Welcome Valkey to the Percona family! We are excited to have you join our team of MySQL, PostgreSQL, and MongoDB database experts.Hang on. What is Valkey? In short, Valkey is a fork of Redis which maintains the original open source BSD license[1]. If you’re new to Redis/Valkey, then this ‘getting started’ post is just for […]
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Backup and Restore with MyDumper on Docker
At the end of 2021, I pushed the first Docker image to hub.docker.com. This was the first official image and since then, we have been improving our testing and packaging procedures based on Docker, CircleCI, and GitHub Actions. However, when I’m coding, I’m not testing in Docker. But a couple of weeks ago, when I was reviewing an issue, I realized some interesting Docker use cases that I want to share.
Common use case
First, we are going to review how to take a simple backup with MyDumper to warm you up:
docker run --name mydumper --rm -v ${backups}:/backups mydumper/mydumper:v0.14.4-7 sh -c "rm -rf /backups/data; mydumper -h -o /backups/data -B test -v 3 -r 1000 -L /backups/mydumper.log"
You will find the backup files and the log on ${backups}. Then you can restore it using:
docker run --name mydumper --rm -v ${backups}:/backups mydumper/mydumper:v0.14.4-7 sh -c "myloader -h -d /backups/data -B test -v 3 -o -L /backups/myloader.log"
And if you want to do it faster, you can do it all at once:
docker run --name mydumper --rm -v ${backups}:/backups mydumper/mydumper:v0.14.4-7 sh -c "rm -rf /backups/data; mydumper -h -o /backups/data -B test -v 3 -r 1000 -L /backups/mydumper.log ; myloader -h -d /backups/data -B test -v 3 -o -L /backups/myloader.log"
We can remove the option to mount a volume (-v ${backups}:/backups), as the data will reside inside the container.
Advance use case
Since version 0.14.4-7, I created the Docker image with ZSTD instead of GZIP because it is faster. Other options that are always useful are –rows/-r and –chunk-filesize/-F. On the latest releases, you can run ‘100:1000:0’ for -r, which means:
- 100 as the minimal chunk size
- 1000 will be the starting point
- 0 means that there won’t be a maximum limit
And in this case, where we want small files to be sent to myloader as soon as possible, and because we don’t care about the number of files either, -F will be set to 1.
In the next use case, we are going to stream the backup through the stdout from mydumper to myloader, streaming the content without sharing the backup dir:
docker run --name mydumper --rm -v ${backups}:/backups mydumper/mydumper:v0.14.4-7 sh -c "rm -rf /backups/data; mydumper -h -o /backups/data -B test -v 3 -r 100:1000:0 -L /backups/mydumper.log -F 1 --stream -c | myloader -h -d /backups/data_tmp -B test -v 3 -o -L /backups/myloader.log --stream"
In this case, backup files will be created on /backups/data, sent through the pipeline, and stored on /backups/data_tmp until myloader imports that backup file, and then it will remove it.
To optimize this procedure, now, we can share the backup directory setting –stream to NO_STREAM_AND_NO_DELETE, which is not going to stream the content of the file but is going to stream the filename, and it will not delete it as we want the file to be shared to myloader:
docker run --name mydumper --rm -v ${backups}:/backups mydumper/mydumper:v0.14.4-7 sh -c "rm -rf /backups/data; mydumper -h -o /backups/data -B test -v 3 -r 100:1000:0 -L /backups/mydumper.log -F 1 --stream=NO_STREAM_AND_NO_DELETE -c | myloader -h -d /backups/data -B test -v 3 -o -L /backups/myloader.log --stream"
As you can see, the directory is the same. Myloader will delete the files after importing them, but if you want to keep the backup files, you should use –stream=NO_DELETE.
The performance gain will vary depending on the database size and number of tables. This can also be combined with another MyDumper feature, masquerade your backups, which allows you to build safer QA/Testing environments.
MyDumper, which already has proven that it is the fastest logical backup solution, now offers a simple and powerful way to migrate data in a dockerized environment.
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How to Install and Run PostgreSQL Using Docker
This blog was originally published in Sept 2021 and was updated in November 2023.
Following the series of blogs started by Peter Zaitsev in Installing MySQL with Docker, on deploying Docker containers running open source databases, in this article, I’ll demonstrate how to install and run PostgreSQL using Docker.
Before proceeding, it is important to remind you of Peter’s warning from his article, which applies here as well:
“The following instructions are designed to get a test instance running quickly and easily; you do not want to use these for production deployments.”
We intend to show how to bring up PostgreSQL instance(s) into Docker containers. Moreover, you will find some basic Docker management operations and some snippets containing examples, always based on the Docker Hub PostgreSQL official image.
What is a PostgreSQL Docker Container?
A PostgreSQL Docker container is a lightweight, standalone, and executable software package that includes all the necessary components to operate a PostgreSQL database server. It encompasses the PostgreSQL server software, along with an execution environment, essential system tools, libraries, and configurations. These Docker containers provide an isolated environment for the database, guaranteeing uniformity across various stages such as development, testing, and production, independent of the base infrastructure.
