
Finding the Right Direction: MongoDB Compass – Community Version

MongoDB Compass

MongoDB CompassIn this blog post, we will talk a bit about the product MongoDB Compass. This new tool has 3 main versions, these being: Community, Enterprise and Enterprise Read Only. MongoDB Compass Community is free, but a bit limited. It allows you to connect to your MongoDB Database to run queries, check queries execution plans, manage indexes, and create, drop/create collections and databases. The paid-for version offers some additional features such as Schema Analysis, Real Time Server Stats, and Document Validation.

We will focus on the Community version here, and look at how we can workaround its limitations using free open source software.

Of course, MongoDB 3.6 was released in November 2017 and it comes with a lot of new features. We’ve already covered those in some of our blog posts and webinars, which you might find interesting:

Using MongoDB Compass Community

The installation is very straightforward and it is available to all operating systems. We used MacOS version as an example but the product looks the same in all supported OS, including Linux with GUI.

Here are the main screens of MongoDB Compass, they are pretty self explanatory.

Database List

Collection List

Collection content (Documents)

Query explain


In the community version, we don’t have Real Time Server Status, Document Validation, or Schema Analysis available. I’ve left these features offered by MongoDB Compass Enterprise out of this article.

However, following the philosophy offered in an earlier blog post — why pay if open source has you covered — I’d like to demonstrate some free tools that offer the same functionality.

I should highlight that Percona doesn’t have a partnership with those companies. These examples represent my suggestions of how open source software can deliver the same functionality as enterprise versions. There are other options out there, and if you know any that you think should be here please let us know!

Schema Validation

For schema validation, it is very likely that Compass is running behind the scenes something similar to Variety, an open project from James Cropcho and currently maintained by a few people https://github.com/variety/variety#core-maintainers.

With this tool, users can generate reports about collections, schemas and their field types.

Schema validator is a wrapper to create collection validation, this blog post from MongoDB explains in details how to create validations

Real-time Server Status

Real-time Server Status shows details about the server itself. It shows the current number of operations, memory used and network throughput. Those metrics can be gathered with open source or “homemade” scripts.

Most of the metrics are based on db.serverStatus()

We also have Percona Monitoring and Management, or PMM, that provides enterprise-grade monitoring features free of charge and not only monitors MongoDB but also MySQL and PostgreSQL see more at https://www.percona.com/doc/percona-monitoring-and-management/index.html

However, if you didn’t like Compass there are a lot of GUI tools available to run queries with IntelliSense, and this search will reveal the most common ones.

In summary, Compass is a great tool. However, with the limitations imposed in the Community version, it is just another user-friendly client. It is up to the user choose Compass over the other options available and if Community Compass is your option I hope you found this discussion useful.

The post Finding the Right Direction: MongoDB Compass – Community Version appeared first on Percona Database Performance Blog.


Monitoring MongoDB Response Time

Monitoring MongoDB response timeIn this blog post, we’ll discuss how using Prometheus can help with monitoring MongoDB response time. I am currently comparing the performance of different storage engines on Percona Server for MongoDB, using a slightly customized version of Tim Callaghan’s sysbench-mongodb. Since I’m interested in measuring response time for database operations, I created a very simple exporter of response time data for Prometheus.

My first approach to measuring MongoDB response time was inspired by Ignacio Nin’s work on tcprstat, some years ago – and by the way the VividCortex query agent works (which is not surprising, since, to the best of my knowledge, Baron inspired tcprstat in the first place).

With this in mind, I created mongo-response-time, which performs the only function of printing to stdout the response time of every mongodb query seen on the wire, along with a timestamp up to the second. My thanks go to the programmers of Facebook’s Go projects, as their code helped me hit the ground running.

As a first approach this was useful enough for my needs, and here is an example of a basic graph created from data generated by it: Monitoring MongoDB response time

I had to use a log scale as otherwise the graph was just a thick bar near the bottom, and a few outliers above. This is already useful, but it does not scale well. As an example, a sysbench-mongodb run of about an hour produced a csv file with a little over eight million data points. Larger rounds (like 24 hours) are just too difficult to handle with R (in one case, even though I had enough memory in my box to hold more than three copies of the file, read.csv aborted after running out of memory – if this happens to you, I suggest the use of RMySQL instead, which seems more memory-efficient than read.csv for ingesting large amounts of data).

For a second approach, I decided to live with less fidelity and settled for some quantiles and a max. For this, I created a simple Prometheus exporter that exposes 0.5, 0.9 and 0.99 quantiles, and also the max response time for every five second period.

With it, I was able to visualize the MongoDB response time data in Grafana in a way that is affordable and good enough for my needs, as can be seen in the following graphs: Monitoring MongoDB response time

The quantiles are calculated on the client side, using the Summary type from Prometheus’ Go client. The exporter also provides the same quantiles, but through a Histogram, which has the advantage of being more lightweight on clients. I decided to use the Summary as a source for this graph as the impact on the machine seems negligible for now, and I do find its data a bit more reliable (if I compare to calculating quantiles per periods analyzing the full data set in R). You can see how the max (a Gauge, glad you asked!) is useful to have, as it lets you find out about outliers that even the .99 quantile misses (which is expected, by the way).

If you want to try this out, you can find darwin and linux binaries here, and if you hit any problems, please reply here or email me directly at fernando (dot) ipar at Percona’s domain.

Happy monitoring!

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