
Private, custom Percona MySQL Training

Photo of Alexei Rodriguz

Alexei Rodriguez presenting at PLMCE13

During the Percona Live MySQL Community Event this year we had the pleasure of Alexei Rodriguez discussing why Evernote uses Percona’s Private Custom MySQL Training. Alexei is VP of operations there and you can watch a video of his presentation on YouTube.

Alexei said he values having Percona tailor training to their needs, the expert delivery by our practitioner-trainers, and the ability to speak freely about operational issues during private training.

If you would like to talk with our team about private custom training, please contact Sally Martinez at (855) 55TRAIN or
(925) 271-5054, or via e-mail at sally.martinez@percona.com.

The post Private, custom Percona MySQL Training appeared first on MySQL Performance Blog.


The small improvements of MySQL 5.6: Duplicate Index Detection

MySQL 5.6Here at the MySQL Performance Blog, we’ve been discussing the several new features that MySQL 5.6 brought: GTID-based replication, InnoDB Fulltext, Memcached integration, a more complete performance schema, online DDL and several other InnoDB and query optimizer improvements. However, I plan to focus on a series of posts on the small but handy improvements – changes and bug corrections – in MySQL 5.6 that can make our lives easier and have passed almost unnoticed by most (not all) DBAs.

Duplicate Index Detection

I commented about this on my last webinar, but did not have time to analyze it in-depth.  If you try to do something like this in MySQL 5.5, you will succeed without errors or warnings:

mysql> ALTER TABLE test ADD INDEX (col2);
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.22 sec)
Records: 0  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0
mysql> ALTER TABLE test ADD INDEX (col2);
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.25 sec)
Records: 0  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0
*************************** 1. row ***************************
       Table: test
Create Table: CREATE TABLE `test` (
  `col2` int(11) DEFAULT NULL,
  `col3` varchar(200) DEFAULT NULL,
  PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
  KEY `col2` (`col2`),
  KEY `col2_2` (`col2`)
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

In previous versions of MySQL, you can create two indexes with the same columns (in the same order) and the server will not complain.

If we execute the same sentences in MySQL 5.6, the second ALTER will also succeed -and the index will be created-, but we will get a warning (note severity, to be exact):

mysql> ALTER TABLE test ADD INDEX (col2);
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.36 sec)
Records: 0  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0
mysql> ALTER TABLE test ADD INDEX (col2);
Query OK, 0 rows affected, 1 warning (0.56 sec)
Records: 0  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 1
*************************** 1. row ***************************
  Level: Note
   Code: 1831
Message: Duplicate index 'col2_2' defined on the table 'test.test'. This is deprecated and will be disallowed in a future release.
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

As the message points correctly, this is a human mistake, as it is a waste of resources that could potentially impact our performance, and should be avoided. By the way, a good practice to avoid this is always naming your keys with a consistent pattern. This new behavior was introduced in 5.6.7 with the closing of this bug (although this was initially accepted as a bug as early as 2005!).

The report explains more in detail what the “will be disallowed in a future release” means. In MySQL 5.7 the checks will be stricter: in the default SQL mode, a duplicate index will throw a warning instead of a note. In strict mode, it will throw an error and the second ALTER will fail, preventing the creation of the duplicate index.

Does it mean that tools like pt-duplicate-key-checker will not be necessary for MySQL 5.6? Let’s have a look at the code implementing this feature. The warning will only be thrown if the index has not been created automatically, it is not a foreign key, and it has the exact column definition in the same order. In other words, it checks for duplicate keys, but not redundant ones. What is the difference? Let’s see an example. If we execute:

mysql> ALTER TABLE test ADD INDEX (col2);
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.34 sec)
Records: 0  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0
mysql> ALTER TABLE test ADD INDEX (col2, col3);
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.39 sec)
Records: 0  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

We get no warnings and no errors in 5.6, as the indexes are different. But as you may know, we can use the second index not only for filtering on both columns, but also for filtering by just the first one. Why can’t MySQL enforce this kind of constraints? For many reasons: the first one because it would break 99% of all applications out there that use MySQL, for which we at Percona tend to find redundant indexes. And second, because in some cases, we may need to have what at first seems redundant indexes but effectively they are not -for example, if one of the two indexes was unique or a foreign key.

