
Why Optimization derived_merge can Break Your Queries

MySQL optimizer bugs

MySQL optimizer bugsLately, I worked on several queries which started returning wrong results after upgrading MySQL Server to version 5.7 The reason for the failure was derived merge optimization which is one of the default


  options. Issues were solved, though at the price of performance, when we turned it


 . But, more importantly, we could not predict if any other query would start returning incorrect data, to allow us to fix the application before it was too late. Therefore I tried to find reasons why


  can fail.

Analyzing the problem

In the first run, we turned SQL Mode


on, and this removed most of the problematic queries. That said, few of the queries that were successfully working with


  were affected.

A quick search in the MySQL bugs database gave me a not-so-short list of open bugs:

At first glance, the reported queries do not follow any pattern, and we still cannot quickly identify which would break and which would not.

Then I took a second look by running all of the provided test cases in my environment and found that for four bugs, the optimizer rewrote the query. For three of the bugs, it rewrote in both 5.7 and 8.0, and one case it rewrote in 8.0 only.

The remaining three buggy queries (Bug #85117, Bug #91418, Bug #91878) have things in common. Let’s first look at them:

  1. Bug #85117
        table1 t1
        left join (
            select *,1 as sel from table1_use t1u where t1u.`table1id`=1
        ) temp on temp.table1id =
    order by t1.value
  2. Bug #91418
        join (
            select uuid() as DIST_UID, vw.*
            from (
                select DISTINCT BID, THING_NAME
                from TEST_SUB_PROBLEM
            ) vw
        ) vw2
    on vw2.BID = TST.BID;
  3. Bug #91878
        Virtual_Table.T_FP AS T_FP,
            SELECT COUNT(Virtual_Table.T_FP)
            FROM t1 t
            WHERE t.f1 = Virtual_Table.T_FP
            AND Virtual_Table.T_FP = 731834939448428685
        ) AS Test_Value
    FROM (
        SELECT t.f1 AS T_FP, tv.f1 AS TV_FP
        FROM t1 AS t
        JOIN t2 AS tv
        ON t.f1 = tv.t1_f1
    ) AS Virtual_Table
        Test_Value > 0;

Two of the queries use




 , one uses


  clause. The cases do not have not the same clause in common—which is what I’d expect to see—and so, surprisingly, these are not the cause of the failure. However, all three queries use generated values: a constant in the first one;




  functions in the second and third respectively. This similarity is something we need to investigate.

To find out why


  might work incorrectly for these queries we need to understand how this optimization works and why it was introduced.

The intent behind derived_merge

First I recommend checking the official MySQL User Reference Manual and MariaDB knowledge base. It is correct to use both manuals: even if low-level implementations vary, the high-level architecture and the purpose of this optimization are the same.

In short:


  is used for queries that have subqueries in the 


  clause,  also called “derived tables” and practically converts them into


 queries. This optimization allows avoiding unnecessary materialization (creating internal temporary tables to hold results). Virtually this is the same thing as a manual rewrite of a query with a subquery into a query that has


 clause(s) only. The only difference is that when we rewrite queries manually, we can compare the expected and actual result, then adjust the resulting query if needed. The MySQL optimizer has to do a correct rewrite at the first attempt. And sometimes this effort fails.

Let’s check why this happens for these particular queries, reported in the MySQL Bugs Database.

Case Study 1: a Query from Bug #85117

Original query

    table1 t1
    left join (
         select *,1 as sel from table1_use t1u where t1u.`table1id`=1
    ) temp on temp.table1id =
order by t1.value

was rewritten to:

Note (Code 1003):
/* select#1 */
select 1 AS `sel`
        `test`.`table1` `t1`
    left join
        (`test`.`table1_use` `t1u`)
    on(((`test`.`t1`.`id` = 1) and (`test`.`t1u`.`table1id` = 1)))
    where 1
    order by `test`.`t1`.`value`;

You can always find a query that the optimizer converts the original one to in the


 output following


 for the query.

In this case, the original query asks to return all rows from the table


 , but selects only the generated field from the subquery. The subquery selects the only row with



Avoiding derived merge optimization is practically the same as joining table


 with a table with one row. You can see how it works in this code snippet:

mysql> create temporary table temp as select *,1 as sel from table1_use t1u where t1u.`table1id`=1;
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
Records: 1  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0
mysql> select * from temp;
| id | table1id | uid  | sel |
|  1 |        1 |   99 |   1 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select temp.sel from table1 t1 left join temp on temp.table1id = order by t1.value;
| sel  |
|    1 |
| NULL |
| NULL |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

However, when the optimizer uses derived-merge optimization, it completely ignores the fact that the resulting table has one row, and that the calculated value would be either


  or 1 depending if a row corresponding to


  exists in the table. That it prints

select 1 AS `sel`

  in the


  output while uses

select NULL AS `sel`

  does not change anything: both are wrong. The correct query without a subquery should look like:

mysql> select if(`test`.`t1u`.`table1id`, 1, NULL) AS `sel`
    -> from `test`.`table1` `t1`
    -> left join (`test`.`table1_use` `t1u`)
    -> on(((`test`.`t1`.`id` = 1) and (`test`.`t1u`.`table1id` = 1)))
    -> where 1
    -> order by `test`.`t1`.`value`;
| sel  |
|    1 |
| NULL |
| NULL |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

This report is the easiest of the bugs we will discuss in this post, and is also fixed in MariaDB.

Case Study 2: a Query from Bug #91418

mysql> select * from TEST_SUB_PROBLEM;
| UID | BID    | THING_NAME | OTHER_IFO           |
|   1 | thing1 | name1      | look a chicken      |
|   2 | thing1 | name1      | look an airplane    |
|   3 | thing2 | name2      | look a mouse        |
|   4 | thing3 | name3      | look a taperecorder |
|   5 | thing3 | name3      | look an explosion   |
|   6 | thing4 | name4      | look at the stars   |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select
    -> from
    -> join (
    ->     select uuid() as DIST_UID, vw.*
    ->     from (
    ->         select DISTINCT BID, THING_NAME
    ->         from TEST_SUB_PROBLEM
    ->     ) vw
    -> ) vw2
    -> on vw2.BID = TST.BID;
| UID | BID    | THING_NAME | OTHER_IFO           | DIST_UID                             |
|   1 | thing1 | name1      | look a chicken      | e4c288fd-b29c-11e8-b0d7-0242673a86b2 |
|   2 | thing1 | name1      | look an airplane    | e4c28aef-b29c-11e8-b0d7-0242673a86b2 |
|   3 | thing2 | name2      | look a mouse        | e4c28c47-b29c-11e8-b0d7-0242673a86b2 |
|   4 | thing3 | name3      | look a taperecorder | e4c28d92-b29c-11e8-b0d7-0242673a86b2 |
|   5 | thing3 | name3      | look an explosion   | e4c28ed9-b29c-11e8-b0d7-0242673a86b2 |
|   6 | thing4 | name4      | look at the stars   | e4c29031-b29c-11e8-b0d7-0242673a86b2 |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

This query should create a unique


  for each unique


 name. But, instead, it generates a unique


  for each row.

