
Optimizer hints in MySQL 5.7.7 – The missed manual

In version MySQL 5.7.7 Oracle presented a new promising feature: optimizer hints. However it did not publish any documentation about the hints. The only note which I found in the user manual about the hints is:

  • It is now possible to provide hints to the optimizer by including /*+ … */ comments following the SELECT, INSERT, REPLACE, UPDATE, or DELETE keyword of SQL statements. Such statements can also be used with EXPLAIN. Examples:
    FROM t3 WHERE f1 > 30 AND f1 < 33;
    SELECT /*+ BKA(t1, t2) */ * FROM t1 INNER JOIN t2 WHERE ...;
    SELECT /*+ NO_ICP(t1) */ * FROM t1 WHERE ...;

There are also three worklogs: WL #3996, WL #8016 and WL #8017. But they describe the general concept and do not have much information about which optimizations can be used and how. More light on this provided by slide 59 from Øystein Grøvlen’s session at Percona Live. But that’s all: no “official” full list of possible optimizations, no use cases… nothing.

I tried to sort it out myself.

My first finding is the fact that slide #59 really lists six of seven possible index hints. Confirmation for this exists in one of two new files under sql directory of MySQL source tree, created for this new feature.

$cat sql/opt_hints.h
  Hint types, MAX_HINT_ENUM should be always last.
  This enum should be synchronized with opt_hint_info
  array(see opt_hints.cc).
enum opt_hints_enum

Looking into file sql/opt_hints.cc we can find out what these optimizations give not much choice: either enable or disable.

$cat sql/opt_hints.cc
struct st_opt_hint_info opt_hint_info[]=
  {"BKA", true, true},
  {"BNL", true, true},
  {"ICP", true, true},
  {"MRR", true, true},
  {"NO_RANGE_OPTIMIZATION", true, true},
  {"MAX_EXECUTION_TIME", false, false},
  {"QB_NAME", false, false},
  {0, 0, 0}

A choice for the way to include hints into SQL statements: inside comments with sign “+”


, – is compatible with style of optimizer hints which Oracle uses.

We actually had access to these hints before: they were accessible via variable optimizer_switch. At least such optimizations like BKA, BNL, ICP, MRR. But with new syntax we cannot only modify this access globally or per session, but can turn on or off particular optimization for a single table and column in the query. I can demonstrate it on this quite artificial but always accessible example:

mysql> use mysql
Database changed
mysql> explain select * from user where host in ('%', '');
| id | select_type | table | partitions | type  | possible_keys | key     | key_len | ref  | rows | filtered | Extra                 |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | user  | NULL       | range | PRIMARY       | PRIMARY | 180     | NULL |    2 |   100.00 | Using index condition |
1 row in set, 1 warning (0.01 sec)
mysql> explain select /*+ NO_RANGE_OPTIMIZATION(user PRIMARY) */ * from user where host in ('%', '');
| id | select_type | table | partitions | type | possible_keys | key  | key_len | ref  | rows | filtered | Extra       |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | user  | NULL       | ALL  | PRIMARY       | NULL | NULL    | NULL |    5 |    40.00 | Using where |
1 row in set, 1 warning (0.00 sec)

I used one more hint, which we could not turn on or off directly earlier: range optimization.

One more “intuitively” documented feature is the ability to turn on or off a particular optimization. This works only for BKA, BNL, ICP and MRR: you can specify NO_BKA(table[[, table]…]), NO_BNL(table[[, table]…]), NO_ICP(table indexes[[, table indexes]…]) and NO_MRR(table indexes[[, table indexes]…]) to avoid using these algorithms for particular table or index in the JOIN.

MAX_EXECUTION_TIME does not require any table or key name inside. Instead you need to specify maximum time in milliseconds which query should run:

mysql> select /*+ MAX_EXECUTION_TIME(1000) */  sleep(1) from user;
ERROR 3024 (HY000): Query execution was interrupted, max_statement_time exceeded
mysql> select /*+ MAX_EXECUTION_TIME(10000) */  sleep(1) from user;
| sleep(1) |
|        0 |
|        0 |
|        0 |
|        0 |
|        0 |
5 rows in set (5.00 sec)

QB_NAME is more complicated. WL #8017 tells us this is custom context. But what is this? The answer is in the MySQL test suite! Tests for optimizer hints exist in file t/opt_hints.test For QB_NAME very first entry is query:

EXPLAIN SELECT /*+ NO_ICP(t3@qb1 f3_idx) */ f2 FROM
  (SELECT /*+ QB_NAME(QB1) */ f2, f3, f1 FROM t3 WHERE f1 > 2 AND f3 = 'poiu') AS TD
    WHERE TD.f1 > 2 AND TD.f3 = 'poiu';

So we can specify custom QB_NAME for any subquery and specify optimizer hint only for this context.

