
Saving With MyRocks in The Cloud

The main focus of a previous blog post was the performance of MyRocks when using fast SSD devices. However, I figured that MyRocks would be beneficial for use in cloud workloads, where storage is either slow or expensive.

In that earlier post, we demonstrated the benefits of MyRocks, especially for heavy IO workloads. Meanwhile, Mark wrote in his blog that the CPU overhead in MyRocks might be significant for CPU-bound workloads, but this should not be the issue for IO-bound workloads.

In the cloud the cost of resources is a major consideration. Let’s review the annual cost for the processing and storage resources.

 Resource cost/year, $   IO cost $/year   Total $/year 
c5.9xlarge  7881    7881
1TB io1 5000 IOPS  1500  3900    5400
1TB io1 10000 IOPS  1500  7800    9300
1TB io1 15000 IOPS  1500  11700  13200
1TB io1 20000 IOPS  1500  15600  17100
1TB io1 30000 IOPS  1500  23400  24900
3.4TB GP2 (10000 IOPS)  4800    4800


The scenario

The server version is Percona Server 5.7.22

For instances, I used c5.9xlarge instances. The reason for c5 was that it provides high performance Nitro virtualization: Brendan Gregg describes this in his blog post. The rationale for 9xlarge instances was to be able to utilize io1 volumes with a 30000 IOPS throughput – smaller instances will cap io1 throughput at a lower level.

I also used huge gp2 volumes: 3400GB, as this volume provides guaranteed 10000 IOPS even if we do not use io1 volumes. This is a cheaper alternative to io1 volumes to achieve 10000 IOPS.

For the workload I used sysbench-tpcc 5000W (50 tables * 100W), which for InnoDB gave about 471GB in storage used space.

For the cache I used 27GB and 54G buffer size, so the workload is IO-heavy.

I wanted to compare how InnoDB and RocksDB performed under this scenario.

If you are curious I prepared my terraform+ansible deployment files here:

Before jumping to the results, I should note that for MyRocks I used LZ4 compression for all levels, which in its final size is 91GB. That is five times less than InnoDB size. This alone provides operational benefits—for example to copy InnoDB files (471GB) from a backup volume takes longer than 1 hour, while it is much faster (five times) for MyRocks.

The benchmark results

So let’s review the results.

InnoDB versus MyRocks throughput in the cloud

Or presenting average throughput in a tabular form:

cachesize IOPS engine avg TPS
27 5000 innodb 132.66
27 5000 rocksdb 481.03
27 10000 innodb 285.93
27 10000 rocksdb 1224.14
27 10000gp2 innodb 227.19
27 10000gp2 rocksdb 1268.89
27 15000 innodb 436.04
27 15000 rocksdb 1839.66
27 20000 innodb 584.69
27 20000 rocksdb 2336.94
27 30000 innodb 753.86
27 30000 rocksdb 2508.97
54 5000 innodb 197.51
54 5000 rocksdb 667.63
54 10000 innodb 433.99
54 10000 rocksdb 1600.01
54 10000gp2 innodb 326.12
54 10000gp2 rocksdb 1559.98
54 15000 innodb 661.34
54 15000 rocksdb 2176.83
54 20000 innodb 888.74
54 20000 rocksdb 2506.22
54 30000 innodb 1097.31
54 30000 rocksdb 2690.91


We can see that MyRocks outperformed InnoDB in every single combination, but it is also important to note the following:

MyRocks on io1 5000 IOPS showed the performance that InnoDB showed in io1 15000 IOPS.

That means that InnoDB requires three times more in storage throughput. If we take a look at the storage cost, it corresponds to three times more expensive storage. Given that MyRocks requires less storage, it is possible to save even more on storage capacity.

On the most economical storage (3400GB gp2, which will provide 10000 IOPS) MyRocks showed 4.7 times better throughput.

For the 30000 IOPS storage, MyRocks was still better by 2.45 times.

However it is worth noting that MyRocks showed a greater variance in throughput during the runs. Let’s review the charts with 1 sec resolution for GP2 and io1 30000 IOPS storage:Throughput 1 sec resolution for GP2 and io1 30000 IOPS storage MyROCKS versus InnoDB

Such variance might be problematic for workloads that require stable throughput and where periodical slowdowns are unacceptable.


MyRocks is suitable and beneficial not only for fast SSD, but also for cloud deployments. By requiring less IOPS, MyRocks can provide better performance and save on the storage costs.

