
One Billion Tables in MySQL 8.0 with ZFS

one billion tables MySQL

The short version

I created > one billion InnoDB tables in MySQL 8.0 (tables, not rows) just for fun. Here is the proof:

$ mysql -A
Welcome to the MySQL monitor.  Commands end with ; or \g.
Your MySQL connection id is 1425329
Server version: 8.0.12 MySQL Community Server - GPL
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Type 'help;' or '\h' for help. Type '\c' to clear the current input statement.
mysql> select count(*) from information_schema.tables;
| count(*)   |
| 1011570298 |
1 row in set (6 hours 57 min 6.31 sec)

Yes, it took 6 hours and 57 minutes to count them all!

Why does anyone need one billion tables?

In my previous blog post, I created and tested MySQL 8.0 with 40 million tables (that was a real case study). The One Billion Tables project is not a real world scenario, however. I was challenged by Billion Tables Project (BTP) in PostgreSQL, and decided to repeat it with MySQL, creating 1 billion InnoDB tables.

As an aside: I think MySQL 8.0 is the first MySQL version where creating 1 billion InnoDB tables is even practically possible.

Challenges with one billion InnoDB tables

Disk space

The first and one of the most important challenges is disk space. InnoDB allocates data pages on disk when creating .ibd files. Without disk level compression we need > 25Tb of disk. The good news: we have ZFS which provides transparent disk compression. Here’s how the disk utilization looks:

Actual data (apparent-size):

# du -sh --apparent-size /mysqldata/
26T     /mysqldata/

Compressed data:

# du -sh /mysqldata/
2.4T    /mysqldata/

Compression ratio:

# zfs get compression,compressratio
mysqldata/mysql/data             compressratio         7.14x                      -
mysqldata/mysql/data             compression           gzip                       inherited from mysqldata/mysql

(Looks like the compression ratio reported is not 100% correct, we expect ~10x compression ratio.)

Too many tiny files

This is usually the big issue with databases that create a file per table. With MySQL 8.0 we can create a shared tablespace and “assign” a table to it. I created a tablespace per database, and created 1000 tables in each database.

The result:

mysql> select count(*) from information_schema.schemata;
| count(*) |
|  1011575 |
1 row in set (1.31 sec)

Creating tables

Another big challenge is how to create tables fast enough so it will not take months. I have used three approaches:

  1. Disabled all possible consistency checks in MySQL, and decreased the innodb page size to 4K (these config options are NOT for production use)
  2. Created tables in parallel: as the mutex contention bug in MySQL 8.0 has been fixed, creating tables in parallel works fine.
  3. Use local NVMe cards on top of an AWS ec2 i3.8xlarge instance

my.cnf config file (I repeat: do not use this in production):

default-authentication-plugin = mysql_native_password
log-error = /mysqldata/mysql/log/error.log
innodb_log_group_home_dir = /mysqldata/mysql/log/
innodb_doublewrite = 0
innodb_stats_persistent = 0
tablespace_definition_cache = 524288
schema_definition_cache = 524288
table_definition_cache = 524288

ZFS pool:

# zpool status
  pool: mysqldata
 state: ONLINE
  scan: scrub repaired 0B in 1h49m with 0 errors on Sun Oct 14 02:13:17 2018
        NAME        STATE     READ WRITE CKSUM
        mysqldata   ONLINE       0     0     0
          nvme0n1   ONLINE       0     0     0
          nvme1n1   ONLINE       0     0     0
          nvme2n1   ONLINE       0     0     0
          nvme3n1   ONLINE       0     0     0
errors: No known data errors

A simple “deploy” script to create tables in parallel (includes the sysbench table structure):

function do_db {
        db_exist=$(mysql -A -s -Nbe "select 1 from information_schema.schemata where schema_name = '$db'")
        if [ "$db_exist" == "1" ]; then echo "Already exists: $db"; return 0; fi;
        tbspace="create database $db; use $db; CREATE TABLESPACE $db ADD DATAFILE '$db.ibd' engine=InnoDB";
        #echo "Tablespace $db.ibd created!"
        for i in {1..1000}
                table="CREATE TABLE sbtest$i ( id int(10) unsigned NOT NULL AUTO_INCREMENT, k int(10) unsigned NOT NULL DEFAULT '0', c varchar(120) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', pad varchar(60) NOT NULL DEFAULT '', PRIMARY KEY (id), KEY k_1 (k) ) ENGINE=InnoDB DEFAULT CHARSET=latin1 tablespace $db;"
                tables="$tables; $table;"
        echo "$tbspace;$tables" | mysql
echo "starting..."
c=$(mysql -A -s -Nbe "select max(cast(SUBSTRING_INDEX(schema_name, '_', -1) as unsigned)) from information_schema.schemata where schema_name like 'sbtest_%'")
for m in {1..100000}
        echo "m=$m"
        for i in {1..30}
                let c=$c+1
                echo $c
                do_db &