First, let’s split the query into a couple of queries using temporary tables, to confirm our assumption that it was written correctly in the first place:

mysql> create temporary table vw as select DISTINCT BID, THING_NAME from TEST_SUB_PROBLEM;
Query OK, 4 rows affected (0.01 sec)
Records: 4  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0
mysql> select * from vw;
| thing1 | name1      |
| thing2 | name2      |
| thing3 | name3      |
| thing4 | name4      |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> create temporary table vw2 as select uuid() as DIST_UID, vw.* from vw;
Query OK, 4 rows affected (0.01 sec)
Records: 4  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0
mysql> select * from vw2;
| DIST_UID                             | BID    | THING_NAME |
| eb155f0e-b29d-11e8-b0d7-0242673a86b2 | thing1 | name1      |
| eb158c05-b29d-11e8-b0d7-0242673a86b2 | thing2 | name2      |
| eb159b28-b29d-11e8-b0d7-0242673a86b2 | thing3 | name3      |
| eb15a916-b29d-11e8-b0d7-0242673a86b2 | thing4 | name4      |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select
    -> join vw2
    -> on vw2.BID = TST.BID;
| UID | BID    | THING_NAME | OTHER_IFO           | DIST_UID                             |
|   1 | thing1 | name1      | look a chicken      | eb155f0e-b29d-11e8-b0d7-0242673a86b2 |
|   2 | thing1 | name1      | look an airplane    | eb155f0e-b29d-11e8-b0d7-0242673a86b2 |
|   3 | thing2 | name2      | look a mouse        | eb158c05-b29d-11e8-b0d7-0242673a86b2 |
|   4 | thing3 | name3      | look a taperecorder | eb159b28-b29d-11e8-b0d7-0242673a86b2 |
|   5 | thing3 | name3      | look an explosion   | eb159b28-b29d-11e8-b0d7-0242673a86b2 |
|   6 | thing4 | name4      | look at the stars   | eb15a916-b29d-11e8-b0d7-0242673a86b2 |
6 rows in set (0.01 sec)
mysql> select distinct DIST_UID
    -> from (
    ->     select
    ->     from TEST_SUB_PROBLEM TST
    ->     join vw2
    ->     on vw2.BID = TST.BID
    -> ) t;
| DIST_UID                             |
| eb155f0e-b29d-11e8-b0d7-0242673a86b2 |
| eb158c05-b29d-11e8-b0d7-0242673a86b2 |
| eb159b28-b29d-11e8-b0d7-0242673a86b2 |
| eb15a916-b29d-11e8-b0d7-0242673a86b2 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

With temporary tables, we have precisely four unique


  values unlike the six values that our original query returned.

Let’s check how the original query was rewritten:

Note (Code 1003):
/* select#1 */
    `test`.`TST`.`UID` AS `UID`,
    `test`.`TST`.`BID` AS `BID`,
    `test`.`TST`.`THING_NAME` AS `THING_NAME`,
    `test`.`TST`.`OTHER_IFO` AS `OTHER_IFO`,
    uuid() AS `DIST_UID`
from `test`.`TEST_SUB_PROBLEM` `TST`
    (/* select#3 */
        distinct `test`.`TEST_SUB_PROBLEM`.`BID` AS `BID`,
    from `test`.`TEST_SUB_PROBLEM`) `vw`
where (`vw`.`BID` = `test`.`TST`.`BID`)

You can see that the optimizer did not wholly remove the subquery here. Let’s run this modified query, and run a test with a temporary table one more time:

mysql> select
    ->     `test`.`TST`.`UID` AS `UID`,
    ->     `test`.`TST`.`BID` AS `BID`,
    ->     `test`.`TST`.`THING_NAME` AS `THING_NAME`,
    ->     `test`.`TST`.`OTHER_IFO` AS `OTHER_IFO`,
    ->     uuid() AS `DIST_UID`
    -> from
    ->     `test`.`TEST_SUB_PROBLEM` `TST`
    -> join
    -> (/* select#3 */
    ->     select
    ->         distinct `test`.`TEST_SUB_PROBLEM`.`BID` AS `BID`,
    ->         `test`.`TEST_SUB_PROBLEM`.`THING_NAME` AS `THING_NAME`
    ->     from
    ->         `test`.`TEST_SUB_PROBLEM`
    -> ) `vw`
    -> where (`vw`.`BID` = `test`.`TST`.`BID`)
    -> ;
| UID | BID    | THING_NAME | OTHER_IFO           | DIST_UID                             |
|   1 | thing1 | name1      | look a chicken      | 12c5f554-b29f-11e8-b0d7-0242673a86b2 |
|   2 | thing1 | name1      | look an airplane    | 12c5f73a-b29f-11e8-b0d7-0242673a86b2 |
|   3 | thing2 | name2      | look a mouse        | 12c5f894-b29f-11e8-b0d7-0242673a86b2 |
|   4 | thing3 | name3      | look a taperecorder | 12c5f9de-b29f-11e8-b0d7-0242673a86b2 |
|   5 | thing3 | name3      | look an explosion   | 12c5fb20-b29f-11e8-b0d7-0242673a86b2 |
|   6 | thing4 | name4      | look at the stars   | 12c5fc7d-b29f-11e8-b0d7-0242673a86b2 |
6 rows in set (0.01 sec)

This time the changed query result is no different to the one we received from the original one. Let’s manually replace the subquery with temporary tables, and check if it affects the result again.

mysql> create temporary table vw
    -> select
    ->     distinct `test`.`TEST_SUB_PROBLEM`.`BID` AS `BID`,
    -> from `test`.`TEST_SUB_PROBLEM`;
Query OK, 4 rows affected (0.01 sec)<br>Records: 4  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0
mysql> select * from vw;
| thing1 | name1      |
| thing2 | name2      |
| thing3 | name3      |
| thing4 | name4      |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)
mysql> select
    ->     `test`.`TST`.`UID` AS `UID`,
    ->     `test`.`TST`.`BID` AS `BID`,
    ->     `test`.`TST`.`THING_NAME` AS `THING_NAME`,
    ->     `test`.`TST`.`OTHER_IFO` AS `OTHER_IFO`,
    ->      uuid() AS `DIST_UID`
    -> from `test`.`TEST_SUB_PROBLEM` `TST`
    -> join vw where (`vw`.`BID` = `test`.`TST`.`BID`) ;
| UID | BID    | THING_NAME | OTHER_IFO           | DIST_UID                             |
|   1 | thing1 | name1      | look a chicken      | e11dbe61-b2a0-11e8-b0d7-0242673a86b2 |
|   2 | thing1 | name1      | look an airplane    | e11dc050-b2a0-11e8-b0d7-0242673a86b2 |
|   3 | thing2 | name2      | look a mouse        | e11dc1af-b2a0-11e8-b0d7-0242673a86b2 |
|   4 | thing3 | name3      | look a taperecorder | e11dc2be-b2a0-11e8-b0d7-0242673a86b2 |
|   5 | thing3 | name3      | look an explosion   | e11dc3a8-b2a0-11e8-b0d7-0242673a86b2 |
|   6 | thing4 | name4      | look at the stars   | e11dc4e9-b2a0-11e8-b0d7-0242673a86b2 |
6 rows in set (0.00 sec)

In this case, the temporary table contains the correct number of rows: 4, but the outer query calculates a 


  value for all rows in the table


 . It does not take into account that the user initially asks for a unique


  for each unique


  and not each unique


 . Instead, it just moves a call of


  function into the outer query, which creates a unique value for each row in the table


 . It does not take into account that the temporary table contains only four rows. In this case, it would not be easy to build an effective query that generates distinct


  values for rows with different


 ‘s and the same


  values for rows with the same



Case Study 3: a Query from Bug #91878

This query is supposed to calculate a number of rows based on complex conditions:

Virtual_Table.T_FP AS T_FP,
(SELECT COUNT(Virtual_Table.T_FP) FROM t1 t WHERE t.f1 = Virtual_Table.T_FP AND Virtual_Table.T_FP = 731834939448428685) AS Test_Value
(SELECT t.f1 AS T_FP, tv.f1 AS TV_FP FROM t1 AS t JOIN t2 AS tv ON t.f1 = tv.t1_f1) AS Virtual_Table
GROUP BY Virtual_Table.TV_FP
HAVING Test_Value > 0;

However, it returns no rows when it should return 22 (check the bug report for the full test case).

mysql> SELECT Virtual_Table.T_FP AS T_FP,
    -> (
    ->     SELECT
    ->         COUNT(Virtual_Table.T_FP)
    ->     FROM t1 t
    ->     WHERE
    ->         t.f1 = Virtual_Table.T_FP
    ->     AND
    ->         Virtual_Table.T_FP = 731834939448428685
    -> ) AS Test_Value
    -> FROM (
    ->     SELECT
    ->         t.f1 AS T_FP, tv.f1 AS TV_FP
    ->     FROM t1 AS t
    ->     JOIN t2 AS tv
    ->     ON t.f1 = tv.t1_f1
    -> ) AS Virtual_Table
    -> GROUP BY Virtual_Table.TV_FP
    -> HAVING Test_Value > 0;
Empty set (1.28 sec)

