
Installing Percona Monitoring and Management v2 on Linode

Percona Monitoring and Management on Linode

Percona Monitoring and Management on LinodeAbout two years ago I wrote about installing Percona Monitoring and Management (PMM) on Linode using StackScripts. This is a great way to automate the process,  and now you can do even better by deploying Percona Monitoring and Management from Linode Marketplace.

The process can now be done in even fewer clicks!

Click on “Deploy this App”:

deploy PMM

You will be asked to log in to your Linode account (if you’re not logged in already) and will get redirected to the Marketplace page with PMM already selected for deployment:

PMM Linode account

Next, you will need to specify deployment options: Password and Region of deployment.  The operating system image is preset for you with Debian 10:

PMM Options

Finally, chose the instance type you want to deploy:

PMM Linode instance type

What you need to pick here depends entirely on your load.  “Nanode” is good enough for testing with a couple of systems under monitoring, but for production deployment, I would choose something more robust.

Percona Monitoring and Management needs very little CPU unless you’re running heavy reporting queries over long periods of time.  On small instances, you’re much more likely to be bound by available memory or by available disk space, especially with longer retention periods.

Linode 4GB should be good for monitoring 10 servers in a typical configuration.

Do not forget to enter the secure Root Password for the node or setup SSH Key for access and enable backups, if you care about your monitoring data.

Linode Root Password

Click on “Create” and Percona Monitoring and Management Service will be provisioned in a few minutes.

When initialization is complete you will be able to log in to Percona Monitoring and Management using the IP address of provisioned Linode:

log in to Percona Monitoring and Management

Log in using login name “admin” and the password you’ve set for admin access during deployment.  Note that it is different from the “root” user password you provided (and which can be used for SSH access).

That’s it! To see how you can start monitoring, check out the Percona Monitoring and Management Documentation on Linode Marketplace or the Percona documentation on installing and using Percona Monitoring and Management Client (Agent).


Linode Invests $45M To Switch To SSDs, Double RAM

11189803153_88f2af5302_o Thanks to new entrants like DigitalOcean, the competition in the hosting space has been heating up for the last few months and for the most part, it’s the users who are reaping the benefits of this. In what is surely a reaction to pressure from its competitors, Linode, the established cloud VPS provider, today announced that it has invested $45 million to improve the hardware and networking… Read More

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