How fast did we create tables? Here are some stats:

# mysqladmin -i 10 -r ex|grep Com_create_table
| Com_create_table                                      | 6497                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                |
| Com_create_table                                      | 6449

So we created ~650 tables per second. The average, above, is per 10 seconds.

Counting the tables

It took > 6 hours to do “count(*) from information_schema.tables”! Here is why:

  1. MySQL 8.0 uses a new data dictionary (this is great as it avoids creating 1 billion frm files). Everything is stored in this file:
    # ls -lah /mysqldata/mysql/data/mysql.ibd
    -rw-r----- 1 mysql mysql 6.1T Oct 18 15:02 /mysqldata/mysql/data/mysql.ibd
  2. The information_schema.tables is actually a view:
mysql> show create table information_schema.tables\G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
                View: TABLES
         Create View: CREATE ALGORITHM=UNDEFINED DEFINER=`mysql.infoschema`@`localhost` SQL SECURITY DEFINER VIEW `information_schema`.`TABLES` AS select `cat`.`name` AS `TABLE_CATALOG`,`sch`.`name` AS `TABLE_SCHEMA`,`tbl`.`name` AS `TABLE_NAME`,`tbl`.`type` AS `TABLE_TYPE`,if((`tbl`.`type` = 'BASE TABLE'),`tbl`.`engine`,NULL) AS `ENGINE`,if((`tbl`.`type` = 'VIEW'),NULL,10) AS `VERSION`,`tbl`.`row_format` AS `ROW_FORMAT`,internal_table_rows(`sch`.`name`,`tbl`.`name`,if(isnull(`tbl`.`partition_type`),`tbl`.`engine`,''),`tbl`.`se_private_id`,(`tbl`.`hidden` <> 'Visible'),`ts`.`se_private_data`,coalesce(`stat`.`table_rows`,0),coalesce(cast(`stat`.`cached_time` as unsigned),0)) AS `TABLE_ROWS`,internal_avg_row_length(`sch`.`name`,`tbl`.`name`,if(isnull(`tbl`.`partition_type`),`tbl`.`engine`,''),`tbl`.`se_private_id`,(`tbl`.`hidden` <> 'Visible'),`ts`.`se_private_data`,coalesce(`stat`.`avg_row_length`,0),coalesce(cast(`stat`.`cached_time` as unsigned),0)) AS `AVG_ROW_LENGTH`,internal_data_length(`sch`.`name`,`tbl`.`name`,if(isnull(`tbl`.`partition_type`),`tbl`.`engine`,''),`tbl`.`se_private_id`,(`tbl`.`hidden` <> 'Visible'),`ts`.`se_private_data`,coalesce(`stat`.`data_length`,0),coalesce(cast(`stat`.`cached_time` as unsigned),0)) AS `DATA_LENGTH`,internal_max_data_length(`sch`.`name`,`tbl`.`name`,if(isnull(`tbl`.`partition_type`),`tbl`.`engine`,''),`tbl`.`se_private_id`,(`tbl`.`hidden` <> 'Visible'),`ts`.`se_private_data`,coalesce(`stat`.`max_data_length`,0),coalesce(cast(`stat`.`cached_time` as unsigned),0)) AS `MAX_DATA_LENGTH`,internal_index_length(`sch`.`name`,`tbl`.`name`,if(isnull(`tbl`.`partition_type`),`tbl`.`engine`,''),`tbl`.