
Join Optimizations in MySQL 5.6 and MariaDB 5.5

This is the third blog post in the series of blog posts leading up to the talk comparing the optimizer enhancements in MySQL 5.6 and MariaDB 5.5. This blog post is targeted at the join related optimizations introduced in the optimizer. These optimizations are available in both MySQL 5.6 and MariaDB 5.5, and MariaDB 5.5 has introduced some additional optimizations which we will also look at, in this post.

Now let me briefly explain these optimizations.

Batched Key Access

Traditionally, MySQL always uses Nested Loop Join to join two or more tables. What this means is that, select rows from first table participating in the joins are read, and then for each of these rows an index lookup is performed on the second table. This means many point queries, say for example if table1 yields 1000 rows then 1000 index lookups are performed on table2. Of course this could mean a lot of random lookups in case the dataset does not fit into memory or if the caches are not warm, this also does not take into account locality of access, as you could be reading the same page multiple times. Consider if you have a small buffer pool and a very large number of rows from table2 that do not fit into the buffer pool, then worst case you could be reading the same page multiple times into the buffer pool.
So considering this drawback, Batched Key Access (BKA) optimization was introduced. When BKA is being used then, after the selected rows are read from table1, the values of indexed columns that will be used to perform a lookup on table2 are batched together and sent to the storage engine. The storage engine then uses the MRR interface (which I explained in my previous post) to lookup the rows in table2. So this means that we have traded many point index lookups to one or more index range lookups. This means MySQL can employ many other optimizations like for example if columns other then the secondary key columns are required to be fetched, then MRR interface can instead access the PK by arranging the secondary key values by PK column and then performing the lookup, and then there are other possibilities like InnoDB doing read_ahead by noticing the sequential access pattern.
BKA is available in both MySQL 5.6 and MariaDB 5.5. You can read more about BKA in MySQL 5.6 here and BKA in MariaDB 5.5 here.

However, MariaDB 5.5 has one additional optimization that is used in conjunction with BKA and that is MRR Key-ordered Scan. Let’s see what this optimization actually is.

Key-ordered Scan for BKA

With this optimization the idea of MRR is further extended to improve join performance. As I told you above, when table t1 would be joined to table t2, then selected rows from t1 would be read and then for all rows, index lookup would be performed on t2. Here is where Key-ordered scan comes in. With BKA turned on, the index lookups to t2 are batched together and sent to the MRR interface. Now when the MRR interface is going to perform the lookup on t2 by a secondary key on the common join column, let’s suppose col1, then with Key-ordered scan, the secondary key on col1 would be sorted by col1 i.e. in index order and then the lookup will be performed. So key-ordered scan is basically an extension of MRR to secondary keys. You can read more about Key-ordered Scan for BKA here.

Now there is one additional join optimization in MariaDB that I would like to quickly explain here, and that is Hash Joins.

Hash Join

As I have told before MySQL has only supported one join algorithm and that is Nested Loop Join. MariaDB has introduced a new join algorithm Hash Join. This join algorithm only works with equi-joins. Now let me briefly explain how hash join algorithm works. Suppose you have two tables t1 and t2, that you wish to join together in an equi-join, then the way hash join algorithm will operate is that first a hash table will be created based on the columns of table t1 that are two be used to join rows with table t2. This step is called the build step. After the hash table has been created, rows from table t2 are read and hash function is applied to the columns participating in the join condition and then a hash table lookup is performed, on the hash table we created earlier. This step is known as probe step. This join algorithm works best for highly selective queries, and obviously when the first operand used in the build step is such that the hash table fits in memory. You can read more about the hash join algorithm here.

Now let’s move on to the benchmarks, to see the difference in numbers.

Benchmark results

For the purpose of this benchmark, I have used TPC-H Query #3 and ran it on TPC-H dataset (InnoDB tables) with a Scale Factor of 2 (InnoDB dataset size ~5G). Note that query cache is disabled during these benchmark runs and that the disks are 4 5.4K disks in Software RAID5.