However, before evaluating MyRocks, make sure that your workload is IO-bound i.e. the working set is much bigger than available memory. For CPU-intensive workloads (where the working set fits into memory), MyRocks will be less beneficial or even perform worse than InnoDB (as described in the blog post A Look at MyRocks Performance)




The post Saving With MyRocks in The Cloud appeared first on Percona Database Performance Blog.


On MySQL and Intel Optane performance

MySQL 8 versus Percona Server with heavy IO application on Intel Optane

Recently, Dimitri published the results of measuring MySQL 8.0 on Intel Optane storage device. In this blog post, I wanted to look at this in more detail and explore the performance of MySQL 8, MySQL 5.7 and Percona Server for MySQL using a similar set up. The Intel Optane is a very capable device, so I was puzzled that Dimitri chose MySQL options that are either not safe or not recommended for production workloads.

Since we have an Intel Optane in our labs, I wanted to run a similar benchmark, but using settings that we would recommend our customers to use, namely:

  • use innodb_checksum
  • use innodb_doublewrite
  • use binary logs with sync_binlog=1
  • enable (by default) Performance Schema

I still used


  (even though the default is utf8mb4 in MySQL 8) and I set a total size of InnoDB log files to 30GB (as in Dimitri’s benchmark). This setting allocates big InnoDB log files to ensure there is no pressure from adaptive flushing. Though I have concerns about how it works in MySQL 8, this is a topic for another research.

So let’s see how MySQL 8.0 performed with these settings, and compare it with MySQL 5.7 and Percona Server for MySQL 5.7.

I used an Intel Optane SSD 905P 960GB device on the server with 2 socket Intel(R) Xeon(R) CPU E5-2680 v3 @ 2.50GHz CPUs.

To highlight the performance difference I wanted to show, I used a single case: sysbench 8 tables 50M rows each (which is about ~120GB of data) and buffer pool 32GB. I ran sysbench oltp_read_write in 128 threads.

First, let’s review the results for MySQL 8 vs MySQL 5.7

After achieving a steady state – we can see that MySQL 8 does not have ANY performance improvements over MySQL 5.7.

Let’s compare this with Percona Server for MySQL 5.7

MySQL 8 versus Percona Server with heavy IO application on Intel Optane

Percona Server for MySQL 5.7 shows about 60% performance improvement over both MySQL 5.7 and MySQL 8.

How did we achieve this? All our improvements are described here: In short:

  1. Parallel doublewrite.  In both MySQL 5.7 and MySQL 8 writes are serialized by writing to doublewrite.
  2. Multi-threaded LRU flusher. We reported and proposed a solution here However, Oracle have not incorporated the solution upstream.
  3. Single page eviction. This is another problematic area in MySQL’s flushing algorithm. The bug was reported over 2 years ago, but unfortunately it’s still overlooked.

Summarizing performance findings:

  • For Percona Server for MySQL during this workload, I observed 1.4 GB/sec  reads and 815 MB/sec  writes
  • For MySQL 5.7 and MySQL 8 the numbers are 824 MB/sec reads and  530 MB/sec writes.

My opinion is that Oracle focused on addressing the wrong performance problems in MySQL 8 and did not address the real issues. In this benchmark, using real production settings, MySQL 8 does not show any significant performance benefits over MySQL 5.7 for workloads characterized by heavy IO writes.

With this, I should admit that Intel Optane is a very performant storage. By comparison, on Intel 3600 SSD under the same workload, for Percona Server I am able to achieve only 2000 tps, which is 2.5x times slower than with Intel Optane.

Drawing some conclusions

So there are a few outcomes I can highlight:

  • Intel Optane is a very capable drive, it is easily the fastest of those we’ve tested so far
  • MySQL 8 is not able to utilize all the power of Intel Optane, unless you use unsafe settings (which to me is the equivalent of driving 200 MPH on a highway without working brakes)
  • Oracle has focused on addressing the wrong IO bottlenecks and has overlooked the real ones
  • To get all the benefits of Intel Optane performance, use a proper server—Percona Server for MySQL—which is able to utilize more IOPS from the device.

The post On MySQL and Intel Optane performance appeared first on Percona Database Performance Blog.


Index Condition Pushdown in MySQL 5.6 and MariaDB 5.5 and its performance impact

I have been working with Peter in preparation for the talk comparing the optimizer enhancements in MySQL 5.6 and MariaDB 5.5. We are taking a look at and benchmarking optimizer enhancements one by one. So in the same way this blog post is aimed at a new optimizer enhancement Index Condition Pushdown (ICP). Its available in both MySQL 5.6 and MariaDB 5.5

Now let’s take a look briefly at what this enhancement actually is, and what is it aimed at.