To find out why this happens let’s perform a temporary table check first.

mysql> create temporary table Virtual_Table SELECT t.f1 AS T_FP, tv.f1 AS TV_FP FROM t1 AS t JOIN t2 AS tv ON t.f1 = tv.t1_f1;
Query OK, 18722 rows affected (2.12 sec)
Records: 18722  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0
mysql> SELECT Virtual_Table.T_FP AS T_FP,
    -> (SELECT COUNT(Virtual_Table.T_FP) FROM t1 t
    -> WHERE t.f1 = Virtual_Table.T_FP AND Virtual_Table.T_FP = 731834939448428685) AS Test_Value
    -> FROM  Virtual_Table GROUP BY Virtual_Table.TV_FP HAVING Test_Value > 0;
| T_FP               | Test_Value |
| 731834939448428685 |          1 |
| 731834939448428685 |          1 |
| 731834939448428685 |          1 |
| 731834939448428685 |          1 |
| 731834939448428685 |          1 |
| 731834939448428685 |          1 |
| 731834939448428685 |          1 |
| 731834939448428685 |          1 |
| 731834939448428685 |          1 |
| 731834939448428685 |          1 |
| 731834939448428685 |          1 |
| 731834939448428685 |          1 |
| 731834939448428685 |          1 |
| 731834939448428685 |          1 |
| 731834939448428685 |          1 |
| 731834939448428685 |          1 |
| 731834939448428685 |          1 |
| 731834939448428685 |          1 |
| 731834939448428685 |          1 |
| 731834939448428685 |          1 |
| 731834939448428685 |          1 |
| 731834939448428685 |          1 |
22 rows in set (1.62 sec)

The rewritten query returned the correct result, as we expected.

To identify why the original query fails, let’s check how the optimizer rewrote it:

Note (Code 1003):
/* select#1 */
    `test`.`t`.`f1` AS `T_FP`,
    (/* select#2 */
            `test`.`t1` `t`
            (('731834939448428685' = 731834939448428685)
        and (`test`.`t`.`f1` = 731834939448428685))
    ) AS `Test_Value`
        `test`.`t1` `t`
        `test`.`t2` `tv`
        (`test`.`tv`.`t1_f1` = `test`.`t`.`f1`)
    group by `test`.`tv`.`f1`
    having (`Test_Value` > 0)

Interestingly, when I run this query on the original tables it returned all 18722 rows that exist in table



This output means that we cannot entirely rely on the 


  output. But still we can see the same symptoms:

  • Subquery uses a function to generate a value
  • Subquery in the

      clause is converted into a 


    , and its values are accessible by an outer subquery

We also see that the query has




  clauses, thus adding a complication.

The query is almost correct, but in this case, the optimizer mixed aliases: it uses the same alias in the internal query as in the external one. If you change the alias from




  in the subquery, the rewritten query starts returning correct results:

mysql> select
    ->     `test`.`t`.`f1` AS `T_FP`,
    -> (/* select#2 */
    ->     select
    ->         count(`test`.`t`.`f1`)
    ->     from
    ->         `test`.`t1` `t`
    ->     where (
    ->         ('731834939448428685' = 731834939448428685)
    ->     and
    ->         (`test`.`t`.`f1` = 731834939448428685)
    ->     )
    -> ) AS `Test_Value`
    -> from
    ->     `test`.`t1` `t`
    -> join
    ->     `test`.`t2` `tv`
    -> where
    ->     (`test`.`tv`.`t1_f1` = `test`.`t`.`f1`)
    -> group by `test`.`tv`.`f1`
    -> having (`Test_Value` > 0);
| 731834939454553991 |          1 |
| 731834939453739998 |          1 |
18722 rows in set (0.49 sec)
mysql> select
    ->     `test`.`t`.`f1` AS `T_FP`,
    -> (/* select#2 */
    ->     select
    ->         count(`test`.`t`.`f1`)
    ->     from
    ->         `test`.`t1` `t2`
    ->     where (
    ->         (t2.f1=t.f1)
    ->     and
    ->         (`test`.`t`.`f1` = 731834939448428685)
    ->     )
    -> ) AS `Test_Value`
    -> from
    ->     `test`.`t1` `t`
    -> join
    ->     `test`.`t2` `tv`
    -> where
    ->     (`test`.`tv`.`t1_f1` = `test`.`t`.`f1`)
    -> group by `test`.`tv`.`f1`
    -> having (`Test_Value` > 0);
| T_FP               | Test_Value |
| 731834939448428685 |          1 |
| 731834939448428685 |          1 |
| 731834939448428685 |          1 |
| 731834939448428685 |          1 |
| 731834939448428685 |          1 |
| 731834939448428685 |          1 |
| 731834939448428685 |          1 |
| 731834939448428685 |          1 |
| 731834939448428685 |          1 |
| 731834939448428685 |          1 |
| 731834939448428685 |          1 |
| 731834939448428685 |          1 |
| 731834939448428685 |          1 |
| 731834939448428685 |          1 |
| 731834939448428685 |          1 |
| 731834939448428685 |          1 |
| 731834939448428685 |          1 |
| 731834939448428685 |          1 |
| 731834939448428685 |          1 |
| 731834939448428685 |          1 |
| 731834939448428685 |          1 |
| 731834939448428685 |          1 |
22 rows in set (1.82 sec)

While the calculated value is not the reason why this query returns incorrect results, it is similar to the previous examples because the optimizer does not take in account that the value of


  in the outer query is not necessarily equal to 731834939448428685.

Is also interesting that neither Oracle nor PostgreSQL accept such a query, and instead complain of improper use of the 


 clause. Meanwhile, MySQL accepts this query even with SQL Mode set to


 . Reported as bug #92020.

Conclusion and recommendations



  is a very effective optimization, it can rewrite queries destructively. Safety measures when using this optimization are:

  1. Make sure that you use the latest version of MySQL/Percona/MariaDB servers which include all of the new bug fixes.
  2. Generated values for the subquery results either constant or returned values of functions is the red flag.
  3. Relaxing SQL Mode

      is always dangerous and should not be used together with



As a last resort, you can consider rewriting queries to


  manually or turning






The post Why Optimization derived_merge can Break Your Queries appeared first on Percona Database Performance Blog.


ANALYZE TABLE Is No Longer a Blocking Operation

analyze table

analyze tableIn this post, I’ll discuss the fix for lp:1704195 (migrated to PS-2503), which prevents


 from blocking all subsequent queries on the same table.

In November 2017, Percona released a fix for lp:1704195 (migrated to PS-2503), created by Laurynas Biveinis. The fix, included with Percona Server for MySQL since versions 5.6.38-83.0 and 5.7.20-18, stops


 from invalidating query and table definition cache content for supported storage engines (InnoDB, TokuDB and MyRocks).

Why is this important?

In short, it is now safe to run


 in production environments because it won’t trigger a situation where all queries on the same table stack are in the state

"Waiting for table flush"

. Check this blog post for details on how this situation can happen.

Why do we need to run ANALYZE TABLE?

When Optimizer decides which index to choose to resolve the query, it uses statistics stored for this table by storage engine. If the statistics are not up to date, Optimizer might choose the wrong index when it creates the query execution plan. This can cause performance to suffer.

To prevent this, storage engines support automatic and manual statistics updates. While automatic statistics updates usually work fine, there are cases when they do not do their job properly.

For example, InnoDB uses 20 sample 16K pages when it updates persistent statistics, and eight 16K pages when it updates transient statistics. If your data distribution is even, it does not matter how big your table is: even for 1T tables, using a sample of 320K is enough. But if your data isn’t even, statistics might get wrongly created. The solution for this issue is to increase either the innodb_stats_transient_sample_pages or innodb_stats_persistent_sample_pages variable. But increasing the number of pages to examine while collecting statistics leads to longer update runs, and thus higher IO activity, which is probably not what you want to happen often.

To control this, you can disable automatic statistics updates for such tables, and schedule a job that periodically runs 



Will it be safe before the fix for lp:1704195 (migrated to PS-2503)?