The Benefits of Using Docker for PostgreSQL
Docker offers a range of advantages for managing PostgreSQL, including the enhancement of development flexibility, deployment streamlining, and consistent environments across different stages of the application lifecycle. Here, we’ll look at a few of these benefits in detail, exploring how Docker’s containerization can significantly boost the efficiency, reliability, and scalability of PostgreSQL deployments.
Provides an isolated environment
Docker containers offer a high level of isolation for PostgreSQL environments, acting like self-contained units to prevent conflicts between different PostgreSQL instances or between PostgreSQL and other applications. Modifications or updates applied to a single Docker container are restricted to that specific container, safeguarding the integrity of others. This characteristic is particularly useful in complex environments where multiple versions or configurations of PostgreSQL need to coexist without interference.
Easy to use
The process of installing PostgreSQL in a Docker container is easy and fast, often accomplished with just a few commands. This is a significant advantage for developers and DBAs, as it reduces the time and effort required for setup and configuration. Additionally, Docker’s portable nature means these PostgreSQL containers can be easily replicated and deployed across different environments, further streamlining the development and deployment process.
Can Run Multiple Versions of PostgreSQL Using Docker
Docker containers enable the simultaneous running of multiple PostgreSQL versions in separate containers, which is beneficial for users who need to test or work with different database versions at the same time. For example, a developer can run legacy and latest versions of PostgreSQL in different containers on the same host, allowing for efficient testing and compatibility checks. Because Docker isolates these environments, every version runs independently, making it a dependable and flexible testing ground.
Enhanced Scalability
Docker containers provide a scalable solution for PostgreSQL, facilitating easy expansion or contraction of database resources as needed. By leveraging tools like Docker Compose, users can quickly orchestrate multiple containers, making it simpler to manage complex PostgreSQL deployments. When integrated with advanced orchestration platforms like Kubernetes, Docker enables the creation of highly available and load-balanced PostgreSQL clusters. This approach allows for seamless scaling, where additional PostgreSQL instances can be deployed effortlessly to handle the increased load and scaled down when demand subsides. Such flexibility is invaluable for maintaining high availability and reliability in varying workload conditions.
Run PostgreSQL in your production and mission-critical environments with certified and tested open source software and tools. Plus, easily deploy and orchestrate reliable PostgreSQL in Kubernetes with Percona for PostgreSQL.
Helps ensure resource efficiency
Unlike traditional virtual machines, Docker containers share the host’s operating system kernel and consume fewer resources, allowing for a higher density of containers on a single machine. This efficient utilization of resources means users can operate several PostgreSQL containers at once without a substantial impact on performance. This method allows users to maintain multiple, separate PostgreSQL environments where resource optimization is crucial.
Better data persistence
Docker containers for PostgreSQL offer robust solutions for data persistence, ensuring that database information remains secure and intact. Through the use of data volumes, Docker allows PostgreSQL data to be stored in a way that is separate from the container’s lifecycle, meaning that the data is not lost when the container is terminated or updated.
Enables rapid deployment
Docker containers are highly valuable for continuous integration/continuous deployment (CI/CD) pipelines and DevOps practices. The containerization of PostgreSQL allows for quick setup and configuration, and this rapid deployment capability is integral to CI/CD workflows, where the ability to consistently and quickly test changes in a database environment is crucial. Docker’s compatibility with various automation tools further enhances this process, allowing for seamless integration into existing DevOps practices.
Installing PostgreSQL using Docker
Starting with the installation, the following example shows how to bring up a Docker container within the latest PostgreSQL release from Docker Hub. It is required to provide the password of the Postgres user at the moment you are launching the container; otherwise, the container will not be created:
$ docker run --name dockerPostgreSQL -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=secret -d postgres:latest
Once you start the container, you can check if it successfully started with docker inspect:
$ docker inspect -f '{{.State.Running}}' dockerPostgreSQL true
If not, you can try starting it manually (you will see how to do it on the Managing the PostgreSQL Containers section).
Getting Connected to the Containerized Instance
The snippet below will show you how to connect to your PostgreSQL containerized instance.
- Directly from docker:
$ docker exec -it dockerPostgreSQL psql --user postgres postgres=# conninfo You are connected to database "postgres" as user "postgres" via socket in "/var/run/postgresql" at port "5432".
- Or from a PostgreSQL client connecting to its IP address, which you can obtain with the command docker inspect:
$ docker inspect -f '{{.NetworkSettings.IPAddress}}' dockerPostgreSQL $ psql --user postgres --port 5432 --host postgres=# conninfo You are connected to database "postgres" as user "postgres" on host "" at port "50432".
