GE is a great example of a traditional company that has recognized the need to transform into a digital organization, but by all measures 2017 has been a tough year for the industrial giant financially. The company stock price has tumbled, and last week it announced that it was laying off 12,000 employees in its power business worldwide. While you can’t attribute all of the… Read More
GE acquires to deepen its machine learning stack
GE Digital today announced that it has acquired, a machine-learning powered service that helps businesses find patterns and trends in their vast data stores. At first glance, that may seem like an odd acquisition for a company like GE. It’s important to keep in mind, though, that with Predix, GE already offers its customers a service that focuses on helping them monitor their… Read More
GE Buys Wurldtech To Beef Up Internet of Things Industrial Infrastructure Security
This morning General Electric announced it had completed a deal to buy Wurldtech, a Vancouver-based cyber-security firm that protects big industrial sites like refineries and power plants from cyber attacks. GE VP and world technology head, Bill Ruh told me that they intend to leave Wurldtech as a wholly owned subsidiary. The newly purchased company will create security solutions for GE… Read More