Theoretically yes, but we could easily hit a situation as described in this blog post by Miguel Angel Nieto. The article describes what if some long-running query starts and doesn’t finish before


. All the queries on the analyzing table get stuck in the state

"Waiting for table flush"

 at some time.

This happens because before the fix, 


 worked as follows:

  1. Opens table statistics: concurrent DML operations (

    ) are allowed

  2. Updates table statistics: concurrent DML operations are allowed
  3. Update finished
  4. Invalidates table entry in the table definition cache: concurrent DML operations are forbidden
    1. What happens here is

       marks the currently open table share instances as invalid. This does not affect running queries: they will complete as usual. But all incoming queries will not start until they can re-open table share instance. And this will not happen until all currently running queries complete.

  5. Invalidates query cache: concurrent DML operations are forbidden

Last two operations are usually fast, but they cannot finish if another query touched either the table share instance or acquired query cache mutex. And, in its turn, it cannot allow for incoming queries to start.



 modifies table statistics, not table definition!

Practically, it cannot affect already running queries in any way. If a query started before


 finished updating statistics, it uses old statistics.


 does not affect data in the table. Thus old entries in the query cache will still be correct. It hasn’t changed the definition of the table. Therefore there is no need to remove it from the table definition cache. As a result, we avoid operations 4 and 5 above.

The fix for lp:1704195 (migrated to PS-2503) removes these additional updates and locks required for them, and makes


 always safe to run in busy production environments.

The post ANALYZE TABLE Is No Longer a Blocking Operation appeared first on Percona Database Performance Blog.


Percona Live Featured Tutorial with Morgan Tocker — MySQL 8.0 Optimizer Guide

Percona Live Featured Tutorial

Percona Live Featured TutorialWelcome to another post in the series of Percona Live featured tutorial speakers blogs! In these blogs, we’ll highlight some of the tutorial speakers that will be at this year’s Percona Live conference. We’ll also discuss how these tutorials can help you improve your database environment. Make sure to read to the end to get a special Percona Live 2017 registration bonus!

In this Percona Live featured tutorial, we’ll meet Morgan Tocker, MySQL Product Manager at Oracle. His tutorial is a MySQL 8.0 Optimizer Guide. Many users who follow MySQL development are aware that recent versions introduced a number of improvements to query execution (via the addition of new execution strategies and an improved cost model). But what we don’t talk enough about is that the diagnostic features are also significantly better. I had a chance to speak with Morgan and learn a bit more about the MySQLOptimizer:

Percona: How did you get into database technology? What do you love about it?

Morgan: I started my career as a web developer, mainly focusing on the front end area. As the team I worked on grew and required different skills, I tried my hand at the back end programming. This led me to databases.

I think what I enjoyed about databases at the time was that front end design was a little bit too subjective for my tastes. With databases, you could prove what was “correct” by writing a simple micro-benchmark.  I joined the MySQL team in January 2006, and rejoined it again in 2013 after a five-year hiatus.

I don’t quite subscribe to this same view on micro benchmarks today, since it is very easy to accidentally (or intentionally) write a naïve benchmark. But I am still enjoying myself.

Percona: Your tutorial is called “MySQL 8.0 Optimizer Guide.” What exactly is the MySQL optimizer, and what new things have been added in MySQL 8.0?

Morgan: Because SQL is declarative (i.e., you state “what you want” rather than “do this then that”), there is a process that has to happen internally to prepare a query for execution. I like to describe it as similar to what happens when you enter an address in a GPS navigator. Some software then spits out the best steps on how to get there. In a database server, the Optimizer is that software code area.

There are a number of new optimizer features in MySQL 8.0, both in terms of new syntax supported and performance improvements to existing queries. These will be covered in some talks at the main conference (and also my colleague Øystein’s tutorial). The goal of my tutorial is to focus more on diagnostics than the enhancements themselves.

Percona: How can you use diagnostics to improve queries?

Morgan: To put it in numbers: it is not uncommon to see a user obsess over a configuration change that may yield a 2x improvement, and not spot the 100x improvement available by adding an index!

I like to say that users do not get the performance that they are entitled to if and when they lack the visibility and diagnostics available to them:

-In MySQL 5.6, an optimizer trace diagnostic was added so that you can now see not only why the optimizer arrived at a particular execution plan, but why other options were avoided.

-In MySQL 5.7, the EXPLAIN FORMAT=JSON command now includes the cost information (the internal formula used for calculations). My experience has been that sharing this detail actually makes the optimizer a lot easier to teach.

Good diagnostics by themselves do not make the improvements, but they bring required changes to the surface. On most systems, there are opportunities for improvements (indexes, hints, slight changes to queries, etc.).

Percona: What do you want attendees to take away from your tutorial session? Why should they attend?

Morgan: Visibility into running systems has been a huge priority for the MySQL Engineering team over the last few releases. I think in many cases, force-of-habit leaves users using an older generation of diagnostics (EXPLAIN versus EXPLAIN FORMAT=JSON). My goal is to show them the light using the state-of-the-art stack. This is why I called my talk an 8.0 guide, even though much of it is still relevant for 5.7 and 5.6.

I also have a companion website to my tutorial at

Percona: What are you most looking forward to at Percona Live?

Morgan: I’m excited to talk to users about MySQL 8.0, and not just in an optimizer sense. The MySQL engineering team has made a large investment in improving the reliability of MySQL with the introduction of a native data dictionary. I expect it will be the subject of many discussions, and a great opportunity for feedback.

There is also the social aspect for me, too. It will be 11 years since I first attended the predecessor to Percona Live. I have a lot of fond memories, and enjoy catching up with new friends and old over a beer!

You can find out more about Morgan Tocker and his work with the Optimizer at his tutorial website. Want to find out more about Morgan and MySQL query optimization? Register for Percona Live Data Performance Conference 2017, and see his MySQL 8.0 Optimizer Guide tutorial. Use the code FeaturedTalk and receive $30 off the current registration price!

Percona Live Data Performance Conference 2017 is the premier open source event for the data performance ecosystem. It is the place to be for the open source community as well as businesses that thrive in the MySQL, NoSQL, cloud, big data and Internet of Things (IoT) marketplaces. Attendees include DBAs, sysadmins, developers, architects, CTOs, CEOs, and vendors from around the world.

The Percona Live Data Performance Conference will be April 24-27, 2017 at the Hyatt Regency Santa Clara & The Santa Clara Convention Center.


Percona Live Europe 2016: “MySQL 8.0: what’s new in Optimizer” with Manyi Lu

Percona Live Europe

Percona Live EuropeToday was the first day of sessions at Percona Live Europe 2016, and it was packed with exciting talks and important information on open source databases. Some of the most anticipated talks are those that cover what to expect in MySQL 8.0.

One of those talks was given by Oracle’s Manyi Lu, Director of Software Development. She discussed MySQL 8.0: what’s new in Optimizer.

In her talk, Manyi discussed what we could look forward to in MySQL 8.0’s optimizer. There are substantial improvements in the optimizer in MySQL 5.7 and MySQL 8.0. Most noticeably, users can now combine relational data with NoSQL using the new JSON features. MySQL also now supports functional indexes through generated columns. MySQL 8.0 also makes DBA’s lives easier with EXPLAIN options for running queries and the query rewrite plugin.

On the performance side, MySQL can avoid creating temporary tables for UNION ALL, enable range scans on IN queries with row value expressions and make use of condition filtering. MySQL 8.0 also contains histograms, invisible indexes, common table expressions and we extended the JSON support.

Percona’s EMEA Field Marketing Manager Kamal Taibi was able to chat with Manyi Lu and get some insights into her talk. Check it out below!


Introduction into storage engine troubleshooting: Q & A

storage engine troubleshooting

 storage engine troubleshootingIn this blog, I will provide answers to the Q & A for the “Introduction into storage engine troubleshooting” webinar.

First, I want to thank everybody for attending the July 14 webinar. The recording and slides for the webinar are available here. Below is the list of your questions that I wasn’t able to answer during the webinar, with responses:

Q: At which isolation level do 




  copy data from a table?

