
MySQL QA Episode 4: QA Framework Setup Time!

Welcome to MySQL QA Episode 4! In this episode we’ll look into setting up our QA Framework: percona-qa, pquery, reducer & more.

1. All about percona-qa
2. pquery

$ cd ~; bzr branch lp:percona-qa

3. reducer.sh

$ cd ~; bzr branch lp:randgen
$ vi ~/randgen/util/reducer/reducer.sh

4. Short introduction to pquery framework tools

The tools introduced in this episode will be covered further in next two episodes.

Full-screen viewing @ 720p resolution recommended

To view the other episodes, you can watch the full series on YouTube:

Or checkout the MySQL QA Series Introduction which has an index & links to each episode!

The post MySQL QA Episode 4: QA Framework Setup Time! appeared first on MySQL Performance Blog.

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