
Tips for avoiding malware from a lesson learned

Tips for avoiding malware from a lesson learnedIn a recent article on the Percona blog, I recommended readers to a tool called CamStudio for making technical screen recordings. The blog post was very popular and got 300+ Facebook likes in a short time. Providentially though, a reader commented that the installer (as downloaded from the project website) installed “pretty annoying adware on [his] PC.”

As I had been using a slightly dated installer, which did not show this issue, I started looking into the reader’s claims. Besides finding that the reader was correct in his claims about the project website’s installer, I found that even the installer from sourceforge.com (a well known open source download site) had a significant amount of adware in it.

However, the worst had yet to come. Reading through the CamStudio forum on SourceForge, I found out that the CamStudio binaries had apparently been plagued by adware and possibly also viruses and malware. I am however always somewhat suspicious of such reports; consider for example that CamStudio’s competitor TechSmith sells a very similar product (originally based on the same source code I believe) at $299 US per license. Not saying it happened, but one can easily see why competing companies may try to eliminate the open source/free competition.

Still, being cautious, I ran my older original installer (which did not have the adware issues) through virustotal.com, a Google service I learned about during this ‘adventure’. “Guess what” my daughter would say. It had a malware Trojan (Trojan.Siggen6.33552) in it which had only been discovered by a anti-virus software company last April, and only one in 56 virus scanners picked it up according to https://www.virustotal.com! Once the situation was clear, I immediately removed the blog post!

Clearly this was turning out not to be my day. Reading up on this Trojan proved that it was ‘designed for installation of another malware’. Given that Trojan.Siggen6.33552 had only been discovered in April, and given that it may have been installing other malware as per the anti-virus company who discovered it, I quickly decided to reinitialize my Windows PC. Better safe then sorry.

As I mentioned to my colleague David Busby, when you have something happen like this, you become much more security conscious! Thus, I did a review of my network security and was quite amazed at what I found, especially when compared with online security reports.

For example, we have uPnP (universal plug and play) on our routers, Skype automatically installs a (quite wide) hole in the Windows Firewall (seemingly even where it is not necessary), and we allow all 3rd party cookies in all our browsers. One would think this is all fine, but it makes things more easy for attackers!

     Besides virustotal.com, David showed me https://malwr.com – another great resource for analysing potential malwares.

Did you know that with the standard Skype settings, someone can easily work out your IP address? Don’t believe it? If you’re on Windows, go to Skype > Tools > Options > Advanced > Connection and hover your mouse over the blue/white question mark after ‘Allow direct connections to your contacts only’. You’ll see that it says “When you call someone who isn’t a contact, we’ll keep your IP address hidden. This may delay your call setup time.“ And apparently on Linux this option is not even directly available (more info here).

So, for example, to make Skype more secure I did 1) untick ‘use port 80 and 443 for additional incoming connections’, 2) setup a fixed port and punched a hole in the Windows firewall just for that port, for a specific program, a specific user, and for a specific IP range (much more restricted than the wide hole that was already there), 3) Removed the “Skype rule” which seemingly was placed there by the Skype installer, 4) Disabled uPnP on my router, 5) Disabled Skype from using uPnP, 6) Ticked ‘Allow direct connections to your contacts only’. Phewy. (Note that disabling uPnP (being a convenience protocol) can lead to some issues with smartTV’s / consoles / mobile phone apps if disabled.)

     All our networking & software setup these days is mostly about convenience.

Further reviewing the Windows firewall rules, I saw many rules that could be either removed or tied down significantly. It was like doing QA on my own network (phun intended :). The same with the router settings. Also did a router firmware upgrade, and installed the latest Windows security patches. All of the sudden that previously-annoying ‘we’ll just shut down your pc to install updates, even if you had work open’ feature in Windows seemed a lot more acceptable :) (I now have a one-week timeout for automatic restarts).

For the future ahead, when I download third party utilities (open source or not), I will almost surely run them through virustotal.com – a fantastic service by Google. It’s quite quick and easy to do; download, upload, check. I also plan to once in a while review Windows firewall rules, program security settings (especially for browsers and tools like Skype etc.), and see if there are Windows updates etc.

The most surprising thing of all? Having made all these security restrictions has given me 0% less functionality thus far.

Maybe it is indeed time we wake up about security.

The post Tips for avoiding malware from a lesson learned appeared first on MySQL Performance Blog.


Percona security update: oCERT and SSL improvements

We have recently become a member of oCERT to aid in allowing responsible disclosure for Percona products and services as can be seen on their members page.

We are presently working on the verbiage for the responsible disclosure program, and we are also investigating establishing a bug bounty program. In the mean time you can refer to our security contact page which will be updated as more information becomes available.