Managing the PostgreSQL Containers
The command below will show you how to list all active containers and their respective statuses:
$ docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 7f88656c4864 postgres:11 "docker-entrypoint..." 4 minutes ago Up 4 minutes>5432/tcp dockerPostgreSQL11 8aba8609dabc postgres:11.5 "docker-entrypoint..." 21 minutes ago Up 21 minutes 5432/tcp dockerPostgreSQL115 15b9e0b789dd postgres:latest "docker-entrypoint..." 32 minutes ago Up 32 minutes 5432/tcp dockerPostgreSQL
To stop one of the containers, do:
$ docker stop dockerPostgreSQL
To start a container:
$ docker start dockerPostgreSQL
Finally, to remove a container, first stop it and then:
$ docker rm dockerPostgreSQL
Customizing PostgreSQL Settings in the Container
Let’s say you want to define different parameters for the PostgreSQL server running on Docker. You can create a custom postgresql.conf configuration file to replace the default one used with Docker:
$ docker run --name dockerPostgreSQL11 -p 50433:5432 -v "$PWD/my-postgres.conf":/etc/postgresql/postgresql.conf -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=scret -d postgres:11
Another example of how to pass startup arguments is changing the directory which stores the wal files:
$ docker run --name dockerPostgreSQL11 -p 50433:5432 -v "$PWD/my-postgres.conf":/etc/postgresql/postgresql.conf -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=scret -e POSTGRES_INITDB_WALDIR=/backup/wal -d postgres:11
Running Different PostgreSQL Versions in Different Containers
You can launch multiple PostgreSQL containers, each running a different PostgreSQL version. In the example below, you will find how to start up a 10.5 PostgreSQL version:
$ docker run --name dockerPostgreSQL105 -p 50433:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=scret -d postgres:10.5 7f51187d32f339688c2f450ecfda6b7552e21a93c52f365e75d36238f5905017
Here is how you could launch a PostgreSQL 11 container:
$ docker run --name dockerPostgreSQL11 -p 50432:5432 -e POSTGRES_PASSWORD=scret -d postgres:11 7f88656c4864864953a5491705ac7ca882882df618623b1e5664eabefb662733
After that, by reissuing the status command, you will see all of the already created ones:
$ docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES e06e637ae090 postgres:10.5 "docker-entrypoint..." 4 seconds ago Up 4 seconds>5432/tcp dockerPostgreSQL105 7f88656c4864 postgres:11 "docker-entrypoint..." About an hour ago Up About an hour>5432/tcp dockerPostgreSQL11 15b9e0b789dd postgres:latest "docker-entrypoint..." 2 hours ago Up 2 hours 5432/tcp dockerPostgreSQL
You will notice that both 10.5 and 11 were created with different port mappings. Locally into the container, both are listening on 5432 but are externally mapped to different ports. Therefore, you will be able to access all of them externally.
You will find even more details on the PostgreSQL Hub Docker site.
Percona for PostgreSQL
Percona for PostgreSQL software and services make running performant, highly available PostgreSQL in production and mission-critical environments virtually plug and play. Innovate freely with no need to sift through hundreds of extensions or settle for locked-in forks.
Learn more about Percona for PostgreSQL
Can you use PostgreSQL with Docker?
Yes, you can use PostgreSQL with Docker. Docker provides a convenient and efficient way to deploy and manage PostgreSQL containers, allowing for easy setup, scalability, and isolation of database environments.
Should I run PostgreSQL in Docker?
Running PostgreSQL in Docker can be a good choice, especially for development, testing, and staging environments. It offers ease of deployment, consistency across different environments, and the ability to quickly spin up or tear down instances. However, for production environments, it’s important to consider factors like performance, data persistence, and security.
How do I connect a PostgreSQL database with Docker?
To connect to a PostgreSQL database in a Docker container, you first need to run a PostgreSQL container using Docker. After that, utilize typical PostgreSQL connection methods or libraries for the connection, specifying the IP address or hostname of the Docker container, the appropriate port number, and your database login details. Docker also allows port mapping to access the PostgreSQL server using the localhost address on your machine.
MongoDB Docker Installation: Everything You Need to Know
This blog was originally published in August of 2021 and updated in November of 2023.
Following the series of blogs written with the intention to describe basic operations matching Docker and open source databases, in this article, I will demonstrate how to proceed with installing MongoDB with Docker.
The first one, written by Peter Zaitsev, was Installing MySQL with Docker.
Before proceeding, it is important to double warn by quoting Peter’s article:
“The following instructions are designed to get a test instance running quickly and easily; you do not want to use these for production deployments”.
Also, a full description of Docker is not the objective of this article, though I assume prior knowledge of Docker, and also you that already have it installed and configured to move on.
Docker quickly deploys standalone MongoDB containers. If you are looking for fast deployments of both replica sets and shards, I suggest looking at the mlaunch tool.
Peter mentioned, in his article, how MySQL has two different “official” repositories, and with MongoDB, it’s the same: MongoDB has one repository maintained by MongoDB and another maintained by Docker. I wrote this article based on the Docker-maintained repository.
What are MongoDB Docker Containers?
Docker containers are small, executable, standalone packages that come with all the components—code, runtime, libraries, and system tools—necessary to run a piece of software. They provide a reliable and effective method for developing, deploying, and executing applications in a range of settings, from development to production.
