The upcoming Percona Operator for PostgreSQL v2.6.0 release introduces support for PostgreSQL 17, which opens exciting possibilities for data security. Since pg_tde comes pre-installed in Percona’s official PostgreSQL 17 images, this release presents an excellent opportunity to implement Transparent Data Encryption in your Kubernetes-deployed databases. Let’s look at how to configure and use pg_tde with […]
Encrypt PostgreSQL Data at Rest on Kubernetes
Percona Everest: An Open Source Solution for MongoDB Sharding and Backups
The increase of cloud-native technologies is transforming how we manage databases. Since I stepped into the world of databases and cloud-native technologies, I have encountered several initiatives aimed at developing and optimizing database operations in the cloud, and Kubernetes plays a crucial role in this shift through Operators. While the core concepts and techniques of […]
The Evolution of Stateful Applications in Kubernetes
Recently I listened to Lenny Rachitsky’s podcast, where he invited Shreyas Doshi for the second time. The session was titled “4 questions Shreyas Doshi wishes he’d asked himself sooner”. One of the questions Shreyas brought up was, “Do I actually have a good taste?”. This is an interesting question to ask for an experienced product […]
An Elephant in the Cluster: Making PostgreSQL Feel at Home on Kubernetes
TL;DR Kubernetes was built for stateless apps, but as more stateful applications (like databases) run on it, operators include quite heavy implementations to Kubernetes workload management API (such as StatefulSets) deficits. While creating custom methods allows flexibility and faster time to market, it also leads to inconsistency and complexity. In this blog, I want to […]
Exposing PostgreSQL with NGINX Ingress Controller
I wrote a blog post in the past about a generic approach on how to expose databases in Kubernetes with Ingress controllers. Today, we will dive deeper into PostgreSQL with ingress and also review two different ways that can be taken to expose the TCP service. The goal is to expose multiple PostgreSQL clusters through […]
Unlocking the Power of Cloud Snapshots: Backup and Restore Your MongoDB Clusters on Kubernetes
There are various ways to backup and restore Percona Server for MongoDB clusters when you run them on Kubernetes. Percona Operator for MongoDB utilizes Percona Backup for MongoDB (PBM) to take physical and logical backups, continuously upload oplogs to object storage, and maintain the backup lifecycle. Cloud providers and various storage solutions provide the capability […]
Simplify User Management with Percona Operator for MongoDB
Managing database users within complex CICD pipelines and GitOps workflows has long been a challenge for MongoDB deployments. With Percona Operator for MongoDB 1.17, we introduce a new feature, currently in technical preview, that streamlines this process. Now, you can create the database users you need directly within the operator, eliminating the need to wait […]
How to Upgrade a Kubernetes Cluster
I still remember upgrading a Kubernetes cluster for the first time. Despite taking great care and following all the documentation, I managed to break some applications. Luckily, the impact was minimal, and the issue was solved quickly. The most interesting part is that the same set of steps worked perfectly in upgrading non-production clusters, but […]
How to Run Percona Toolkit in Kubernetes
Percona Operator for MySQL, based on Percona XtraDB Cluster (PXC), provides configuration to expose the ProxySQL, HAProxy, and the PXC instances themselves so that you can use Percona Toolkit to connect to MySQL from these endpoints externally. However, you can also create Kubernetes pods to run Percona Toolkit operations there instead if you do not […]
Deploying MongoDB on Kubernetes with Percona Everest
Percona Everest is the first open source platform designed for automated database provisioning and management. It supports multiple database technologies and can be hosted on any Kubernetes infrastructure, in the cloud or on-premises. It provides an easy-to-use web interface while leveraging the power of the Percona Operators behind the scenes to do all the heavy […]