Secondly as you have quiet possibly noticed www.percona.com now enforces SSL and requests are redirected to https://www.percona.com should a http request be made.

This is but one small part of the continuing security initiative here at Percona and one I am happy to finally announce completion of as it had been on the “list” for some time.

The current SSL configuration follows best practices such as those laid out in the Mozilla Security Server Side TLS wiki entry, and as such gains an A+ rating from Qualys’ SSLLabs.com

There are of course still improvements to be made, and we are incrementally deploying those as they are completed and pass QA which sometimes leads to unavoidable delays. I would like to thank isvsecwatch for their report (which came in near the end of the overhaul process) and their patience in the extended time it took to get it into production.

The post Percona security update: oCERT and SSL improvements appeared first on MySQL Performance Blog.


Percona Security Advisory CVE-2015-1027


  1. Summary
  2. Analysis
  3. Mitigating factors
  4. P.O.C
  5. Acknowledgments


During a code audit performed internally at Percona, we discovered a
viable information disclosure attack when coupled with a MITM attack
in which percona-toolkit and xtrabackup perl components could be
coerced into returning additional MySQL configuration information.
The vulnerability has since been closed.


2014-12-16 Initial research, proof of concept exploitation and report completion
2015-01-07 CVE reservation request to Mitre, LP 1408375
2015-01-10 CVE-2015-1027 assigned
2015-01-16 Initial fix code completion, testing against POC verified fix
2015-01-23 Internal notification of impending 2.2.13 release of Percona-toolkit
2015-01-26 2.2.13 percona toolkit released: blog post
2015-02-17 2.2.9 xtrabackup released: blog post
2015-05-06 Publication of this document


The vulnerability exists in the –version-check functionality of the
perl scripts (LP 1408375), whilst the fix implemented for CVE-2014-2029
(LP 1279502) did patch the arbitrary command execution, MySQL
configuration information may still be exfiltrated by this method.

The normal HTTP/HTTPS conversation is as follows during a –version-check

GET / HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: HTTP-Micro/0.01
Connection: close
Host: v.percona.com

HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Date: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 13:43:12 GMT
Server: Apache
Set-Cookie: PHPSESSID=bjtu6oic82g07rgr9b5906qrg1; path=/
cache-control: no-cache
Content-Length: 144
Vary: Accept-Encoding
Connection: close
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
X-Pad: avoid browser bug


User-Agent: HTTP-Micro/0.01
Content-Type: application/octet-stream
Connection: close
X-Percona-Toolkit-Tool: pt-online-schema-change
Content-Length: 287
Host: v.percona.com

1b6f35cca661d68ad4dfceeebfaf502e;MySQL;(Debian) 5.5.40-0+wheezy1
d6ca3fd0c3a3b462ff2b83436dda495e;OS;Debian GNU/Linux Kali Linux 1.0.9

HTTP/1.0 200 OK
Date: Mon, 15 Dec 2014 13:43:13 GMT
Server: Apache
Set-Cookie: PHPSESSID=nnm4bs99gef0rhepdnclpin233; path=/
cache-control: no-cache
Content-Length: 0
Vary: Accept-Encoding
Connection: close
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=UTF-8
X-Pad: avoid browser bug

The issue centers around the interpretation of the response string


This could be modified to extract additional information, for example the
ssl_key path.


The program flow for –version-check is as follows
pingback -> parse_server_response -> get_versions -> sub_for_type.
The issue is the literal lookup of MySQL variables version_comment,
version, ssl_key (version 2.2.13 hard codes these to version_comment,version).

There also exists an issue with silent HTTP “downgrade” when SSL connection fails
in versions < 2.2.13.

7077 my $protocol = 'https'; # optimistic, but...
7078 eval { require IO::Socket::SSL; };
7079 if ( $EVAL_ERROR ) {
7080 PTDEBUG && _d($EVAL_ERROR);
7081 $protocol = 'http';
7082 }

Mitigating factors

This does require an existing presence in order to perform
the MITM attack, and spoof responses from v.percona.com.

This attack is limited to disclosing MySQL configuration information only, no data ex-filtration is known via this method at this time.

Debian && Ubuntu distribution packagers disabled this code in response to CVE-2014-2029


Python stand alone

Github GIST

MSF Module

Gihub GIST


  • Frank C – Percona (percona-toolkit dev)
  • Alexey K – Percona (percona-xtrabackup dev)
  • Peter S – Percona (Opensource director)
  • David B – Percona (ISA)
  • Andrea B – oCERT

The post Percona Security Advisory CVE-2015-1027 appeared first on MySQL Performance Blog.


