
GO1, an enterprise learning platform, picks up $40M from Microsoft, Salesforce and more

With a large proportion of knowledge workers doing now doing their jobs from home, the need for tools to help them feel connected to their profession can be as important as tools to, more practically, keep them connected. Today, a company that helps do precisely that is announcing a growth round of funding after seeing engagement on its platform triple in the last month., an online learning platform focused specifically on professional training courses (both those to enhance a worker’s skills as well as those needed for company compliance training), is today announcing that it has raised $40 million in funding, a Series C that it plans to use to continue expanding its business. The startup was founded in Brisbane, Australia and now has operations also based out of San Francisco — it was part of a Y Combinator cohort back in 2015 — and more specifically, it wants to continue growth in North America, and to continue expanding its partner network.

GO1 not disclosing its valuation but we are asking. It’s worth pointing out that not only has it seen engagement triple in the last month as companies turn to online learning to keep users connected to their professional lives even as they work among children and house pets, noisy neighbours, dirty laundry, sourdough starters, and the rest (and that’s before you count the harrowing health news we are hit with on a regular basis). But even beyond that, longer term GO1 has shown some strong signs that speak of its traction.

It counts the likes of the University of Oxford, Suzuki, Asahi and Thrifty among its 3,000+ customers, with more than 1.5 million users overall able to access over 170,000 courses and other resources provided by some 100 vetted content partners. Overall usage has grown five-fold over the last 12 months. (GO1 works both with in-house learning management systems or provides its own.)

“GO1’s growth over the last couple of months has been unprecedented and the use of online tools for training is now undergoing a structural shift,” said Andrew Barnes, CEO of GO1, in a statement. “It is gratifying to fill an important void right now as workers embrace online solutions. We are inspired about the future that we are building as we expand our platform with new mediums that reach millions of people every day with the content they need.”

The funding is coming from a very strong list of backers: it’s being co-led by Madrona Venture Group and SEEK — the online recruitment and course directory company that has backed a number of edtech startups, including FutureLearn and Coursera — with participation also from Microsoft’s venture arm M12; new backer Salesforce Ventures, the investing arm of the CRM giant; and another previous backer, Our Innovation Fund.

Microsoft is a strategic backer: GO1 integrated with Teams, so now users can access GO1 content directly via Microsoft’s enterprise-facing video and messaging platform.

“GO1 has been critical for business continuity as organizations navigate the remote realities of COVID-19,” said Nagraj Kashyap, Microsoft Corporate Vice President and Global Head of M12, in a statement. “The GO1 integration with Microsoft Teams offers a seamless learning experience at a time when 75 million people are using the application daily. We’re proud to invest in a solution helping keep employees learning and businesses growing through this time.”

Similarly, Salesforce is also coming in as a strategic, integrating this into its own online personal development products and initiatives.

“We are excited about partnering with GO1 as it looks to scale its online content hub globally. While the majority of corporate learning is done in person today, we believe the new digital imperative will see an acceleration in the shift to online learning tools. We believe GO1 fits well into the Trailhead ecosystem and our vision of creating the life-long learner journey,” said Rob Keith, Head of Australia, Salesforce Ventures, in a statement.

Working remotely has raised a whole new set of challenges for organizations, especially those whose employees typically have never before worked for days, weeks and months outside of the office.

Some of these have been challenges of a more basic IT nature: getting secure access to systems on the right kinds of machines and making sure people can communicate in the ways that they need to to get work done.

But others are more nuanced and long-term but actually just as important, such as making sure people remain in a healthy state of mind about work. Education is one way of getting them on the right track: professional development is not only useful for the person to do her or his job better, but it’s a way to motivate people, to focus their minds, and take a rest from their routines, but in a way that still remains relevant to work.

GO1 is absolutely not the only company pursuing this opportunity. Others include Udemy and Coursera, which have both come to enterprise after initially focusing more on traditional education plays. And LinkedIn Learning (which used to be known as Lynda, before LinkedIn acquired it and shifted the branding) was a trailblazer in this space.

For these, enterprise training sits in a different strategic place to GO1, which started out with compliance training and onboarding of employees before gravitating into a much wider set of topics that range from photography and design, through to Java, accounting, and even yoga and mindfulness training and everything in between.

It’s perhaps the directional approach, alongside its success, that have set GO1 apart from the competition and that has attracted the investment, which seems to have come ahead even of the current boost in usage.

