
Easy query metrics with MySQL Performance Schema

The MySQL Performance Schema exposes so much data that it’s not trivial to learn, configure, and use. With recently released Percona Agent 1.0.11 you can get query metrics – like min, max, and average query execution time – with a few clicks:

Configure PCT Query Analytics for Performance Schema

Click “Apply” and about two minutes later you’ll have query metrics from Performance Schema, collected and sent every minute.

Percona Cloud Tools (PCT) and Percona Agent handle all the details. You’ll need MySQL (or Percona Server) 5.6 and Percona Agent 1.0.11 or newer. One caveat at the moment: it only works for local MySQL instances (so not Amazon RDS). This limitation should be fixed soon; we’re already working on it.

Why use Performance Schema? We prefer Query Analytics with MySQL slow logs (especially Percona Server slow logs which expose more metrics) because slow logs expose the most metrics compared to other sources, but sometimes the slow log just isn’t an option, so Performance Schema is the next best choice, but the choice means tradeoffs. For example, Performance Schema does not expose actual query examples (just fingerprints), so EXPLAIN does not work.

For those who’ve been following PCT development, you know that Percona Agent 1.0.5 first introduced support for Performance Schema. What’s new in 1.0.11 is everything – we completely rewrote this part of the agent. It’s so much better that it’s now the required minimum version for using Query Analytics with Performance Schema. Upgrading is really easy: just run the single command line you used to install the agent and it will auto-update.

MySQL Performance Schema exposes a lot of data and insights into the server, but query metrics are perhaps the most important because the primary job of your MySQL database is to execute queries. That’s why Percona Cloud Tools makes Query Analytics with Performance Schema (and slow logs) so easy: to help you focus on the essential and leave the details to the tools.

Percona Cloud Tools is in beta, so it’s still free to sign up and free to use all the tools and features.

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Faster fingerprints and Go packages for MySQL

I’m happy to announce Go packages for MySQL. Particularly exciting is a new query fingerprint function which is very fast and efficient, but I’ll talk about that later. First, go-mysql is currently three simple Go packages for parsing and aggregating MySQL slow logs. If you’ve been following Percona development, you’ve no doubt heard of Percona Cloud Tools (PCT), a somewhat new performance management web service for MySQL.

One tool in PCT is “Query Analytics” which continuously analyzes query metrics from the slow log. The slow log provides the most metrics and therefore the most performance insight into MySQL. percona-agent, the open-source agent for PCT, uses go-mysql to parse and analyze the slow log, so the code has both heavy formal testing and heavy real-world testing. If you’re working with Go, MySQL, and MySQL slow logs, we invite you to try go-mysql.

Last October we implemented a completely new query fingerprint function. (See “Fingerprints” in the pt-query-digest doc for a background on query fingerprints.) Since mydumpslow, the very first slow log parser circa 2000, fingerprints have been accomplished with regular expressions. This approach is normally fine, but percona-agent needs to be faster and more efficient than normal to reduce the cost of observation. Regex patterns are like little state machines. One regex can be very fast, but several are required to produce a good fingerprint. Therefore, the regex approach requires processing the same query several times to produce a fingerprint. Even worse: a regex can backtrack which means a single logical pass through the query can result in several physical passes. In short: regular expressions are a quick and easy solution, but they are very inefficient.

Several years ago, a former colleague suggested a different approach: a single pass, purpose-built, character-level state machine. The resulting code is rather complicated, but the resulting performance is a tremendous improvement: 3-5x faster in informal benchmarks on my machine, and it handles more edge cases. In simplest terms: the new fingerprint function does more with less, which makes percona-agent and Query Analytics better.

Check out, browse the percona-agent source code if you wish, and try Percona Cloud Tools for free.

