
How to Use Group Replication with Haproxy

Group Replication with HaproxyWhen working with group replication, MySQL router would be the obvious choice for the connection layer. It is tightly coupled with the rest of the technologies since it is part of the InnoDB cluster stack.The problem is that except for simple workloads, MySQL router’s performance is still not on par with other proxies like Haproxy […]


Online DDL With Group Replication in MySQL 8.0.27

Online DDL With Group Replication in MySQL 8.0.27

Online DDL With Group Replication in MySQL 8.0.27In April 2021, I wrote an article about Online DDL and Group Replication. At that time we were dealing with MySQL 8.0.23 and also opened a bug report which did not have the right answer to the case presented. 

Anyhow, in that article I have shown how an online DDL was de facto locking the whole cluster for a very long time even when using the consistency level set to EVENTUAL.

This article is to give justice to the work done by the MySQL/Oracle engineers to correct that annoying inconvenience. 

Before going ahead, let us remember how an Online DDL was propagated in a group replication cluster, and identify the differences with what happens now, all with the consistency level set to EVENTUAL (see).

In MySQL 8.0.23 we were having:

While in MySQL 8.0.27 we have:

As you can see from the images we have three different phases. Phase one is the same between version 8.0.23 and version 8.0.27. 

Phases two and three, instead, are quite different. In MySQL 8.0.23 after the DDL is applied on the Primary, it is propagated to the other nodes, but a metalock was also acquired and the control was NOT returned. The result was that not only the session executing the DDL was kept on hold, but also all the other sessions performing modifications. 

Only when the operation was over on all secondaries, the DDL was pushed to Binlog and disseminated for Asynchronous replication, lock raised and operation can restart.

Instead, in MySQL 8.0.27,  once the operation is over on the primary the DDL is pushed to binlog, disseminated to the secondaries and control returned. The result is that the write operations on primary have no interruption whatsoever and the DDL is distributed to secondary and Asynchronous replication at the same time. 

This is a fantastic improvement, available only with consistency level EVENTUAL, but still, fantastic.

Let’s See Some Numbers

To test the operation, I have used the same approach used in the previous tests in the article mentioned above.

Connection 1:
    ALTER TABLE windmills_test ADD INDEX idx_1 (`uuid`,`active`), ALGORITHM=INPLACE, LOCK=NONE;
    ALTER TABLE windmills_test drop INDEX idx_1, ALGORITHM=INPLACE;
Connection 2:
 while [ 1 = 1 ];do da=$(date +'%s.%3N');/opt/mysql_templates/mysql-8P/bin/mysql --defaults-file=./my.cnf -uroot -D windmills_large -e "insert into windmills_test  select null,uuid,millid,kwatts_s,date,location,active,time,strrecordtype from windmill7 limit 1;" -e "select count(*) from windmills_large.windmills_test;" > /dev/null;db=$(date +'%s.%3N'); echo "$(echo "($db - $da)"|bc)";sleep 1;done

Connection 3:
 while [ 1 = 1 ];do da=$(date +'%s.%3N');/opt/mysql_templates/mysql-8P/bin/mysql --defaults-file=./my.cnf -uroot -D windmills_large -e "insert into windmill8  select null,uuid,millid,kwatts_s,date,location,active,time,strrecordtype from windmill7 limit 1;" -e "select count(*) from windmills_large.windmills_test;" > /dev/null;db=$(date +'%s.%3N'); echo "$(echo "($db - $da)"|bc)";sleep 1;done

Connections 4-5:
     while [ 1 = 1 ];do echo "$(date +'%T.%3N')";/opt/mysql_templates/mysql-8P/bin/mysql --defaults-file=./my.cnf -uroot -D windmills_large -e "show full processlist;"|egrep -i -e "(windmills_test|windmills_large)"|grep -i -v localhost;sleep 1;done

Modifying a table with ~5 million rows:

node1-DC1 (root@localhost) [windmills_large]>select count(*) from  windmills_test;
| count(*) |
|  5002909 |

The numbers below represent the time second/milliseconds taken by the operation to complete. While I was also catching the state of the ALTER on the other node I am not reporting it here given it is not relevant. 

EVENTUAL (on the primary only)
Node 1 same table:
.186 <--- no locking during alter on the same node
.217 <--- moment of commit

Node 1 another table :
.198 <--- no locking during alter on the same node
.211  <--- moment of commit

As you can see there is just a very small delay at the moment of commit, but other impacts.

Now if we compare this with the recent tests I have done for Percona XtraDB Cluster (PXC) Non-Blocking operation (see A Look Into Percona XtraDB Cluster Non-Blocking Operation for Online Schema Upgrade) with the same number of rows and same kind of table/data:

Action Group Replication PXC (NBO)
Time on hold for insert for altering table ~ 0.217 sec ~ 120 sec
Time on hold for insert for another table ~ 0.211 sec ~ 25 sec

However, yes there is a however, PXC was maintaining consistency between the different nodes during the DDL execution, while MySQL 8.0.27 with Group Replication was postponing consistency on the secondaries, thus Primary and Secondary were not in sync until full DDL finalization on the secondaries.


MySQL 8.0.27 comes with this nice fix that significantly reduces the impact of an online DDL operation on a busy server. But we can still observe a significant misalignment of the data between the nodes when a DDL is executing. 

On the other hand, PXC with NBO is a bit more “expensive” in time, but nodes remain aligned all the time.

In the end, is what is more important for you to choose one or the other solution, consistency vs. operational impact.

Great MySQL to all.


MySQL Group Replication: Conversion of GR Member to Async Replica (and Back) In the Same Cluster

MySQL Group Replication

MySQL Group ReplicationMySQL Group Replication is a plugin that helps to implement highly available fault-tolerant replication topologies. In this blog, I am going to explain the complete steps involved in the below two topics.

  • How to convert the group replication member to an asynchronous replica
  • How to convert the asynchronous replica to a group replication member

Why Am I Converting From GR Back to Old Async?

Recently I had a requirement from one of our customers running 5 node GR clusters. Once a month they are doing the bulk read job for generating the business reports. When they are doing the job, it affects the overall cluster performance because of the flow control issues. The node which is executing the read job is overloaded and delays the certification and writes apply process. The read job queries can’t be split across the cluster.  So, they don’t want that particular node as a part of the cluster during the report generation. So, I recommended this approach. The overall job will take 3-4 hours. During that particular time, the topology will be 4 node clusters and one asynchronous replica. Once the job is completed, the async replica node will be again joined to the GR cluster. 