What stopped MySQL? Tracing back signals sent to MySQL

Have you ever had a case where you needed to find a process which sent a HUP/KILL/TERM or other signal to your database? Let me rephrase. Did you ever have to find which process messed up your night? ;) If so, you might want to read on. I’m going to tell you how you can find it.

Granted, on small and/or meticulously managed systems tracking down the culprit is probably not a big deal. You can likely identify your process simply by checking what processes have enough privileges to send mysqld a HUP/KILL/TERM signal. However, frequently we see cases where this may not work or the elimination process would be too tedious to execute.

We recently had a case where a process was frequently sending SIGHUPs to mysqld and the customer asked us to see if we could get rid of his annoyance. This blog is the direct result of a discussion I had with my colleague Francisco Bordenave, on options available to deal with his issue. I’m only going to cover a few of them in this blog but I imagine that most of you will be able to find one that will work for your case. Note that most tracing tools add some overhead to the system being investigated. The tools presented in the following are designed to be lightweight so the impact should be well within acceptable range for most environments.

DISCLAIMER: While writing this blog I discovered that David Busby has also discussed one of the tools that I’m going to cover in his article. For those who have read the article note that I’m going to cover other tools as well and I will also cover a few extra SystemTap details in this blog. For those who haven’t yet had chance to read David’s blog, you can read it here.

All right, let’s see what “low hanging tools” there are available to us to deal with our issue!


  • SystemTap: widely available on Linux but usually not enabled by default. You need to install debuginfo and devel kernel packages and systemtap itself. Similar to DTrace.
  • Perf: although not quite written for generic tracing, due to its ability to trace system calls we can use it to our advantage if we trace sys_enter_sigkill.
  • Audit: generic system auditing platform. Given its nature, we can use it to track down many things, including rogue processes sending HUP signals to our poor mysqld!
  • Code!: Given that MySQL is opensource, you could customize the signal handler to obtain extra information. See more in sigaction(2) and the SA_SIGINFO flag. I’m not sure if this should be listed as a more efficient solution but it’s an option nevertheless. I guess one could also preload/inject his own singal handler via an LD_PRELOAD trick and a custom library but that’s beyond the scope what I intend to cover. However, for certain signals (most notably, SIGSEGV) you may not need to write your own tools as the OS may already come with libs/tools that can assist you. See Ulrich Drepper’s catchsegv or /usr/lib64/libSegFault.so, for instance.
  • Debuggers: These may be efficient to use in some cases but I won’t cover them this time, either.


  • DTrace: a very decent, stable tracing platform. Included in most recent kernels by default for the mentioned platforms (FreeBSD 9.2+, FreeBSD 10+, Solaris 10+).

In this article I’m going to focus on Linux as that’s what people in the MySQL community seem to care about most nowadays. The tools that I will discuss will be SystemTap, Perf and Audit. If you feel that you would like to read about the rest, let me know and I will cover the rest of the options in a followup article.


I’m going to set up SystemTap on a recent, 64 bit CentOS 7 box. I will only cover basic install, you can find more about how to install SystemTap here.

The strength of SystemTap is definitely its flexibility, potentially the best tool for solving our problem on the Linux platform. It’s been around for some time and is generally regarded mature but I would recommend to test your “tapscripts” in dev/qa before you run them in production.

Installing SystemTap

Follow below steps to install SystemTap:

[root@centos7]~# sed -i 's/enabled=0/enabled=1/' /etc/yum.repos.d/CentOS-Debuginfo.repo
[root@centos7]~# yum repolist
base-debuginfo/x86_64                         CentOS-7 - Debuginfo                                          1,688

[root@centos7]~# yum install kernel-debuginfo kernel-debuginfo-common kernel-devel
[root@centos7]~# yum install systemtap systemtap-runtime

Tracing with SystemTap

Create a tapscript like the one below:

[root@centos7]~# cat find_sighupper.stp
# Prints information on process which sent HUP signal to mysqld
probe begin {
  printf("%-26s %-8s %-5s %-8s %-5sn", "TIME", "SOURCE", "SPID", "TARGET", "TPID");
probe nd_syscall.kill.return {
  sname = @entry(execname());
  spid = @entry(pid());
  sig = @entry(uint_arg(2));
  tpid = @entry(uint_arg(1));
  tname = pid2execname(tpid);
  time = ctime(gettimeofday_s());
  if (sig == 1 && tname == "mysqld")
    printf("%-26s %-8s %-5d %-8s %-5dn", time, sname, spid, tname, tpid);

Then run the tap script in a dedicated terminal:

[root@centos7]~# stap find_sighupper.stp
TIME                       SOURCE   SPID  TARGET   TPID

Send your HUP signal to mysqld from another terminal:

[root@centos7]~# kill -1 1984

The culprit should will show up on your first window like so:

[root@centos7]~# stap find_sighupper.stp
TIME                       SOURCE   SPID  TARGET   TPID
Thu Feb 26 21:20:44 2015   kill     6326  mysqld   1984

Note that with this solution I was able to define fairly nice constraints relatively easily. With a single probe (well, quasi, as @entry refers back to the callee) I was able to get all this information and filter out HUP signals sent to mysqld. No other filtering is necessary!


