
InnoDB Cluster in a Nutshell Part 3: MySQL Shell

MySQL InnoDB Cluster MySQL Shell

MySQL InnoDB Cluster MySQL ShellWelcome to the third part of this series. I’m glad you’re still reading, as hopefully this means you find this subject interesting at least. Previously we presented the first two components of MySQL InnoDB Cluster: Group Replication and MySQL Router and now we will discuss the last component, MySQL Shell.

MySQL Shell

This is the last component in the cluster and I love it. Oracle have created this tool to centralize cluster management, providing a friendly, command-line based user interface.

The tool can be defined as an advanced MySQL shell, which is much more powerful than the well known MySQL client. With the capacity to work with both relational and document (JSON) data, the tool provides an extended capability to interact with the database from a single place.

MySQL Shell is also able to understand different languages:

  • JavaScript (default) which includes several built-in functions to administer the cluster—create, destroy, restart, etc.—in a very easy way.
  • Python it provides an easy way to write Python code to interact with the database. This is particularly useful for developers who don’t need to have SQL skills or run applications to test code.
  • SQL to work in classic mode to query database as we used to do with the old MySQL client.

A very interesting feature provided with MySQL Shell is the ability to establish different connections to different servers/clusters from within the same shell. There is no need to exit to connect to a different server, just issuing the command \connect will make this happen. As DBA, I find this pretty useful when handling multiple clusters/servers.

Some of the features present in this tool:

  • Capacity to use both Classic and X protocols.
  • Online switch mode to change languages (JavaScript, Python and SQL)
  • Auto-completion of commands using tab, a super expected feature in MySQL client.
  • Colored formatting output that also supports different formats like Table, Tab-separated and Json formats.
  • Batch mode that processes batches of commands allowing also an interactive mode to print output according each line is processed.

Some sample commands

Samples of new tool and execution modes:

#switch modes
#connect to instance
\connect user@host:[port]
#create a cluster (better to handle through variables)
var cluster=dba.createCluster('percona')
#add instances to cluster
#check cluster status
#using another variable
var cluster2=dba.getCluster(‘percona’)
#get cluster structure
#rejoin instance to cluster - needs to be executed locally to the instance
#rejoin instance to cluster - needs to be executed locally to the instance
#recover from lost quorum
#recover from lost quorum
#destroy cluster

Personally, I think this tool is a very good replacement for the classic MySQL client. Sadly, mysql-server installations do not include MySQL shell by default, but it is worth getting used to. I recommend you try it.


We finally reached the end of this series. I hope you have enjoyed this short introduction to what seems to be Oracle’s bid to have a built-in High Availability solution based on InnoDB. It may become a good competitor to Galera-based solutions. Still, there is a long way to go, as the tool was only just released as GA (April 2018). There are a bunch of things that need to be addressed before it becomes consistent enough to be production-ready. In my personal opinion, it is not—yet. Nevertheless, I think it is a great tool that will eventually be a serious player in the HA field as it’s an excellent, flexible and easy to deploy solution.

The post InnoDB Cluster in a Nutshell Part 3: MySQL Shell appeared first on Percona Database Performance Blog.


InnoDB Cluster in a Nutshell: Part 2 MySQL Router

MySQL Router MySQL Cluster

MySQL Router MySQL ClusterMySQL InnoDB Cluster is an Oracle High Availability solution that can be easily installed over MySQL to provide high availability with multi-master capabilities and automatic failover. In the previous post we presented the first component of InnoDB Cluster, group replication. Now we will go through the second component, MySQL Router.  We will address MySQL Shell in a final instalment of this three-part series. By then, you should have a good overview of the features offeed by MySQL InnoDB Cluster.

MySQL Router

This component is responsible for distributing the traffic between members of the cluster. It is a proxy-like solution to hide cluster topology from applications, so applications don’t need to know which member of a cluster is the primary node and which are secondaries.