For testing this, I have installed and configured the group replication cluster with 5 nodes ( gr1,gr2,gr3,gr4,gr5 ). The cluster is operating with a single primary mode.

mysql> select member_host,member_state,member_role,member_version from performance_schema.replication_group_members;
| member_host | member_state | member_role | member_version |
| gr5         | ONLINE       | SECONDARY   | 8.0.22         |
| gr4         | ONLINE       | SECONDARY   | 8.0.22         |
| gr3         | ONLINE       | SECONDARY   | 8.0.22         |
| gr2         | ONLINE       | SECONDARY   | 8.0.22         |
| gr1         | ONLINE       | PRIMARY     | 8.0.22         |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Using Percona Server for MySQL 8.0.22.

mysql> select @@version, @@version_comment\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
        @@version: 8.0.22-13
@@version_comment: Percona Server (GPL), Release 13, Revision 6f7822f
1 row in set (0.01 sec)


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How to Convert the Group Replication Member to Asynchronous Replica?

To explain this topic, 

  • I am going to convert the group replication member “gr5” to an asynchronous replica.
  • The GR member “gr4” will be the source for “gr5”.

Current status:

| member_host | member_state | member_role | member_version |
| gr5         | ONLINE       | SECONDARY   | 8.0.22         |
| gr4         | ONLINE       | SECONDARY   | 8.0.22         |
| gr3         | ONLINE       | SECONDARY   | 8.0.22         |
| gr2         | ONLINE       | SECONDARY   | 8.0.22         |
| gr1         | ONLINE       | PRIMARY     | 8.0.22         |

Step 1: 

— Take out the node “gr5” from the cluster.

gr5 > stop group_replication;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (4.64 sec)

Current cluster status:

| member_host | member_state | member_role | member_version |
| gr4         | ONLINE       | SECONDARY   | 8.0.22         |
| gr3         | ONLINE       | SECONDARY   | 8.0.22         |
| gr2         | ONLINE       | SECONDARY   | 8.0.22         |
| gr1         | ONLINE       | PRIMARY     | 8.0.22         |

Current “gr5” status:

| member_host | member_state | member_role | member_version |
| gr5         | OFFLINE      |             |                |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Step 2:

Update the connection parameters to not allow communication with other Cluster nodes. 

gr5 > select @@group_replication_group_seeds, @@group_replication_ip_whitelist\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

gr5 > set global group_replication_group_seeds='';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

gr5 > set global group_replication_ip_whitelist='';
Query OK, 0 rows affected, 1 warning (0.00 sec)

gr5 > select @@group_replication_group_seeds, @@group_replication_ip_whitelist;
| @@group_replication_group_seeds | @@group_replication_ip_whitelist |
|                                 |                                  |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Step 3:

Remove the group replication channel configurations and the respective physical files. During the group replication configuration, it will create two channels and the respective files (applier/recovery files). 

gr5 > select Channel_name from mysql.slave_master_info;
| Channel_name               |
| group_replication_applier  |
| group_replication_recovery |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

[root@gr5 mysql]# ls -lrth | grep -i replication
-rw-r-----. 1 mysql mysql  225 Apr 12 19:18 gr5-relay-bin-group_replication_applier.000001
-rw-r-----. 1 mysql mysql   98 Apr 12 19:18 gr5-relay-bin-group_replication_applier.index
-rw-r-----. 1 mysql mysql  226 Apr 12 19:18 gr5-relay-bin-group_replication_recovery.000001
-rw-r-----. 1 mysql mysql  273 Apr 12 19:18 gr5-relay-bin-group_replication_recovery.000002
-rw-r-----. 1 mysql mysql  100 Apr 12 19:18 gr5-relay-bin-group_replication_recovery.index
-rw-r-----. 1 mysql mysql  660 Apr 12 19:18 gr5-relay-bin-group_replication_applier.000002

We can remove them by resetting the replica status.

gr5 > reset replica all;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec)

gr5 > select Channel_name from mysql.slave_master_info;
Empty set (0.00 sec)

[root@gr5 mysql]# ls -lrth | grep -i replication
[root@gr5 mysql]#

Step 4:

Configure asynchronous replication. To configure, we don’t need to manually update the binlog/gtid positions. Group replication will run based on the GTID. The node was already configured as a member in the same group so it should already have the GTID entries. 

gr5 > select @@gtid_executed, @@gtid_purged\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
@@gtid_executed: ae2434f6-2be4-4d15-a5dc-fd54919b79b0:1-8,
  @@gtid_purged: ae2434f6-2be4-4d15-a5dc-fd54919b79b0:1-2,
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Just need to run the CHANGE MASTER command.

gr5 > change master to master_user='gr_repl',master_password='Repl@321',master_host='gr4',master_auto_position=1;
Query OK, 0 rows affected, 2 warnings (0.05 sec)

gr5 > start replica;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec)

gr5 > pager grep -i 'Master_Host\|Slave_IO_Running\|Slave_SQL_Running\|Seconds_Behind_Master'
PAGER set to 'grep -i 'Master_Host\|Slave_IO_Running\|Slave_SQL_Running\|Seconds_Behind_Master''
gr5 > show slave status\G
                  Master_Host: gr4
             Slave_IO_Running: Yes
            Slave_SQL_Running: Yes
        Seconds_Behind_Master: 0
      Slave_SQL_Running_State: Slave has read all relay log; waiting for more updates
1 row in set, 1 warning (0.00 sec)

So, finally, the current topology is:

  • We have 4 node group replication clusters ( gr1, gr2, gr3, gr4 ).
  • The node “gr5” is configured as an async replica under the “gr4”.

How to Convert the Async Replica to Group Replication Member?

To explain this topic: 

  • I am going to break the asynchronous replication on “gr5”.
  • Then, I will join the node “gr5” to the group replication cluster.

