
The suddenly exciting future of enterprise communications

cansstring Enterprise communications is not a sector that typically generates palpable excitement. In the enterprise, the plumbing is never as exciting as the fixtures, and people spend more time noticing what communications enables than how it’s delivered. It doesn’t help that enterprise communications is often dismissed as slow to innovate, given its high capital costs to deploy new… Read More


Lua, The Mobile-First Comms Tool For Any Workforce, Launches Insights Metrics Product

TS_small_lua Lua, the mobile first communications platform for any workforce, has today launched a brand new feature of the product called Insights. Insights is a metrics platform that will allow clients to see in real-time the way that their employees are communicating and gauge that against the success of the company. Lua launched back in 2013 out of TechStars to bring better communication tools to… Read More

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