This is the output of our tool when run on the same table, correctly identifying the redundancy:

$ pt-duplicate-key-checker --tables test.test
# ########################################################################
# test.test
# ########################################################################
# col2 is a left-prefix of col2_2
# Key definitions:
#   KEY `col2` (`col2`),
#   KEY `col2_2` (`col2`,`col3`)
# Column types:
#         `col2` int(11) default null
#         `col3` varchar(200) default null
# To remove this duplicate index, execute:
ALTER TABLE `test`.`test` DROP INDEX `col2`;
# ########################################################################
# Summary of indexes
# ########################################################################
# Size Duplicate Indexes   5
# Total Duplicate Indexes  1
# Total Indexes            3

Additionally, pt-duplicate-key-checker will detect subtle redundancies that are engine-dependent, like redundant suffixes for secondary keys in InnoDB. As some of this redundancies could be necessary, depending on the query optimizer and the MySQL version, we always recommend to check manually the optimizations proposed by Percona Toolkit. The MySQL server, of course, cannot risk to block directly all cases.

A set of MySQL utilities were introduced by Oracle recently, which includes mysqlindexcheck, similar to pt-duplicate-key-checker, but it does not detect all cases. For example:

mysql> alter table test add index redundant (col2, id);
Query OK, 0 rows affected (1.57 sec)
Records: 0  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0
$ mysqlindexcheck --server=user:pass@localhost test.test
# Source on localhost: ... connected.
$ pt-duplicate-key-checker --tables test.test
# ########################################################################
# test.test
# ########################################################################
# Key redundant ends with a prefix of the clustered index
# Key definitions:
#   KEY `redundant` (`col2`,`id`)
#   PRIMARY KEY (`id`),
# Column types:
#         `col2` int(11) default null
#         `id` int(11) not null auto_increment
# To shorten this duplicate clustered index, execute:
ALTER TABLE `test`.`test` DROP INDEX `redundant`, ADD INDEX `redundant` (`col2`);
# ########################################################################
# Summary of indexes
# ########################################################################
# Size Duplicate Indexes   9
# Total Duplicate Indexes  1
# Total Indexes            2

By the way, if you want to get more familiar with this and other particularities of the latest MySQL GA release, have a look at our upcoming sessions for the “Moving to 5.6″ training course in America (Austin, San Jose) and Europe (Manchester, Utrecht).

The post The small improvements of MySQL 5.6: Duplicate Index Detection appeared first on MySQL Performance Blog.


Moving to MySQL 5.6? We can help

Percona TrainingIf you are looking for a class that is designed to jump-start your knowledge on MySQL 5.6 features, a class that provides hands-on labs, and a class that shows various migration methods – look no further.

We have been hard at work building a new class to ensure you have the knowledge and skills needed to verify your applications, and plan for the migration to MySQL 5.6. The class is called Moving to MySQL 5.6 and is a 2-day workshop.

The Moving to MySQL 5.6 workshop is being offered over the summer in numerous European countries and throughout the United States. Our goal is to provide you with the most up to date knowledge on MySQL 5.6, show you how to verify your application, and plan for a successful migration.

You may also want to check out our other MySQL training events. All of our workshops have been updated to MySQL 5.6–so you know you will be learning about the latest MySQL features and best practices. Just go to Percona Training for the full list of upcoming workshops. If you use discount code mpb10 you can save 10% when you register.

Last, I would be remiss if I did not remind you that is is not too late to purchase tickets for Percona Live MySQL Conference and Expo Community in Santa Clara, California, April 22-25. We have discounts available, just drop us line and we can help you out.



The post Moving to MySQL 5.6? We can help appeared first on MySQL Performance Blog.


MySQL Training from Percona: January – March 2013

Now that we are in the New Year, it is time to settle back into work and make plans for 2013. As part of your professional development planning, consider Percona MySQL Training.

Percona will be holding the following MySQL Training classes in the first quarter:

  • January
    • Live Virtual Training – DBA Training for MySQL: January 7-10, 2013
    • Chicago, Illinois, USA : January 14-17, 2013
    • London, UK: January 14-17, 2013
  • February
    • Frankfurt, DE: February 4-7, 2013
    • San Francisco, CA, USA: February 4-7, 2013
  • March
    • New York, NY, USA: March 11-14, 2013

To view these training events, and others, go to percona.com/training.

As a thank-you for making 2012 a fantastic year for Percona Training, we are offering 10% off of any public training class that is purchased in January. The class does not need to be taken in January. You will receive the discount when you check out of our online store by entering coupon code MPB10J.

If you have a team that you would like to train, it may be more cost effective to bring us to you. If you would like to be contacted about our custom training, to go our Contact Me form and send us your request.

The post MySQL Training from Percona: January – March 2013 appeared first on MySQL Performance Blog.

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