Also note that the following changes were made on MySQL 5.6 config:


Also note that the following changes were made on MariaDB 5.5 config:


Note that I have turned off ICP because I would like to see the affect of BKA on the query times. But I also had to turn on MRR because BKA uses the MRR interface. Note also the additional optimizer switches and variables in case of MariaDB 5.5. You can read more about these variables here.

The query used is:

        sum(l_extendedprice * (1 - l_discount)) as revenue,
        lineitem FORCE INDEX (i_l_orderkey)
        c_mktsegment = 'AUTOMOBILE'
        and c_custkey = o_custkey
        and l_orderkey = o_orderkey
        and o_orderdate < '1995-03-09'
        and l_shipdate > '1995-03-09'
group by
order by
        revenue desc,

In-memory workload

Now let’s see how effective are the join optimizations when the workload fits entirely in memory. For the purpose of benchmarking in-memory workload, the InnoDB buffer pool size is set to 6G and the buffer pool was warmed up, so that the relevant pages were already loaded in the buffer pool. Note that as mentioned at the start of the benchmark results section, the InnoDB dataset size is ~5G. Now let’s take a look at the graph:

In the graph above the labels mean as follows:
MySQL 5.6 (2) is for MySQL 5.6 w/ buffer size 6M
MariaDB 5.5 (2) is for MariaDB 5.5 w/ buffer size 6M
MariaDB 5.5 (3) is for MariaDB 5.5 w/ buffer size 6M (Hash Join and Key-ordered Scan disabled)

You can see that the lowest query time is for MySQL 5.6 which takes 0.16s less as compared to MySQL 5.5 While with join_buffer_size set to 6M and read_rnd_buffer_size set to 6M, the query time for MySQL 5.6 becomes approximately equal to that of MySQL 5.5. MariaDB 5.5 is quite slow as compared to both MySQL 5.5 and MySQL 5.6. For MariaDB 5.5 the query time decreases when the join_buffer_size is set to 6M and mrr_buffer_size is set to 6M. While the lowest query time for MariaDB 5.5 is when both the Hash Join and the Key-ordered Scan are disabled.

IO bound workload

Now let’s see how effective are the join optimizations when the workload is IO bound. For the purpose of benchmarking IO bound workload, the InnoDB buffer pool size is set to 1G and the buffer pool was not warmed up, so that it does not have the relevant pages loaded up already. Now let’s take a look at the graph:

The labels in the graph above are same as in the graph for in-memory workload.

BKA makes a huge difference when the workload is IO bound and the query time drops from 2534.41s down to under a minute. MySQL 5.6 has the smallest query time when the join_buffer_size is set to 6M and the read_rnd_buffer_size is set to 6M. MariaDB 5.5 is close, yet slower by ~10s. Another thing that is important to know is that, just increasing the join_buffer_size is not going to provide the best possible query performance. As I mentioned at the start that BKA uses the MRR interface so you should also adjust/increase the size of the buffer that MRR uses appropriately. In my tests I noticed that with just the join_buffer_size increased to 6M, the query time was ~300s while when both the join_buffer_size and the read_rnd_buffer_size/mrr_buffer_size were set to 6M, the query time dropped to ~40s. So the maximum possible benefit is when size of both the buffers is increased appropriately. Also in the chart above the bottom two bars correspond to MariaDB with Hash Join and Key-ordered Scan enabled, and MariaDB with Hash Join and Key-ordered Scan disabled, and the only difference in query time is 48.78s vs 48.91s, so I don’t see Hash Join and Key-ordered Scan making much of a difference here.

Now let’s take a look at the status counters.