A: Both tools do not change the server’s default transaction isolation level. Use either


 or set it in my



Q: Can I create an index to optimize a query which has group by A and order by B, both from different tables and A column is from the first table in the two table join?

A: Do you mean a query like


 ? Yes, this is possible:

mysql> explain select A, B, count(*) from a join b on( WHERE b.B < 4 GROUP BY a.A, b.B ORDER BY b.B ASC;
| id | select_type | table | type  | possible_keys | key  | key_len | ref       | rows | Extra                                                     |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | b     | range | PRIMARY,B     | B    | 5       | NULL      |   15 | Using where; Using index; Using temporary; Using filesort |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | a     | ref   | A             | A    | 5       | |    1 | Using index                                               |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Q: Where can I find recommendations on what kind of engine to use for different application types or use cases?

A: Storage engines are always being actively developed, therefore I suggest that you don’t search for generic recommendations. These can be outdated just a few weeks after they are written. Study engines instead. For example, just a few years ago MyISAM was the only engine (among those officially supported) that could work with FULLTEXT indexes and SPATIAL columns. Now InnoDB supports both: FULLTEXT indexes since version 5.6 and GIS features in 5.7. Today I can recommend InnoDB as a general-purpose engine for all installations, and TokuDB for write-heavy workloads when you cannot use high-speed disks.

Alternative storage engines can help to realize specific business needs. For example, CONNECT brings data to your server from many sources, SphinxSE talks to the Sphinx daemon, etc.

Other alternative storage engines increase the speed of certain workloads. Memory, for example, can be a good fit for temporary tables.

Q: Can you please explain how we find the full text of the query when we query the view ‘statements_with_full_table_Scans’?

A: Do you mean view in sys schema? Sys schema views take information from


 and digests it in Performance Schema, therefore it does not contain full queries (only digests). Full text of the query can be found in the


  tables in the Performance Schema. Note that even the 


  table can be rewritten very quickly, and you may want to save data from it periodically.

Q: Hi is TokuDB for the new document protocol?

A: As Alex Rubin showed in his detailed blog post, the new document protocol just converts NoSQL queries into SQL, and is thus not limited to any storage engine. To use documents and collections, a storage engine must support generated columns (which TokuDB currently does not). So support of X Protocol for TokuDB is limited to relational tables access.

Q: Please comment on “read committed” versus “repeatable read.”
Q: Repeatable read holds the cursor on the result set for the client versus read committed where the cursor is updated after a transaction.





 are transaction isolation levels, whose details are explained here.
I would not correlate locks set on table rows in different transaction isolation modes with the result set. A transaction with isolation level


  instead creates a snapshot of rows that are accessed by the transaction. Let’s consider a table:

mysql> create table ti(id int not null primary key, f1 int) engine=innodb;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.56 sec)
mysql> insert into ti values(1,1), (2,2), (3,3), (4,4), (5,5), (6,6), (7,7), (8,8), (9,9);
Query OK, 9 rows affected (0.03 sec)
Records: 9  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0

Then start the transaction and select a few rows from this table:

mysql1> begin;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
mysql1> select * from ti where id < 5;
| id | f1   |
|  1 |    1 |
|  2 |    2 |
|  3 |    3 |
|  4 |    4 |
4 rows in set (0.04 sec)

Now let’s update another set of rows in another transaction:

mysql2> update ti set f1 = id*2 where id > 5;
Query OK, 4 rows affected (0.06 sec)
Rows matched: 4  Changed: 4  Warnings: 0
mysql2> select * from ti;
| id | f1   |
|  1 |    1 |
|  2 |    2 |
|  3 |    3 |
|  4 |    4 |
|  5 |    5 |
|  6 |   12 |
|  7 |   14 |
|  8 |   16 |
|  9 |   18 |
9 rows in set (0.00 sec)

You see that the first four rows – which we accessed in the first transaction – were not modified, and last four were modified. If InnoDB only saved the cursor (as someone answered above) we would expect to see the same result if we ran 

SELECT * ...

  query in our old transaction, but it actually shows whole table content before modification:

mysql1> select * from ti;
| id | f1   |
|  1 |    1 |
|  2 |    2 |
|  3 |    3 |
|  4 |    4 |
|  5 |    5 |
|  6 |    6 |
|  7 |    7 |
|  8 |    8 |
|  9 |    9 |
9 rows in set (0.00 sec)

So “snapshot”  is a better word than “cursor” for the result set. In the case of


, the first transaction would see modified rows:

mysql1> drop table ti;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.11 sec)
mysql1> create table ti(id int not null primary key, f1 int) engine=innodb;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.38 sec)
mysql1> insert into ti values(1,1), (2,2), (3,3), (4,4), (5,5), (6,6), (7,7), (8,8), (9,9);
Query OK, 9 rows affected (0.04 sec)
Records: 9  Duplicates: 0  Warnings: 0
mysql1> set transaction isolation level read committed;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
mysql1> begin;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
mysql1> select * from ti where id < 5;
| id | f1   |
|  1 |    1 |
|  2 |    2 |
|  3 |    3 |
|  4 |    4 |
4 rows in set (0.00 sec)

Let’s update all rows in the table this time:

mysql2> update ti set f1 = id*2;
Query OK, 9 rows affected (0.04 sec)
Rows matched: 9  Changed: 9  Warnings: 0

Now the first transaction sees both the modified rows with id >= 5 (not in the initial result set), but also the modified rows with id < 5 (which existed in the initial result set):

mysql1> select * from ti;
| id | f1   |
|  1 |    2 |
|  2 |    4 |
|  3 |    6 |
|  4 |    8 |
|  5 |   10 |
|  6 |   12 |
|  7 |   14 |
|  8 |   16 |
|  9 |   18 |
9 rows in set (0.00 sec)


MySQL indexing 101: a challenging single-table query

We discussed in an earlier post how to design indexes for many types of queries using a single table. Here is a real-world example of the challenges you will face when trying to optimize queries: two similar queries, but one is performing a full table scan while the other one is using the index we specially created for these queries. Bug or expected behavior? Read on!

Our two similar queries

# Q1
mysql> explain select col1, col2 from t where ts >= '2015-04-30 00:00:00';
| id | select_type | table         | type | possible_keys | key  | key_len | ref  | rows    | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | t             | ALL  | ts            | NULL | NULL    | NULL | 4111896 | Using where |
# Q2
mysql> explain select count(*) from t where ts >='2015-04-30 00:00:00';
| id | select_type | table         | type  | possible_keys | key          | key_len | ref  | rows    | Extra                    |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | t             | range | ts            | ts           | 5       | NULL | 1809458 | Using where; Using index |

Q1 runs a full-table scan while Q2 is using the index on ts, which by the way is covering – See Using index in the Extra field. Why such different execution plans?

Let’s try to understand what happens with Q1.

This is a query with a single inequality on the ts field and we have an index on ts. The optimizer tries to see if this index is usable (possible_keys field), this is all very logical. Now if we look at the rows field for Q1 and Q2, we can see that the index would allow us to only read 45% of the records (1.8M out of 4.1M). Granted, this is not excellent but this should be much better than a full table scan anyway, right?

If you think so, read carefully what’s next. Because this assumption is simply not correct!

Estimating the cost of an execution plan (simplified)

First of all, the optimizer does not know if data or indexes are in memory or need to be read from disk, it will simply assume everything is on disk. What it does know however is that sequential reads are much faster than random reads.

So let’s execute Q1 with the index on ts. Step 1 is to perform a range scan on this index to identify the 1.8M records that match the condition: this is a sequential read, so this is quite fast. However now step 2 is to get the col1 and col2 fields for each record that match the condition. The index provides the primary key value for each matching record so we will have to run a primary key lookup for each matching record.

Here is the issue: 1.8M primary key lookups is equivalent to 1.8M random reads, therefore this will take a lot of time. Much more time than sequentially reading the full table (which means doing a full scan of the primary key because we are using InnoDB here).