When discussing MongoDB containers, we are talking about a Docker container holding MongoDB together with its particular version, customizations, and dependencies. Whether it is a production server, a test environment, or a developer’s workstation, this encapsulation makes it easier to deploy MongoDB instances in a variety of scenarios, making it more portable and scalable.
Installing the Latest Version of MongoDB
The following snippet is one example of how to initiate a container of the latest MongoDB version from the Docker repository.
docker run --name mongodb_dockerhub -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME=admin -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD=secret -d mongo:latest
Now, if you want to check the container status right after creating it:
docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES fdef23c0f32a mongo:latest "docker-entrypoint..." 4 seconds ago Up 4 seconds 27017/tcp mongodb_dockerhub
Connecting to MongoDB Server Docker Container
Having the container installed up and running, you will notice that no extra step or dependency installation was previously required, apart from the docker binaries. Now, it is time to access the container MongoDB shell and issue a basic command like “show dbs”.
docker exec -it mongodb_dockerhub mongo -u admin -p secret MongoDB shell version v4.2.5 connecting to: mongodb:// Implicit session: session { "id" : UUID("89c3fb4a-a8ed-4724-8363-09d65024e458") } MongoDB server version: 4.2.5 Welcome to the MongoDB shell. > show dbs admin 0.000GB config 0.000GB local 0.000GB > exit bye
It is also possible to connect to the containerized MongoDB using a host mongo shell. On the docker ps output, the container id has a field that informs its port mapping, and then it is a simple connection using that port.
In the below example, we connected to the mongodb_dockerhub36. It’s up and running locally on port 27017 but mapped to the host 27018 port:
docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 60ffc759fab9 mongo:3.6 "docker-entrypoint..." 20 seconds ago Up 19 seconds>27017/tcp mongodb_dockerhub36
Hence, the mongo shell connection string will be executed against the external IP and port 27018
mongo admin -u admin --host --port 27018 -psecret
Managing MongoDB Server in Docker Container
The following commands will demonstrate basic management operations when managing a MongoDB container.
- Starting the container and checking the Status
docker start mongodb_dockerhub docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES fdef23c0f32a mongo:latest "docker-entrypoint..." 47 minutes ago Up 2 seconds 27017/tcp mongodb_dockerhub
- Stopping the container and checking the Status
docker stop mongodb_dockerhub docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND
- Taking a look at the MongoDB log entries
docker logs mongodb_dockerhub ... about to fork child process, waiting until server is ready for connections. forked process: 25 2020-04-10T14:04:49.808+0000 I CONTROL [main] ***** SERVER RESTARTED ***** 2020-04-10T14:04:49.812+0000 I CONTROL [main] Automatically disabling TLS 1.0, to f ...
Passing Command Line Options to MongoDB Server in Docker Container
It is also possible to define the instance’s parameters when launching the MongoDB container. In the example below, I will show how to set the WiredTiger cache.
docker run --name mongodb_dockerhub -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME=admin -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD=secret -d mongo:latest --wiredTigerCacheSizeGB 1.0
Running Different MongoDB Server Versions in Docker
Another possibility is getting two MongoDB containers running in parallel but under different versions. The below snippet will describe how to build that scenario
- Launching a 4.0 container
docker run --name mongodb_dockerhub40 -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME=admin -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD=secret -d mongo:4.0
- Launching a 3.6 container
docker run --name mongodb_dockerhub36 -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME=admin -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD=secret -d mongo:3.6
- Checking the container’s status
docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES e9f480497f2d mongo:3.6 "docker-entrypoint..." 32 seconds ago Up 32 seconds 27017/tcp mongodb_dockerhub36 3a799f8a907c mongo:4.0 "docker-entrypoint..." 41 seconds ago Up 41 seconds 27017/tcp mongodb_dockerhub40
If for some reason you need both containers running simultaneously and access them externally, then use different port mappings. In the below example, both MongoDB’s containers are deployed on the local 27017 port, nevertheless, I am setting different external port maps for each one.
- MongoDB 4.0 mapping the port 27017
docker run --name mongodb_dockerhub40 -p 27017:27017 -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME=admin -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD=secret -d mongo:4.0
- MongoDB 3.6 mapping the port 27018
docker run --name mongodb_dockerhub36 -p 27018:27017 -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_USERNAME=admin -e MONGO_INITDB_ROOT_PASSWORD=secret -d mongo:3.6
- Checking both Container’s status
docker ps CONTAINER ID IMAGE COMMAND CREATED STATUS PORTS NAMES 78a79e5606ae mongo:4.0 "docker-entrypoint..." 3 seconds ago Up 2 seconds>27017/tcp mongodb_dockerhub40 60ffc759fab9 mongo:3.6 "docker-entrypoint..." 20 seconds ago Up 19 seconds>27017/tcp mongodb_dockerhub36
There are a lot of extra details on Docker’s MongoDB Hub page and you will find more options to use on your MongoDB Docker deployment. Enjoy it!