`se_private_id`,(`tbl`.`hidden` <> 'Visible'),`ts`.`se_private_data`,coalesce(`stat`.`index_length`,0),coalesce(cast(`stat`.`cached_time` as unsigned),0)) AS `INDEX_LENGTH`,internal_data_free(`sch`.`name`,`tbl`.`name`,if(isnull(`tbl`.`partition_type`),`tbl`.`engine`,''),`tbl`.`se_private_id`,(`tbl`.`hidden` <> 'Visible'),`ts`.`se_private_data`,coalesce(`stat`.`data_free`,0),coalesce(cast(`stat`.`cached_time` as unsigned),0)) AS `DATA_FREE`,internal_auto_increment(`sch`.`name`,`tbl`.`name`,if(isnull(`tbl`.`partition_type`),`tbl`.`engine`,''),`tbl`.`se_private_id`,(`tbl`.`hidden` <> 'Visible'),`ts`.`se_private_data`,coalesce(`stat`.`auto_increment`,0),coalesce(cast(`stat`.`cached_time` as unsigned),0),`tbl`.`se_private_data`) AS `AUTO_INCREMENT`,`tbl`.`created` AS `CREATE_TIME`,internal_update_time(`sch`.`name`,`tbl`.`name`,if(isnull(`tbl`.`partition_type`),`tbl`.`engine`,''),`tbl`.`se_private_id`,(`tbl`.`hidden` <> 'Visible'),`ts`.`se_private_data`,coalesce(cast(`stat`.`update_time` as unsigned),0),coalesce(cast(`stat`.`cached_time` as unsigned),0)) AS `UPDATE_TIME`,internal_check_time(`sch`.`name`,`tbl`.`name`,if(isnull(`tbl`.`partition_type`),`tbl`.`engine`,''),`tbl`.`se_private_id`,(`tbl`.`hidden` <> 'Visible'),`ts`.`se_private_data`,coalesce(cast(`stat`.`check_time` as unsigned),0),coalesce(cast(`stat`.`cached_time` as unsigned),0)) AS `CHECK_TIME`,`col`.`name` AS `TABLE_COLLATION`,internal_checksum(`sch`.`name`,`tbl`.`name`,if(isnull(`tbl`.`partition_type`),`tbl`.`engine`,''),`tbl`.`se_private_id`,(`tbl`.`hidden` <> 'Visible'),`ts`.`se_private_data`,coalesce(`stat`.`checksum`,0),coalesce(cast(`stat`.`cached_time` as unsigned),0)) AS `CHECKSUM`,if((`tbl`.`type` = 'VIEW'),NULL,get_dd_create_options(`tbl`.`options`,if((ifnull(`tbl`.`partition_expression`,'NOT_PART_TBL') = 'NOT_PART_TBL'),0,1))) AS `CREATE_OPTIONS`,internal_get_comment_or_error(`sch`.`name`,`tbl`.`name`,`tbl`.`type`,`tbl`.`options`,`tbl`.`comment`) AS `TABLE_COMMENT` from (((((`mysql`.`tables` `tbl` join `mysql`.`schemata` `sch` on((`tbl`.`schema_id` = `sch`.`id`))) join `mysql`.`catalogs` `cat` on((`cat`.`id` = `sch`.`catalog_id`))) left join `mysql`.`collations` `col` on((`tbl`.`collation_id` = `col`.`id`))) left join `mysql`.`tablespaces` `ts` on((`tbl`.`tablespace_id` = `ts`.`id`))) left join `mysql`.`table_stats` `stat` on(((`tbl`.`name` = `stat`.`table_name`) and (`sch`.`name` = `stat`.`schema_name`)))) where (can_access_table(`sch`.`name`,`tbl`.`name`) and is_visible_dd_object(`tbl`.`hidden`))
character_set_client: utf8
collation_connection: utf8_general_ci

and the explain plan looks like this:

mysql> explain select count(*) from information_schema.tables \G
*************************** 1. row ***************************
           id: 1
  select_type: SIMPLE
        table: cat
   partitions: NULL
         type: index
possible_keys: PRIMARY
          key: name
      key_len: 194
          ref: NULL
         rows: 1
     filtered: 100.00
        Extra: Using index
*************************** 2. row ***************************
           id: 1
  select_type: SIMPLE
        table: tbl
   partitions: NULL
         type: ALL
possible_keys: schema_id
          key: NULL
      key_len: NULL
          ref: NULL
         rows: 1023387060
     filtered: 100.00
        Extra: Using where; Using join buffer (Block Nested Loop)
*************************** 3. row ***************************
           id: 1
  select_type: SIMPLE
        table: sch
   partitions: NULL
         type: eq_ref
possible_keys: PRIMARY,catalog_id
          key: PRIMARY
      key_len: 8
          ref: mysql.tbl.schema_id
         rows: 1
     filtered: 11.11
        Extra: Using where
*************************** 4. row ***************************
           id: 1
  select_type: SIMPLE
        table: stat
   partitions: NULL
         type: eq_ref
possible_keys: PRIMARY
          key: PRIMARY
      key_len: 388
          ref: mysql.sch.name,mysql.tbl.name
         rows: 1
     filtered: 100.00
        Extra: Using index
*************************** 5. row ***************************
           id: 1
  select_type: SIMPLE
        table: ts
   partitions: NULL
         type: eq_ref
possible_keys: PRIMARY
          key: PRIMARY
      key_len: 8
          ref: mysql.tbl.tablespace_id
         rows: 1
     filtered: 100.00
        Extra: Using index
*************************** 6. row ***************************
           id: 1
  select_type: SIMPLE
        table: col
   partitions: NULL
         type: eq_ref
possible_keys: PRIMARY
          key: PRIMARY
      key_len: 8
          ref: mysql.tbl.collation_id
         rows: 1
     filtered: 100.00
        Extra: Using index


  1. I have created more than 1 billion real InnoDB tables with indexes in MySQL 8.0, just for fun, and it worked. It took ~2 weeks to create.
  2. Probably MySQL 8.0 is the first version where it is even practically possible to create billion InnoDB tables
  3. ZFS compression together with NVMe cards makes it reasonably cheap to do, for example, by using i3.4xlarge or i3.8xlarge instances on AWS.

one billion tables MySQL


Scaling IO-Bound Workloads for MySQL in the Cloud – part 2


This post is a followup to my previous article https://www.percona.com/blog/2018/08/29/scaling-io-bound-workloads-mysql-cloud/

In this instance, I want to show the data in different dimensions, primarily to answer questions around how throughput scales with increasing IOPS.

A recap: for the test I use Amazon instances and Amazon gp2 and io1 volumes. In addition to the original post, I also tested two gpl2 volumes combined in software RAID0. I did this for the following reason: Amazon cap the single gp2 volume throughput to 160MB/sec, and as we will see from the charts, this limits InnoDB performance.

Also, a reminder from the previous post: we can increase gp2 IOPS by increasing volume size (to the top limit 10000 IOPS), and for io1 we can increase IOPS by paying per additional IOPS.

Scaling with InnoDB

So for the first result, let’s see how InnoDB scales with increasing IOPS.

There are a few interesting observations here: InnoDB scales linearly with additional IOPS, but it faces a throughput limit that Amazon applies to volumes.

So besides considering IOPS, we should take into account the maximal throughout of volumes.

In the second chart we compare InnoDB performance vs the cost of volumes:

It’s interesting to see here the slope for gp2 volumes is steeper than for io1 volumes. This means we can get a bigger increase in InnoDB performance per dollar using gp2 volumes, but only until we reach the IOPS and throughput limits that are applied to gp2 volumes.

Scaling with MyRocks

And here’s the similar chart but for MyRocks:

Here we can also see that MyRocks scales linearly, showing identical results on gp2 and io1 volumes. This means that running on gp2 will be cheaper. Also, there is no plateau in throughput, as we saw for InnoDB, which means that MyRocks uses less IO throughput.

And the chart for the cost of running MyRocks:

This charts also shows that it is cheaper to run on gp2 volume but only while it provides enough IOPS. I assume that using two gp2 volumes would allow me to double the throughput. (I did not run the test for MyRocks using two volumes)


  • Both MyRocks and InnoDB can scale (linearly) with additional IOPS on gp2 and io1 Amazon volumes.
  • Take into account that IOPS is not the only factor to consider. There is also throughput limit, which affects InnoDB results, so for further scaling you might need to use multiple volumes.

The post Scaling IO-Bound Workloads for MySQL in the Cloud – part 2 appeared first on Percona Database Performance Blog.


Webinar Tues 8/14: Utilizing ProxySQL for Connection Pooling in PHP

ProxySQL for connection pooling

ProxySQL for connection poolingPlease join Percona’s Architect, Tibi Köröcz as he presents Utilizing ProxySQL for Connection Pooling in PHP on Tuesday August 14, 2018, at 8:00 am PDT (UTC-7) / 11:00 am EDT (UTC-4).