Contrast that with how Q2 can be executed with the index on ts. Step 1 is the same: identify the 1.8M matching records. But the difference is: there’s no step 2! That’s why we call this index a ‘covering index’: we don’t need to run point queries on the primary key to get extra fields. So this time, using the index on ts is much more efficient than reading the full table (which again would mean that we would do a full-table scan of the primary key).

Now there is one more thing to understand: a full-table scan is a sequential operation when you think about it from a logical point of view, however the InnoDB pages are certainly not stored sequentially on disk. So at the disk level, a full table is more like multiple random reads than a single large sequential read.

However it is still much faster than a very large number or point query and it’s easy to understand why: when you read a 16KB page for a full table scan, all records will be used. While when you read a 16KB page for a random read, you might only use a single record. So in the worst case, reading 1.8M records will require 1.8M random reads while reading the full table with 4M records will only require 100K random reads – the full table scan is still an order of magnitude faster.

Optimizing our query

Now that we’ve understood why the optimizer chose a full table scan for Q1, is there a way to make it run faster by using an index? If we can create a covering index, we will no longer need the expensive primary key lookups. Then the optimizer is very likely to choose this index over a full table scan. Creating such a covering index is easy:

ALTER TABLE t ADD INDEX idx_ts_col1_col2 (ts, col1, col2);

Some of you may object that because we have an inequality on ts, the other columns cannot be used. This would be true if we had conditions on col1 or col2 in the WHERE clause, but that does not apply here since we’re only adding these extra columns to get a covering index.


Understanding how indexes can be used to filter, sort or cover is paramount to be able to optimize queries, even simple ones. Understanding (even approximately) how a query is run according to a given execution plan is also very useful. Otherwise you will sometimes be puzzled by the decisions made by the optimizer.

Also note that beginning in MySQL 5.7, the cost model can be tuned. This can help the optimizer make better decisions: for instance random reads are far cheaper on fast storage than on regular disks.

The post MySQL indexing 101: a challenging single-table query appeared first on MySQL Performance Blog.


Optimizer hints in MySQL 5.7.7 – The missed manual

In version MySQL 5.7.7 Oracle presented a new promising feature: optimizer hints. However it did not publish any documentation about the hints. The only note which I found in the user manual about the hints is:

  • It is now possible to provide hints to the optimizer by including /*+ … */ comments following the SELECT, INSERT, REPLACE, UPDATE, or DELETE keyword of SQL statements. Such statements can also be used with EXPLAIN. Examples:
    FROM t3 WHERE f1 > 30 AND f1 < 33;
    SELECT /*+ BKA(t1, t2) */ * FROM t1 INNER JOIN t2 WHERE ...;
    SELECT /*+ NO_ICP(t1) */ * FROM t1 WHERE ...;

There are also three worklogs: WL #3996, WL #8016 and WL #8017. But they describe the general concept and do not have much information about which optimizations can be used and how. More light on this provided by slide 59 from Øystein Grøvlen’s session at Percona Live. But that’s all: no “official” full list of possible optimizations, no use cases… nothing.

I tried to sort it out myself.

My first finding is the fact that slide #59 really lists six of seven possible index hints. Confirmation for this exists in one of two new files under sql directory of MySQL source tree, created for this new feature.

$cat sql/opt_hints.h
  Hint types, MAX_HINT_ENUM should be always last.
  This enum should be synchronized with opt_hint_info
enum opt_hints_enum

Looking into file sql/ we can find out what these optimizations give not much choice: either enable or disable.

$cat sql/
struct st_opt_hint_info opt_hint_info[]=
  {"BKA", true, true},
  {"BNL", true, true},
  {"ICP", true, true},
  {"MRR", true, true},
  {"NO_RANGE_OPTIMIZATION", true, true},
  {"MAX_EXECUTION_TIME", false, false},
  {"QB_NAME", false, false},
  {0, 0, 0}

A choice for the way to include hints into SQL statements: inside comments with sign “+”


, – is compatible with style of optimizer hints which Oracle uses.

We actually had access to these hints before: they were accessible via variable optimizer_switch. At least such optimizations like BKA, BNL, ICP, MRR. But with new syntax we cannot only modify this access globally or per session, but can turn on or off particular optimization for a single table and column in the query. I can demonstrate it on this quite artificial but always accessible example:

mysql> use mysql
Database changed
mysql> explain select * from user where host in ('%', '');
| id | select_type | table | partitions | type  | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref  | rows | filtered | Extra                 |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | user  | NULL       | range | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY | 180     | NULL |    2 |   100.00 | Using index condition |
1 row in set, 1 warning (0.01 sec)
mysql> explain select /*+ NO_RANGE_OPTIMIZATION(user PRIMARY) */ * from user where host in ('%', '');
| id | select_type | table | partitions | type | possible_keys | key  | key_len | ref  | rows | filtered | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | user  | NULL       | ALL  | PRIMARY       | NULL | NULL    | NULL |    5 |    40.00 | Using where |
1 row in set, 1 warning (0.00 sec)

I used one more hint, which we could not turn on or off directly earlier: range optimization.

One more “intuitively” documented feature is the ability to turn on or off a particular optimization. This works only for BKA, BNL, ICP and MRR: you can specify NO_BKA(table[[, table]…]), NO_BNL(table[[, table]…]), NO_ICP(table indexes[[, table indexes]…]) and NO_MRR(table indexes[[, table indexes]…]) to avoid using these algorithms for particular table or index in the JOIN.

MAX_EXECUTION_TIME does not require any table or key name inside. Instead you need to specify maximum time in milliseconds which query should run:

mysql> select /*+ MAX_EXECUTION_TIME(1000) */  sleep(1) from user;
ERROR 3024 (HY000): Query execution was interrupted, max_statement_time exceeded
mysql> select /*+ MAX_EXECUTION_TIME(10000) */  sleep(1) from user;
| sleep(1) |
|        0 |
|        0 |
|        0 |
|        0 |
|        0 |
5 rows in set (5.00 sec)

QB_NAME is more complicated. WL #8017 tells us this is custom context. But what is this? The answer is in the MySQL test suite! Tests for optimizer hints exist in file t/opt_hints.test For QB_NAME very first entry is query:

EXPLAIN SELECT /*+ NO_ICP(t3@qb1 f3_idx) */ f2 FROM
  (SELECT /*+ QB_NAME(QB1) */ f2, f3, f1 FROM t3 WHERE f1 > 2 AND f3 = 'poiu') AS TD
    WHERE TD.f1 > 2 AND TD.f3 = 'poiu';

So we can specify custom QB_NAME for any subquery and specify optimizer hint only for this context.

To conclude this quick overview I want to show a practical example of when query hints are really needed. Last week I worked on an issue where a customer upgraded from MySQL version 5.5 to 5.6 and found some of their queries started to work slower than before. I wrote an answer which could sound funny, but still remains correct: “One of the reasons for such behavior is optimizer  improvements. While they all are made for better performance, some queries – optimized for older versions – can start working slower than before.”

To demonstrate a public example of such a query I will use my favorite source of information: MySQL Community Bugs Database. In a search for Optimizer regression bugs that are still not fixed we can find bug #68919 demonstrating regression in case the MRR algorithm is used for queries with LIMIT. In run queries, shown in the bug report, we will see a huge difference:

mysql> SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE i1>=42 AND i2<=42 LIMIT 1;
| pk | i1 | i2 | i3 |
| 42 | 42 | 42 | 42 |
1 row in set (6.88 sec)
mysql> explain SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE i1>=42 AND i2<=42 LIMIT 1;
| id | select_type | table | partitions | type  | possible_keys | key  | key_len | ref  | rows    | filtered | Extra                            |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | t1    | NULL       | range | idx           | idx  | 4       | NULL | 9999958 |    33.33 | Using index condition; Using MRR |
1 row in set, 1 warning (0.00 sec)
mysql> SELECT /*+ NO_MRR(t1) */ *  FROM t1  WHERE i1>=42 AND i2<=42 LIMIT 1;
| pk | i1 | i2 | i3 |
| 42 | 42 | 42 | 42 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