Counter Name MySQL 5.5 MySQL 5.6 MySQL 5.6 w/ join_buffer_size=6M & read_rnd_buffer_size=6M MariaDB 5.5 MariaDB 5.5 w/ join_buffer_size=6M & mrr_buffer_size=6M MariaDB 5.5 Hash Join Disabled w/ join_buffer_size=4M & mrr_buffer_size=4M
Created_tmp_disk_tables 0 0 0 0 0 0
Created_tmp_tables 1 1 1 1 1 1
Handler_mrr_init N/A 112 3 1133 1 1
Handler_mrr_key_refills N/A N/A N/A 0 0 0
Handler_mrr_rowid_refills N/A N/A N/A 22 0 0
Handler_read_key 1829910 4440511 4372096 1801917 1790641 1805995
Handler_read_next 2651500 2628103 2586036 2628103 2592816 2615612
Handler_read_rnd_next 23078 22780 22757 22867 23049 23221
Innodb_buffer_pool_read_ahead 1152 23231 130919 23228 130731 131497
Innodb_buffer_pool_read_requests 12947073 10228611 7816154 10251697 9319281 9393396
Innodb_buffer_pool_reads 327963 332092 12889 335080 14067 13384
Innodb_data_read 5G 5.4G 2.2G 5.4G 2.2G 2.2G
Innodb_data_reads 329115 355323 143808 335526 16164 15506
Innodb_pages_read 329115 355323 143808 358308 144798 144881
Innodb_rows_read 4127318 6718351 6611675 6707882 5479445 5527245
Select_scan 1 1 1 1 1 1
Sort_scan 1 1 1 1 1 1

The first obvious improvement is shown by the high numbers of Innodb_buffer_pool_read_ahead when the buffers are sized appropriately, which shows that the IO access pattern has been changed to become sequential. The two other most important numbers are values for Innodb_buffer_pool_reads and Innodb_data_read. We can see that with appropriately sized buffers less no. of Innodb_buffer_pool_reads are done, and less amount of data is read from disk, in fact half the amount of data is read from disk 2.2G vs 5G. However, there is one number in MariaDB 5.5 that is quite large as compared to MySQL 5.6 and that is ‘Handler_mrr_init’. Is it because of this that the query on MariaDB 5.5 is slow as compared to MySQL 5.6. Next interesting thing are the last two columns of the table above and the values for ‘Handler_read_key’, ‘Handler_read_next’ and ‘Handler_read_rnd_next’. MariaDB 5.5 with Hash Joins enabled is doing less Handler reads as compared to when the Hash Joins are disabled, but that did not make much of a difference in the query times.


BKA improves the query time by a huge margin for IO bound workload but does not make much of a difference to in-memory workload. Also BKA relies on both the join_buffer_size and the read_rnd_buffer_size/mrr_buffer_size and both of these buffers should be increased appropriately for the best possible performance gain. This is not entirely visible in the manual either for MariaDB or MySQL, but you need to appropriately increase read_rnd_buffer_size/mrr_buffer_size because these have an impact on MRR performance, and BKA uses the MRR interface, so these buffers indirectly impact BKA performance. I did not find much of a performance improvement from using Hash Join in MariaDB 5.5 or from Key-ordered Scan for TPCH query #3, in fact disabling both of these provided the best result for MariaDB 5.5 for in-memory workload.

I intend to run tests to see what specific types of queries would benefit from Hash Join as compared to Nested Loop Join, but for now it looks like Nested Loop Join is a much better general purpose join algorithm.


Multi Range Read (MRR) in MySQL 5.6 and MariaDB 5.5

This is the second blog post in the series of blog posts leading up to the talk comparing the optimizer enhancements in MySQL 5.6 and MariaDB 5.5. This blog post is aimed at the optimizer enhancement Multi Range Read (MRR). Its available in both MySQL 5.6 and MariaDB 5.5

Now let’s take a look at what this optimization actually is and what benefits it brings.

Multi Range Read

With traditional secondary index lookups, if the columns that are being fetched do not belong to the secondary index definition (and hence covering index optimization is not used), then primary key lookups have to be performed for each secondary key entry fetched. This means that secondary key lookups for column values that do not belong to the secondary index definition can result in a lot of Random I/O. The purpose of MRR is to reduce this Random I/O and make it more sequential, by having a buffer in between where secondary key tuples are buffered and then sorted by the primary key values, and then instead of point primary key lookups, a range lookup is performed on the primary key by using the sorted primary key values.