ProxySQL is a very powerful tool, with extended capabilities. This presentation will demonstrate how to use ProxySQL to gain functionality (seamless database backend switch) and correct problems (applications missing connection pooling).

The presentation will be a real-life study on how we use ProxySQL for connection pooling, database failover and load balancing the communication between our (third party) PHP-application and our master-master MySQL-cluster.
Also, we will show monitoring and statistics using Percona Monitoring and Management (PMM).

Register Now!

Tibor Köröcz


ProxySQL for Connection Pooling

Tibi joined Percona in 2015 as a Consultant. Before joining Percona, among many other things, he worked at the world’s largest car hire booking service as a Senior Database Engineer. He enjoys trying and working with the latest technologies and applications which can help or work with MySQL together. In his spare time he likes to spend time with his friends, travel around the world and play ultimate frisbee.


The post Webinar Tues 8/14: Utilizing ProxySQL for Connection Pooling in PHP appeared first on Percona Database Performance Blog.


Amazon RDS Multi-AZ Deployments and Read Replicas

RDS Multi-AZ

Amazon RDS is a managed relational database service that makes it easier to set up, operate, and scale a relational database in the cloud. One of the common questions that we get is “What is Multi-AZ and how it’s different from Read Replica, do I need both?”.  I have tried to answer this question in this blog post and it depends on your application needs. Are you looking for High Availability (HA), read scalability … or both?

Before we go to into detail, let me explain two common terms used with Amazon AWS.

Region – an AWS region is a separate geographical area like US East (N. Virginia), Asia Pacific (Mumbai), EU (London) etc. Each AWS Region has multiple, isolated locations known as Availability Zones.

Availability Zone (AZ) – AZ is simply one or more data centers, each with redundant power, networking and connectivity, housed in separate facilities. Data centers are geographically isolated within the same region.

What is Multi-AZ?

Amazon RDS provides high availability and failover support for DB instances using Multi-AZ deployments.

In a Multi-AZ deployment, Amazon RDS automatically provisions and maintains a synchronous standby replica of the master DB in a different Availability Zone. The primary DB instance is synchronously replicated across Availability Zones to the standby replica to provide data redundancy, failover support and to minimize latency during system backups. In the event of planned database maintenance, DB instance failure, or an AZ failure of your primary DB instance, Amazon RDS automatically performs a failover to the standby so that database operations can resume quickly without administrative intervention.

You can check in the AWS management console if a database instance is configured as Multi-AZ. Select the RDS service, click on the DB instance and review the details section.

AWS management console showing that instance is Multi-AZ

This screenshot from AWS management console (above) shows that the database is hosted as Multi-AZ deployment and the standby replica is deployed in us-east-1a AZ.

Benefits of Multi-AZ deployment:

  • Replication to a standby replica is synchronous which is highly durable.
  • When a problem is detected on the primary instance, it will automatically failover to the standby in the following conditions:
    • The primary DB instance fails
    • An Availability Zone outage
    • The DB instance server type is changed
    • The operating system of the DB instance is undergoing software patching.
    • A manual failover of the DB instance was initiated using Reboot with failover.
  • The endpoint of the DB instance remains the same after a failover, the application can resume database operations without manual intervention.
  • If a failure occurs, your availability impact is limited to the time that the automatic failover takes to complete. This helps to achieve increased availability.
  • It reduces the impact of maintenance. RDS performs maintenance on the standby first, promotes the standby to primary master, and then performs maintenance on the old master which is now a standby replica.
  • To prevent any negative impact of the backup process on performance, Amazon RDS creates a backup from the standby replica.

Amazon RDS does not failover automatically in response to database operations such as long-running queries, deadlocks or database corruption errors. Also, the Multi-AZ deployments are limited to a single region only, cross-region Multi-AZ is not currently supported.

Can I use an RDS standby replica for read scaling?

The Multi-AZ deployments are not a read scaling solution, you cannot use a standby replica to serve read traffic. Multi-AZ maintains a standby replica for HA/failover. It is available for use only when RDS promotes the standby instance as the primary. To service read-only traffic, you should use a Read Replica instead.

What is Read Replica?

Read replicas allow you to have a read-only copy of your database.