With MRR query execution takes 6.88 seconds and 0 if MRR is not used! But the bug report itself suggests using


as a workaround. And this will work perfectly well if you are OK to run

SET optimizer_switch="mrr=off";

every time you are running a query which will take advantage of having it OFF. With optimizer hints you can have one or another algorithm to be ON for particular table in the query and OFF for another one. I, again, took quite an artificial example, but it demonstrates the method:

mysql> explain select /*+ MRR(dept_emp) */ * from dept_emp where to_date in  (select /*+ NO_MRR(salaries)*/ to_date from salaries where salary >40000 and salary <45000) and emp_no >10100 and emp_no < 30200 and dept_no in ('d005', 'd006','d007');
| id | select_type  | table       | partitions | type   | possible_keys          | key        | key_len | ref                        | rows    | filtered | Extra                                         |
|  1 | SIMPLE       | dept_emp    | NULL       | range  | PRIMARY,emp_no,dept_no | dept_no    | 8       | NULL                       |   10578 |   100.00 | Using index condition; Using where; Using MRR |
|  1 | SIMPLE       | <subquery2> | NULL       | eq_ref | <auto_key>             | <auto_key> | 3       | employees.dept_emp.to_date |       1 |   100.00 | NULL                                          |
|  2 | MATERIALIZED | salaries    | NULL       | ALL    | salary                 | NULL       | NULL    | NULL                       | 2838533 |    17.88 | Using where                                   |
3 rows in set, 1 warning (0.00 sec)


The post Optimizer hints in MySQL 5.7.7 – The missed manual appeared first on MySQL Performance Blog.


Q&A: Even More Deadly Mistakes of MySQL Development

Percona WebinarsOn Wednesday I gave a presentation on “How to Avoid Even More Common (but Deadly) MySQL Development Mistakes” for Percona MySQL Webinars.  If you missed it, you can still register to view the recording and my slides.

Thanks to everyone who attended, and especially to folks who asked the great questions.  I answered as many as we had time for  during the session, but here are all the questions with my complete answers:

Q: Disk bandwidth also not infinite ;-)

Indeed, you’re right!

We discussed in the webinar the impact on network bandwidth from using column wildcards in queries like SELECT *, but it’s also possible that using SELECT * can impact disk operations. Varchar, Blob, or Text columns can be stored on extra pages in the database, and if you include those columns in your query needlessly, it can cause the storage engine to do a lot of seeks and page reads unnecessarily.

For more details on string storage in InnoDB, see Peter Zaitsev’s blog on Blob Storage in Innodb.

Q: How many tables can be joined in a single query? What is the optimal number of joins?

MySQL has a limit of 63 table references in a given query. This limits how many JOIN operations you can do, and also limits the number of UNIONs. Actually you can go over this limit if your JOIN or UNION don’t reference any tables, that is, create a derived table of one row of expressions.

If you do join a lot of tables (or even self-join the same table many times), you’re likely to hit a practical scaling limit long before you reach 63 table references. The practical limit in your case depends on many factors, including the length of the tables, the data types, the type of join expressions in your queries, and your physical server’s capabilities. It’s not a fixed limit I can cite for you.

If you think you need dozens of table references in a single query, you should probably step back and reconsider your database design or your query design.

I often see this type of question (“what is the limit on the number of joins?”) when people try to use key/value tables, also called Entity-Attribute-Value, and they’re trying to pivot attributes from rows into columns, as if the table were stored in a conventional way with one column per attribute. This is a broken design for many reasons, and the scalability of many-way joins is just one problem with it.

Q: How many indexes can be created in a single table? Any limitation? What is the optimal number of indexes?

All MySQL storage engines support at least 16 indexes per table.

As far as the optimal number of indexes, I don’t pay attention to the number of indexes (as long as it remains lower than the max of 16). I try to make sure I have the right indexes for my queries. If you put an arbitrary cap of for example 8 or 10 indexes on a given table, then you might be running queries that lack a needed index, and the unnecessary extra cost of running that query is probably greater than the cost of maintaining the one extra index it needs.

That said, there are cases where you have such variation in query types that there’s no way to have optimal indexes to cover every possible case. Given that you can have multi-column indexes, and multi-column indexes with columns in different orders, there are n-factorial possible indexes on a table with n columns.

Q: There is a table with 3 columns: id(int), user_id(int), day(date). There is a high chance same user_id will ‘exist’ for every day. I read data by “where user_id = some_id” (very high throuhput) and delete all entries once a day by cron using “where sent_date = ’2014-01-01′ “. Have approx 6M rows per day deletion is pretty painfull. Will partitioning by column ‘day’ help me deleting those bulks faster? If yes – how much faster? How much will it slow down SELECTs? – not all entries are deleted, but only entries for some specific old day, e.g. ‘ WHERE day = ’1 week ago’

Range partitioning by date would give you the opportunity to ALTER TABLE…DROP PARTITION, so you could remove all data for a given date very quickly, much faster than deleting millions of rows. The performance of DROP PARTITION is like that of DROP TABLE, because each partition is physically stored like a separate table.

Searching for “where user_id = ?” would not be able to take advantage of partition pruning, but it would still be able to use an index on user_id. And if you drop old partitions, the benefit of searching a smaller table could be a good tradeoff.

Q: Regarding 20% selectivity as a threshold for the optimizer preferring a table-scan to an index lookup – is that a tunable?

No, it’s not tunable, it’s a fixed behavior of the query optimizer. If you search for a value and the optimizer estimates that > 20% of rows contain the value you search for, it will bypass the index and just do a table-scan.

For the same reason that the index of a book doesn’t contain very common words, because the list of pages that word appears on would be too long, and flipping back and forth from the back of the book to each listed page would actually be more work than just reading the book.

Also keep in mind my figure of 20% is approximate. Your results may vary. This is not a magic threshold in the source code, it’s just a tendency I have observed.

Q: Regarding generating synthetic test data, it sounds like a pretty easy perl script to write.

Yes, it might be easy to do that for one given table. But every table is different, and you might have hundreds of tables in dozens of applications to generate test data for. You might also want to vary the distribution of data values from one test to another.

Writing a test-data generator for one particular case is easy, so you might reasonably do it as a one-off task. Writing a general-purpose test-data generator that you can use for many cases is more work.

Q: Would love to have the set of URLs cited in the presentation without having to go back and mine them out of the presentation.

Open source message queues:

MySQL Performance Blog articles:

Open source test-data generator:

Load-testing tools for web applications:

Load-testing tools to replay query logs:

Further reading for implementing business rules:

Q: How to best use mysql query cache?

Any cache is best used if you read from it many times for each time you write to it. So we’d like to estimate the average ratio of query cache reads to writes, to estimate how much leverage it’s giving us.


Check the values for QCache_hits (which are cases when a query result was read from the query cache) over QCache_inserts (which are cases when the desired query result was not in the cache, and had to be run and then the result stored in the cache). I like to see a ratio of 1000% or more (i.e. 10:1 hits to inserts).

If you have a poor ratio, for example less than 1:1 or less than 100%, then consider disabling the query cache, because it may be costing more to maintain it than the performance benefit it’s giving you.

Keep in mind that this is only a guideline, because the calculation I described is only an average. It could be that the queries served by the query cache are very expensive, so using the cached result is a great benefit even if it accounts for a small number of hits. The only way to be certain is to load-test your application under your load, and compare overall performance results with the query cache enabled or disabled, and at different sizes.

Q: How to detect when too much indexes start to affect performance?

Some people are reluctant to create indexes because they have been warned that indexes require synchronous updates when you INSERT, UPDATE, or DELETE rows. Some people also make the generalization that indexes harm writes but benefit reads. Bot of these are not true.

Your DML operations aren’t really updating indexes in real time. InnoDB includes a feature called change buffering, which defers index updates. The change buffer is gradually merged into the index over time. That way, InnoDB can handle a big spike in traffic without it hurting throughput as much. You can monitor how much content in the change buffer remains to be merged:
mysql> SHOW GLOBAL STATUS LIKE 'Innodb_ibuf_size';

It’s also not accurate that indexes hurt writes. UPDATE and DELETE statements usually have a WHERE clause, to apply the changes to particular rows. These conditions use indexes to reduce the examined rows, just like in SELECT statements. But in UPDATE and DELETE statements, it’s even more important to use indexes, because otherwise the statement has to lock a lot of rows to ensure it locks the rows you’re changing.