Step 1:

Break replication on “gr5” and reset the replica.

gr5 > stop replica;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

gr5 > reset replica all;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

gr5 > show replica status\G
Empty set (0.00 sec)

Step 2:

Configure the connection parameters to join to the cluster. 

gr5 > select @@group_replication_group_seeds, @@group_replication_ip_whitelist;
| @@group_replication_group_seeds | @@group_replication_ip_whitelist |
|                                 |                                  |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

gr5 > set global group_replication_group_seeds=',,,,';
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

gr5 > set global group_replication_ip_whitelist=',,,,';
Query OK, 0 rows affected, 1 warning (0.00 sec)

gr5 > select @@group_replication_group_seeds, @@group_replication_ip_whitelist\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Step 3:

Configure the channel for “group_replication_recovery”. 

gr5 > change master to master_user='gr_repl',master_password='Repl@321' for channel 'group_replication_recovery';
Query OK, 0 rows affected, 2 warnings (0.02 sec)

Note: No need to configure the GTID parameters before starting the group replication service, because the node was already configured as an async replica in the same group. So, when starting the group replication service, it will automatically start with the last GTID position executed by async replication and start to sync the rest of the data.

Step 4:

Start the group replication service

gr5 > start group_replication;
Query OK, 0 rows affected, 1 warning (3.02 sec)

Final status:

mysql> select member_host,member_state,member_role,member_version from performance_schema.replication_group_members;
| member_host | member_state | member_role | member_version |
| gr5         | ONLINE       | SECONDARY   | 8.0.22         |
| gr4         | ONLINE       | SECONDARY   | 8.0.22         |
| gr3         | ONLINE       | SECONDARY   | 8.0.22         |
| gr2         | ONLINE       | SECONDARY   | 8.0.22         |
| gr1         | ONLINE       | PRIMARY     | 8.0.22         |
5 rows in set (0.00 sec)

I hope this blog post will be helpful to someone, who is learning or working with MySQL Group replication.



How to Quickly Add a Node to an InnoDB Cluster or Group Replication

Quickly Add a Node in InnoDB Cluster or Group Replication

Quickly Add a Node to an InnoDB Cluster or Group Replication

Quickly Add a Node to an InnoDB Cluster or Group Replication (Shutterstock)

In this blog, we’ll look at how to quickly add a node to an InnoDB Cluster or Group Replication using Percona XtraBackup.

Adding nodes to a Group Replication cluster can be easy (documented here), but it only works if the existing nodes have retained all the binary logs since the creation of the cluster. Obviously, this is possible if you create a new cluster from scratch. The nodes rotate old logs after some time, however. Technically, if the


 set is non-empty, it means you will need another method to add a new node to a cluster. You also need a different method if data becomes inconsistent across cluster nodes for any reason. For example, you might hit something similar to this bug, or fall prey to human error.

Hot Backup to the Rescue

The quick and simple method I’ll present here requires the Percona XtraBackup tool to be installed, as well as some additional small tools for convenience. I tested my example on Centos 7, but it works similarly on other Linux distributions. First of all, you will need the Percona repository installed:

# yum install http://www.percona.com/downloads/percona-release/redhat/0.1-6/percona-release-0.1-6.noarch.rpm -y -q

Then, install Percona XtraBackup and the additional tools. You might need to enable the EPEL repo for the additional tools and the experimental Percona repo for XtraBackup 8.0 that works with MySQL 8.0. (Note: XtraBackup 8.0 is still not GA when writing this article, and we do NOT recommend or advise that you install XtraBackup 8.0 into a production environment until it is GA). For MySQL 5.7, Xtrabackup 2.4 from the regular repo is what you are looking for:

# grep -A3 percona-experimental-\$basearch /etc/yum.repos.d/percona-release.repo
name = Percona-Experimental YUM repository - $basearch
baseurl = http://repo.percona.com/experimental/$releasever/RPMS/$basearch
enabled = 1

# yum install pv pigz nmap-ncat percona-xtrabackup-80 -q
 Package                             Arch                 Version                             Repository                                 Size
 nmap-ncat                           x86_64               2:6.40-13.el7                       base                                      205 k
 percona-xtrabackup-80               x86_64               8.0.1-2.alpha2.el7                  percona-experimental-x86_64                13 M
 pigz                                x86_64               2.3.4-1.el7                         epel                                       81 k
 pv                                  x86_64               1.4.6-1.el7                         epel                                       47 k
Installing for dependencies:
 perl-DBD-MySQL                      x86_64               4.023-6.el7                         base                                      140 k
Transaction Summary
Install  4 Packages (+1 Dependent package)
Is this ok [y/d/N]: y

You need to do it on both the source and destination nodes. Now, my existing cluster node (I will call it a donor) – gr01 looks like this:

gr01 > select * from performance_schema.replication_group_members\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
  CHANNEL_NAME: group_replication_applier
     MEMBER_ID: 76df8268-c95e-11e8-b55d-525400cae48b
   MEMBER_HOST: gr01
   MEMBER_PORT: 3306
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
gr01 > show global variables like 'gtid%';
| Variable_name                    | Value                                         |
| gtid_executed                    | aaaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaa:1-302662 |
| gtid_executed_compression_period | 1000                                          |
| gtid_mode                        | ON                                            |
| gtid_owned                       |                                               |
| gtid_purged                      | aaaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaa:1-295538 |
5 rows in set (0.01 sec)

The new node candidate (I will call it a joiner) – gr02, has no data but the same MySQL version installed. It also has the required settings in place, like the existing node address in group_replication_group_seeds, etc. The next step is to stop the MySQL service on the joiner (if already running), and wipe out it’s datadir:

[root@gr02 ~]# rm -fr /var/lib/mysql/*

and start the “listener” process, that waits to receive the data snapshot (remember to open the TCP port if you have a firewall):

[root@gr02 ~]# nc -l -p 4444 |pv| unpigz -c | xbstream -x -C /var/lib/mysql

Then, start the backup job on the donor:

[root@gr01 ~]# xtrabackup --user=root --password=*** --backup --parallel=4 --stream=xbstream --target-dir=./ 2> backup.log |pv|pigz -c --fast| nc -w 2 4444
240MiB 0:00:02 [81.4MiB/s] [ <=>

On the joiner side, we will see:

[root@gr02 ~]# nc -l -p 4444 |pv| unpigz -c | xbstream -x -C /var/lib/mysql
21.2MiB 0:03:30 [ 103kiB/s] [ <=> ]
[root@gr02 ~]# du -hs /var/lib/mysql
241M /var/lib/mysql

BTW, if you noticed the difference in transfer rate between the two, please note that on the donor side I put


 before the compressor while in the joiner before decompressor. This way, I can monitor the compression ratio at the same time!

