
Comparing Data At-Rest Encryption Features for MariaDB, MySQL and Percona Server for MySQL

Encryption at rest MariaDB MySQL Percona Server

Encryption at rest MariaDB MySQL Percona ServerProtecting the data stored in your database may have been at the top of your priorities recently, especially with the changes that were introduced earlier this year with GDPR.

There are a number of ways to protect this data, which until not so long ago would have meant either using an encrypted filesystem (e.g. LUKS), or encrypting the data before it is stored in the database (e.g. AES_ENCRYPT or other abstraction within the application). A few years ago, the options started to change, as Alexander Rubin discussed in MySQL Data at Rest Encryption, and now MariaDB®, MySQL®, and Percona Server for MySQL all support encryption at-rest. However, the options that you have—and, indeed, the variable names—vary depending upon which database version you are using.

In this blog post we will take a look at what constitutes the maximum level of at-rest encryption that can be achieved with each of the latest major GA releases from each provider. To allow a fair comparison across the three, we will focus on the file-based key management; keyring_file plugin for MySQL and Percona Server for MySQL along with file_key_management plugin for MariaDB.

MariaDB 10.3

The MariaDB team take the credit for leading the way with at-rest encryption, as most of their features have been present since the 10.1 release (most notably the beta release of 10.1.3 in March 2015). Google donated the tablespace encryption, and eperi donated per-table encryption and key identifier support.

The current feature set for MariaDB 10.3 comprises of the following variables:

Maximising at-rest encryption with MariaDB 10.3

Using the following configuration would give you maximum at-rest encryption with MariaDB 10.3:

plugin_load_add = file_key_management
file_key_management_filename = /etc/mysql/keys.enc
file_key_management_filekey = FILE:/etc/mysql/.key
file_key_management_encryption_algorithm = aes_cbc
innodb_encrypt_log = ON
innodb_encrypt_tables = FORCE
Innodb_encrypt_threads = 4
encrypt_binlog = ON
encrypt_tmp_disk_tables = ON
encrypt_tmp_files = ON
aria_encrypt_tables = ON

This configuration would provide the following at-rest protection:

  • automatic and enforced InnoDB tablespace encryption
  • automatic encryption of existing tables that have not been marked with
  • 4 parallel encryption threads
  • encryption of temporary files and tables
  • encryption of Aria tables
  • binary log encryption
  • an encrypted file that contains the main encryption key

You can read more about preparing the keys, as well as the other key management plugins in the Encryption Key Management docs.

There is an existing bug related to encrypt_tmp_files (MDEV-14884), which causes the use of

mysqld --help --verbose

 to fail, which if you are using the official MariaDB Docker container for 10.3 will cause you to be unable to keep mysqld up and running. Messages similar to these would be visible in the Docker logs:

ERROR: mysqld failed while attempting to check config
command was: "mysqld --verbose --help --log-bin-index=/tmp/tmp.HDiERM4SPx"
2018-08-15 13:38:15 0 [Note] Plugin 'FEEDBACK' is disabled.
2018-08-15 13:38:15 0 [ERROR] Failed to enable encryption of temporary files
2018-08-15 13:38:15 0 [ERROR] Aborting

N.B. you should be aware of the limitations for the implementation, most notably log tables and files are not encrypted and may contain data along with any query text.

One of the key features supported by MariaDB that is not yet supported by the other providers is the automatic, parallel encryption of tables that will occur when simply enabling


 . This avoids the need to mark the existing tables for encryption using


 , although at the same time it also does not automatically add the comment and so you would not see this information. Instead, to check for encrypted InnoDB tables in MariaDB you should check


 , an example query being:

mysql> SELECT SUBSTRING_INDEX(name, '/', 1) AS db_name,
   ->   SUBSTRING_INDEX(name, '/', -1) AS db_table,
   -> FROM information_schema.INNODB_SYS_TABLESPACES
| db_name | db_table             | encrypted |
| mysql   | innodb_table_stats   |      1    |
| mysql   | innodb_index_stats   |      0    |
| mysql   | transaction_registry |      0    |
| mysql   | gtid_slave_pos       |      0    |

As can be inferred from this query, the system tables in MariaDB 10.3 are still predominantly MyISAM and as such cannot be encrypted.