Advantages of Using Docker for MongoDB
MongoDB Docker containers offer a more efficient, consistent, and scalable way to run MongoDB instances, and they offer several advantages over typical MongoDB installations in the following ways:
Isolation and portability: Because MongoDB containers have their own file system, libraries, and network configurations, they are isolated from the host system. Because of this isolation, the MongoDB instance is guaranteed to operate consistently no matter what host system is used. In conventional setups, achieving this degree of isolation is difficult.
Uniformity throughout environments: MongoDB instances are housed in a uniform environment thanks to MongoDB containers. This consistency minimizes the “it works on my machine” issue by guaranteeing that what functions on a developer’s laptop will act similarly in a staging or production environment.
Dependency management: MongoDB containers bundle all required dependencies, removing the possibility of conflicts with the host system’s other programs or libraries. Managing and resolving dependencies in a typical MongoDB installation can be difficult and error-prone.
Scalability and resource management: MongoDB containers and other containers are very scalable. Multiple MongoDB containers can be quickly spun up to divide workloads, establish replica sets, and sharded clusters. A conventional MongoDB installation’s scaling can be more difficult.
Easy to use: Setting up MongoDB containers is a simple procedure, as you can specify the desired state of your MongoDB containers using Docker Compose or Kubernetes, and then let the orchestration tools take care of the deployment.
Troubleshooting and Common Issues for MongoDB Docker Installation
Although deploying MongoDB in a Docker container has many advantages, there are occasionally typical challenges. Here, we’ll explore some of these issues and provide troubleshooting guidance.
MongoDB container fails to start: If your MongoDB container doesn’t start, check that the Docker command you are using to launch it is correct. Verify image names, ports, and environment variables one more time and examine container logs.
Connection issues: Make sure your application is connecting to the correct hostname and port if you are experiencing issues with MongoDB connections in Docker. Verify network settings to ensure appropriate communication, as well as the accuracy of the credentials before utilizing authentication.
Data persistence: By configuring data persistence, you can prevent data loss in the case that a MongoDB container is stopped or removed. Use Docker volumes or host bind mounts to safeguard data.
Resource allocation: Optimize the performance of MongoDB containers by modifying resource distribution. Adjust Docker’s CPU and RAM limits to improve slow performance.
And if you are in need of some assistance from fellow MongoDB users, there are lots of resources and communities you can participate in:
- Look through the MongoDB community forums for advice, solutions, and group problem-solving with experienced users.
- The Docker community forum is a good place to find answers on containerization-related issues and is a vital resource for assistance with Docker-related difficulties.
- Look through the issues section of the MongoDB GitHub repository to find and discuss any MongoDB Docker image problems.
- The Percona Community Forum is where users, developers, and database professionals gather to discuss and share information about database management solutions.
Best Practices for Managing MongoDB Containers
Maintaining your database system’s scalability, security, and performance requires effective MongoDB container administration. In order to optimize your MongoDB deployment, it’s essential that you adhere to best practices in a number of vital areas.
Security considerations: Securing your MongoDB containers is a top priority. To protect your data, put authentication and access control systems in place. Strong security features are provided by MongoDB, including authentication, encryption, and role-based access control (RBAC). Set parameters to prevent unwanted access and safeguard private data, and to protect yourself against known vulnerabilities, keep your MongoDB container images and software updated with the newest security updates.
Container orchestration options: To handle MongoDB containers at scale, think about utilizing container orchestration systems like Docker Swarm or Kubernetes. These solutions provide high availability and resource optimization while making deployment, scaling, and load balancing simpler. Container orchestration is especially helpful when dealing with a large number of containers, as it automates routine tasks to maintain system integrity.
Regular maintenance and updates: To keep your MongoDB containers operating properly, make sure you regularly update the underlying container image as well as the database software because performance enhancements, security patches, and bug fixes are frequently included in updates. Monitoring your containers for indications of resource limitations or performance problems is another aspect of routine maintenance, and to make sure your MongoDB containers can effectively manage a range of workloads, set up warnings and automated scaling.
Run MongoDB Your Way Percona
Percona offers source-available, enterprise-grade software and services to run MongoDB at peak performance, on any infrastructure. No licensing fees, expensive support contracts, or vendor lock-in.
Learn more about Percona for MongoDB
Is it advisable to deploy MongoDB within a Docker container?
In some cases, it can be advisable to use a Docker container to deploy MongoDB, especially if you are running it on-premises. Docker containers are a good option for MongoDB installations because of their benefits, which include isolation, portability, and scalability. Before making a choice, it is crucial to consider the requirements and the particular use case into account.
Can I run multiple MongoDB containers on the same host using Docker?
Yes, you can use Docker to run multiple MongoDB containers on the same host. You can create numerous isolated MongoDB instances for different applications or workloads because each container runs independently.
