
7 Key MySQL clustering technologies – A joint webinar with 451 Research

7 Key MySQL clustering technologies - A joint webinar with 451 ResearchI’m looking forward to Wednesday’s joint webinar on MySQL clustering technologies with Matt Aslett, research director of data management and analytics over at 451 Research. We’ll be participating in a live, in-depth discussion of MySQL Clustering for High Availability and Scalability.

Matt will present an overview of the trends driving adoption of clustering technology. He’ll also discuss the key technologies and criteria that developers and administrators need to consider when thinking about clustering, in order to improve their likelihood of success.

For my part, I’ll be focusing on a more technical overview of benefits and drawbacks of different clustering approaches as well as looking at specific technologies based on experience with Hundreds of HA and Scaling cases which we implemented or serviced at Percona. These will include:

– MySQL replication
– Storage level replication and shared storage, such as DRBD and SAN
– MySQL Cluster by Oracle
– Galera, such as Percona XtraDB Cluster
– External replication, such as Continuent Tungsten
– Proxy, such as Tesora
– MySQL-compatible standalone implementations, such as Clustrix and MemSQL

The objective of our joint webinar is to give you the information needed when considering the implementation of a MySQL clustering solution for your business and how the various approaches to clustering might fit your unique needs. The webinar starts at 10 a.m. Pacific time on March 26. Register here to reserve your spot. Feel free to post questions in advance for either Matt or me here in the comments section. See you Wednesday!

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