Perf is another neat tool to have. As its name implies, it was originally developed for lightweight profiling, to use the performance counters subsystem in Linux. It became fairly popular and got extended many times over these past years. Since it happens to have probes we can leverage, we are going to use it!

Installing Perf

As you can see, installing Perf is relatively simple.

# yum install perf

Start perf in a separate terminal window. I’m only going to run it for a minute but I could run it in screen for a longer period of time.

[root@centos7 ~]# perf record -a -e syscalls:sys_enter_kill sleep 60

In a separate terminal window send your test and obtain the results via “perf script”:

[root@centos7 ~]# echo $$
[root@centos7 ~]# pidof mysqld
[root@centos7 ~]# kill -1 1984
[root@centos7 ~]# perf script
# ========
# captured on: Thu Feb 26 14:25:02 2015
# hostname : centos7.local
# os release : 3.10.0-123.20.1.el7.x86_64
# perf version : 3.10.0-123.20.1.el7.x86_64.debug
# arch : x86_64
# nrcpus online : 2
# nrcpus avail : 2
# cpudesc : Intel(R) Core(TM) i7-4770HQ CPU @ 2.20GHz
# cpuid : GenuineIntel,6,70,1
# total memory : 1885464 kB
# cmdline : /usr/bin/perf record -a -e syscalls:sys_enter_kill sleep 60
# event : name = syscalls:sys_enter_kill, type = 2, config = 0x9b, config1 = 0x0, config2 = 0x0, excl_usr = 0, exc
# HEADER_CPU_TOPOLOGY info available, use -I to display
# HEADER_NUMA_TOPOLOGY info available, use -I to display
# pmu mappings: software = 1, tracepoint = 2, breakpoint = 5
# ========
            bash 11380 [000]  6689.348219: syscalls:sys_enter_kill: pid: 0x000007c0, sig: 0x00000001

As you can see in above output process “bash” with pid of 11380 signalled pid 0x07c0 (decimal: 1984) a HUP signal (0x01). Thus, we found our culprit with this method as well.


You can read more about Audit in the Red Hat Security Guide.

Installing Audit

Depending on your OS installation, it may be already installed.

If case it is not, you can install it as follows:

[root@centos7 ~]# yum install audit

When you are done installing, start your trace and track 64 bit kill system calls that send HUP signals with signal ID of 1:

[root@centos7]~# auditctl -l
No rules
[root@centos7]~# auditctl -a exit,always -F arch=b64 -S kill -F a1=1
[root@centos7]~# auditctl -l
LIST_RULES: exit,always arch=3221225534 (0xc000003e) a1=1 (0x1) syscall=kill
[root@centos7]~# auditctl -s
AUDIT_STATUS: enabled=1 flag=1 pid=7010 rate_limit=0 backlog_limit=320 lost=0 backlog=0
[root@centos7]~# pidof mysqld
[root@centos7]~# kill -1 1984
[root@centos7]~# tail -2 /var/log/audit/audit.log
type=SYSCALL msg=audit(1425007202.384:682): arch=c000003e syscall=62 success=yes exit=0 a0=7c0 a1=1 a2=a a3=7c0 items=0 ppid=11380 pid=3319 auid=1000 uid=0 gid=0 euid=0 suid=0 fsuid=0 egid=0 sgid=0 fsgid=0 tty=pts0 ses=1 comm="zsh" exe="/usr/bin/zsh" subj=unconfined_u:unconfined_r:unconfined_t:s0-s0:c0.c1023 key=(null)
type=OBJ_PID msg=audit(1425007202.384:682): opid=1984 oauid=-1 ouid=995 oses=-1 obj=system_u:system_r:mysqld_t:s0 ocomm="mysqld"

As you can see from above output, the results showed up nicely in the system audit.log. From the log it’s clear that I sent my SIGHUP to mysqld (pid 1984, “opid” field) from zsh (see the command name in the “comm” field) via the 64 bit kill syscall. Thus, mischief managed, once again!


In this blog I presented you three different tools to help you trace down sources of signals. The three tools each have their own strengths. SystemTap is abundant of features and really nicely scriptable. The additional features of auditd may make it appealing to deploy to your host. Perf is a great tool for CPU profiling and you might want to install it solely for that reason. On the other hand, your distribution might not have support compiled in its kernel or may make the setup harder for given tool. In my experience most modern distributions support the tools discussed here so the choice comes down to personal preference or convenience.

