
Webinar 6/27: MySQL Troubleshooting Best Practices: Monitoring the Production Database Without Killing Performance

performance troubleshooting MySQL monitoring tools

performance troubleshooting MySQL monitoring toolsPlease join Percona’s Principal Support Escalation Specialist Sveta Smirnova as she presents Troubleshooting Best Practices: Monitoring the Production Database Without Killing Performance on Wednesday, June 27th at 11:00 AM PDT (UTC-7) / 2:00 PM EDT (UTC-4).


During the MySQL Troubleshooting webinar series, I covered many monitoring and logging tools such as:

  • General, slow, audit, binary, error log files
  • Performance Schema
  • Information Schema
  • System variables
  • Linux utilities
  • InnoDB monitors
  • PMM

However, I did not spend much time on the impact these instruments have on overall MySQL performance. And they do have an impact.

And this is the conflict many people face. MySQL Server users try exploring these monitoring instruments, see that they slow down their installations, and turn them off. This is unfortunate. If the instrument that can help you resolve a problem is OFF, you won’t have good and necessary information to help understand when, how and why the issue occurred. In the best case, you’ll re-enable instrumentation and wait for the next disaster occurrence. In the worst case, you try various fix options without any real knowledge if they solve the problem or not.

This is why it is important to understand the impact monitoring tools have on your database, and therefore how to minimize it.

Understanding and controlling the impact of MySQL monitoring tools

In this webinar, I cover why certain monitoring tools affect performance, and how to minimize the impact without turning the instrument off. You will learn how to monitor safely and effectively.

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Sveta Smirnova

Principal Support Escalation Specialist

Sveta joined Percona in 2015. Her main professional interests are problem-solving, working with tricky issues, bugs, finding patterns that can quickly solve typical issues and teaching others how to deal with MySQL issues, bugs and gotchas effectively. Before joining Percona, Sveta worked as Support Engineer in MySQL Bugs Analysis Support Group in MySQL AB-Sun-Oracle. She is the author of book “MySQL Troubleshooting” and JSON UDF functions for MySQL.

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Percona Monitoring and Management 1.0.7 release

Percona Monitoring and Management

Percona Monitoring and ManagementPercona announces the release of Percona Monitoring and Management 1.0.7.

The Percona Monitoring and Management Server (PMM) is distributed through Docker Hub, PMM Client – through tarball or system packages. The instructions for installing or upgrading PMM are available in the documentation.

PMM Server changelog

  • Added new widgets and graphs to “PXC/Galera Graphs” dashboard.
  • Fixed hostgroup filtering for ProxySQL dashboard.
  • Various fixes to MongoDB dashboards.
  • Enabled HTTPS/TLS and basic authentication support on Prometheus targets.
  • Fixed potential error with too many connections on Query Analytics API.
  • Grafana 4.0.2 with an alerting engine.
  • Prometheus 1.4.1.
  • Consul 0.7.1 with snapshot/restore feature.
  • Orchestrator 2.0.1.

PMM Client changelog

  • Automatically generate self-signed SSL certificate to protect metric services with HTTPS/TLS by default (requires re-adding services, see “check-network” output).
  • Enable HTTP basic auth for metric services when defined on PMM server and configured on a client to achieve client-side protection (requires re-adding services, see “check-network” output).
  • Added –bind-address flag to support running PMM server and client on the different networks. By default, this address is the same as client one. When running PMM on different networks, –client-address should be set to remote (public) address and –bind-address to local (private) address. This also assumes you configure NAT and port forwarding between those addresses.
  • Added “show-passwords” command to display the current HTTP auth credentials and password of the last created user on MySQL (useful for PMM installation on replication setup).
  • Do not pass MongoDB connection string in command-line arguments and hide the password from the process list (requires re-adding mongodb:metrics service).
  • Do not listen a network port by mysql:queries service (percona-qan-agent process) as there is no need for it.
  • Fixed slow log rotation for mysql:queries service for MySQL 5.1.
  • Expose PXC/Galera gcache size as a metric.
  • Use terminal color instead of emoji on “check-network” output and also “list” one.
  • Amended output of systemv service status if run adhoc (requires re-adding services).

To see a live demo, please visit pmmdemo.percona.com.

We welcome your feedback and questions on our PMM forum.

About Percona Monitoring and Management
Percona Monitoring and Management is an open-source platform for managing and monitoring MySQL and MongoDB performance. It is developed by Percona in collaboration with experts in the field of managed database services, support and consulting.

PMM is a free and open-source solution that you can run in your own environment for maximum security and reliability. It provides thorough time-based analysis for MySQL and MongoDB servers to ensure that your data works as efficiently as possible.

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