Whilst the enterprise version of MySQL has support for a number of data at-rest encryption features as of 5.7, most of them are not available to the community edition. The latest major release of the community version sees the main feature set comprise of:

The enterprise edition adds the following extra support:

Maximising at-rest encryption with MySQL 8.0

Using the following configuration would give you maximum at-rest encryption with MySQL 8.0:

This configuration would provide the following at-rest protection:

  • optional InnoDB tablespace encryption
  • redo and undo log encryption

You would need to create new, or alter existing tables with the


 option, which would then be visible by examining


 , an example query being:

mysql> SELECT TABLE_SCHEMA AS db_name,
   ->    TABLE_NAME AS db_table,
   ->    CREATE_OPTIONS LIKE '%ENCRYPTION="Y"%' AS encrypted
   -> FROM information_schema.INNODB_TABLESPACES ts
   -> INNER JOIN information_schema.TABLES t ON t.TABLE_SCHEMA = SUBSTRING_INDEX(, '/', 1)
   ->                                        AND t.TABLE_NAME = SUBSTRING_INDEX(, '/', -1);
| db_name | db_table        | encrypted |
| sys     | sys_config      |     1     |

N.B. You are able to encrypt the tablespaces in 5.7, in which case you should use


 as the internal system views on the data dictionary were renamed (InnoDB Changes).

Unfortunately, whilst all of the tables in the mysql schema use the InnoDB engine (except for the log tables), you cannot encrypt them and instead get the following error:

ERROR 3183 (HY000): This tablespace can't be encrypted.

Interestingly, you are led to believe that you can indeed encrypt the




 tables, but this is in fact a bug (#91791).

Percona Server for MySQL

Last, but not least we have Percona Server for MySQL, which, whilst not completely matching MariaDB for features, is getting very close. As we shall see shortly, it does in fact have some interesting differences to both MySQL and MariaDB.

The current feature set for 5.7, which does indeed exceed the features provided by MySQL 5.7 and for the most part 8.0, is as follows:

Maximising at-rest encryption with Percona Server for MySQL 5.7

Using the following configuration would give you maximum at-rest encryption with Percona Server 5.7:

This configuration would provide the following at-rest protection:

  • automatic and enforced InnoDB tablespace encryption
  • encryption of temporary files and tables
  • binary log encryption
  • encryption when performing online DDL

There are some additional features that are due for release in the near future:

  • Encryption of the doublewrite buffer
  • Automatic key rotation
  • Undo log and redo log encryption
  • InnoDB system tablespace encryption
  • InnoDB tablespace and redo log scrubbing
  • Amazon KMS keyring plugin

Just like MySQL, encryption of any existing tables needs to be specified via


 via an


, however new tables are automatically encrypted. Another difference is that in order to check which tables are encrypted you can should the flag set against the tablespace in


, an example query being:

mysql> SELECT SUBSTRING_INDEX(name, '/', 1) AS db_name,
   ->    SUBSTRING_INDEX(name, '/', -1) AS db_table,
   ->    (flag & 8192) != 0 AS encrypted
   -> FROM information_schema.INNODB_SYS_TABLESPACES;
| db_name | db_table                  | encrypted |
| sys     | sys_config                |      1    |
| mysql   | engine_cost               |      1    |
| mysql   | help_category             |      1    |
| mysql   | help_keyword              |      1    |
| mysql   | help_relation             |      1    |
| mysql   | help_topic                |      1    |
| mysql   | innodb_index_stats        |      1    |
| mysql   | innodb_table_stats        |      1    |
| mysql   | plugin                    |      1    |
| mysql   | servers                   |      1    |
| mysql   | server_cost               |      1    |
| mysql   | slave_master_info         |      1    |
| mysql   | slave_relay_log_info      |      1    |
| mysql   | slave_worker_info         |      1    |
| mysql   | time_zone                 |      1    |
| mysql   | time_zone_leap_second     |      1    |
| mysql   | time_zone_name            |      1    |
| mysql   | time_zone_transition      |      1    |
| mysql   | time_zone_transition_type |      1    |
| mysql   | gtid_executed             |      0    |

Here you will see something interesting! We are able to encrypt most of the system tables, including two that are of significance, as they can contain plain text passwords:

| db_name | db_table          | encrypted |
| mysql   | servers           |      1    |
| mysql   | slave_master_info |      1    |

In addition to the above, Percona Server for MySQL also supports using the opensource HashiCorp Vault to host the keyring decryption information using the keyring_vault plugin; utilizing this setup (provided Vault is not on the same device as your mysql service, and is configured correctly) gains you an additional layer of security.

You may also be interested in my earlier blog post on using Vault with MySQL, showing you how to store your credentials in a central location and use them to access your database, including the setup and configuration of Vault with Let’s Encrypt certificates.


There are significant differences both in terms of features and indeed variable names, but all of them are able to provide encryption of the InnoDB tablespaces that will be containing your persistent, sensitive data. The temporary tablespaces, InnoDB logs and temporary files contain transient data, so whilst they should ideally be encrypted, only a small section of data would exist in them for a finite amount of time which is less of a risk, albeit a risk nonetheless.