Index Condition Pushdown

Traditional B-Tree index lookups have some limitations in cases such as range scans, where index parts after the part on which range condition is applied cannot be used for filtering records. For example, suppose you have a key defined as:

KEY `i_l_partkey` (`l_partkey`,`l_quantity`,`l_shipmode`,`l_shipinstruct`)

and the WHERE condition defined as:

l_partkey = x
and l_quantity >= 1 and l_quantity <= 1+10
and l_shipmode in ('AIR', 'AIR REG')
and l_shipinstruct = 'DELIVER IN PERSON'

Then MySQL will use the key as if its only defined as including columns l_partkey and l_quantity and will not filter using the columns l_shipmode and l_shipinstruct. And so all rows matching condition l_partkey = x and and l_quantity >= 1 and l_quantity <= 1+10 will be fetched from the Primary Key and returned to MySQL server which will then in turn apply the remaining parts of the WHERE clause l_shipmode in ('AIR', 'AIR REG') and l_shipinstruct = 'DELIVER IN PERSON'. So clearly if you have thousands of rows that match l_partkey and l_quantity but only a few hundred that match all the condition, then obviously you would be reading a lot of unnecessary data.

This is where ICP comes into play. With ICP, the server pushes down all conditions of the WHERE clause that match the key definition to the storage engine and then filtering is done in two steps:

  • Filter by the prefix of the index using traditional B-Tree index search
  • Filter by applying the where condition on the index entries fetched

You can read more about index condition pushdown as available in MySQL 5.6 here:
and as available in MariaDB 5.5 here:

Now let's take a look at the benchmarks to see how much difference does this really make.

Benchmark results

For the purpose of this benchmark I used TPC-H Query #19 and ran it on TPC-H dataset (InnoDB tables) with scale factors of 2 (InnoDB dataset size ~5G) and 40 (InnoDB dataset size ~95G), so that I could see the speedup in case of in-memory and IO bound workloads. For the purpose of these benchmarks query cache was disabled and the buffer pool size was set to 6G.

The query is:

        sum(l_extendedprice* (1 - l_discount)) as revenue
        lineitem force index(i_l_partkey),
                p_partkey = l_partkey
                and p_brand = 'Brand#45'
                and p_container in ('SM CASE', 'SM BOX', 'SM PACK', 'SM PKG')
                and l_quantity >= 1 and l_quantity <= 1+10
                and p_size between 1 and 5
                and l_shipmode in ('AIR', 'AIR REG')
                and l_shipinstruct = 'DELIVER IN PERSON'
                p_partkey = l_partkey
                and p_brand = 'Brand#24'
                and p_container in ('MED BAG', 'MED BOX', 'MED PKG', 'MED PACK')
                and l_quantity >= 14 and l_quantity <= 14+10
                and p_size between 1 and 10
                and l_shipmode in ('AIR', 'AIR REG')
                and l_shipinstruct = 'DELIVER IN PERSON'
                p_partkey = l_partkey
                and p_brand = 'Brand#53'
                and p_container in ('LG CASE', 'LG BOX', 'LG PACK', 'LG PKG')
                and l_quantity >= 28 and l_quantity <= 28+10
                and p_size between 1 and 15
                and l_shipmode in ('AIR', 'AIR REG')
                and l_shipinstruct = 'DELIVER IN PERSON'

There are two changes that I made to the query and the TPC-H tables' structure.
- Added a new index: KEY `i_l_partkey` (`l_partkey`,`l_quantity`,`l_shipmode`,`l_shipinstruct`)
- Added an index hint in the query: lineitem force index(i_l_partkey)

The size of the buffer pool used for the benchmarks is 6G and the disks are 4 5.4K disks in Software RAID5.

In-memory workload

Now let's first take a look at how effective is ICP when the workload is in memory. For the purpose of benchmarking in-memory workload, I used a Scale Factor of 2 (dataset size ~5G), and the buffer pool was warmed up so that the relevant pages were already loaded in the buffer pool:

IO bound workload

And what about IO bound workload, when the dataset does not fit into memory. For the purpose of benchmarking IO bound workload, I used a Scale Factor of 40 (dataset size ~95G) and the buffer pool was not warmed up, so that it does not have the relevant pages loaded up already:

Now let's take a look at the status counters to see how much does this optimization make a difference.

