
Percona Server, OpenStack and the Tesora DBaaS Platform

Percona Server, OpenStack and the Tesora DBaaS PlatformPercona Server and Percona XtraDB Cluster provide high-performance alternatives for MySQL users. We have also seen rapidly growing interest in these solutions in the OpenStack community where higher performance and high availability are crucial. Many OpenStack users are adopting these solutions but we’ve also seen demand from companies creating OpenStack distros. For example, Percona XtraDB Cluster is now certified for the RHEL OSP (OpenStack Platform) and is included in the Ubuntu 14.04 LTS release. Tesora recently joined this rapidly growing list when they announced the Tesora DBaaS Platform Enterprise Edition which includes Percona Server.

The Tesora platform is an enterprise-ready database as a service (DBaaS) platform based on the OpenStack Trove project. Percona Server was certified by Tesora in August as part of their Tesora DBaaS Platform certification program.

What does this mean for you if you are one of the users who have downloaded Percona Server more than 1,000,000 times?

Many enterprises are evaluating how to deliver robust, high-performance MySQL-as-a-service. OpenStack Trove is is an open-source platform that addresses this challenge. OpenStack operators can build and offer multiple databases as a service (such as MySQL, MongoDB, or Redis). These users can create, operate, maintain and delete different kinds of SQL or NoSQL databases on demand. Users don’t need to worry about the administrative details of the database technology nor complexities such as availability, resiliency, backups, recovery and security.

The Tesora DBaaS Platform Enterprise Edition builds upon OpenStack Trove and makes the “provisioning, deployment, configuration, tuning, monitoring and administration” simpler for operators. The platform includes support for multiple database backends including Percona Server which is certified on the Tesora DBaaS platform. Administrators and DBAs looking to build and offer a database as a service using the Tesora DBaaS Platform Enterprise Edition can rest assured that Percona Server is ready to meet their needs.

OpenStack is a rapidly evolving open-source platform that depends heavily on MySQL for optimal performance. Percona is participating in the Trove project and is sharing our knowledge on OpenStack through webinars (such as “OpenStack: A MySQL DBA Perspective“), blog posts (such as “OpenStack users shed light on Percona XtraDB Cluster deadlock issues“), professional services (such as Percona Consulting Services) and the recently announced OpenStack Live Conference which will be held April 13-14 2015 at the Santa Clara Convention Center in Silicon Valley (the Call for Speakers is open until November 9!).

We look forward to working with Tesora as they build out their platform as well as the rest of the OpenStack community as this exciting technology continues to mature. I hope you can join us in Santa Clara for the OpenStack Live Conference this April – submit your speaker proposal now or purchase your ticket at Super Saver prices!

The post Percona Server, OpenStack and the Tesora DBaaS Platform appeared first on Percona Performance Blog.

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