When you create a Read Replica, you first specify an existing DB instance as the source. Then Amazon RDS takes a snapshot of the source instance and creates a read-only instance from the snapshot. You can use MySQL native asynchronous replication to keep Read Replica up-to-date with the changes. The source DB must have automatic backups enabled for setting up read replica.

Benefits of Read Replica

  • Read Replica helps in decreasing load on the primary DB by serving read-only traffic.
  • A Read Replica can be manually promoted as a standalone database instance.
  • You can create Read Replicas within AZ, Cross-AZ or Cross-Region.
  • You can have up to five Read Replicas per master, each with own DNS endpoint. Unlike a Multi-AZ standby replica, you can connect to each Read Replica and use them for read scaling.
  • You can have Read Replicas of Read Replicas.
  • Read Replicas can be Multi-AZ enabled.
  • You can use Read Replicas to take logical backups (mysqldump/mydumper) if you want to store the backups externally to RDS.
  • Read Replica helps to maintain a copy of databases in a different region for disaster recovery.

At AWS re:Invent 2017, AWS announced the preview for Amazon Aurora Multi-Master, this will allow users to create multiple Aurora writer nodes and helps in scaling reads/writes across multiple AZs. You can sign up for preview here.


While both (Multi-AZ and Read replica) maintain a copy of database but they are different in nature. Use Multi-AZ deployments for High Availability and Read Replica for read scalability. You can further set up a cross-region read replica for disaster recovery.

The post Amazon RDS Multi-AZ Deployments and Read Replicas appeared first on Percona Database Performance Blog.


Webinar Weds 20/6: Percona XtraDB Cluster 5.7 Tutorial Part 2

webinar Percona XtraDB Cluster

Including setting up Percona XtraDB Cluster with ProxySQL and PMM

webinar Percona XtraDB ClusterPlease join Percona’s Architect, Tibi Köröcz as he presents Percona XtraDB Cluster 5.7 Tutorial Part 2 on Wednesday, June 20th, 2018, at 7:00 am PDT (UTC-7) / 10:00 am EDT (UTC-4).


Never used Percona XtraDB Cluster before? This is the webinar for you! In this 45-minute webinar, we will introduce you to a fully functional Percona XtraDB Cluster.

This webinar will show you how to install Percona XtraDB Cluster with ProxySQL, and monitor it with Percona Monitoring and Management (PMM).

We will also cover topics like bootstrap, IST, SST, certification, common-failure situations and online schema changes.

After this webinar, you will have enough knowledge to set up a working Percona XtraDB Cluster with ProxySQL, in order to meet your high availability requirements.

You can see part one of this series here: Percona XtraDB Cluster 5.7 Tutorial Part 1

Register Now!

Tibor Köröcz


ProxySQL for Connection Pooling

Tibi joined Percona in 2015 as a Consultant. Before joining Percona, among many other things, he worked at the world’s largest car hire booking service as a Senior Database Engineer. He enjoys trying and working with the latest technologies and applications which can help or work with MySQL together. In his spare time he likes to spend time with his friends, travel around the world and play ultimate frisbee.


The post Webinar Weds 20/6: Percona XtraDB Cluster 5.7 Tutorial Part 2 appeared first on Percona Database Performance Blog.


Webinar: Best Practices for MySQL Scalability on May 1

"MySQL 5.6: Advantages in a Nutshell." March 6 at 10 a.m. PST

“Best Practices for MySQL Scalability.”

If you have not already done so, I encourage you to register for my “Best Practices for MySQL Scalability” Webinar which will take place on May 1st at 10 a.m. PST. This will be an overview presentation, led by me and providing a high-level look at the components of MySQL scalability: application architecture, MySQL version and configuration, choosing hardware and operating systems. For each area we’ll investigate the most important best practices. Talk to you on Wednesday, and remember to prepare your questions in advance to get the most value out of the Webinar!


More info: MySQL scalability depends on getting many things right including the architecture, hardware, operating system, MySQL version, MySQL configuration, schema design and indexing, and query design. To avoid having any one of them become the bottleneck that limits the scalability of the entire system, you need to follow best practices in all of these technology areas. Each area deserves its own webinar so we won’t go into the trenches to explore every one in depth. Instead, we will provide an overview of MySQL scalability which highlights the most important considerations and best practices for each of these areas. Register now!

The post Webinar: Best Practices for MySQL Scalability on May 1 appeared first on MySQL Performance Blog.

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