The next step will be to prepare the backup on joiner:

[root@gr02 ~]# xtrabackup --use-memory=1G --prepare --target-dir=/var/lib/mysql 2>prepare.log
[root@gr02 ~]# tail -1 prepare.log
181019 19:18:56 completed OK!

and fix the files ownership:

[root@gr02 ~]# chown -R mysql:mysql /var/lib/mysql

Now we should verify the GTID position information and restart the joiner (I have the


 in my.cnf):

[root@gr02 ~]# cat /var/lib/mysql/xtrabackup_binlog_info
binlog.000023 893 aaaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaa:1-302662
[root@gr02 ~]# systemctl restart mysqld

Now, let’s check if the position reported by the node is consistent with the above:

gr02 > select @@GLOBAL.gtid_executed;
| @@GLOBAL.gtid_executed                        |
| aaaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaa:1-302660 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

No, it is not. We have to correct it:

gr02 > reset master; set global gtid_purged="aaaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaa:1-302662";
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.05 sec)
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)

Finally, start the replication:

Query OK, 0 rows affected (3.91 sec)

Let’s check the cluster status again:

gr01 > select * from performance_schema.replication_group_members\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
CHANNEL_NAME: group_replication_applier
MEMBER_ID: 76df8268-c95e-11e8-b55d-525400cae48b
*************************** 2. row ***************************
CHANNEL_NAME: group_replication_applier
MEMBER_ID: a60a4124-d3d4-11e8-8ef2-525400cae48b
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
gr01 > select * from performance_schema.replication_group_member_stats\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
                              CHANNEL_NAME: group_replication_applier
                                   VIEW_ID: 15399708149765074:4
                                 MEMBER_ID: 76df8268-c95e-11e8-b55d-525400cae48b
                  COUNT_CONFLICTS_DETECTED: 0
        TRANSACTIONS_COMMITTED_ALL_MEMBERS: aaaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaa:1-302666
            LAST_CONFLICT_FREE_TRANSACTION: aaaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaa:302665
*************************** 2. row ***************************
                              CHANNEL_NAME: group_replication_applier
                                   VIEW_ID: 15399708149765074:4
                                 MEMBER_ID: a60a4124-d3d4-11e8-8ef2-525400cae48b
                  COUNT_CONFLICTS_DETECTED: 0
        TRANSACTIONS_COMMITTED_ALL_MEMBERS: aaaaaaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaa-aaaaaaaaaaaa:1-302666
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

OK, our cluster is consistent! The new node joined successfully as secondary. We can proceed to add more nodes!


InnoDB Cluster in a nutshell – Part 1

innodb cluster in a nutshell part 1

Since MySQL 5.7 we have a new player in the field, MySQL InnoDB Cluster. This is an Oracle High Availability solution that can be easily installed over MySQL to get High Availability with multi-master capabilities and automatic failover.

This solution consists in 3 components: InnoDB Group Replication, MySQL Router and MySQL Shell, you can see how these components interact in this graphic:

Graphic describing InnoDB Group Replication, MySQL Router and MySQL Shell

In this three blog post series, we will cover each of this components to get a sense of what this tool provides and how it can help with architecture decisions.

Group Replication

This is the actual High Availability solution, and a while ago I wrote a short review of it when it still was in its labs stage. It has improved a lot since then.

This solution is based on a plugin that has to be installed (not installed by default) and works on the top of built-in replication. So it relies on binary logs and relay logs to apply writes to members of the cluster.

The main concept about this new type of replication is that all members of a cluster (i.e. each node) are considered equals. This means there is no master-slave (where slaves follow master) but members that apply transactions based on a consensus algorithm. This algorithm forces all members of a cluster to commit or reject a given transaction following decisions made by each individual member.

In practical terms, this means each member of the cluster has to decide if a transaction can be committed (i.e. no conflicts) or should be rolled back but all other members follow this decision. In other words, the transaction is either committed or rolled back according to the majority of members in a consistent state.

To achieve this, there is a service that exposes a view of cluster status indicating what members form the cluster and the current status of each of them. Additionally Group Replication requires GTID and Row Based Replication (or


 ) to distribute each writeset with row changes between members. This is done via binary logs and relay logs but before each transaction is pushed to binary/relay logs it has to be acknowledged by a majority of members of the clusters, in other words through consensus. This process is synchronous, unlike legacy replication. After a transaction is replicated we have a certification process to commit the transaction, and thus making it durable.

Here appears a new concept, the certification process, which is the process that confirms if a writeset can be applied/committed (i.e. a row change can be done without conflicts) after replication of the transaction is complete.

Basically this process consists of inspecting writesets to check if there are conflicts (i.e. same row updated by concurrent transactions). Based on an order set in the writeset, the conflict is resolved by ‘first-commiter wins’ while the second is rolled back in the originator. Finally, the transaction is pushed to binary/relay logs and committed.

Solution features

Some other features provided by this solution are:

  • Single-primary or multi-primary modes meaning that the cluster can operate with a single writer and multiple readers (recommended and default setup); or with multiple writers where all nodes are capable to accept write transactions. The latter is at the cost of a performance penalty due to conflict resolution.
  • Automatic failure detection, where an internal mechanism is able to detect a failed node (i.e. a crash, network problems, etc) and decide to exclude it from the cluster automatically. Also if a member can’t communicate with the cluster and gets isolated, it can’t accept transactions. This ensures that cluster data is not impacted by this situation.
  • Fault tolerance. This is the strategy that the cluster uses to support failing members. As described above, this is based on a majority. A cluster needs at least three members to support one node failure because the other two members will keep the majority. The bigger the number of nodes, the bigger the number of failing nodes the cluster supports. The maximum number of members (nodes) in a cluster is currently limited to 7. If it has seven members, then the majority is kept by four or more active members. In other words, a cluster of seven would support up to three failing nodes.

We will not cover installation and configuration aspects now. This will probably come with a new series of blogs where we can cover not only deployment but also use cases and so on.

In the next post we will talk about the next cluster component: MySQL Router, so stay tuned.

The post InnoDB Cluster in a nutshell – Part 1 appeared first on Percona Database Performance Blog.


Percona Live Europe: Tutorials Day

Percona Live Tutorials

Percona Live Europe TutorialsWelcome to the first day of the Percona Live Open Source Database Conference Europe 2017: Tutorials day! Technically the first day of the conference, this day focused on provided hands-on tutorials for people interested in learning directly how to use open source tools and technologies.