Here are the highlights:

MariaDB 10.3 MySQL 8.0 Percona Server 5.7
encrypted InnoDB data Y Y Y
encrypted non-InnoDB data Aria-only N N
encrypted InnoDB logs Y Y TBA
automatic encryption Y N Y
enforced encryption Y N Y
automatic key rotation Y N TBA
encrypted binary logs Y N Y
encrypted online DDL ? N Y
encrypted keyring Y Enterprise-only N
mysql.slave_master_info N N Y
mysql.servers N N Y
Hashicorp Vault N N Y
AWS KMS Y Enterprise-only TBA


Extra reading:


The post Comparing Data At-Rest Encryption Features for MariaDB, MySQL and Percona Server for MySQL appeared first on Percona Database Performance Blog.


MySQL Encryption at Rest – Part 1 (LUKS)

MySQL Encryption at Rest

MySQL Encryption at RestIn this first of a series of blog posts, we’ll look at MySQL encryption at rest.

At Percona, we work with a number of clients that require strong security measures for PCI, HIPPA and PHI compliance, where data managed by MySQL needs to be encrypted “at rest.” As with all things open source, there several options for meeting the MySQL encryption at rest requirement. In this three-part series, we cover several popular options of encrypting data and present the various pros and cons to each solution. You may want to evaluate which parts of these tutorials work best for your situation before using them in production.

Part one of this series is implementing disk-level encryption using crypt+LUKS.

In MySQL 5.7, InnoDB has built-in encryption features. This solution has some cons, however. Specifically, InnoDB tablespace encryption doesn’t cover undo logs, redo logs or the main ibdata1 tablespace. Additionally, binary-logs and slow-query-logs are not covered under InnoDB encryption.

Using crypt+LUKS, we can encrypt everything (data + logs) under one umbrella – provided that all files reside on the same disk. If you separate the various logs on to different partitions, you will have to repeat the tutorial below for each partition.

LUKS Tutorial

The Linux Unified Key Setup (LUKS) is the current standard for disk encryption. In the examples below, the block device /dev/sda4 on CentOS 7 is encrypted using a generated key, and then mounted as the default MySQL data directory at /var/lib/mysql.

WARNING! Loss of the key means complete loss of data! Be sure to have a backup of the key.

Install the necessary utilities:

# yum install cryptsetup

Creating, Formatting and Mounting an Encrypted Disk

The cryptsetup command initializes the volume and sets an initial key/passphrase. Please note that the key is not recoverable, so do not forget it. Take the time now to decide where you will securely store a copy of this key. LastPass Secure Notes are a good option, as they allow file attachments. This enhances our backup later on.

Create a passphrase for encryption. Choose something with high entropy (i.e., lots of randomness). Here are two options (pick one):

# openssl rand -base64 32
# date | md5 | rev | head -c 24 | md5 | tail -c 32

Next, we need to initialize and format our partition for use with LUKS. Any mounted points using this block device must be unmounted beforehand.


# cryptsetup -c aes-xts-plain -v luksFormat /dev/sda4

You will be prompted for a passphrase. Provide the phrase you generated above. After you provide a passphrase, you now need to “open” the encrypted disk and provide a device mapper name (i.e., an alias). It can be anything, but for our purposes, we will call it “mysqldata”:

# cryptsetup luksOpen /dev/sda4 mysqldata

You will be prompted for the passphrase you used above. On success, you should see the device show up:

# ls /dev/mapper/
lrwxrwxrwx  1 root root      7 Jun  2 11:50 mysqldata -> ../dm-0

You can now format this encrypted block device and create a filesystem:

# mkfs.ext4 /dev/mapper/mysqldata

Now you can mount the encrypted block device you just formatted:

# mount /dev/mapper/mysqldata /var/lib/mysql

Unfortunately you cannot add this to /etc/fstab to automount on a server reboot, since the key is needed to “open” the device. Please keep this in mind that if your server ever reboots MySQL will not start since the data directory is unavailable until opened and mounted (we will look at how to make this work using scripts in Part Two of this series).

Creating a Backup of Encryption Information

The header of a LUKS block device contains information regarding the current encryption key(s). Should this ever get damaged, or if you need to recover because you forgot the new passphrase, you can restore this header information:

# cryptsetup luksHeaderBackup --header-backup-file ${HOSTNAME}_`date +%Y%m%d`_header.dat /dev/sda4

Go ahead and make a SHA1 of this file now to verify that it doesn’t get corrupted later on in storage:

# sha1sum ${HOSTNAME}_`date +%Y%m%d`_header.dat

GZip the header file. Store the SHA1 and the .gz file in a secure location (for example, attach it to the secure note created above). Now you have a backup of the key you used and a backup of the header which uses that key.