Let me give you a simple example. Suppose you have the following query executed on the InnoDB table:

SELECT non_key_column FROM tbl WHERE key_column=x

This query will roughly be evaluated in following steps, without MRR:

  1. SELECT key_column, pk_column FROM tbl WHERE key_column=x ORDER BY key_column
    (Note that secondary keys in InnoDB contain primary key columns)
  2. For each pk_column value in step 1 do:
    SELECT non_key_column FROM tbl WHERE pk_column=val

As you can see that the values returned from Step 1 are sorted by the secondary key column ‘key_column’, and then for each value of ‘pk_column’ which is a part of the secondary key tuple, a point primary key lookup is made against base table, the number of these point primary key lookups will be depend on the number of rows that match the condition ‘key_column=x’. You can see that there are a lot of random primary key lookups made.

With MRR, then steps above are changed to the following:

  1. SELECT key_column, pk_column FROM tbl WHERE key_column=x ORDER BY key_column
    (Note that secondary keys in InnoDB contain primary key columns)
  2. Buffer each pk_column value fetched from step 1, and when the buffer is full sort them by pk_column, and do a range primary key lookup as follows:
    SELECT non_key_column from tbl WHERE pk_column IN (…)

As you can see by utilizing the buffer for sorting the secondary key tuples by pk_column, we have converted a lot of point primary key lookups to one or more range primary key lookup. Thereby, converting Random access to one or more sequential access. There is one another interesting thing that has come up here, and that is the importance of the size of the buffer used for sorting the secondary key tuples. If the buffer size is large enough only a single range lookup will be needed, however if the buffer size is small as compared to the combined size of the secondary key tuples fetched, then the number of range lookups will be:

S is the combined size of the secondary key tuples fetched, and
N is the buffer size.

In MySQL 5.6 the buffer size used by MRR can be controlled by the variable read_rnd_buffer_size, while MariaDB introduces a different variable to control the MRR buffer size mrr_buffer_size. Both buffer sizes default to 256K in MySQL 5.6 and MariaDB 5.5 respectively, which might be low depending on your scenario.

You can read more about the MRR optimization available in MySQL 5.6 here:
and as available in MariaDB 5.5 here:

Now let’s move on to the benchmarks, to see the difference in numbers.

Benchmark results

For the purpose of this benchmark, I have used TPC-H Query #10 and ran it on TPC-H dataset (InnoDB tables) with a Scale Factor of 2 (InnoDB dataset size ~5G). I did not use Scale Factor of 40 (InnoDB dataset size ~95G), because the query was taking far too long to execute, ~11 hours in case of MySQL 5.5 and ~5 hours in case of MySQL 5.6 and MariaDB 5.5. Note that query cache is disabled during these benchmark runs and that the disks are 4 5.4K disks in Software RAID5.

Also note that the following changes were made in the MySQL config:
optimizer_switch=’mrr_sort_keys=on’ (only on MariaDB 5.5)
read_rnd_buffer_size=4M (only on MySQL 5.6)
mrr_buffer_size=4M (only on MariaDB 5.5)

We have turned off ICP optimization for the purpose of this particular benchmark, because we want to see the individual affect of an optimization (where possible). Also note that we have turned off mrr_cost_based, this is because the cost based algorithm used to calculate the cost of MRR when the optimizer is choosing the query execution plan, is not sufficiently tuned and it is recommended to turn this off.

The query used is:

        sum(l_extendedprice * (1 - l_discount)) as revenue,
        c_custkey = o_custkey
        and l_orderkey = o_orderkey
        and o_orderdate >= '1993-08-01'
        and o_orderdate < date_add( '1993-08-01' ,interval '3' month)
        and l_returnflag = 'R'
        and c_nationkey = n_nationkey
group by
order by
        revenue desc

In-memory workload

Now let's see how effective is MRR when the workload fits entirely in memory. For the purpose of benchmarking in-memory workload, the InnoDB buffer pool size is set to 6G and the buffer pool was warmed up, so that the relevant pages were already loaded in the buffer pool. Note that as mentioned at the start of the benchmark results section, the InnoDB dataset size is ~5G. Ok so now let's take a look at the graph:

MRR doesn't really make any positive difference to the query times for MySQL 5.6, when the workload fits entirely in memory, because there is no extra cost for memory access at random locations versus memory access at sequential locations. In fact there is extra cost added by the buffering step introduced by MRR, and hence, there is a slight increase in query time for MySQL 5.6, increase of 0.02s. But the query times for MariaDB 5.5 are greater than both MySQL 5.5 and MySQL 5.6

