
Upcoming Webinar Thursday June 8, 2017: MongoDB Shell – A Primer

MongoDB Shell

MongoDB ShellJoin Percona’s Solutions Engineer, Rick Golba as he presents MongoDB Shell: A Primer on Thursday, June 8, 2017, at 11 am PDT / 2 pm EDT (UTC-7).

Every good DBA should be a master of the database shell. In this webinar, we will help you understand how to structure shell commands and discuss all the advanced functions and ways to chain commands in the mongo shell.

This webinar will teach you how to:

  • Limit the number of documents, or skip documents, when running a query
  • Work with the MongoDB aggregation pipeline
  • View an explain plan for a MongoDB query
  • Understand the MongoDB write concerns
  • Validate the contents of a database on various nodes in a replica set
  • Understand the MongoDB read preference

We will touch on CRUD functions, but a great deal more time will be spent on the areas above. We will have a dedicated webinar for mastering CRUD operations in MongoDB in the future.

Register for the webinar here.

MongoDB ShellRick Golba, Solutions Engineer

Rick Golba is a Solutions Engineer at Percona. Rick has over 20 years of experience working with databases. Prior to Percona, he worked as a Technical Trainer for HP/Vertica.


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