Today attendees went to training sessions taught by open source database experts and got first-hand experience configuring, working with, and experimenting with various open source technologies and software.

The first full day (which includes opening keynote speakers and breakout sessions) starts Tuesday 9/26 at 9:15 am.

Some of the tutorial topics covered today were:

Percona Live Europe TutorialsMonitoring MySQL Performance with Percona Monitoring and Management (PMM)

Michael Coburn, Percona

This was a hands-on tutorial covering how to set up monitoring for MySQL database servers using the Percona Monitoring and Management (PMM) platform. PMM is an open-source collection of tools for managing and monitoring MySQL and MongoDB performance. It provides thorough time-based analysis for database servers to ensure that they work as efficiently as possible.

We learned about:

  • The best practices on MySQL monitoring
  • Metrics and time series
  • Data collection, management and visualization tools
  • Monitoring deployment
  • How to use graphs to spot performance issues
  • Query analytics
  • Alerts
  • Trending and capacity planning
  • How to monitor HA

Percona Live Europe TutorialsHands-on ProxySQL

Rene Cannao, ProxySQL

ProxySQL is an open source proxy for MySQL that can provide HA and high performance with no changes in the application, using several built-in features and integration with clustering software. Those were only a few of the features we learned about in this hands-on tutorial.

Percona Live Europe TutorialsMongoDB: Sharded Cluster Tutorial

Jason Terpko, ObjectRocket
Antonios Giannopoulos, ObjectRocket

This tutorial guided us through the many considerations when deploying a sharded cluster. It covered the services that make up a sharded cluster, configuration recommendations for these services, shard key selection, use cases, and how data is managed within a sharded cluster. Maintaining a sharded cluster also has its challenges. We reviewed these challenges and how you can prevent them with proper design or ways to resolve them if they exist today.

Percona Live Europe TutorialsInnoDB Architecture and Performance Optimization

Peter Zaitsev, Percona

InnoDB is the most commonly used storage engine for MySQL and Percona Server for MySQL. It is the focus of most of the storage engine development by the MySQL and Percona Server for MySQL development teams.

In this tutorial, we looked at the InnoDB architecture, including new feature developments for InnoDB in MySQL 5.7 and Percona Server for MySQL 5.7. Peter explained how to use InnoDB in a database environment to get the best application performance and provide specific advice on server configuration, schema design, application architecture and hardware choices.

Peter updated this tutorial from previous versions to cover new MySQL 5.7 and Percona Server for MySQL 5.7 InnoDB features.

Join us tomorrow for the first full day of the Percona Live Open Source Database Conference Europe 2017!


Group Replication: the Sweet and the Sour

Group Replication

In this blog, we’ll look at group replication and how it deals with flow control (FC) and replication lag. 


In the last few months, we had two main actors in the MySQL ecosystem: ProxySQL and Group-Replication (with the evolution to InnoDB Cluster). 

While I have extensively covered the first, my last serious work on Group Replication dates back to some lab version years past.

Given that Oracle decided to declare it GA, and Percona’s decision to provide some level of Group Replication support, I decided it was time for me to take a look at it again.

We’ve seen a lot of coverage already too many Group Replication topics. There are articles about Group Replication and performance, Group Replication and basic functionalities (or lack of it like automatic node provisioning), Group Replication and ProxySQL, and so on.

But one question kept coming up over and over in my mind. If Group Replication and InnoDB Cluster have to work as an alternative to other (virtually) synchronous replication mechanisms, what changes do our customers need to consider if they want to move from one to the other?

Solutions using Galera (like Percona XtraDB Cluster) must take into account a central concept: clusters are data-centric. What matters is the data and the data state. Both must be the same on each node at any given time (commit/apply). To guarantee this, Percona XtraDB Cluster (and other solutions) use a set of data validation and Flow Control processes that work to the ensure a consistent cluster data set on each node.

The upshot of this principle is that an application can query ANY node in a Percona XtraDB Cluster and get the same data, or write to ANY node and know that the data is visible everywhere in the cluster at (virtually) the same time.

Last but not least, inconsistent nodes should be excluded and either rebuild or fixed before rejoining the cluster.

If you think about it, this is very useful. Guaranteeing consistency across nodes allows you to transparently split write/read operations, failover from one node to another with very few issues, and more.

When I conceived of this blog on Group Replication (or InnoDB Cluster), I put myself in the customer shoes. I asked myself: “Aside from all the other things we know (see above), what is the real impact of moving from Percona XtraDB Cluster to Group Replication/InnoDB Cluster for my application? Since Group Replication still (basically) uses replication with binlogs and relaylog, is there also a Flow Control mechanism?” An alarm bell started to ring in my mind.

My answer is: “Let’s do a proof of concept (PoC), and see what is really going on.”


I setup a simple set of servers using Group Replication with a very basic application performing writes on a single writer node, and (eventually) reads on the other nodes. 

You can find the schema definition here. Mainly I used the four tables from my windmills test suite — nothing special or specifically designed for Group Replication. I’ve used this test a lot for Percona XtraDB Cluster in the past, so was a perfect fit.

Test Definition

The application will do very simple work, and I wanted to test four main cases:

  1. One thread performing one insert at each transaction
  2. One thread performing 50 batched inserts at each transaction
  3. Eight threads performing one insert to each transaction
  4. Eight threads performing 50 batched inserts at each transaction

As you can see, a pretty simple set of operations. Then I decided to test it using the following four conditions on the servers:

  1. One slave worker FC as default
  2. One slave worker FC set to 25
  3. Eight slave workers FC as default
  4. Eight slave workers FC set to 25

Again nothing weird or strange from my point of view. I used four nodes:

  1. Gr1 Writer
  2. Gr2 Reader
  3. Gr3 Reader minimal latency (~10ms)
  4. Gr4 Reader minimal latency (~10ms)

Finally, I had to be sure I measured the lag in a way that allowed me to reference it consistently on all nodes. 

I think we can safely say that the incoming GTID (last_ Received_transaction_set from replication_connection_status) is definitely the last change applied to the master that the slave node knows about. More recent changes could have occurred, but network delay can prevent them from being “received.” The other point of reference is GTID_EXECUTED, which refers to the latest GTID processed on the node itself.

