
Print and ebook revenue down as Amazon slashes prices

books on a table It’s good news and bad news for the publishing industry. The good news is that print revenue was up 3.4 percent in April, primarily in trade paperbacks, with some solid grown in young adult print and religious titles. The bad news is that revenue is down 4.3 percent year-to-date with a 7 percent loss in April compared to 2015. Further, ebook sales were down 22.7% compared to last year.… Read More


Microsoft Launches New Project To Help Enterprises Improve Their DevOps Practices

Screenshot 2015-05-28 at 14.05.56 Microsoft today announced a new project that aims to help developers and IT pros in the enterprise — and even smaller development shops — improve their DevOps practices. The company today launched both a self-assessment tool that gives companies recommendations for how to improve their development practices, as well as an e-book that chronicles Microsoft’s own learnings in… Read More

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