So I generally say, don’t avoid indexes based only on the number of indexes you have, just make sure your indexes are being employed by the queries you run, and drop indexes that aren’t used. Here are a couple of past blog posts that show how to do this:

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The post Q&A: Even More Deadly Mistakes of MySQL Development appeared first on MySQL Performance Blog.


Many-table joins in MySQL 5.6

I recently worked on an uncommon slow query: less than 100 rows were read and returned, the whole dataset was fitting in memory but the query took several seconds to run. Long story short: the query was a join involving 21 tables, running on MySQL 5.1. But by default MySQL 5.1 is not good at handling joins with such a large number of tables. The good news is that MySQL 5.6 brings welcome improvements.

Isolating the problem

As always with a slow query, finding the execution plan with EXPLAIN is the 1st step to understand where time is spent. Here the plan was very good with almost all joins using the primary key or a unique key, but perhaps the most interesting part was that EXPLAIN was very slow as well. This indicates that the optimizer takes a lot of time finding the optimal execution plan. To double check, we can run SHOW PROFILE:

mysql> set @@profiling = 1;
mysql> SELECT ....;
| Status             | Duration |
| starting           | 0.000783 |
| Opening tables     | 0.000192 |
| System lock        | 0.000005 |
| Table lock         | 0.000010 |
| init               | 0.000369 |
| optimizing         | 0.000091 |
| statistics         | 3.459529 |
| preparing          | 0.000213 |
| executing          | 0.000005 |
| Sending data       | 0.004597 |
| end                | 0.000008 |
| query end          | 0.000005 |
| freeing items      | 0.000066 |
| logging slow query | 0.000004 |
| cleaning up        | 0.000006 |

‘Statistics’ means ‘finding a good execution plan’. Okay, we have found why the query is slow.

If you have read this post, you already know how to fix the problem: set optimizer_search_depth = 0 and response time instantly drops to 0.02s. Also mentioned in this post, we should expect MySQL 5.6 to be much better at handling such queries. Well, let’s give it a try!

MySQL 5.6

With the default value of optimizer_search_depth, response time is 0.02s in 5.6 and we can see in SHOW PROFILE that the time spent finding a good execution plan is very small:

| Status               | Duration |
| starting             | 0.002022 |
| checking permissions | 0.000018 |
| checking permissions | 0.000015 |
| Opening tables       | 0.000130 |
| init                 | 0.001093 |
| System lock          | 0.000048 |
| optimizing           | 0.000200 |
| statistics           | 0.009404 |
| preparing            | 0.000432 |
| executing            | 0.000029 |
| Sending data         | 0.005409 |
| end                  | 0.000027 |
| query end            | 0.000009 |
| closing tables       | 0.000034 |
| freeing items        | 0.000082 |
| cleaning up          | 0.000030 |

However ‘Statistics’ is still the most expensive step. What if we set optimizer_search_depth = 0? It is even better:

| statistics           | 0.001896 |

And the response time drops to 0.01s.


  • EXPLAIN is a great tool to understand how the server will run a query, but it does not tell you everything. Additional tools (here, SHOW PROFILES) are often useful as well.
  • By default MySQL 5.6 is much better than the previous versions at handling joins with many tables: great job optimizer team at Oracle!
  • However even with 5.6, you may get better response time with optimizer_search_depth = 0

The post Many-table joins in MySQL 5.6 appeared first on MySQL Performance Blog.


Multiple column index vs multiple indexes with MySQL 5.6

A question often comes when talking about indexing: should we use multiple column indexes or multiple indexes on single columns? Peter Zaitsev wrote about it back in 2008 and the conclusion then was that a multiple column index is most often the best solution. But with all the recent optimizer improvements, is there anything different with MySQL 5.6?


For this test, we will use these 2 tables (same structure as in Peter’s post):

CREATE TABLE t1000merge (
  id int not null auto_increment primary key,
  i int(11) NOT NULL,
  j int(11) NOT NULL,
  val char(10) NOT NULL,
  KEY i (i),
  KEY j (j)
CREATE TABLE t1000idx2 (
  id int not null auto_increment primary key,
  i int(11) NOT NULL,
  j int(11) NOT NULL,
  val char(10) NOT NULL,
  KEY ij (i,j)

Tables were populated with 1M rows for this test, i and j have 1000 distinct values (independent of each other). The buffer pool is large enough to hold all data and indexes.

We will look at this query on MySQL 5.5.35 and MySQL 5.6.15:

SELECT sum(length(val)) FROM T WHERE j=2 AND i BETWEEN 100 and 200

Why this specific query? With MySQL 5.5, for t1000idx2, the optimizer estimates that the index on (i,j) is not selective enough and it falls back to a full table scan. While for t1000merge, the index on (j) is an obvious good candidate to filter efficiently.

Consequently this query has a better response on t1000merge (0.01s) than on t1000idx2 (0.45s).

On MySQL 5.6, this query is a good candidate for index condition pushdown (ICP), so we can reasonably hope that response time for t1000idx2 will improve.

ICP: FORCE INDEX to the rescue

Unfortunately the optimizer still prefers the full table scan which gives us the same bad response time:

mysql5.6> EXPLAIN SELECT sum(length(val)) FROM t1000idx2 WHERE j=2 AND i BETWEEN 100 and 200;
| id | select_type | table     | type | possible_keys | key  | key_len | ref  | rows    | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | t1000idx2 | ALL  | ij            | NULL | NULL    | NULL | 1000545 | Using where |

And what if we use FORCE INDEX?

mysql5.6 > EXPLAIN SELECT sum(length(val)) FROM  t1000idx2 FORCE INDEX(ij) WHERE j=2 AND i BETWEEN 100 and 200;
| id | select_type | table     | type  | possible_keys | key  | key_len | ref  | rows   | Extra                 |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | t1000idx2 | range | ij            | ij   | 8       | NULL | 188460 | Using index condition |

This time ICP is used (see “Using index condition” in the Extra field)!

And the difference in response time is impressive:
– Without FORCE INDEX (full table scan): 0.45s
– With FORCE INDEX (multiple column index + index condition pushdown): 0.04s, a 10x improvement!

Additional thoughts

It is interesting to see that the optimizer fails to find the best execution plan for this simple query. The optimizer trace sheds some light:

mysql> SET optimizer_trace="enabled=on";
mysql> SELECT sum(length(val)) FROM  T  WHERE j=2 AND i BETWEEN 100 and 200;
"range_analysis": {
                  "table_scan": {
                    "rows": 1000545,
                    "cost": 202835

This is the estimated cost for a full table scan.
Now we will see how the optimizer estimates the cost of the range scan using the ij index:

"range_scan_alternatives": [
                        "index": "ij",
                        "ranges": [
                          "100 <= i <= 200"
                        "index_dives_for_eq_ranges": true,
                        "rowid_ordered": false,
                        "using_mrr": false,
                        "index_only": false,
                        "rows": 188460,
                        "cost": 226153,
                        "chosen": false,
                        "cause": "cost"

At this stage the optimizer does not know if ICP can be used. This probably explains why the cost of the range scan is overestimated.

If we look at the optimizer trace for the query with the FORCE INDEX hint, ICP is only detected after the range scan is chosen:

"refine_plan": [
                "table": "`t1000idx2` FORCE INDEX (`ij`)",
                "pushed_index_condition": "((`t1000idx2`.`j` = 2) and (`t1000idx2`.`i` between 100 and 200))",
                "table_condition_attached": null,
                "access_type": "range"


Multiple column index vs multiple indexes? Having indexes on single columns often lead to the optimizer using the index_merge access type, which is typically not as good as accessing a single index on multiple columns. MySQL 5.6 makes multiple column indexes more efficient than before with index condition pushdown.

But don’t forget that the optimizer is not perfect: you may have to use index hints to benefit from this feature.

The post Multiple column index vs multiple indexes with MySQL 5.6 appeared first on MySQL Performance Blog.

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