The closest query that can track the distance will be:

select @last_exec:=SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX( @@global.GTID_EXECUTED,':',-2),':',1),'-',-1) last_executed;select  @last_rec:=SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX( Received_transaction_set,':',-2),':',1),'-',-1) last_received FROM performance_schema.replication_connection_status WHERE Channel_name = 'group_replication_applier'; select (@last_rec - @last_exec) as real_lag

Or in the case of a single worker:

select @last_exec:=SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX( @@global.GTID_EXECUTED,':',-1),'-',-1) last_executed;select  @last_rec:=SUBSTRING_INDEX(SUBSTRING_INDEX(Received_transaction_set,':',-1),'-',-1) last_received FROM performance_schema.replication_connection_status WHERE Channel_name = 'group_replication_applier'; select (@last_rec - @last_exec) as real_lag;

The result will be something like this:

| last_executed |
| 23607         |
| last_received |
| 23607         |
| real_lag |
|        0 |

The whole set of tests can be found here, with all the commands you need to run the application (you can find it here) and replicate the tests. I will focus on the results (otherwise this blog post would be far too long), but I invite you to see the details.

The Results

Efficiency on Writer by Execution Time and Rows/Sec

Using the raw data from the tests (Excel spreadsheet available here), I was interested in identifying if and how the Writer is affected by the use of Group Replication and flow control.

Reviewing the graph, we can see that the Writer has a linear increase in the execution time (when using default flow control) that matches the increase in the load. Nothing there is concerning, and all-in-all we see what is expected if the load is light. The volume of rows at the end justifies the execution time.

It’s a different scenario if we use flow control. The execution time increases significantly in both cases (single worker/multiple workers). In the worst case (eight threads, 50 inserts batch) it becomes four times higher than the same load without flow control.

What happens to the inserted rows? In the application, I traced the rows inserted/sec. It is easy to see what is going on there:

We can see that the Writer with flow control activated inserts less than a third of the rows it processes without flow control. 

We can definitely say that flow control has a significant impact on the Writer performance. To clarify, let’s look at this graph:

Without flow control, the Writer processes a high volume of rows in a limited amount of time (results from the test of eight workers, eight threads, 50 insert batch). With flow control, the situation changes drastically. The Writer takes a long time processing a significantly smaller number of rows/sec. In short, performance drops significantly.

But hey, I’m OK with that if it means having a consistent data-set cross all nodes. In the end, Percona XtraDB Cluster and similar solutions pay a significant performance price match the data-centric principle. 

Let’s see what happen on the other nodes.

Entries Lag

Well, this scenario is not so good:

When NOT using flow control, the nodes lag behind the writer significantly. Remember that by default flow control in Group Replication is set to 25000 entries (I mean 25K of entries!!!).

What happens is that as soon as I put some salt (see load) on the Writer, the slave nodes start to lag. When using the default single worker, that will have a significant impact. While using multiple workers, we see that the lag happens mainly on the node(s) with minimal (10ms) network latency. The sad thing is that is not really going down with respect to the single thread worker, indicating that the simple minimal latency of 10ms is enough to affect replication.

Time to activate the flow control and have no lag:

Unfortunately, this is not the case. As we can see, the lag of single worker remains high for Gr2 (154 entries). While using multiple workers, the Gr3/4 nodes can perform much better, with significantly less lag (but still high at ~1k entries).

It is important to remember that at this time the Writer is processing one-third or less of the rows it is normally able to. It is also important to note that I set 25 to the entry limit in flow control, and the Gr3 (and Gr4) nodes are still lagging more than 1K entries behind.

To clarify, let check the two graphs below:

Using the Writer (Master) as a baseline in entry #N, without flow control, the nodes (slaves) using Group Replication start to significantly lag behind the writer (even with a light load).

The distance in this PoC ranged from very minimal (with 58 entries), up to much higher loads (3849 entries):

Using flow control, the Writer (Master) diverges less, as expected. If it has a significant drop in performance (one-third or less), the nodes still lag. The worst-case is up to 1363 entries. 

I need to underline here that we have no further way (that I am aware of, anyway) to tune the lag and prevent it from happening.

This means an application cannot transparently split writes/reads and expect consistency. The gap is too high.

A Graph That Tells Us a Story

I used Percona Monitoring and Management (PMM) to keep an eye on the nodes while doing the tests. One of the graphs really showed me that Group Replication still has some “limits” as the replication mechanism for a cluster:

This graph shows the MySQL queries executed on all the four nodes, in the testing using 8-50 threads-batch and flow control. 

As you can see, the Gr1 (Writer) is the first one to take off, followed by Gr2. Nodes Gr3 and Gr4 require a bit more, given the binlog transmission (and 10ms delay). Once the data is there, they match (inconsistently) the Gr2 node. This is an effect of flow control asking the Master to slow down. But as previously seen, the nodes will never match the Writer. When the load test is over, the nodes continue to process the queue for additional ~130 seconds. Considering that the whole load takes 420 seconds on the Writer, this means that one-third of the total time on the Writer is spent syncing the slave AFTERWARDS.

The above graph shows the same test without flow control. It is interesting to see how the Writer moved above 300 queries/sec, while G2 stayed around 200 and Gr3/4 far below. The Writer was able to process the whole load in ~120 seconds instead 420, while Gr3/4 continue to process the load for an additional ~360 seconds.

This means that without flow control set, the nodes lag around 360 seconds behind the Master. With flow control set to 25, they lag 130 seconds.

This is a significant gap.


Going back to the reason why I was started this PoC, it looks like my application(s) are not a good fit for Group Replication given that I have set Percona XtraDB Cluster to scale out the reads and efficiently move my writer to another when I need to. 

Group Replication is still based on asynchronous replication (as my colleague Kenny said). It makes sense in many other cases, but it doesn’t compare to solutions based on virtually synchronous replication. It still requires a lot of refinement.

On the other hand, for applications that can afford to have a significant gap between writers and readers it is probably fine. But … doesn’t standard replication already cover that? 

Reviewing the Oracle documentations (https://dev.mysql.com/doc/refman/5.7/en/group-replication-background.html), I can see why Group Replication as part of the InnoDB cluster could help improve high availability when compared to standard replication. 

But I also think it is important to understand that Group Replication (and derived solutions like InnoDB cluster) are not comparable or a replacement for data-centric solutions as Percona XtraDB Cluster. At least up to now.

Good MySQL to everyone.


Percona XtraDB Cluster, Galera Cluster, MySQL Group Replication High Availability Webinar: Q & A

High Availability Webinar

High Availability WebinarThank you for attending the Wednesday, June 21, 2017 high availability webinar titled Percona XtraDB Cluster, Galera Cluster, MySQL Group Replication. In this blog, I will provide answers to the Q & A for that webinar.