In case you were wondering, I often pick auditd because it is often already installed. SystemTap might be a bit more complicated to setup but I would likely invest some extra time into the setup if my case is more complex. I primary use perf for CPU tracing and tend to think of the other two tools before I think of perf for tracing signals.

Hope you enjoyed reading! Happy [h/t]racking!

The post What stopped MySQL? Tracing back signals sent to MySQL appeared first on MySQL Performance Blog.


How to test if CVE-2015-0204 FREAK SSL security flaw affects you

How to test if CVE-2015-0204 FREAK SSL security flaw affects youThe CVE-2015-0204 FREAK SSL vulnerability abuses intentionally weak “EXPORT” ciphers which could be used to perform a transparent Man In The Middle attack. (We seem to be continually bombarded with not only SSL vulnerabilities but the need to name vulnerabilities with increasing odd names.)

Is your server vulnerable?

This can be tested using the following GIST

If the result is 0; the server is not providing the EXPORT cipher; and as such is not vulnerable.

Is your client vulnerable?

Point your client to https://oneiroi.co.uk:4443/test if this returns “Vulnerable” then the client is vulnerable, if you find a connection error your client should not be vulnerable for example:

root@host:/tmp$ openssl version
OpenSSL 1.0.1e 11 Feb 2013
root@host:/tmp$ curl https://oneiroi.co.uk:4443/test -k

root@host:/tmp$ openssl s_client -connect oneiroi.co.uk:4443
depth=0 C = XX, L = Default City, O = Default Company Ltd
verify error:num=18:self signed certificate
verify return:1
depth=0 C = XX, L = Default City, O = Default Company Ltd
verify return:1

Certificate chain
0 s:/C=XX/L=Default City/O=Default Company Ltd
i:/C=XX/L=Default City/O=Default Company Ltd

Server certificate

[root@3654e4df1cc2 bin]# curl https://oneiroi.co.uk:4443/test -k
curl: (35) Cannot communicate securely with peer: no common encryption algorithm(s).
[root@3654e4df1cc2 bin]# openssl s_client -connect oneiroi.co.uk:4443
139942442694560:error:14077410:SSL routines:SSL23_GET_SERVER_HELLO:sslv3 alert handshake failure:s23_clnt.c:744:

In short a vulnerable client will complete the connection, and a non vulnerable client should present an SSL handshake failure error.


You can recreate this setup yourself

openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 365 -newkey rsa:2048 -keyout mycert.pem -out mycert.pem;
openssl s_server -cipher EXPORT -accept 4443 -cert mycert.pem -HTTP;

Is MySQL affected ?

Some of the code per the POODLE Blog post can be re-purposed here.

mysql -Bse "SHOW STATUS LIKE 'Ssl_cipher_list'" | sed 's/:/n/g' | grep EXP | wc -l

A result of 0 means the MySQL instance does not support any of the EXPORT ciphers, and thus should not be vulnerable to this attack.

How about other clients?

Most clients link to another library for SSL purposes; however there are examples where this is not the case; take for example golang http://golang.org/pkg/crypto/tls/ which partially implements the TLS1.2 RFC.

The following test code however shows golang does not appear to be affected.

package main

import (

func main() {
tr := &http.Transport{
TLSClientConfig: &tls.Config{},
DisableCompression: true,
client := &http.Client{Transport: tr}
resp, err := client.Get(“https://oneiroi.co.uk:4443/test”)

Get https://oneiroi.co.uk:4443/test: remote error: handshake failure


Qualys’s SSLLabs now have a test avaialble here: https://dev.ssllabs.com/ssltest/viewMyClient.html


The post How to test if CVE-2015-0204 FREAK SSL security flaw affects you appeared first on MySQL Performance Blog.


GHOST vulnerability (CVE-2015-0235) Percona response

Cloud security company Qualys announced Tuesday the issues prevalent in glibc since version 2.2 introduced in 2000-11-10 (the complete Qualys announcement may be viewed here). The vulnerability, CVE-2015-0235, has been dubbed “GHOST.”

As the announcement from Qualys indicates, it is believed that MySQL and by extension Percona Server are not affected by this issue.

Percona is in the process of conducting our own review into the issue related to the Percona Server source code – more information will be released as soon as it is available.

In the interim the current advisory is to update your glibc packages for your distributions if they are in fact vulnerable. The C code from the Qualys announcement may aid in your diagnostics, section 4 of this document or via this gist. I also wrote a very quick python script to help identify processes which may be running libc that you can access here.

Compiling the above and executing it will yield an output indicating if your glibc version is believed to be vulnerable or not vulnerable.

