
BlackBerry Explains The Passport, Its Square Tablet… Phone Thing

blackberry-passport-spreadsheet-productivity BlackBerry previously gave us a sneak peek at a device that’s as category-busting as the revolutionary Padfone, called the Passport. I expressed my …uncertainty regarding the wisdom of the design decisions made in creating this 4.5-inch square thing with a hardware keyboard then. But now it’s BlackBerry’s turn to articulate some of its reasoning behind the Passport, with… Read More


The BlackBerry Passport Is A Phablet With A Hardware Keyboard That Makes No Sense Whatsoever

blackberry-passport Just when you think you might have figured out what BlackBerry is up to (a strong push in enterprise services and emerging markets like the Internet of Things) they go and do something like the BlackBerry Passport.
The device broke cover today (via MobileSyrup) during the Canadian smartphone maker’s earnings call, and it’s set to be launched in September this year, following an… Read More

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