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5 great new features from Percona Cloud Tools for MySQL

It’s been three months since we announced anything for Percona Cloud Tools, not because we’ve been idle but because we’ve been so busy the time flew by!  Here’s the TL;DR to pique your interest:

  • EXPLAIN queries in real-time through the web app
  • Query Analytics for Performance Schema
  • Dashboards: customizable, shared groups of charts
  • Install and upgrade the agent with 1 command line
  • Unified UI: same time range, same host wherever you go

Percona Cloud Tools for MySQL is a hosted service providing access to query performance insights for all MySQL uses. After a brief setup, unlock new information about your database and how to improve your applications. There’s a lot more, but let’s just look at these five new features…


EXPLAIN queries in real-time through the web app

PCT Real-time EXPLAINLike many people, to get a query’s EXPLAIN plan you probably copy the query, ssh to the server, log in to MySQL, then paste the query after typing “EXPLAIN”.  With Percona Cloud Tools’ new real-time EXPLAIN feature you can simply click a button.  It’s a real timesaver.

The EXPLAIN plan is a vital part of diagnosing the query.  Now with Percona Cloud Tools you have a lot of powerful information in one place: the query, its metrics, its EXPLAIN plan, and more–and more to come, too!


Query Analytics for Performance Schema

The MySQL slow log is a wealth of indispensable data about queries that you cannot get anywhere else.  That’s why it’s the default for Percona Cloud Tools Query Analytics.  Like most things, however, it has tradeoffs: for one, it can be time-consuming to parse, especially on very busy servers.  Or, in the case of Amazon RDS, the slow log may simply not be available.  That’s ok now because with MySQL 5.6 or newer (including Percona Server 5.6 or newer) you can parse queries from the Performance Schema.  It’s not as data-rich as the slow log, but it has the basics and it’s a great alternative (and sometimes the only alternative) to the slow log.


Dashboards: customizable, shared groups of charts

PCT CPU Usage ChartMetrics Monitor has a default dashboard (a collection of charts) for MySQL.  The default dashboard is a great start because it’s created by us (Vadim, actually) so you know it’s relevant and meaningful for MySQL.  However, it presents only a fraction of the data that percona-agent collects, so we need more dashboards to organize and present other data.  Now you can create new dashboards which are accessible to everyone in the organization.  For example, Peter was recently benchmarking TokuDB, so he created a TokuDB-specific dashboard.


Install and upgrade the agent with 1 command line

As of percona-agent 1.0.6, you can install, upgrade, and uninstall the agent with a single command line, ran as root, like:

# curl -s | bash /dev/stdin -api-key <API KEY>

For many environments this is all you need for a first-time install of a new agent.  The install will auto-detect MySQL, configure, and run all services by default.  You can tweak things later in the web app.  This also means you can install percona-agent in an automated environment.


Unified UI: same time range, same host wherever you go

PCT Unified UI

Like most projects, Percona Cloud Tools has evolved over time.  Consequently, certain parts of the web app were different than other parts.  These differences had workarounds, but now the system is unified. Pick a MySQL instance, pick a time range, then view whatever part of the app you want and these selections will stay the same.  This is, of course, a natural expectation because it allows you to see easily examine a specific system at a specific time range from different perspectives.

There’s a lot more, but we don’t want to take up too much of your time!

Percona Cloud Tools is still in free beta, but not for much longer, so be sure to sign up today!

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Why did we develop percona-agent in Go?

We recently open-sourced our percona-agent and if you check out the source code, you’ll find that it is written in the Go programming language (aka Golang). For those not up to speed, the percona-agent is a real-time client-side agent for Percona Cloud Tools.

Our requirements are quite demanding for our agents. This one is software that works on a real production server, so it must be fast, reliable, lightweight and easy to distribute. Surprisingly enough, binaries compiled by Go fit these characteristics.

There are of course alternatives that we considered. On the scripting side: Perl, Python, PHP, Ruby et al. These are not necessarily fast, and the distribution is also interesting. We have enough experience with Percona Toolkit and Perl’s “modules dependencies hell.”

On a high-end level side, there is C / C++ and I am sure we could produce an efficient agent. However we also have experience in the distribution of Percona Server / Percona XtraDB Cluster / Percona XtraBackup. Well, I have had enough with different versions of Ubuntus, Red Hats, CentOSes and the rest of the flavors of Linux.

And, yeah, there is Java, but let me just say that we are not the Java sort of developers.

So what is so charming about Go? Go feels like a scripting language, but produces executable binaries. I see it as having the ability to attack performance issues on two sides. First is the performance of software developers: They are more productive working with scripting-like languages. Second is the performance of a final product: Native self-executable binaries are more efficient than a script running through a interpreter.