“We met GO1 many months before COVID-19 was on the tip of everyone’s tongue and were impressed then with the growth of the platform and the ability of the team to expand their corporate training offering significantly in North America and Europe,” commented S. Somasegar, managing director, Madrona Venture Group, in a statement. “The global pandemic has only increased the need to both provide training and retraining – and also to do it remotely. GO1 is an important link in the chain of recovery.” As part of the funding Somasegar will join the GO1 board of directors.

Notably, GO1 is currently making all COVID-19 related learning resources available for free “to help teams continue to perform and feel supported during this time of disruption and change,” the company said.


Writing PostgreSQL Extensions is Fun – C Language

postgresql extensions

PostgreSQL is a powerful open source relational database management system. It extends the SQL language with additional features. A DBMS is not only defined by its performance and out of the box features, but also its ability to support bespoke/additional user-specific functionality. Some of these functionalities may be in the form of database constructs or modules, like stored procedures or functions, but their scope is generally limited to the functionality being exposed by the DBMS. For instance, how will you write a custom query-analyzing application that resides within your DBMS?

To support such options, PostgreSQL provides a pluggable architecture that allows you to install extensions. Extensions may consist of a configuration (control) file, a combination of SQL files, and dynamically loadable libraries.

This means you can write your own code as per the defined guidelines of an extension and plug it in a PostgreSQL instance without changing the actual PostgreSQL code tree. An extension by very definition extends what PostgreSQL can do, but more than that, it gives you the ability to interact with external entities. These external entities can be other database management systems like ClickHouse, Mongo or HDFs (normally these are called foreign data wrappers), or other interpreters or compilers (thus allowing us to write database functions in another language like Java, Python, Perl or TCL, etc.). Another potential use case of an extension can be for code obfuscation which allows you to protect your super secret code from prying eyes.

Build your own

To build your own extension, you don’t need a complete PostgreSQL code base. You can build and install an extension using installed PostgreSQL (it may require you to install a devel RPM or Debian package). Details about extensions can be found in PostgreSQL’s official documentation[1]. There many extensions available for different features in the contrib directory of PostgreSQL source. Other than the contrib directory, people are also writing extensions readily available on the internet but currently not part of the PostgreSQL source tree. The pg_stat_statements, PL/pgSQL, and PostGIS are examples of the best known or most widely used extensions.

Generally available PostgreSQL extensions may be classified into four main categories:

  • Add support of a new language extension (PL/pgSQL, PL/Python, and PL/Java)
  • Data type extensions where you can introduce new ((Hstore, cube, and hstore)
  • Miscellaneous extensions (contrib folder has many miscellaneous extensions)
  • Foreign Data Wrapper extension (postgres_fdw, mysqldb_fdw, clickhousedb_fdw)

There are four basic file types that are required for building an extension:

  • Makefile: Which uses PGXS PostgreSQL’s build infrastructure for extensions.
  • Control File: Carries information about the extension.
  • SQL File(s): If the extension has any SQL code, it may reside in form SQL files (optional)
  • C Code: The shared object that we want to build (optional).

Extension Makefile

To compile the C code, we need a makefile. It’s a very simple makefile with the exception of “PGXS”, which is PostgreSQL’s infrastructural makefile for creating extensions. The inclusion of “PGXS” is done by invoking pg_config binary with “–pgxs” flag. The detail of that file can be found at GitHub[2].

This is a sample makefile, which can be used to compile the C code.

MODULE_big = log
DATA = log--0.0.1.sql
OBJS = log.o
PG_CONFIG = pg_config
PGXS := $(shell $(PG_CONFIG) --pgxs)
include $(PGXS)

Extension Control File

This file must be named as [EXTENSION NAME]. control file. The control file can contain many options which can be found at official documentation [3]. But in this example, I have used some basic options.

comments: Comments about the extension.

default_version: This is the extension SQL version. The name of the SQL file contains this information in the file name.

relocatable:  Tells PostgreSQL if it is possible to move contained objects into a different schema.

module_pathname:  This information is replaced with the actual lib file path.

comment = 'PostgreSQL Utility Command Logger
'default_version = '0.0.1'
relocatable = true
module_pathname = '$libdir/log'

The contents of the file can be seen using the psql command \dx psql.

postgres=# \dx log      
List of installed extensions Name   | Version | Schema |       Description
log                                 | 0.0.1   | public | PostgreSQL Utility Command Logger

Extension SQL File

This is a mapping file, which I used to map the PostgreSQL function with the corresponding C function. Whenever you call the SQL function then the corresponding C function is called. The name of the file must be [EXTENSION NAME]–[default-version].sql. This is the same default_version as defined in the control file.