Distribution Resource Resource Links

    1. RedHat BZ: https://bugzilla.redhat.com/show_bug.cgi?id=CVE-2015-0235
    2. RedHat EL5 Errata: https://rhn.redhat.com/errata/RHSA-2015-0090.html
    3. RedHat EL6 / 7 Errata: https://rhn.redhat.com/errata/RHSA-2015-0092.html
    4. Ubuntu USN: http://www.ubuntu.com/usn/usn-2485-1/ (affects 10.04 12.04)
    5. Debian security tracker: https://security-tracker.debian.org/tracker/CVE-2015-0235

Distributions which use musl-libc (http://www.musl-libc.org/) are not affected by this issue.



Robert Barabas – Percona
Raghavendra Prabhu – Percona
Laurynas Biveinis – Percona

The post GHOST vulnerability (CVE-2015-0235) Percona response appeared first on MySQL Performance Blog.


File carving methods for the MySQL DBA

File carving methods for the MySQL DBAThis is a long overdue blog post from London’s 44con Cyber Security conference back in September. A lot of old memories were brought to the front as it were; the one I’m going to cover in this blog post is: file carving.

So what is file carving? despite the terminology it’s not going to be a full roast dinner; unless you have an appetite for data which as you’re here I’m assuming you have.

The TL;DR of “what is file carving” is taking a target blob of data (often a multi GB / TB file) and reducing it in to targeted pieces of data, this could be for instance grabbing all the jpeg images in a packet capture / mysqldump; or pulling that single table/schema out of a huge mysqldump with –all-databases (if you’re not using mydumper you really should it avoids issues like this!) aka “Sorting the wheat from the chaff”.

Let’s take for example at the time of writing this post I am looking to extract a single schema out of one such mysqldump –all-database file of around 2GB (2GB of course isn’t large however it’s large enough to give a practical example; the methods for larger files are of course the same). So where to start?

You’ll need the following tools installed:

  1. xxd (you can substitute xxd for od, hexer or any other hex editing / viewing tool you are comfortable with, just make sure it can handle very large files)
  2. grep

Let’s carve out the mysql schema

dbusby@kali:~$ xxd yourdumpfile.sql | grep 'mysql' -B5 | grep 'ASE' -A2 -B2
00003c0: 6e74 2044 6174 6162 6173 653a 2060 6d79 nt Database: my
00003d0: 7371 6c60 0a2d 2d0a 0a43 5245 4154 4520 sql
00003e0: 4441 5441 4241 5345 202f 2a21 3332 3331 DATABASE /*!3231
00003f0: 3220 4946 204e 4f54 2045 5849 5354 532a 2 IF NOT EXISTS*
0000400: 2f20 606d 7973 716c 6020 2f2a 2134 3031 / mysql /*!40

Wonderful so we have some hex representation of the sql dumpfile why on earth do we want the hex? we need to define our offsets. In short our offsets are the position of the start and end of the chunk we intend to carve from the file.

From the above our start offset is 00003d9 at the start of CREATE DATABASE; for those unfamiliar with hexdump outputs I recommend looking at the tool hexer a vi like tool and pressing v to enter visual selection mode select a few characters and you’ll not something as follows “visual selection:  0x000003d9 – …”.

You can of course work out the range visually from the above, 00003d0 is the start of the line, each alphanumeric pair is a single byte the byte offset notation is hexedecimal 0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,a,b,c,d,e,f.

00003d0: 7371 6c60 0a2d 2d0a 0a43 5245 4154 4520 sql.--..CREATE
00003d0 == s, 00003d1 == q, 00003d2 == l And so on, we can easily verify this using xxd
dbusby@kali:~$ xxd -s 0x3d9 yourdumpfile.sql | head -n3
00003d9: 4352 4541 5445 2044 4154 4142 4153 4520 CREATE DATABASE
00003e9: 2f2a 2133 3233 3132 2049 4620 4e4f 5420 /*!32312 IF NOT
00003f9: 4558 4953 5453 2a2f 2060 6d79 7371 6c60 EXISTS*/

right so now we need the end offset, as above we establish a search pattern as the schema data we're carving is in the midst of a larger file we can look for the start of the dump for the next schema.

dbusby@kali:~$ xxd -s 0x3d9 yourdumpfile.sql | grep '--' -A5 | grep C -A2 -B2 | less
0083b19: 2043 7572 7265 6e74 2044 6174 6162 6173 Current Databas
0083b29: 653a 2060 7065 7263 6f6e 6160 0a2d 2d0a e:

I’ve piped into less here as there were many matches to the grep patterns.