It is worth noting that included batteries (a set of packages that are coming with Go) are excellent, and in many cases that will be just enough to get you going and produce software that is quite complex. And if that is not enough, there is also a list of packages and projects for Go.

Of course, there are some limitations you will find in Go (some of them are temporary I hope). These are:

1. The list of supported platforms is limited… FreeBSD (release 8 and above), Linux (ARM not supported), Mac OS X and Windows. There are no packages for Solaris yet.
2. A good MySQL driver is still a work in progress. the most advanced is Go-MySQL-Driver
3. Go comes with built-in testing capabilities, but our testing enthusiast, Daniel, says it is not enough to build a complicated testing suite.
4. There is no support of “generics” (or “templates” if you are in C++ world). Basically it means that if you developed a data structure that works with integers, you will need to copy-paste-replace to make it working with floats. Yes, there are workarounds like using a “parent-to-everything” type “interface{}”, but often it is not efficient and just looks ugly.

There is also no automatic type-conversion between int and floats, so if you need to do complex math which involves ints and floats, you may end up with a lot back-and-forth conversions, i.e. int(math.Floor(t.epsilon*float64(t.count*2)))

To finish, I would like to invite you to my webinar, “Monitoring All (Yes, All!) MySQL Metrics with Percona Cloud Tools” on Wednesday, June 25 at 10 a.m. Pacific Daylight Time, where I will talk on the new features in Percona Cloud Tools, including our new percona-agent.

The post Why did we develop percona-agent in Go? appeared first on MySQL Performance Blog.


Introducing the 3-Minute MySQL Monitor

There are many cool, new things happening with Percona Cloud Tools.  To avoid “tl;dr” I will highlight only one new feature after a brief, general announcement.  The new feature is a 3-minute MySQL monitor.  I’ll blog later about other features.

The general announcement is: Last week we quietly released a brand-new agent called percona-agent, and we added MySQL and system monitoring to Percona Cloud Tools.  We also wrote a brand-new API from the ground up.  We call it all “PCT v2″.  For you it means a better experience and more features, all still free while we’re in beta.

One new feature in Percona Cloud Tools v2 is MySQL monitoring in 3 minutes, i.e. a 3-minute MySQL monitor.  Let’s be honest about monitoring: We know we should but we often don’t.  It’s like software testing and other best-practices.  As Monitorama earlier this month highlighted, the problem is not a lack of sufficiently advanced technology.  Products like Grok demonstrate this.  The problem is that setting up a meaningful MySQL monitor can be difficult.  The reason is simple: genearl-purpose monitoring solutions leave the user to answer and implement important questions like “which MySQL metrics should we monitor?”  To make an analogy: General-purpose monitoring solutions are sledge hammers and MySQL is a nail.  You can drive a nail with a sledge hammer, but it’s a lot easier (and probably safer) with a hammer.  The 3-minute MySQL monitor in Percona Cloud Tools v2 is a hammer.

The “3-minute” qualifier means that you can download and install percona-agent and have charts with MySQL metrics 3 minutes later.  The initial setup is really that quick and easy.  Give it a try; it’s free!  Just sign updownload percona-agent, and run its install script.

The Percona Cloud Tools MySQL monitor is still new and in development.  It cannot replace a general-purpose monitoring solution like Zabbix, and it does not have alerts, but that’s ok because its raison d’être is different: to make monitoring MySQL quick, easy, and meaningful.

We use Percona Cloud Tools internally for our production servers, but we’re developing it for you. (One reason for which percona-agent is free and open-source.)  Try it out and let us know what you think, especially if you run into problems.  Thanks in advanced, and stay tuned for more blog posts and webinars about Percona Cloud Tools, like Vadim’s upcoming webinar on June 25th: Monitoring All (Yes, All!) MySQL Metrics with Percona Cloud Tools.





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Tips on benchmarking Go + MySQL

We just released, as an open source release, our new percona-agent (, the agent to work with Percona Cloud Tools. This agent is written in Go.

I will give a webinar titled “Monitoring All MySQL Metrics with Percona Cloud Tools” on June 25 that will cover the new features in percona-agent and Percona Cloud Tools, where I will also explain how it works. You are welcome to register now and join me.