CREATE FUNCTION pg_all_queries(OUT query TEXT, pid OUT TEXT)

Extension C Code

There are three kinds of functions you can write in c code.

The first is where you call your c code function using SQL function written in SQL file of the extension.

The second type of function is callbacks. You register that callback by assigning the pointer of the function. There is no need for an SQL function here. You call this function automatically when a specific event occurs.

The third type of function is called automatically, even without registering. These functions are called on events such as extension load/unload time etc.

This is the C file containing the definition of the C code. There is no restriction for the name, or of the number of C files.

#include "postgres.h"
/* OS Includes */
/* PostgreSQL Includes */
void _PG_init(void);
void _PG_fini(void);
Datum pg_all_queries(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS);
static void process_utility(PlannedStmt *pstmt, const char *queryString,ProcessUtilityContext context,ParamListInfo params,QueryEnvironment *queryEnv,DestReceiver *dest,       char *completionTag);

You need to include postgres.h for the extension. You can include other PostgreSQL as needed. PG_MODULE_MAGIC is macro which you need to include in the C file for the extension. _PG_init and _PG_fini are functions that are called when the extension is loaded or unloaded, respectively.

Here is an example of the load and unload functions of an extension.

void _PG_init(void)
    /* ... C code here at time of extension loading ... */
    ProcessUtility_hook = process_utility;
Void _PG_fini(void)
    /* ... C code here at time of extension unloading ... */

Here is an example of a callback function that you can invoke whenever you call a utility statement e.g. any DDL statement. The “queryString” variable contains the actual query text.

static void process_utility(PlannedStmt *pstmt,
                           const char *queryString,
                           ProcessUtilityContext context,
                           ParamListInfo params,
                           QueryEnvironment *queryEnv,DestReceiver *dest,
                           char *completionTag)
    /* ... C code here ... */
    /* ... C code here ... */

Finally, here’s an example of a C function that is invoked through a user-defined SQL function. This internally calls the C function contained in our shared object.

Datum pg_all_queries(PG_FUNCTION_ARGS)
    /* ... C code here ... */
    tupstore = tuplestore_begin_heap(true, false, work_mem);
    /* ... C code here ... */     
    values[0] = CStringGetTextDatum(query);
    values[1] = CStringGetTextDatum(pid);
    /* ... C code here ... */
    return (Datum) 0;

Compile and Install

Before compilation, you need to set the PATH for PostgreSQL’s bin directory if there is no pg_config available in the system paths.

export PATH=/usr/local/pgsql/bin:$PATH

make USE_PGXS=1

make USE_PGXS=1 install


We can now use our extension through a simple SQL query. Following is the output that is coming straight out of extension written in C programming language.

postgres=# select * from pg_all_queries();          
query                      | pid
create table foo(a int);  +| 8196
create table bar(a int);  +| 8196
drop table foo;           +| 8196
(3 rows)

I hope this example can serve as a starting point for you to create more useful extensions that will not only help you and your company, but will also give you an opportunity to share and help the PostgreSQL community grow.

The complete example can be found at Github[4].





Photo from Pexels


Twitter unveils a new API platform, roadmap and vision for its developer community

 Twitter historically has had a rocky relationship with its developer community. It once encouraged third-party apps, then later restricting them; hosting developer conferences, then killing them; debuting a suite of developer tools, then selling them; and despite issuing a mea culpa, the company failed to regain the trust of many. Read More


Percona Blog Poll Results: What Programming Languages Are You Using for Backend Development?

Programming Languages

Programming LanguagesIn this blog we’ll look at the results from Percona’s blog poll on what programming languages you’re using for backend development.

Late last year we started a poll on what backend programming languages are being used by the open source community. The three components of the backend – server, application, and database – are what makes a website or application work. Below are the results of Percona’s poll on backend programming languages in use by the community:

Note: There is a poll embedded within this post, please visit the site to participate in this post’s poll.

One of the best-known and earliest web service stacks is the LAMP stack, which spelled out refers to Linux, Apache, MySQL and PHP/Perl/Python. We can see that this early model is still popular when it comes to the backend.