IO bound workload

Now let's see how effective is MRR when the workload is IO bound. For the purpose of benchmarking IO bound workload, the InnoDB buffer pool size is set to 1G and the buffer pool was not warmed up, so that it does not have the relevant pages loaded up already:

MRR does make a lot of difference when the workload is IO bound, the query time is decreased from ~11min to under a minute. The query time is reduced further when the buffer size is set to 4M. Note also that query time for MariaDB is still a little higher by a couple of seconds, when compared to MySQL 5.6.

Now let's take a look at the status counters.

MySQL Status Counters

These status counters were captured when performing the benchmark on IO bound workload, mentioned above.

Counter Name MySQL 5.5 MySQL 5.6 MySQL 5.6 w/ read_rnd_bufer_size=4M MariaDB 5.5 MariaDB 5.5 w/ mrr_buffer_size=4M
Created_tmp_disk_tables 1 1 1 1 1
Created_tmp_tables 1 1 1 1 1
Handler_mrr_init N/A 0 0 1 1
Handler_mrr_rowid_refills N/A N/A N/A 1 0
Handler_read_key 508833 623738 622184 508913 507516
Handler_read_next 574320 574320 572889 574320 572889
Handler_read_rnd_next 136077 136094 136366 136163 136435
Innodb_buffer_pool_read_ahead 0 20920 23669 20920 23734
Innodb_buffer_pool_read_requests 1361851 1264739 1235472 1263290 1235781
Innodb_buffer_pool_reads 120548 102948 76882 102672 76832
Innodb_data_read 1.84G 1.89G 1.53G 1.89G 1.53G
Innodb_data_reads 120552 123872 100551 103011 77213
Innodb_pages_read 120548 123868 100551 123592 100566
Innodb_rows_read 799239 914146 912318 914146 912318
Select_scan 1 1 1 1 1
Sort_scan 1 1 1 1 1
  • As you can see from the status counters above that both MySQL 5.6 and MariaDB 5.5 are reporting high numbers for Innodb_buffer_pool_read_ahead which shows that the access pattern was sequential and hence InnoDB decided to do read_ahead, while in MySQL 5.5 no read_ahead was done because the access pattern was not sequential. Another thing to note is that more read_ahead is done when the buffer size used by MRR, is set to 4M, which obviously means that the more index tuples that can fit in the buffer the more sequential the access pattern will be.
  • There is one MRR related variable introduced in MySQL 5.6 and MariaDB 5.5 Handler_mrr_init and another additional one introduced in MariaDB 5.5 Handler_mrr_rowid_refills. Handler_mrr_init is incremented when a MRR range scan is performed, but we can see its only incremented in MariaDB 5.5 and not in MySQL 5.6, is that because of a bug in MySQL 5.6 code? As MRR was used in both MySQL 5.6 and MariaDB 5.5. Handler_mrr_rowid_refills counts how many times the buffer used by MRR had to be reinitialized, because the buffer was small and not all index tuples could fit in the buffer. If this is > 0 then it means Handler_mrr_rowid_refills + 1 MRR range scans had to be performed. As in the table above you can with default buffer size of 256K, MariaDB 5.5 shows that Handler_mrr_rowid_refills = 1, which means the buffer is small and there were 2 MRR range scans needed. But with a buffer size of 4M, we can see that Handler_mrr_rowid_refills = 0, which means that the buffer was big enough and only 1 MRR range scan was needed, which is as efficient as it can be. This is also evident in the query times, which is lower by a couple of seconds when buffer size of 4M is used.
  • Another interesting thing to note is that MySQL 5.6 and MariaDB 5.5 are both reading more rows than MySQL 5.5, as can be seen by the numbers reported for the status counter Innodb_rows_read. While MySQL 5.6 is also reporting increased numbers for the counter Handler_read_key. This is because of how status counter values are incremented when index lookup is performed. As I explained at the start of the post that traditional index lookup (for non-index-only columns) involves, reading an index record, and then using the PK column value in the index record to make a lookup in the PK. Both these lookups are performed in a single call to the storage engine and the counters Handler_read_key and Innodb_rows_read are incremented by ONE. However, when MRR is used then there are two separate calls made to the storage engine to perform the index record read and then to perform the MRR range scan on the PK. This causes the counters Handler_read_key and Innodb_rows_read to be incremented by TWO. It does not actually mean that queries with MRR are performing badly. The interesting thing is that though both MariaDB and MySQL 5.6 are reporting high numbers for Innodb_rows_read, which is completely in line with how the counters behave with MRR, but the value for counter Handler_read_key is more or less the same for MariaDB 5.5 when compared to MySQL 5.5, and this does not make sense to me. Probably its due to a bug in how counter is calculated inside MariaDB?

