
Percona Live MySQL Conference Call for Proposals closes Nov. 16

Percona Live MySQL Conference and ExpoThe Percona Live MySQL Conference in Silicon Valley (April 13-16, 2015) features a full day of tutorial sessions and three full days with keynote talks and breakout sessions from leading MySQL experts from around the world. Birds of a Feather sessions, two networking receptions, and a community dinner all offer great opportunities to network with the MySQL community. To make the Percona Live MySQL Conference 2015 even better than the great 2014 event, we need outstanding content from community members.

Submit your speaking proposals now for tutorials or breakout session on the Percona Live conference website. Accepted speakers receive a full conference pass and the sincere gratitude of attendees who will eagerly await your presentations. The Percona Live MySQL Conference call for proposals closes November 16.

We are currently seeking proposals for both breakout and tutorial sessions on the following topics:

  • High Availability
  • DevOps
  • Programming
  • Performance Optimization
  • Replication & Backup
  • MySQL in the Cloud
  • MySQL and NoSQL
  • MySQL Case Studies
  • Security
  • What’s New in MySQL

All submissions will be reviewed by the outstanding Conference Committee of community members:

  • Shlomi Noach from Outbrain
  • Tamar Bercovici from Box
  • Colin Charles from MariaDB
  • Sean Chighizola from Big Fish Games
  • Jeremy Cole from Google
  • Harrison Fisk from Facebook
  • Patrick Galbraith from HP
  • Jay Janssen from Percona
  • Chris Schneider from
  • John Scott from Wellcentive
  • Gwen Shapira from Cloudera
  • Shivinder Singh from Verizon
  • Calvin Sun from Twitter
  • Morgan Tocker from Oracle
  • Peter Zaitsev from Percona

Submit your proposals now by visiting the Percona Live MySQL Conference 2015 website. The submission deadline is November 16.

If you plan to attend the conference but won’t be submitting, register now to get the lowest available rate. Visit the Percona Live MySQL Conference 2015 website for full details.

Percona Live MySQL Conference and Expo

The post Percona Live MySQL Conference Call for Proposals closes Nov. 16 appeared first on MySQL Performance Blog.


Percona Live MySQL Conference and Expo 2013: It feels like 2007 again

MySQL Banner: Keynote stageI actually don’t remember exactly whether it was in 2006, 2007 or 2008 — but around that time the MySQL community had one of the greatest MySQL conferences put on by O’Reilly and MySQL. It was a good, stable, predictable time.

Shortly thereafter, the MySQL world saw acquisitions, forks, times of uncertainly, more acquisitions, more forks, rumors (“Oracle is going to kill MySQL and the whole Internet”) and just a lot of drama and politics.

And now, after all this time some 6 or 7 years later, it feels like a MySQL Renaissance. All of the major MySQL players are coming to the Percona Live MySQL Conference and Expo 2013. I am happy to see Oracle’s engineers coming with talks — and now with a great MySQL 5.6 release — and I have great confidence in MySQL’s future with Oracle’s commitment level, coupled with the fact that Percona Server and MariaDB are continuing to mature.

For this year’s conference I am going to give a tutorial titled, “Percona XtraBackup: Old and New Features.” I actually traded my other talk, “MySQL 5.6 improvements from InnoDB internals prospective,” with Oracle’s Sunny Bains and his talk, MySQL 5.6: What’s New in InnoDB. Sunny honestly knows more about InnoDB internals than I do.

There are going to be a lot of great talks, and I would have a hard time listing all of the ones on my list to attend — but you can check all of them out for yourself. But I will say that the greatest part of the conference is not talks, but what happens in between them — in the conference center halls and behind the curtains.

If you are lucky you can grab engineers from Facebook, Twitter, Google, Box, Esty, Pinterest, Tumblr,… and ask them any question and actually get an answer. You can even catch interesting rumors… and spread some of your own. Basically just be part of the MySQL crowd and really feel the great vibe (especially after a few drinks during the Community Networking Reception).

I am personally looking forward to another lengthy discussion with Dimitri Kravtchuk on how benchmarks should be run, what the next bottleneck in MySQL will be, and how we, with Percona Server, are going to beat MySQL in performance. And you can actually go and ask Sunny anything about InnoDB internals: He is one of the few engineers in the world who knows everything about InnoDB.

If you seriously work with MySQL, then you should not miss the Percona Live MySQL Conference and Expo 2013. It runs April 22-25 in Santa Clara, California. But just remember: Advanced Rate tickets end on March 24th, so make sure you register this week.

The post Percona Live MySQL Conference and Expo 2013: It feels like 2007 again appeared first on MySQL Performance Blog.

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