From the above we can see a potential offset of 0x83b19 however we want to “backtrack” a few bytes to before the — comment start.

dbusby@kali:~$ xxd -s 0x83b14 yourdumpfile.sql | head -n1
0083b14: 2d2d 0a2d 2d20 4375 7272 656e 7420 4461 --.-- Current Da

Excellent we have our offsets starting at 0x3d9 ending at 0x83b14 we need to now convert base16 (hexidecimal) into base10 fortunatly we can do this usinc the bc utility very easily however we will need to fully expand and make upper case our offsets.

dbusby@kali:~$ echo 'ibase=16;00003D9' | bc
dbusby@kali:~$ echo 'ibase=16;0083B14' | bc
dbusby@kali:~$ echo '539412-985' | bc
dbusby@kali:~$ dd if=yourdumpfile.sql of=mysql.sql skip=985 bs=1 count=538427
538427+0 records in
538427+0 records out
538427 bytes (538 kB) copied, 1.08998 s, 494 kB/s

Let’s discuss this a little; what we have done here is convert our start offset to a base10 count of bytes to offset by when using dd (skip=985) we then convert the end offset to its base10 byte position, and by removing the startoffset base10 value this gives us the size of the chunk we are carving.

We now put this into a dd command line, and voila! we have a mysql.sql file which contains only the mysqldump data.

I hope this post helps somewhat to demystify file carving; the above techniques can be applied to any for of file carving need and is not limited only to mysql files.

The post File carving methods for the MySQL DBA appeared first on MySQL Performance Blog.


How to close POODLE SSLv3 security flaw (CVE-2014-3566)

Padding Oracle On Downgraded Legacy Encryption

POODLE security flaw disables SSLv3 secure browsing (CVE-2014-3566)First off, the naming “convention” as of late for security issues has been terrible. The newest vulnerability (CVE­-2014-3566) is nicknamed POODLE, which at least is an acronym and as per the header above has some meaning.

The summary of this issue is that it is much the same as the earlier B.E.A.S.T (Browser Exploit Against SSL TLS), however there’s no known mitigation method in this case – other than entirely disabling SSLv3 support, in short, an attacker has a vector by which they can retrieve the plaintext form your encrypted streams.

So let’s talk mitigation, the Mozilla Security Wiki Serverside TLS has for some time made strict recommendations of ciphers and protocols; and is certainly worth your attention.


Disable SSLv2 and SSLv3 in your ssh apache configuration by setting:
SSLProtocol all -SSLv2 -SSLv3


Allow support only for TLS in Nginx with the following:
ssl_protocols TLSv1 TLSv1.1 TLSv1.2;


This is where things get far more interesting; unlike Apache and Nginx there’s no way to allow / disallow entire protocols of the SSL / TLS spec within mysql; there is however the ability to specify the cipher spec to be used in SSL communication.

As such to remove SSLv3 support from MySQL you need only ensure that none of the SSLv3 ciphers are in use wihtin your configuration.

As per information in this bug you can find a list of SSLv3 ciphers by simply
openssl ciphers -v 'DEFAULT' | awk '/SSLv3 Kx=(RSA|DH|DH(512))/ { print $1 }'

Removing the above form your ssl-cipher configuration should disable SSLv3 support; of course ensuring your MySQL service is NOT generally accessible is by far one of the most important steps you can take in securing your MySQL deployment against CVE-2014-3566.

You can read more about POODLE here.

The following script will help to identify support for any none SSLv3 ciphers; unfortunately in my limited testing I have yet to have found a supported none SSLv3 cipher.

Formatting is an issue for the script as such please see the Github gist


UPDATE 2014-10-16: openssl updates are now becoming available with patches against this issue

AMI Linux: openssl-1.0.1j-1.80.amzn1 “add patch for CVE-2014-3566 (Padding Oracle On Downgraded Legacy Encryption attack)”

RedHat: no update is yet available


The post How to close POODLE SSLv3 security flaw (CVE-2014-3566) appeared first on MySQL Performance Blog.


‘Bash Bug’ giving you Shellshock? CVE-2014-6271 update

'Bash Bug' giving you Shellshock? CVE-2014-6271 updateThe media train is in full steam today over the the CVE-2014-6271 programming flaw, better known as the “Bash Bug” or “Shellshock” – the original problem was disclosed on Wednesday via this post. Firstly this issue exploits bash environment variables in order to execute arbitrary commands; a simple check for this per the Red Hat security blog is the following:

env x='() { :;}; echo vulnerable’ bash -c “echo this is a test”

If you see an error:

bash: warning: x: ignoring function definition attempt
bash: error importing function definition for `x’

Your version of bash is not vulnerable, if you see the text “vulnerable” – however you are.

The question becomes “how much of a problem is this really?” It’s a valid question given that even with the potential to exploit this issue via AcceptEnv for ssh connections; the attack appears to be a “local user” exploit.