Running Percona Monitoring and Management v2 on Windows with Docker
One way to run Percona Monitoring and Management (PMM) v2 on Windows is using the Virtual Appliance installation method. It works well but requires you to run extra software to run Virtual Appliances, such as Oracle VirtualBox, VMWare Workstation Player, etc. Or, you can use Docker.
Docker is not shipped with Windows 10, though you can get it installed for free with Docker Desktop. Modern Docker on Windows actually can either run using Hyper-V backend or using Windows Subsystem for Linux v2 (WSL2). Because WSL2-based Docker installation is more involved, I’m sticking to what is now referred to as “legacy” Hyper-V backend.
On my Windows 10 Pro (19042) system, I had to change some BIOS settings:
And install the Hyper-V component for Docker Desktop to install correctly:
With this, we’re good to go to install Percona Monitoring and Management on Windows.
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Official installing PMM with Docker instructions assumes you’re running a Linux/Unix-based system that needs to be slightly modified for Windows. First, there is no sudo on Windows, and second, “Command Prompt” does not interpret “\” the same way as shell does.
With those minor fixes though, basically, the same command to start PMM works:
docker pull percona/pmm-server:2 docker create --volume /srv --name pmm-data percona/pmm-server:2 /bin/true docker run --detach --restart always --publish 80:80 --publish 443:443 --volumes-from pmm-data --name pmm-server percona/pmm-server:2
That’s it! You should have your Percona Monitoring and Management (PMM) v2 running!
Looking at PMM Server Instance through PMM itself you may notice it does not have all resources by default, as Docker on Linux would.
Note there are only 2 CPU cores, 2GB of Memory, and some 60GB of Disk space available. This should be enough for a test but if you want to put some real load on this instance you may want to adjust those settings. It is done through the “Resources” setting in Docker Desktop:
Adjust these to suit your load needs and you’re done! Enjoy your Percona Monitoring and Management!
Slapdash raises $3.7M seed to ship a workplace apps command bar
The explosion in productivity software amid a broader remote work boom has been one of the pandemic’s clearest tech impacts. But learning to use a dozen new programs while having to decipher which data is hosted where can sometimes seem to have an adverse effect on worker productivity. It’s all time that users can take for granted, even when carrying out common tasks like navigating to the calendar to view more info to click a link to open the browser to redirect to the native app to open a Zoom call.
Slapdash is aiming to carve a new niche out for itself among workplace software tools, pushing a desire for peak performance to the forefront with a product that shaves seconds off each instance where a user needs to find data hosted in a cloud app or carry out an action. While most of the integration-heavy software suites to emerge during the remote work boom have focused on promoting visibility or re-skinning workflows across the tangled weave of SaaS apps, Slapdash founder Ivan Kanevski hopes that the company’s efforts to engineer a quicker path to information will push tech workers to integrate another tool into their workflow.
The team tells TechCrunch that they’ve raised $3.7 million in seed funding from investors that include S28 Capital, Quiet Capital, Quarry Ventures and Twenty Two Ventures. Angels participating in the round include co-founders at companies like Patreon, Docker and Zynga.

Image Credits: Slapdash
Kanevski says the team sought to emulate the success of popular apps like Superhuman, which have pushed low-latency command line interface navigation while emulating some of the sleek internal tools used at companies like Facebook, where he spent nearly six years as a software engineer.
Slapdash’s command line widget can be pulled up anywhere, once installed, with a quick keyboard shortcut. From there, users can search through a laundry list of indexable apps including Slack, Zoom, Jira and about 20 others. Beyond command line access, users can create folders of files and actions inside the full desktop app or create their own keyboard shortcuts to quickly hammer out a task. The app is available on Mac, Windows, Linux and the web.
“We’re not trying to displace the applications that you connect to Slapdash,” he says. “You won’t see us, for example, building document editing, you won’t see us building project management, just because our sort of philosophy is that we’re a neutral platform.”
The company offers a free tier for users indexing up to five apps and creating 10 commands and spaces; any more than that and you level up into a $12 per month paid plan. Things look more customized for enterprise-wide pricing. As the team hopes to make the tool essential to startups, Kanevski sees the app’s hefty utility for individual users as a clear asset in scaling up.
“If you anticipate rolling this out to larger organizations, you would want the people that are using the software to have a blast with it,” he says. “We have quite a lot of confidence that even at this sort of individual atomic level, we built something pretty joyful and helpful.”
Docker nabs $23M Series B as new developer focus takes shape
It was easy to wonder what would become of Docker after it sold its enterprise business in 2019, but it regrouped last year as a cloud native container company focused on developers, and the new approach appears to be bearing fruit. Today, the company announced a $23 million Series B investment.
Tribe Capital led the round with participation from existing investors Benchmark and Insight Partners. Docker has now raised a total of $58 million including the $35 million investment it landed the same day it announced the deal with Mirantis.
To be sure, the company had a tempestuous 2019 when they changed CEOs twice, sold the enterprise division and looked to reestablish itself with a new strategy. While the pandemic made 2020 a trying time for everyone, Docker CEO Scott Johnston says that in spite of that, the strategy has begun to take shape.