Other Observations

Sometimes both for MariaDB 5.5 and MySQL 5.6, the optimizer chooses the wrong query execution plan. Let's take a look at what are the good and bad query execution plans.

a. Bad Plan

id      select_type     table   type    possible_keys   key     key_len ref     rows    filtered        Extra
1       SIMPLE  nation  ALL     PRIMARY NULL    NULL    NULL    25      100.00  Using temporary; Using filesort
1       SIMPLE  customer        ref     PRIMARY,i_c_nationkey   i_c_nationkey   5       dbt3.nation.n_nationkey 2123    100.00
1       SIMPLE  orders  ref     PRIMARY,i_o_orderdate,i_o_custkey       i_o_custkey     5       dbt3.customer.c_custkey 7       100.00  Using where
1       SIMPLE  lineitem        ref     PRIMARY,i_l_orderkey,i_l_orderkey_quantity      PRIMARY 4       dbt3.orders.o_orderkey  1       100.00  Using where

b. Good Plan

id      select_type     table   type    possible_keys   key     key_len ref     rows    filtered        Extra
1       SIMPLE  orders  range   PRIMARY,i_o_orderdate,i_o_custkey       i_o_orderdate   4       NULL    232722  100.00  Using where; Rowid-ordered scan; Using temporary; Using filesort
1       SIMPLE  customer        eq_ref  PRIMARY,i_c_nationkey   PRIMARY 4       dbt3.orders.o_custkey   1       100.00  Using where
1       SIMPLE  nation  eq_ref  PRIMARY PRIMARY 4       dbt3.customer.c_nationkey       1       100.00
1       SIMPLE  lineitem        ref     PRIMARY,i_l_orderkey,i_l_orderkey_quantity      PRIMARY 4       dbt3.orders.o_orderkey  2       100.00  Using where

So during cold query runs the optimizer would switch to using plan 'a', which does not involve MRR, and the query time for MySQL 5.6 and MariaDB 5.5 jumps to ~11min (this is the query time for MySQL 5.5) While when it sticks to plan 'b' for MySQL 5.6 and MariaDB 5.5, then query times remain under a minute. So when the correct query execution plan is not used, there is no difference in query times between MySQL 5.5 and MySQL 5.6/MariaDB 5.5 This is another area of improvement in the optimizer, as it is clearly a part of the optimizer's job to select the best query execution plan. I had noted a similar thing when benchmarking ICP, the optimizer made a wrong choice. It looks like that there is still improvement and changes needed in the optimizer's cost estimation algorithm.

MariaDB 5.5 expands the concept of MRR to improve the performance of secondary key lookups as well. But this works only with joins and specifically with Block Access Join Algorithms. So I am not going to cover it here, but will cover it in my next post which will be on Block Access Join Algorithms.


There is a huge speedup when the workload is IO bound, the query time goes down from ~11min to under a minute. The query time is reduced further when buffer size is set large enough so that the index tuples fit in the buffer. But there is no performance improvement when the workload is in-memory, in fact MRR adds extra sorting overhead which means that the queries are just a bit slower as compared to MySQL 5.5 MRR clearly changes the access pattern to sequential, and hence InnoDB is able to do many read_aheads. Another thing to take away is that MariaDB is just a bit slower as compared to MySQL 5.6, may be something for the MariaDB guys to look at.

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