The tool is capable of performing read/write splitting by exposing different interfaces. A common setup is to have one read-write interface and one read-only interface. This is default behavior that also exposes 2 similar interfaces to use x-protocol (i.e. used for CRUD operations and async calls).

The read and write split is done using a concept of roles: Primary for writes and Secondary for read-only. This is analogous to how members of cluster are named. Additionally, each interface is exposed via a TCP port so applications only need to know the IP:port combination used for writes and the one used for reads. Then, MySQL Router will take care of connections to cluster members depending on the type of traffic to server.

MySQL Router is a very simple tool, maybe too simple as it is a layer four load balance and lacks some of the advanced features that some of it’s competitors have (e.g.. ProxySQL).

Here is a short list of the most important features of MySQL Router:

  • As mentioned, read and write split based on roles.
  • Load balancing both for reads and writes use different algorithms.
  • Configuration is stored in a configuration test file.
  • Automatically detects cluster topology by connecting and retrieving information, based on this information the router configures itself with default rules.
  • Automatically detects failing nodes and redirects traffic accordingly.

Algorithms used for routing

An important thing to mention is the routing_strategy algorithms that are available, as they are assigned by default depending on the routing mode:

  • For PRIMARY mode (i.e. writer node – or nodes): uses the first-available algorithm that picks the first writer node from a list of writes and in case of failure moves to the next in the list. If the failing node comes back to life, it’s automatically added to the list of servers and become PRIMARY again when cluster assign this status. When no writers are available then write routing is stopped
  • For read-only mode (i.e. read nodes): uses the round-robin algorithm between servers listed in the destinations variable. This mode splits read traffic between all servers in an even manner.

Additional routing_strategy algorithms :

  • next-available: similar to first-available but in this case a failing node is marked as crashed and can’t get back into the rotation.
  • round-robin-with-fallback: same as round-robin but it includes the ability in this case of using servers from the primary list (writers) to distribute the read traffic.

A sample configuration

For performance purposes it’s recommended to setup MySQL Router in the same place as the application, considering an instance per application server.

Here you can see a sample configuration file auto-generated by --bootstrap functionality:

$ cat /etc/mysqlrouter/mysqlrouter.conf
# File automatically generated during MySQL Router bootstrap
level = INFO

We are almost done now, only one post left. The final post is about our third component MySQL Shell, so please keep reading.

The post InnoDB Cluster in a Nutshell: Part 2 MySQL Router appeared first on Percona Database Performance Blog.


7 Key MySQL clustering technologies – A joint webinar with 451 Research

7 Key MySQL clustering technologies - A joint webinar with 451 ResearchI’m looking forward to Wednesday’s joint webinar on MySQL clustering technologies with Matt Aslett, research director of data management and analytics over at 451 Research. We’ll be participating in a live, in-depth discussion of MySQL Clustering for High Availability and Scalability.

Matt will present an overview of the trends driving adoption of clustering technology. He’ll also discuss the key technologies and criteria that developers and administrators need to consider when thinking about clustering, in order to improve their likelihood of success.

For my part, I’ll be focusing on a more technical overview of benefits and drawbacks of different clustering approaches as well as looking at specific technologies based on experience with Hundreds of HA and Scaling cases which we implemented or serviced at Percona. These will include:

– MySQL replication
– Storage level replication and shared storage, such as DRBD and SAN
– MySQL Cluster by Oracle
– Galera, such as Percona XtraDB Cluster
– External replication, such as Continuent Tungsten
– Proxy, such as Tesora
– MySQL-compatible standalone implementations, such as Clustrix and MemSQL

The objective of our joint webinar is to give you the information needed when considering the implementation of a MySQL clustering solution for your business and how the various approaches to clustering might fit your unique needs. The webinar starts at 10 a.m. Pacific time on March 26. Register here to reserve your spot. Feel free to post questions in advance for either Matt or me here in the comments section. See you Wednesday!

The post 7 Key MySQL clustering technologies – A joint webinar with 451 Research appeared first on MySQL Performance Blog.

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