“The results we think speak volumes. Not only was the strategy strong, but the execution of that strategy was strong as well,” Johnston told me. He indicated that the company added 1.7 million new developer registrations for the free version of the product for a total of more than 7.3 million registered users on the community edition.
As with any open-source project, the goal is to popularize the community project and turn a small percentage of those users into paying customers, but Docker’s problem prior to 2019 had been finding ways to do that. While he didn’t share specific numbers, Johnston indicated that annual recurring revenue (ARR) grew 170% last year, suggesting that they are beginning to convert more successfully.
Johnston says that’s because they have found a way to turn a certain class of developer in spite of a free version being available. “Yes, there’s a lot of upstream open-source technologies, and there are users that want to hammer together their own solutions. But we are also seeing these eight to 10 person ‘two-pizza teams’ who want to focus on building applications, and so they’re willing to pay for a service,” he said.
That open-source model tends to get the attention of investors because it comes with that built-in action at the top of the sales funnel. Tribe’s Arjun Sethi, whose firm led the investment, says his company actually was a Docker customer before investing in the company and sees a lot more growth potential.
“Tribe focuses on identifying N-of-1 companies — top-decile private tech firms that are exhibiting inflection points in their growth, with the potential to scale toward outsized outcomes with long-term venture capital. Docker fits squarely into this investment thesis [ … ],” Sethi said in a statement.
Johnston says as they look ahead post-pandemic, he’s learned a lot since his team moved out of the office last year. After surveying employees, they were surprised to learn that most have been happier working at home, having more time to spend with family, while taking away a grueling commute. As a result, he sees going virtual first, even after it’s safe to reopen offices.
That said, he is planning to offer a way to get teams together for in-person gatherings and a full company get-together once a year.
“We’ll be virtual first, but then with the savings of the real estate that we’re no longer paying for, we’re going to bring people together and make sure we have that social glue,” he said.
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Aqua Security raises $135M at a $1B valuation for its cloud native security platform
Aqua Security, a Boston- and Tel Aviv-based security startup that focuses squarely on securing cloud-native services, today announced that it has raised a $135 million Series E funding round at a $1 billion valuation. The round was led by ION Crossover Partners. Existing investors M12 Ventures, Lightspeed Venture Partners, Insight Partners, TLV Partners, Greenspring Associates and Acrew Capital also participated. In total, Aqua Security has now raised $265 million since it was founded in 2015.
The company was one of the earliest to focus on securing container deployments. And while many of its competitors were acquired over the years, Aqua remains independent and is now likely on a path to an IPO. When it launched, the industry focus was still very much on Docker and Docker containers. To the detriment of Docker, that quickly shifted to Kubernetes, which is now the de facto standard. But enterprises are also now looking at serverless and other new technologies on top of this new stack.
“Enterprises that five years ago were experimenting with different types of technologies are now facing a completely different technology stack, a completely different ecosystem and a completely new set of security requirements,” Aqua CEO Dror Davidoff told me. And with these new security requirements came a plethora of startups, all focusing on specific parts of the stack.
What set Aqua apart, Dror argues, is that it managed to 1) become the best solution for container security and 2) realized that to succeed in the long run, it had to become a platform that would secure the entire cloud-native environment. About two years ago, the company made this switch from a product to a platform, as Davidoff describes it.
“There was a spree of acquisitions by CheckPoint and Palo Alto [Networks] and Trend [Micro],” Davidoff said. “They all started to acquire pieces and tried to build a more complete offering. The big advantage for Aqua was that we had everything natively built on one platform. […] Five years later, everyone is talking about cloud-native security. No one says ‘container security’ or ‘serverless security’ anymore. And Aqua is practically the broadest cloud-native security [platform].”
One interesting aspect of Aqua’s strategy is that it continues to bet on open source, too. Trivy, its open-source vulnerability scanner, is the default scanner for GitLab’s Harbor Registry and the CNCF’s Artifact Hub, for example.
“We are probably the best security open-source player there is because not only do we secure from vulnerable open source, we are also very active in the open-source community,” Davidoff said (with maybe a bit of hyperbole). “We provide tools to the community that are open source. To keep evolving, we have a whole open-source team. It’s part of the philosophy here that we want to be part of the community and it really helps us to understand it better and provide the right tools.”
In 2020, Aqua, which mostly focuses on mid-size and larger companies, doubled the number of paying customers and it now has more than half a dozen customers with an ARR of over $1 million each.
Davidoff tells me the company wasn’t actively looking for new funding. Its last funding round came together only a year ago, after all. But the team decided that it wanted to be able to double down on its current strategy and raise sooner than originally planned. ION had been interested in working with Aqua for a while, Davidoff told me, and while the company received other offers, the team decided to go ahead with ION as the lead investor (with all of Aqua’s existing investors also participating in this round).
“We want to grow from a product perspective, we want to grow from a go-to-market [perspective] and expand our geographical coverage — and we also want to be a little more acquisitive. That’s another direction we’re looking at because now we have the platform that allows us to do that. […] I feel we can take the company to great heights. That’s the plan. The market opportunity allows us to dream big.”
