
Percona Toolkit 2.2.2 released; bug fixes include pt-heartbeat & pt-archiver

During the Percona Live MySQL Conference & Expo 2013 the week before last, we quietly released Percona Toolkit 2.2.2 with a few bug fixes:

  • pt-archiver –bulk-insert may corrupt data
  • pt-heartbeat –utc –check always returns 0
  • pt-query-digest 2.2 prints unwanted debug info on tcpdump parsing errors
  • pt-query-digest 2.2 prints too many string values
  • Some tools don’t have –help or –version
  • Some tools use @@hostname without /*!50038*/
  • pt-stalk prints the wrong variable name in verbose mode when –function is used
  • And more

Percona ToolkitThe first two bugs are important. Those using pt-archiver –bulk-insert with UTF-8 data should definitely upgrade. Those using pt-heartbeat –utc should also definitely upgrade.

Users may note the revival of the –show-all option in pt-query-digest. This had been removed in 2.2.1, but resulted in too much output in certain cases.

A new –recursion-method was added to pt-table-checksum: cluster. This method attempts to auto-discover cluster nodes, alleviating the need to specify cluster node DSNs in a DSN table (–recursion-method=dsn).

See for the full list of bugs fixed in Percona Toolkit 2.2.2.

Visit to download Percona Toolkit 2.2.2; it’s also in our main repos.

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