I’d like to point out that it has been noted that there’s the potential for this to be exploitable in CGI web applications; and it’s also worth being aware of this new metasploit module which exploits an issue in dhclient where code injection can occur via crafted hostname response to DHCP requests, in my personal opinion this is a far wider issue in dhclient itself.

Redhat also notes that the current fix for “shellshock” is incomplete as per CVE-2014-7169 

Is MySQL affected?

It does not appear to be directly affected at this time; unless you have a UDF allowing shell command execution.

MySQL documentation on environment variables as per here modified local behavior of the client only not the server. (without local modification server side).

Additional resources:

Is my application affected?

There’s no singular answer here given the diversity of applications.  For instance if you’re using PHP and putenv then you potentially have quiet a large attack surface in you application for this specific vulnerability; the best recourse here is to ensure your follow best practices – e.g. update to the latest packages, test the vulnerability, ensure you application is running as a non privileged user, ensure you application only has access to the MySQL permissions it needs; and ensure you’re running a mandatory access control e.g. SELinux / Apparmor as an additional layer of defense.

Suricata and Snort signatures for shellshock as per this volexity blog post


alert http $EXTERNAL_NET any -> $HOME_NET any (msg:”Volex – Possible CVE-2014-6271 bash Vulnerability Requested (header)”; flow:established,to_server; content:”() {“; http_header;  threshold:type limit, track by_src, count 1, seconds 120; sid:2014092401;


alert tcp $EXTERNAL_NET any -> $HOME_NET $HTTP_PORTS (msg:”Volex – Possible CVE-2014-6271 bash Vulnerability Requested (header) “; flow:established,to_server; content:”() {“; http_header;  threshold:type limit, track by_src, count 1, seconds 120; sid:2014092401;)

The post ‘Bash Bug’ giving you Shellshock? CVE-2014-6271 update appeared first on Percona Performance Blog.


Systemtap solves phantom MySQLd SIGTERM / SIGKILL issue

The Percona Managed Services team recently faced a somewhat peculiar client issue. We’d receive pages about their MySQL service being unreachable. However, studying the logs showed nothing out of the ordinary…. for the most part it appeared to be a normal shutdown and there was nothing in anyone’s command history nor a cron task to speak of that was suspicious.

This is one of those obscure and peculiar (read: unique) issues that triggered an old memory; I’d seen this behavior before and I had just the tool to catch the culprit in the act.

Systemtap made diagnostics of this issue possible and I can’t state enough how much of a powerful and often under-utilized tool set systemtap really is.

cat > signals.stp << EOF
probe signal.send {
if (sig_name == “SIGKILL” || sig_name == “SIGTERM”)
printf(“[%s] %s was sent to %s (pid:%d) by %s uid:%dn”,
ctime(gettimeofday_s()), sig_name, pid_name, sig_pid, execname(), uid())

sudo stap ./signals.stp > signals.log 2>signals.err

grep mysqld signals.log
[Wed Jun 11 19:03:23 2014] SIGKILL was sent to mysqld (pid:8707) by cfagent uid:0
[Fri Jun 13 21:37:27 2014] SIGKILL was sent to mysqld (pid:6583) by cfagent uid:0
[Sun Jun 15 05:05:34 2014] SIGKILL was sent to mysqld (pid:19818) by cfagent uid:0
[Wed Jul 9 07:03:47 2014] SIGKILL was sent to mysqld (pid:4802) by cfagent uid:0

Addendum: It had been so long since I had used this tooling that I could not remember the original source from which I derived the module above; some cursory searching to rectify this issue for this blog post found this original source by Eugene Teo of Red Hat made available under GPLv2.

From this we were able to show that cfagent was killing the mysqld process presumably via a misconfigured job; this information was returned to the client and this has continued to be run in production for two months now at the client’s request with no issues to speak of.

This is by no means the limit to what systemtap can be used to achieve; you can hook into functions though whilst you may need to install the debug packages to find what functions are available run for example:

sudo stap -L 'process("/usr/sbin/mysqld").function("*")' > /tmp/mysql_stapfunc
head /tmp/mysql_stapfunc

This is also true of the kernel using sudo stap -L 'kernel.function("*")' > /tmp/kernel_stapfunc however you must be booted into a debug kernel for this to function.

Systemtap is more than a worthy tool to have at your disposal with plenty of examples available.

Finally I invite you to join me July 23 at 10 a.m. Pacific time for my webinar, “What Every DBA Needs to Know About MySQL Security.” This detailed technical webinar provides insight into best security practices for either setting up a new MySQL environment or upgrading the security of an existing one. I hope to see you there!

The post Systemtap solves phantom MySQLd SIGTERM / SIGKILL issue appeared first on MySQL Performance Blog.

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