
Introducing email reports for Percona Cloud Tools!

For those PCT users who forget to regularly check query performance, you can now get server query reports delivered to your email daily or weekly. The report contains a digest of the most critical performance information related to a particular MySQL instance, enabling you to act on any recent issues. There are convenient links that open the corresponding view of the PCT Query Analytics module.


Server summary snapshot

The report also provides a list of ten slowest queries and ten queries with the highest load during the period. It is important to compare these lists, because some of the slowest queries may occur only several times during the period (so they probably do not overload the server), while seemingly quick queries may run millions of times and put a lot of unnecessary overhead, which you could investigate and fix.


List of slowest queries


List of queries with highest load

Finally, the report also provides information about new queries that you add to MySQL. This enables you to estimate the efficiency of a new query and see how it compares to the worst performing ones.


List of new queries

Reports are enabled by default for some of our customers. We will gradually enable them for more PCT users every week to make sure that the new feature rolls out smoothly. You can manage reports in the PCT web UI under Configure > Reports at

By default, you will receive a separate weekly report for each MySQL instance in your infrastructure. If you add a new MySQL instance, weekly reports will be automatically enabled for it.

To disable all reports, clear the Enable server query reports check box. If you do not want to enable reports for new MySQL instances that you add, clear the Automatically receive reports for new MySQL instances check box.

You can enable reports for specific MySQL instances, as well as select between daily and weekly period. Disable reports for servers that do not require regular attention and enable weekly reports for more critical servers. Use daily reports for the most active servers, where you expect to have the most amount of change and load.

If you do not have a Percona Cloud Tools account yet, register at and get regular query reports by email!

The post Introducing email reports for Percona Cloud Tools! appeared first on MySQL Performance Blog.


Easy query metrics with MySQL Performance Schema

The MySQL Performance Schema exposes so much data that it’s not trivial to learn, configure, and use. With recently released Percona Agent 1.0.11 you can get query metrics – like min, max, and average query execution time – with a few clicks:

Configure PCT Query Analytics for Performance Schema

Click “Apply” and about two minutes later you’ll have query metrics from Performance Schema, collected and sent every minute.

Percona Cloud Tools (PCT) and Percona Agent handle all the details. You’ll need MySQL (or Percona Server) 5.6 and Percona Agent 1.0.11 or newer. One caveat at the moment: it only works for local MySQL instances (so not Amazon RDS). This limitation should be fixed soon; we’re already working on it.

Why use Performance Schema? We prefer Query Analytics with MySQL slow logs (especially Percona Server slow logs which expose more metrics) because slow logs expose the most metrics compared to other sources, but sometimes the slow log just isn’t an option, so Performance Schema is the next best choice, but the choice means tradeoffs. For example, Performance Schema does not expose actual query examples (just fingerprints), so EXPLAIN does not work.

For those who’ve been following PCT development, you know that Percona Agent 1.0.5 first introduced support for Performance Schema. What’s new in 1.0.11 is everything – we completely rewrote this part of the agent. It’s so much better that it’s now the required minimum version for using Query Analytics with Performance Schema. Upgrading is really easy: just run the single command line you used to install the agent and it will auto-update.

MySQL Performance Schema exposes a lot of data and insights into the server, but query metrics are perhaps the most important because the primary job of your MySQL database is to execute queries. That’s why Percona Cloud Tools makes Query Analytics with Performance Schema (and slow logs) so easy: to help you focus on the essential and leave the details to the tools.

Percona Cloud Tools is in beta, so it’s still free to sign up and free to use all the tools and features.

The post Easy query metrics with MySQL Performance Schema appeared first on MySQL Performance Blog.

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