Let us know what you think about Percona, and what we should be thinking about for the future.
Over the last ten years, Percona has grown considerably. We’ve moved from being a strictly MySQL company, to a company that supports MongoDB and other open source databases. Percona Live and Percona Live Europe have become key meeting places for the open source community, and now are important hubs for learning about and discussing open source database solutions.
As we look forward to the next ten years of business, we want to get an idea of what you think of us. As we plan for the future, we’d like to hear about your experience with Percona today and get your input on how we can continue to evolve.
To achieve that end, we’ve put together a survey of questions about us, our services, our products and the open source community’s perception of us. We would appreciate you taking the time to fill it out so we can know your thoughts. Your feedback helps us shape our company and grow the community.
Take the survey here: http://survey.newkind.com/r/rUkjDHPd
It should take 10-15 minutes to complete and will remain open until Friday, Dec. 2. Thanks again for helping us prepare for the future.