MySQL Status Counters

These status counters are taken when performing the benchmark on IO bound workload, mentioned above.

Counter Name MySQL 5.5 MySQL 5.6 MariaDB 5.5
Created_tmp_disk_tables 0 0 0
Created_tmp_tables 0 0 0
Handler_icp_attempts N/A N/A 571312
Handler_icp_match N/A N/A 4541
Handler_read_key 19310 19192 18989
Handler_read_next 579426 4514 4541
Handler_read_rnd_next 8000332 8000349 8000416
Innodb_buffer_pool_read_ahead 81132 81067 81069
Innodb_buffer_pool_read_requests 4693757 1293628 1292675
Innodb_buffer_pool_reads 540805 28468 28205
Innodb_data_read 9.49G 1.67G 1.67G
Innodb_data_reads 621939 109537 29796
Innodb_pages_read 621937 109535 109274
Innodb_rows_read 8579426 8004514 8004541
Select_scan 1 1 1
  • We can see that values for Handler_read_key are more or less the same, because there is no change in the index lookup method, the index range scan is still done the same way as in MySQL 5.5, all the index pages that match the range condition on the l_quantity will still be fetched. Its the optimization afterwards that counts.
  • As we can see there is a huge reduction in the value of Handler_read_next, as with ICP the remaining parts of the WHERE clause are checked directly on the index pages fetched without having to fetch the entire rows from the PK, which means 128x less subsequent reads from the PK.
  • There are two status counters available in MariaDB 5.3/5.5 that are not available in MySQL, Handler_icp_attempts and Handler_icp_match, which show how many times the remaining WHERE condition was checked on the fetched index pages and how many times the index entries matched the condition. The value of Handler_icp_match directly co-relates to that of Handler_read_next. The smaller the ratio of Handler_icp_attempts to Handler_icp_match the better the filtering.
  • Another important thing is that there is 18x less IO page reads in the case of MySQL 5.6 and MariaDB 5.5 and 8x less amount of data read (1.67G compared to 9.49G). This just does not mean reduction in IO but means more free pages are available in the buffer pool to cater to other queries. For example, in the case of MySQL 5.5 (with a buffer pool of 6G), the query will be IO bound even with a warmed up buffer pool, because there is just too much data read. While in the case of MySQL 5.6 and MariaDB 5.5, the queries will have all the pages in-memory with warm caches and still 72% of the buffer pool will be empty to handle other queries.

Other Observations

There are two indexes defined on the table with similar prefixes:

  • KEY `i_l_suppkey_partkey` (`l_partkey`, `l_suppkey`)
  • KEY `i_l_partkey` (`l_partkey`,`l_quantity`,`l_shipmode`,`l_shipinstruct`)

Obviously, the key i_l_partkey is much more restrictive. Although it cannot filter more rows by using traditional B-Tree index lookup used by MySQL, when compared to the key i_l_suppkey_partkey. But after the B-Tree lookup step, the second key can filter a lot more data using ICP on the remaining conditions after l_quantity. Yet MySQL 5.6 and MariaDB 5.5 optimizer does not consider this logic when selecting the index. In all the runs of the benchmark, the optimizer chose the key i_l_suppkey_partkey because the optimizer estimates that both indexes will mean same no. of rows and i_l_suppkey_partkey has a smaller key size. To get around this limitation in the optimizer I had to use index hint (FORCE INDEX). Clearly, selecting the correct index is an important part of optimizer's job, and there is room for improvement there.

Another thing which I feel is that there is still further optimization possible, like moving ICP directly to the index lookup function so that the limitation in the optimizer which prevents other parts of the key after the first range condition are removed.


There is a huge speed up 78 minutes down to 2 minutes in case of completely IO bound workload, and upto 2x speedup in case when the workload is in-memory. There is not much difference here in terms of the performance gains on MariaDB 5.5 vs MySQL 5.6 and both are on-par. This is great for queries that suffer from the weakness of the current MySQL optimizer when it comes to doing multi-column range scans, and the ICP optimization will benefit a lot of your queries like the one I showed in my example. Not only that, because there will be a cut down in the number of data pages read into the buffer pool, it means better buffer pool utilization.

On a last note, I will be posting the benchmark scripts, table definitions, the configuration files for MySQL 5.5/5.6 and MariaDB 5.5 and the description of the hardware used.

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