PHP still remains a very common choice for a backend programming language, with Python moving up the list as well. Perl seems to be fading in popularity, despite being used a lot in the MySQL world.

Java is also showing signs of strength, demonstrating the strides MySQL is making in enterprise applications. We can also see JavaScript is increasingly getting used not only as a front-end programming language, but also as back-end language with the Node.JS framework.

Finally, Go is a language to look out for. Go is an open source programming language created by Google. It first appeared in 2009, and is already more popular than Perl or Ruby according to this poll.

Thanks to the community for participating in our poll. You can take our latest poll on what database engine are you using to store time series data here. 


Percona Blog Poll: What Programming Languages are You Using for Backend Development?

Programming Languages

Programming LanguagesTake Percona’s blog poll on what programming languages you’re using for backend development.

While customers and users focus and interact with applications and websites, these are really just the tip of the iceberg for the whole end-to-end system that allows applications to run. The backend is what makes a website or application work. The backend has three parts to it: server, application, and database. A backend operation can be a web application communicating with the server to make a change in a database stored on a server. Technologies like PHP, Ruby, Python, and others are the ones backend programmers use to make this communication work smoothly, allowing the customer to purchase his or her ticket with ease.

Backend programmers might not get a lot of credit, but they are the ones that design, maintain and repair the machinery that powers a system.

Please take a few seconds and answer the following poll on backend programming languages. Which are you using? Help the community learn what languages help solve critical database issues. Please select from one to six languages as they apply to your environment.

If you’re using other languages, or have specific issues, feel free to comment below. We’ll post a follow-up blog with the results!

Note: There is a poll embedded within this post, please visit the site to participate in this post’s poll.

Well-Intentioned Destruction

A friend at work forwarded me this article from 2007 titled Well-Intentioned Destruction.  Its a great article about maintaining legacy code and debugging a serious problem with seamingly random data deletes.

Written by in: Development,PHP,Web Development | Tags: ,

The best Symfony IDE: PHPEdit

If you think about the best IDE you will probably think about eclipse with the PDT-Plugin, Netbeans or Kommodo. None of them has special support for the Symfony-Framework. As I wrote in an earlier post I’m using eclipse for my daily work. With some enhancements it is a pretty good IDE for Symfony-Development. Netbeans catched up with the last releases an there is a special Symfony-Support planned in one of the future releases.

Last week there was a new release of the Windows-PHP-IDE PHPEdit. Since Version 3.2 there is an excellent Symfony support in this IDE.  A bunch of features makes the development with Symfony a lot more productive. I couldn’t resist and took a deeper look at this software. It was the first time that I used PHPEdit an I’m surprised on how good it is.


PHPEdit has a lot of wizards for creating Symfony-Projects and different Symfony artifacts (i.e. modules, actions…). For developers who dont know all of the symfony command line tasks and all of their parameters, these wizards are a great help.

Project Wizard Command Wizards


PHPEdit installs a plugin that allows the IDE to get information about all tasks of the current project. The context menu of the project is file-sensitive. So you will get other tasks in the context menu when clicking on a application than clicking on a module or project. All Symfony tasks are available via context menu. Most of them with an upcoming wizard in which you can set the parameters by mouse clicks

Symfony Tasks

Code Completion and Editor

The Editor has everything you can think of and support for all neccessary file formats (i.e. YAML) are included. Code-Folding,Line-Numbers, Smart Idention and others are available. Plus you have a great IntelliSense support. The Editor knows even the Symfony-Framework functions of the classes. You can jump between Actions and View-Template what is solving one of the most annoying problems if you are working on a large project and have a lot of action.class.php files open.

Jump between Action and template IntelliSense


The makers of PHPEdit did a wunderful job. The symfony support is how I it should be in every IDE :-)

Beside of this Framework-Specific features there is all you need for PHP-Development. A good PHP-Editor with IntelliSense and PHP-Debugging, Project management, everything is on board and pretty good. The only drawback is that PHPEdit is not freely available. It has a commercial license starting with 89.- Euros for the basic feature edition. If you are not using windows another drawback is that PHPEdit is only available for windows.

I’m still surprised why I never used this IDE before because it has everything you need for PHP development. Maybe it was because of its commercial license. For now it is the best Symfony IDE. The Framework-Support is outstanding. Lets see how the planned Symfony-Support in Netbeans can compete with this.

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