You can find the slides and a recording of the webinar here.

Is there a minimum MySQL server version for Group Replication?

MySQL Group Replication is GA since MySQL Community 5.7.17. This is the lowest version that you should use for the Group Replication feature. Otherwise, you are using a beta version.

Since 5.7.17 was the GA release, it’s strongly recommended you use the latest 5.7 minor release. Bugs get fixed and features added in each of the minor releases (as can be seen in the Limitations section in the slide deck).

In MySQL 5.6 and earlier versions, Group Replication is not supported. Note that Percona Server for MySQL 5.7.17 and beyond also ships with Group Replication.

Can I use Percona XtraDB Cluster with MariaDB v10.2? or must I use Percona Server for MySQL?

Percona XtraDB Cluster is Percona Server for MySQL and Percona XtraBackup with the modified Galera library. You cannot run Percona XtraDB Cluster on MariaDB.

However, as Percona XtraDB Cluster is open source, it is possible that MariaDB/Codership implements our modifications into their codebase.

If Percona XtraDB Cluster does not allow InnoDB tables, how do we typically deal with applications that need to use MyISAM tables?

You cannot use MyISAM with Percona XtraDB Cluster, Galera or Group Replication. However, there is experimental MyISAM support in Galera/Percona XtraDB Cluster. But we strongly recommend that you don’t use this in production. It effectively executes all statements in Total Order Isolation, which results in bad performance.

What is a typical business use case for the Group Replication? I specifically like the writes order feature.

Typical use cases are:

  • Environments with strict **durability** requirements
  • Write to multiple nodes simultaneously while keeping data **consistent**
  • Reducing failover time
  • Using other nodes for read-scaling, where reading stale data is more difficult for the application (as opposed to standard asynchronous replication)

The use cases for Galera and Percona XtraDB Cluster are similar.

Where do you run ProxySQL, on a separate server? We are using HAProxy.

You can deploy ProxySQL in many different ways. One common method of installation is to run ProxySQL on a separate layer of servers (ensuring there is failover on this layer). Another commonly used method is to run a ProxySQL daemon on every application server.

Do you support KVM?

Yes, there are no limitations on virtualization solutions.

Can you give some examples of an “arbitrator”?

Some useful links:

What does Percona XtraDB add to make it more performant than InnoDB?

The scalability and performance improvement of Percona XtraDB are listed on the Percona Server for MySQL documentation page: https://www.percona.com/doc/percona-server/LATEST/index.html

How scalable is Percona XtraDB Cluster storage wise? Do we have any limitations?

Storage happens through the storage engine (which is InnoDB). Percona XtraDB Cluster does not have any different limitations than Percona Server for MySQL or MySQL.

However, we need to also consider the practical side of things: the larger the cluster gets, the longer certain operations take. For example, when adding a new node to the cluster another node must be the donor and provide all the data. This will take substantially longer with larger datasets. Certain operational aspects might therefore become more complex.

Is there any development to add multiple nodes simultaneously?

No, at the moment only one node can join the cluster at the same time. Other nodes automatically wait until it is finished before joining.

Why does Galera say we cannot use READ COMMITTED isolation for multimaster mode, even though we can start the cluster with READ-COMMITTED?

You can use READ-COMMITTED as transaction isolation level. The limitation is that you cannot use SERIALIZABLE: http://galeracluster.com/documentation-webpages/isolationlevels.html.

Galera Cluster and MariaDB currently do not prevent a user from using this transaction isolation level. Percona XtraDB Cluster implemented the strict mode to prevent these operations: https://www.percona.com/doc/percona-xtradb-cluster/LATEST/features/pxc-strict-mode.html#explicit-table-locking

MariaDB 10.2 fixed the check constraints issue, When will Percona fix this issue?

There are currently no plans to support CHECK constraints in Percona Server for MySQL (and therefore Percona XtraDB Cluster as well).

As Percona Server is effectively a fully backwards-compatible (but modified) MySQL Community Server, CHECK constraints is a feature that normally would be implemented in MySQL Community first.

Can you share your performance benchmark git repository (if you have one)?

We don’t have a performance benchmark in git repository. You can get detailed information about this benchmark in this blog: Performance improvements in Percona XtraDB Cluster 5.7.17-29.20.

On your slide pointing to scalability charts, how many nodes did you run your test against?

We used a three-node cluster for this performance benchmark.

The product is using Master-Master replication. As such what do you mean when you talk about failover in such configuration?
Where do you maintain the cluster state?

All technologies automatically maintain the cluster state as you add and remove nodes.

What are the network/IP requirements for Proxy SQL?

There are no specific requirements. More documentation about ProxySQL can be found here: https://github.com/sysown/proxysql/wiki.


The MySQL High Availability Landscape in 2017 (The Elders)

High Availability

In this blog, we’ll look at different MySQL high availability options.

The dynamic MySQL ecosystem is rapidly evolving many technologies built around MySQL. This is especially true for the technologies involved with the high availability (HA) aspects of MySQL. When I joined Percona back in 2009, some of these HA technologies were very popular – but have since been almost forgotten. During the same interval, new technologies have emerged. In order to give some perspective to the reader, and hopefully help to make better choices, I’ll review the MySQL HA landscape as it is in 2017. This review will be in three parts. The first part (this post) will cover the technologies that have been around for a long time: the elders. The second part will focus on the technologies that are very popular today: the adults. Finally, the last part will try to extrapolate which technologies could become popular in the upcoming years: the babies.

Quick disclaimer, I am reporting on the technologies I see the most. There are likely many other solutions not covered here, but I can’t talk about technologies I have barely or never used. Apart from the RDS-related technologies, all the technologies covered are open-source. The target audience for this post are people relatively new to MySQL.

The Elders

Let’s define the technologies in the elders group. These are technologies that anyone involved with MySQL for last ten years is sure to be aware of. I could have called this group the “classics”.  I include the following technologies in this group:

  • Replication
  • Shared storage
  • NDB cluster

Let’s review these technologies in the following sections.