Unmounting and Closing a Disk

If you know you will be storing a disk, or just want to make sure the contents are not visible (i.e., mounted), you can unmount and “close” the encrypted device:

# umount /var/lib/mysql/
# cryptsetup luksClose mysqldata

In order to mount this device again, you must “open” it and provide one of the keys.

Rotating Keys (Adding / Removing Keys)

Various compliance and enforcement rules dictate how often you need to rotate keys. You cannot rotate or change a key directly. LUKS supports up to eight keys per device. You must first add a new key to any slot (other than the slot currently occupying the key you are trying to remove), and then remove the older key.

Take a look at the existing header information:

# cryptsetup luksDump /dev/sda4
LUKS header information for /dev/sda4
Version: 1
Cipher name: aes
Cipher mode: cbc-essiv:sha256
Hash spec: sha1
Payload offset: 4096
MK bits: 256
MK digest: 81 37 51 6c d5 c8 32 f1 7a 2d 47 7c 83 62 70 d9 f7 ce 5a 6e
MK salt: ae 4b e8 09 c8 7a 5d 89 b0 f0 da 85 7e ce 7b 7f
47 c7 ed 51 c1 71 bb b5 77 18 0d 9d e2 95 98 bf
MK iterations: 44500
UUID: 92ed3e8e-a9ac-4e59-afc3-39cc7c63e7f6
Key Slot 0: ENABLED
Iterations: 181059
Salt: 9c a9 f6 12 d2 a4 2a 3d a4 08 b2 32 b0 b4 20 3b
69 13 8d 36 99 47 42 9c d5 41 35 8c b3 d0 ff 0e
Key material offset: 8
AF stripes: 4000
Key Slot 1: DISABLED
Key Slot 2: DISABLED
Key Slot 3: DISABLED
Key Slot 4: DISABLED
Key Slot 5: DISABLED
Key Slot 6: DISABLED
Key Slot 7: DISABLED

Here we can see a key is currently occupying “Key Slot 0”. We can add a key to any DISABLED key slot. Let’s use slot #1:

# cryptsetup luksAddKey --key-slot 1 -v /dev/sda4
Enter any passphrase:
Key slot 0 unlocked.
Enter new passphrase for key slot:
Verify passphrase:
Command successful.

LUKS asks for “any” passphrase to authenticate us. Had there been keys in other slots, we could have used any one of them. As only one is currently saved, we have to use it. We can then add a new passphrase for slot 1.

Now that we have saved the new key in slot 1, we can remove the key in slot 0.

# cryptsetup luksKillSlot /dev/sda4 0
Enter any remaining LUKS passphrase:
No key available with this passphrase.

In the example above, the existing passphrase stored in slot 0 was used. This is not allowed. You cannot provide the passphrase for the same slot you are attempting to remove.

Repeat this command and provide the passphrase for slot 1, which was added above. We are now able to remove the passphrase stored in slot 0:

# cryptsetup luksKillSlot /dev/sda4 0
Enter any remaining LUKS passphrase:
# cryptsetup luksDump /dev/sda4
LUKS header information for /dev/sda4
Version: 1
Cipher name: aes
Cipher mode: cbc-essiv:sha256
Hash spec: sha1
Payload offset: 4096
MK bits: 256
MK digest: 81 37 51 6c d5 c8 32 f1 7a 2d 47 7c 83 62 70 d9 f7 ce 5a 6e
MK salt: ae 4b e8 09 c8 7a 5d 89 b0 f0 da 85 7e ce 7b 7f
47 c7 ed 51 c1 71 bb b5 77 18 0d 9d e2 95 98 bf
MK iterations: 44500
UUID: 92ed3e8e-a9ac-4e59-afc3-39cc7c63e7f6
Key Slot 0: DISABLED
Key Slot 1: ENABLED
Iterations: 229712
Salt: 5d 71 b2 3a 58 d7 f8 6a 36 4f 32 d1 23 1a df df
cd 2b 68 ee 18 f7 90 cf 58 32 37 b9 02 e1 42 d6
Key material offset: 264
AF stripes: 4000
Key Slot 2: DISABLED
Key Slot 3: DISABLED
Key Slot 4: DISABLED
Key Slot 5: DISABLED
Key Slot 6: DISABLED
Key Slot 7: DISABLED

After you change the passphrase, it’s a good idea to repeat the header dump steps we performed above and store the new passphrase in your vault.


Congratulations, you have now learned how to encrypt and mount a partition using LUKS! You can now use this mounted device just like any other. You can also restore a backup and start MySQL.

In Part Two, we will cover using InnoDB tablespace encryption.

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