To conclude this quick overview I want to show a practical example of when query hints are really needed. Last week I worked on an issue where a customer upgraded from MySQL version 5.5 to 5.6 and found some of their queries started to work slower than before. I wrote an answer which could sound funny, but still remains correct: “One of the reasons for such behavior is optimizer  improvements. While they all are made for better performance, some queries – optimized for older versions – can start working slower than before.”

To demonstrate a public example of such a query I will use my favorite source of information: MySQL Community Bugs Database. In a search for Optimizer regression bugs that are still not fixed we can find bug #68919 demonstrating regression in case the MRR algorithm is used for queries with LIMIT. In run queries, shown in the bug report, we will see a huge difference:

mysql> SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE i1>=42 AND i2<=42 LIMIT 1;
| pk | i1 | i2 | i3 |
| 42 | 42 | 42 | 42 |
1 row in set (6.88 sec)
mysql> explain SELECT * FROM t1 WHERE i1>=42 AND i2<=42 LIMIT 1;
| id | select_type | table | partitions | type  | possible_keys | key  | key_len | ref  | rows    | filtered | Extra                            |
|  1 | SIMPLE      | t1    | NULL       | range | idx           | idx  | 4       | NULL | 9999958 |    33.33 | Using index condition; Using MRR |
1 row in set, 1 warning (0.00 sec)
mysql> SELECT /*+ NO_MRR(t1) */ *  FROM t1  WHERE i1>=42 AND i2<=42 LIMIT 1;
| pk | i1 | i2 | i3 |
| 42 | 42 | 42 | 42 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

With MRR query execution takes 6.88 seconds and 0 if MRR is not used! But the bug report itself suggests using


as a workaround. And this will work perfectly well if you are OK to run

SET optimizer_switch="mrr=off";

every time you are running a query which will take advantage of having it OFF. With optimizer hints you can have one or another algorithm to be ON for particular table in the query and OFF for another one. I, again, took quite an artificial example, but it demonstrates the method:

mysql> explain select /*+ MRR(dept_emp) */ * from dept_emp where to_date in  (select /*+ NO_MRR(salaries)*/ to_date from salaries where salary >40000 and salary <45000) and emp_no >10100 and emp_no < 30200 and dept_no in ('d005', 'd006','d007');
| id | select_type  | table       | partitions | type   | possible_keys          | key        | key_len | ref                        | rows    | filtered | Extra                                         |
|  1 | SIMPLE       | dept_emp    | NULL       | range  | PRIMARY,emp_no,dept_no | dept_no    | 8       | NULL                       |   10578 |   100.00 | Using index condition; Using where; Using MRR |
|  1 | SIMPLE       | <subquery2> | NULL       | eq_ref | <auto_key>             | <auto_key> | 3       | employees.dept_emp.to_date |       1 |   100.00 | NULL                                          |
|  2 | MATERIALIZED | salaries    | NULL       | ALL    | salary                 | NULL       | NULL    | NULL                       | 2838533 |    17.88 | Using where                                   |
3 rows in set, 1 warning (0.00 sec)


The post Optimizer hints in MySQL 5.7.7 – The missed manual appeared first on MySQL Performance Blog.


Percona Live 2015 conference sessions announced!

Today we announced the full conference sessions schedule for April’s Percona Live MySQL Conference & Expo 2015 and this year’s event, once again at the Hyatt Regency Santa Clara and Santa Clara Convention Center, looks to be the biggest yet with networking and learning opportunities for MySQL professionals and enthusiasts at all levels.

Conference sessions will run April 14-16 following each morning’s keynote addresses (the keynotes have yet to be announced). The 2015 conference features a variety of formal tracks and sessions related to high availability, DevOps, programming, performance optimization, replication and backup. They’ll also cover MySQL in the cloud, MySQL and NoSQL, MySQL case studies, security (a very hot topic), and “what’s new” in MySQL.