Mirantis acquires Lens, an IDE for Kubernetes
Mirantis, the company that recently bought Docker’s enterprise business, today announced that it has acquired Lens, a desktop application that the team describes as a Kubernetes-integrated development environment. Mirantis previously acquired the team behind the Finnish startup Kontena, the company that originally developed Lens.
Lens itself was most recently owned by Lakend Labs, though, which describes itself as “a collective of cloud native compute geeks and technologists” that is “committed to preserving and making available the open-source software and products of Kontena.” Lakend open-sourced Lens a few months ago.
“The mission of Mirantis is very simple: We want to be — for the enterprise — the fastest way to [build] modern apps at scale,” Mirantis CEO Adrian Ionel told me. “We believe that enterprises are constantly undergoing this cycle of modernizing the way they build applications from one wave to the next — and we want to provide products to the enterprise that help them make that happen.”
Right now, that means a focus on helping enterprises build cloud-native applications at scale and, almost by default, that means providing these companies with all kinds of container infrastructure services.
“But there is another piece of the story that’s always been going through our minds, which is, how do we become more developer-centric and developer-focused, because, as we’ve all seen in the past 10 years, developers have become more and more in charge off what services and infrastructure they’re actually using,” Ionel explained. And that’s where the Kontena and Lens acquisitions fit in. Managing Kubernetes clusters, after all, isn’t trivial — yet now developers are often tasked with managing and monitoring how their applications interact with their company’s infrastructure.
“Lens makes it dramatically easier for developers to work with Kubernetes, to build and deploy their applications on Kubernetes, and it’s just a huge obstacle-remover for people who are turned off by the complexity of Kubernetes to get more value,” he added.
“I’m very excited to see that we found a common vision with Adrian for how to incorporate Lens and how to make life for developers more enjoyable in this cloud-native technology landscape,” Miska Kaipiainen, the former CEO of Kontena and now Mirantis’ director of Engineering, told me.
He describes Lens as an IDE for Kubernetes. While you could obviously replicate Lens’ functionality with existing tools, Kaipiainen argues that it would take 20 different tools to do this. “One of them could be for monitoring, another could be for logs. A third one is for command-line configuration, and so forth and so forth,” he said. “What we have been trying to do with Lens is that we are bringing all these technologies [together] and provide one single, unified, easy to use interface for developers, so they can keep working on their workloads and on their clusters, without ever losing focus and the context of what they are working on.”
Among other things, Lens includes a context-aware terminal, multi-cluster management capabilities that work across clouds and support for the open-source Prometheus monitoring service.
For Mirantis, Lens is a very strategic investment and the company will continue to develop the service. Indeed, Ionel said the Lens team now basically has unlimited resources.
Looking ahead, Kaipiainen said the team is looking at adding extensions to Lens through an API within the next couple of months. “Through this extension API, we are actually able to collaborate and work more closely with other technology vendors within the cloud technology landscape so they can start plugging directly into the Lens UI and visualize the data coming from their components, so that will make it very powerful.”
Ionel also added that the company is working on adding more features for larger software teams to Lens, which is currently a single-user product. A lot of users are already using Lens in the context of very large development teams, after all.
While the core Lens tools will remain free and open source, Mirantis will likely charge for some new features that require a centralized service for managing them. What exactly that will look like remains to be seen, though.
If you want to give Lens a try, you can download the Windows, macOS and Linux binaries here.
Docker partners with AWS to improve container workflows
Docker and AWS today announced a new collaboration that introduces a deep integration between Docker’s Compose and Desktop developer tools and AWS’s Elastic Container Service (ECS) and ECS on AWS Fargate. Previously, the two companies note, the workflow to take Compose files and run them on ECS was often challenging for developers. Now, the two companies simplified this process to make switching between running containers locally and on ECS far easier.
“With a large number of containers being built using Docker, we’re very excited to work with Docker to simplify the developer’s experience of building and deploying containerized applications to AWS,” said Deepak Singh, the VP for compute services at AWS. “Now customers can easily deploy their containerized applications from their local Docker environment straight to Amazon ECS. This accelerated path to modern application development and deployment allows customers to focus more effort on the unique value of their applications, and less time on figuring out how to deploy to the cloud.”
In a bit of a surprise move, Docker last year sold off its enterprise business to Mirantis to solely focus on cloud-native developer experiences.
“In November, we separated the enterprise business, which was very much focused on operations, CXOs and a direct sales model, and we sold that business to Mirantis,” Docker CEO Scott Johnston told TechCrunch’s Ron Miller earlier this year. “At that point, we decided to focus the remaining business back on developers, which was really Docker’s purpose back in 2013 and 2014.”
Today’s move is an example of this new focus, given that the workflow issues this partnership addresses had been around for quite a while already.
It’s worth noting that Docker also recently engaged in a strategic partnership with Microsoft to integrate the Docker developer experience with Azure’s Container Instances.