There will be more posts about percona-agent, but in the meantime I want to dedicate this one to Go, Go with MySQL and some performance topics.

I have had an interest in the Go programming language for a long time, but in initial versions I did not quite like the performance of the gorountine scheduler. See my report from more than two years ago on runtime: reduce scheduling contention for large $GOMAXPROCS.

Supposedly this performance issue was fixed in Go 1.1, so this is a good time to revisit my benchmark experiment.

A simple run of prime or fibonachi numbers calculation in N threas is quite boring, so I am going to run queries against Percona Server. Of course it adds some complication as there are more moving parts (i.e. go scheduler, go sql driver, MySQL by itself), but it just makes the experiment more interesting.

Source code of my benchmark: Go-pk-bench:
This is probably not the best example of how to code in Go, but that was not the point of this exercise. This post is really about some tips to take into account when writing an application in Go using a MySQL (Percona Server) database.

So, first, we will need a MySQL driver for Go. The one I used two years ago ( is quite outdated. It seems the most popular choice today is Go-MySQL-Driver, and this is the one we use for internal development. This driver is based on the standard Go “database/sql” package. This package kind of provides a standard Go-way to deal with SQL-like databases. “database/sql” seems to work out OK, with some questionable design decisions as for my taste. So using “database/sql” and Go-MySQL-Driver you will need to deal with some quirks like almost unmanageable connection pool.

The first thing you should take into account it is a proper setting of

If you do not do that, Go scheduler will use the default, which is 1. That binary will use one and only 1 CPU (so much for a modern concurrent language).

The command runtime.GOMAXPROCS(runtime.NumCPU())
will prescribe to use all available CPUs. Always remember to use this if you care about multi-threaded performance.

The next problem I faced in the benchmark is that when I ran queries in a loop, i.e. to repeat as much possible…

rows, err := db.Query("select k from sbtest"+strconv.Itoa(tab+1)+" where id = "+strconv.Itoa(i))

… very soon we ran out of TCP ports. Apparently “database/sql” and Go-MySQL-Driver and its smart connection pool creates a NEW CONNECTION for each query. I can explain why this happens, but using the following statement:


helps (I hope somebody with “database/sql” knowledge will explain what it is doing).

So after these adjustments we now can run the benchmark, which by query you see is quite simple – run primary key lookups against Percona Server which we know scales perfectly in this scenario (I used sysbench to create 64 tables 1mln rows each, all this fits into memory). I am going to run this benchmark with 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 24, 32, 48, 64 user threads.

Below you can see graphs for MySQL Throughput and CPU Usage (both graph are built using new metrics graphing in Percona Cloud Tools)

MySQL Throughput (user threads are increasing from 1 to 64)

CPU Usage (user threads are increasing from 1 to 64)

I would say the result scales quite nicely, at least it is really much better than it was two years ago. It is interesting to compare with something, so there is a graph from an identical run, but now I will use sysbench + lua for main workload driver.

MySQL Throughput (sysbench, user threads are increasing from 1 to 64)

CPU Usage (sysbench, user threads are increasing from 1 to 64)

From the graphs (this is what I like them for), we can clearly see increases in User CPU utilization (and actually we are able to use CPUs on 100% in user+system usage) and it clearly corresponds to increased throughput.

And if you are a fan of raw numbers:

MySQL Throughput, q/s (more is better)
Threads  | Go-MySQL | sysbench
1	|  13,189	|  16,765
2	|  26,837	|  33,534
4	|  52,629	|  65,943
8	|  95,553	| 116,953
16	| 146,979	| 182,781
24	| 169,739	| 231,895
32	| 181,334	| 245,939
48	| 198,238	| 250,497
64	| 207,732	| 251,972

(one with a knowledge of Universal Scalability Law can draw a prediction till 1000 threads, I leave it as a homework)

So, in conclusion, I can say that Go+MySQL is able to show decent results, but it is still not as effective as plan raw C (sysbench), as it seems it spends some extra CPU time in system calls.

If you want to try these new graphs in Percona Cloud Tools and see how it works with your system – join the free beta!

The post Tips on benchmarking Go + MySQL appeared first on MySQL Performance Blog.

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