In this blog post we will talk about how to get useful information out of the Valkey OR Redis keys. This would be helpful in many scenarios, like troubleshooting a specific key thing and verifying the resources, especially the “Memory” the data set is holding. Let’s see a few bunch of operations we can perform […]
How to Get Useful Information Out of Valkey/Redis Keys
Valkey/Redis Key-Specific Dump, Restore, and Migration
Managing keys inside Valkey/Redis is crucial, especially when we need to test in a different environment or restore a partial/specific key-value dataset for a migration or production movement event. Although we can use a full RDB snapshot + AOF to get the full data set, that is not always feasible if we focus on a […]
Redis Users Want a Change
Originally published on The New Stack. Open source Valkey is emerging as a top contender for the 75% of companies concerned about Redis’ licensing change, finds Percona research. The key-value store landscape is experiencing a shake-up, as Redis’ recent licensing changes have driven users to search for alternatives. Our latest Percona survey looks deeper into […]
How to Monitor Valkey/Redis with Percona Monitoring and Management
In this blog post, we will show you how to add external exporters to Percona Monitoring and Management (PMM) and monitor various services. Our focus will be on Valkey/Redis, but the principles apply to other technologies as well. PMM uses VictoriaMetrics, which is compatible with Prometheus. Prometheus has numerous exporters that you can use. When […]
Valkey/Redis: Setting Up Replication
In most database systems, like MySQL, PostgreSQL, and MongoDB, replication of some kind is used to create a highly available architecture. Valkey/Redis is no different in this regard. Replication is native functionality to Valkey, supporting multiple replicas, and even chains of replication.To clear up any confusion, understand that Valkey replication is a different concept compared […]
Valkey/Redis: Migrating to Valkey
As you are probably aware, Redis decided to switch to a source-available, SSPLv1 license. This means, as of Redis 7.4, it is no longer considered “open source.” Because of this change, Valkey launched its fork, retaining the original BSD open source license. At the same time, Percona announced our partnership with Valkey and the Linux […]
New Valkey Packages by Percona
Valkey 7.2.5 has been officially released as the first General Availability (GA) version, a significant milestone for the project. It is now available in multiple formats: as an official Docker container, through Fedora/EPEL yum repositories, and as binary tarballs for both Ubuntu Bionic and Ubuntu Focal. This availability ensures straightforward installation on rpm-based systems, though […]
Valkey/Redis: Not-So-Good Practices
As we’ve been introducing Valkey/Redis these past few weeks, let’s depart from the norm and talk about a few “things you should not do” in Valkey.No passwordBy default, Valkey/Redis uses no authentication. This means anyone can connect to your Valkey server and start writing and reading data. Worst yet, no password while binding to all […]
Valkey/Redis: Configuration Best Practices
In a few of our previous blog posts, we’ve seen how to get started with Valkey/Redis by running a simple docker container and how to persist some configuration settings to disk. In this post, let’s take a step back and go over a few configuration best practices.ConnectionsThe Valkey/Redis config file is typically located at /etc/valkey/valkey.conf, but […]
Valkey/Redis: The Hash Datatype
In our previous blogs, we discussed the basic data types available in Valkey/Redis: Strings, Lists, Sets, and Sorted Sets. In this blog, we introduce a more complex data type, Hashes.You can think of these much like dictionaries from Python, associative arrays from PHP, etc. Normally in Valkey/Redis, you store one value associated with one key. […]