The sessions will be delivered by top MySQL practitioners at some of the world’s leading MySQL vendors and users, including Oracle, Facebook, Google, LinkedIn, Twitter, Yelp, Percona and MariaDB.

Percona Live 2014 conference attendees Sessions will include:

  • “Better DevOps with MySQL and Docker,” Sunny Gleason, Founder, SunnyCloud
  • “Big Transactions on Galera Cluster,” Seppo Jaakola, CEO, Codership
  • “Database Defense in Depth,” Geoffrey Anderson, Database Operations Engineer, Box, Inc.
  • “The Database is Down, Now What?” Jeremy Tinley, Senior MySQL Operations Engineer, Etsy.com
  • “Encrypting MySQL data at Google,” Jeremy Cole, Sr. Systems Engineer, and Jonas Oreland, Software Developer, Google
  • “High-Availability using MySQL Fabric,” Mats Kindahl, Senior Principal Software Developer, MySQL Group, Oracle
  • “High Performance MySQL choices in Amazon Web Services: Beyond RDS,” Andrew Shieh, Director of Operations, SmugMug
  • “How to Analyze and Tune MySQL Queries for Better Performance,” Øystein Grøvlen, Senior Principal Software Engineer, Oracle
  • “InnoDB: A journey to the core III,” Davi Arnaut, Sr. Software Engineer, LinkedIn, and Jeremy Cole, Sr. Systems Engineer, Google, Inc.
  • “Meet MariaDB 10.1,” Sergei Golubchik, Chief Architect, MariaDB
  • “MySQL 5.7 Performance: Scalability & Benchmarks,” Dimitri Kravtchuk, MySQL Performance Architect, Oracle
  • “MySQL at Twitter – 2015,” Calvin Sun, Sr. Engineering Manager, and Inaam Rana, Staff Software Engineer, Twitter
  • “MySQL Automation at Facebook Scale,” Shlomo Priymak, MySQL Database Engineer, Facebook
  • “MySQL Cluster Performance Tuning – The 7.4.x Talk,” Johan Andersson CTO and Alex Yu, Vice President of Products, Severalnines AB
  • “MySQL for Facebook Messenger,” Domas Mituzas, Database Engineer, Facebook
  • “MySQL Indexing, How Does It Really Work?” Tim Callaghan, Vice President of Engineering, Tokutek
  • “MySQL in the Hosted Cloud,” Colin Charles, Chief Evangelist, MariaDB
  • “MySQL Security Essentials,” Ronald Bradford, Founder & CEO, EffectiveMySQL
  • “Scaling MySQL in Amazon Web Services,” Mark Filipi, MySQL Team Lead, Pythian
  • “Online schema changes for maximizing uptime,” David Turner, DBA, Dropbox, and Ben Black, DBA, Tango
  • “Upgrading to MySQL 5.6 @ scale,” Tom Krouper, Staff Database Administrator , Twitter

Of course Percona Live 2015 will also include several hours of hands-on, intensive tutorials – led by some of the top minds in MySQL. We had a post talking about the tutorials in more detail last month. Since then we added two more: “MySQL devops: initiation on how to automate MySQL deployment” and “Deploying MySQL HA with Ansible and Vagrant.” And of course Dimitri Vanoverbeke, Liz van Dijk and Kenny Gryp will once again this year host the ever-popular “Operational DBA in a Nutshell! Hands On Tutorial!

Yahoo, VMWare, Box and Yelp are among the industry leaders sponsoring the event, and additional sponsorship opportunities are still available.

Percona Live 2014 world mapWorldwide interest in Percona Live continues to soar, and this year, for the first time, the conference will run in parallel with OpenStack Live 2015, a new Percona conference scheduled for April 13 and 14. That event will be a unique opportunity for OpenStack users and enthusiasts to learn from leading OpenStack experts in the field about top cloud strategies, improving overall cloud performance, and operational best practices for managing and optimizing OpenStack and its MySQL database core.

Best of all, your full Percona Live ticket gives you access to the OpenStack Live conference! So why not save some $$? Early Bird registration discounts are available through Feb. 1, 2015 at 11:30 p.m. PST.

I hope to see you in April!

The post Percona Live 2015 conference sessions announced! appeared first on MySQL Performance Blog.

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