on master and slave
  • Re-transfer files that are partially transferred
  • Compress the files after successful transfer

Amazon S3 for MySQL

I discuss S3 here but other cloud based storage can be used as well. S3 is just the most popular in this category and is in wide use.
  • s3cmd – we have been using the version from github,  Mostly for multi-part upload support. This prevents us from having to split files up before uploading to S3.
  • There is released alpha version of this version here
  • You can now set bucket lifecycle properties so data over X days is archived to Glacier and data over Y days is removed. This is very convenient feature and allows you to cost effectively store long term backups with little additional work
  • –add-header=x-amz-server-side-encryption:AES256 to use the server side encryption feature which helps with some types of compliance. We also have the capability to encrypt all files with gpg prior to upload via a separate script
  • use_https = True, especially if your data is not encrypted before transfer


  • Monitoring is the most important piece to tie all of these process together. We employ nsca nagios alerts for all of the backup processes.
  • freshness_threshold should be set so if your nsca hasn’t checked in within a certain period it will alert you. For example if you backup once a day a good threshold could be 36 hours.
  • For our mysqlbinlog processes, we have it sending nsca alerts every  30 seconds and have it alert when nothing has been received for 15 minutes -> 1 hour
  • If backups throw an error and are aborted, we send a critical alert immediately to be investigated
  • The number one cause of backup alerts are due to problems with “FLUSH TABLE WITH READ LOCK”. Namely when a select is blocking the flush from completing and queuing all requests behind it. Our current solution to deal with this issue is we have a guardian process that runs during a backup. It then kills any process that causes a stall of the flush. We are also researching into other ways that could improve this in the future.

Other details on Percona Remote DBA for MySQL backup systems for future posts

  • Detailed strategies for different types of restores
  • Strategies on retention dailies weeklies, long term backups
  • Decompressing Percona XtraBackup for MySQL  in parallel using all your resources available
  • Downloading from s3 in parallel
  • Parallel encryption/description
  • Hardlinking of backups. Given both our mydumper and xtrbackup are seperated by file, for files that don’t change they can be easily hardlinked to typically save 20-80% of space locally

The post MySQL Backup tools used by Percona Remote DBA for MySQL appeared first on MySQL Performance Blog.

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