Simple replication topology


MySQL replication is very well known. It is one of the main features behind the wide adoption of MySQL. Replication gets used almost everywhere. The reasons for that are numerous:

  • Replication is simple to setup. There are tons of how-to guides and scripts available to add a slave to a MySQL server. With Amazon RDS, adding a slave is just a few clicks.
  • Slaves allow you to easily scale reads. The slaves are accessible and can be used for reads. This is the most common way of scaling up a MySQL database.
  • Slaves have little impact on the master. Apart from the added network traffic, the presence of slaves does not impact the master performance significantly.
  • It is well known. No surprises here.
  • Used for failover. Your master died, promote a slave and use it as your new master.
  • Used for backups. You don’t want to overload your master with the backups, run them off a slave.

Of course, replication also has some issues:

  • Replication can lag. Replication used to be single-threaded. That means a master with a concurrent load could easily outpace a slave. MySQL 5.6 and MariaDB 10.0 have introduced some parallelism to the slave. Newer versions have further improved to a point where today’s slaves are many times faster than they were.
  • Slaves can diverge. When you modify data on the master, the slave must perform the exact same update. That seems easy, but there are many ways an update can be non-deterministic with statement-based replication. They fixed many issues, and the introduction of row-based replication has been another big step forward. Still, if you write directly to a slave you are asking for trouble. There is a read_only setting, but if the MySQL user has the “SUPER” privilege it is just ignored. That’s why there is now the “super_read_only” setting. Tools like pt-table-checksum and pt-table-sync from the Percona toolkit exist to solve this problem.
  • Replication can impact the master. I wrote above that the presence of slaves does not affect the master, but logging changes are more problematic. The most common issue is the InnoDB table-level locking for auto_increment values with statement-based replication. Only one thread can insert new rows at a time. You can avoid this issue with row-based replication and properly configuring settings.
  • Data gets lost. Replication is asynchronous. That means the master will reply “done” after a commit statement even though the slaves have not received updates yet. Some transactions can get lost if the master crashes.

Although an old technology, a lot of work has been done on replication. It is miles away from the replication implementation of 5.0.x. Here’s a list, likely incomplete, of the evolution of replication:

  • Row based replication (since 5.1). The binary internal representation of the rows is sent instead of the SQL statements. This makes replication more robust against slave divergence.
  • Global transaction ID (since 5.6). Transactions are uniquely identified. Replication can be setup without knowing the binlog file and offset.
  • Checksum (since 5.6). Binlog events have checksum values to validate their integrity.
  • Semi-sync replication (since 5.5). An addition to the replication protocol to make the master aware of the reception of events by the slaves. This helps to avoid losing data when a master crashes.
  • Multi-source replication (since 5.7). Allows a slave to have more than one master.
  • Multi-threaded replication (since 5.6). Allows a slave to use multiple threads. This helps to limit the slave lag.

Managing replication is a tedious job. The community has written many tools to manage replication:

  • MMM. An old Perl tool that used to be quite popular, but had many issues. Now rarely used.
  • MHA. The most popular tool to manage replication. It excels at reconfiguring replication without losing data, and does a decent at handling failover.  It is also simple. No wonder it is popular.
  • PRM. A Pacemaker-based solution developed to replace MMM. It’s quite good at failover, but not as good as MHA at reconfiguring replication. It’s also quite complex, thanks to Pacemaker. Not used much.
  • Orchestrator. The new cool tool. It can manage complex topologies and has a nice web-based interface to monitor and control the topology.


Shared Storage

Simple shared storage topology


Back when I was working for MySQL ten years ago, shared storage HA setups were very common. A shared storage HA cluster uses one copy of the database files between one of two servers. One server is active, the other one is passive. In order to be shared, the database files reside on a device that can be mounted by both servers. The device can be physical (like a SAN), or logical (like a Linux DRBD device). On top of that, you need a cluster manager (like Pacemaker) to handle the resources and failovers. This solution is very popular because it allows for failover without losing any transactions.

The main drawback of this setup is the need for an idle standby server. The standby server cannot have any other assigned duties since it must always be ready to take over the MySQL server. A shared storage solution is also obviously not resilient to file-level corruption (but that situation is exceptional). Finally, it doesn’t play well with a cloud-based environment.

Today, newly-deployed shared storage HA setups are rare. The only ones I encountered over the last year were either old implementations needing support, or new setups that deployed because of existing corporate technology stacks. That should tell you about the technology’s loss of popularity.

NDB Cluster

A simple NDB Cluster topology


An NDB Cluster is a distributed clustering solution that has been around for a long time. I personally started working with this technology back in 2008. An NDB Cluster has three types of nodes: SQL, management and data. A full HA cluster requires a minimum of four nodes.

An NDB Cluster is not a general purpose database due to its distributed nature. For suitable workloads, it is extraordinary good. For unsuitable workloads, it is miserable. A suitable workload for an NDB Cluster contains high concurrency, with a high rate of small primary key oriented transactions. Reaching one million trx/s on an NDB Cluster is nothing exceptional.

At the other end of the spectrum, a poor workload for an NDB Cluster is a single-threaded report query on a star-like schema. I have seen some extreme cases where just the network time of a reporting query amounted to more than 20 minutes.

Although NDB Clusters have improved, and are still improving, their usage has been pushed toward niche-type applications. Overall, the technology is losing ground and is now mostly used for Telcos and online gaming applications.


Upcoming HA Webinar Wed 6/21: Percona XtraDB Cluster, Galera Cluster, MySQL Group Replication

High Availability

High AvailabilityJoin Percona’s MySQL Practice Manager Kenny Gryp and QA Engineer, Ramesh Sivaraman as they present a high availability webinar around Percona XtraDB Cluster, Galera Cluster, MySQL Group Replication on Wednesday, June 21, 2017 at 10:00 am PDT / 1:00 pm EDT (UTC-7).

What are the implementation differences between Percona XtraDB Cluster 5.7, Galera Cluster 5.7 and MySQL Group Replication?

  • How do they work?
  • How do they behave differently?
  • Do these methods have any major issues?

This webinar will describe the differences and shed some light on how QA is done for each of the different technologies.

Register for the webinar here.

High AvailabilityRamesh Sivaraman, QA Engineer

Ramesh joined the Percona QA Team in March 2014. He has almost six years of experience in database administration and, before joining Percona, was giving MySQL database support to various service and product based internet companies. Ramesh’s professional interests include writing shell/Perl script to automate routine tasks and new technology. Ramesh lives in Kerala, the southern part of India, close to his family.

High AvailabilityKenny Gryp, MySQL Practice Manager

Kenny is currently MySQL Practice Manager at Percona.

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