
Quest for Better Replication in MySQL: Galera vs. Group Replication

Group Replication

Group ReplicationUPDATE: Some of the language in the original post was considered overly-critical of Oracle by some community members. This was not my intent, and I’ve modified the language to be less so. I’ve also changed term “synchronous” (which the use of is inaccurate and misleading) to “virtually synchronous.” This term is more accurate and already used by both technologies’ founders, and should be less misleading.

I also wanted to thank Jean-François Gagné for pointing out the incorrect sentence about multi-threaded slaves in Group Replication, which I also corrected accordingly.

In today’s blog post, I will briefly compare two major virtually synchronous replication technologies available today for MySQL.

More Than Asynchronous Replication

Thanks to the Galera plugin, founded by the Codership team, we’ve had the choice between asynchronous and virtually synchronous replication in the MySQL ecosystem for quite a few years already. Moreover, we can choose between at least three software providers: Codership, MariaDB and Percona, each with its own Galera implementation.

The situation recently became much more interesting when MySQL Group Replication went into GA (stable) stage in December 2016.

Oracle, the upstream MySQL provider, introduced its own replication implementation that is very similar in concept. Unlike the others mentioned above, it isn’t based on Galera. Group Replication was built from the ground up as a new solution. MySQL Group Replication shares many very similar concepts to Galera. This post doesn’t cover MySQL Cluster, another and fully-synchronous solution, that existed much earlier then Galera — it is a much different solution for different use cases.

In this post, I will point out a couple of interesting differences between Group Replication and Galera, which hopefully will be helpful to those considering switching from one to another (or if they are planning to test them).

This is certainly not a full list of all the differences, but rather things I found interesting during my explorations.

It is also important to know that Group Replication has evolved a lot before it went GA (its whole cluster layer was replaced). I won’t mention how things looked before the GA stage, and will just concentrate on latest available 5.7.17 version. I will not spend too much time on how Galera implementations looked in the past, and will use Percona XtraDB Cluster 5.7 as a reference.

Multi-Master vs. Master-Slave

Galera has always been multi-master by default, so it does not matter to which node you write. Many users use a single writer due to workload specifics and multi-master limitations, but Galera has no single master mode per se.

Group Replication, on the other hand, promotes just one member as primary (master) by default, and other members are put into read-only mode automatically. This is what happens if we try to change data on non-master node:

mysql> truncate test.t1;
ERROR 1290 (HY000): The MySQL server is running with the --super-read-only option so it cannot execute this statement

To change from single primary mode to multi-primary (multi-master), you have to start group replication with the 


variable disabled.
Another interesting fact is you do not have any influence on which cluster member will be the master in single primary mode: the cluster auto-elects it. You can only check it with a query:

mysql> SELECT * FROM performance_schema.global_status WHERE VARIABLE_NAME like 'group_replication%';
| VARIABLE_NAME                    | VARIABLE_VALUE                       |
| group_replication_primary_member | 329333cd-d6d9-11e6-bdd2-0242ac130002 |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Or just:

mysql> show status like 'group%';
| Variable_name                    | Value                                |
| group_replication_primary_member | 329333cd-d6d9-11e6-bdd2-0242ac130002 |
1 row in set (0.01 sec)

To show the hostname instead of UUID, here:

mysql> select member_host as "primary master" from performance_schema.global_status join performance_schema.replication_group_members where variable_name='group_replication_primary_member' and member_id=variable_value;
| primary master |
| f18ff539956d   |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

Replication: Majority vs. All

Galera delivers write transactions synchronously to ALL nodes in the cluster. (Later, applying happens asynchronously in both technologies.) However, Group Replication needs just a majority of the nodes confirming the transaction. This means a transaction commit on the writer succeeds and returns to the client even if a minority of nodes still have not received it.

In the example of a three-node cluster, if one node crashes or loses the network connection, the two others continue to accept writes (or just the primary node in Single-Primary mode) even before a faulty node is removed from the cluster.

If the separated node is the primary one, it denies writes due to the lack of a quorum (it will report the error

ERROR 3101 (HY000): Plugin instructed the server to rollback the current transaction.

). If one of the nodes receives a quorum, it will be elected to primary after the faulty node is removed from the cluster, and will then accept writes.

With that said, the “majority” rule in Group Replication means that there isn’t a guarantee that you won’t lose any data if the majority nodes are lost. There is a chance these could apply some transactions that aren’t delivered to the minority at the moment they crash.

In Galera, a single node network interruption makes the others wait for it, and pending writes can be committed once either the connection is restored or the faulty node removed from cluster after the timeout. So the chance of losing data in a similar scenario is lower, as transactions always reach all nodes. Data can be lost in Percona XtraDB Cluster only in a really bad luck scenario: a network split happens, the remaining majority of nodes form a quorum, the cluster reconfigures and allows new writes, and then shortly after the majority part is damaged.

Schema Requirements

For both technologies, one of the requirements is that all tables must be InnoDB and have a primary key. This requirement is now enforced by default in both Group Replication and Percona XtraDB Cluster 5.7. Let’s look at the differences.

Percona XtraDB Cluster:

mysql> create table nopk (a char(10));
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.08 sec)
mysql> insert into nopk values ("aaa");
ERROR 1105 (HY000): Percona-XtraDB-Cluster prohibits use of DML command on a table (test.nopk) without an explicit primary key with pxc_strict_mode = ENFORCING or MASTER
mysql> create table m1 (id int primary key) engine=myisam;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.02 sec)
mysql> insert into m1 values(1);
ERROR 1105 (HY000): Percona-XtraDB-Cluster prohibits use of DML command on a table (test.m1) that resides in non-transactional storage engine with pxc_strict_mode = ENFORCING or MASTER
mysql> set global pxc_strict_mode=0;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.00 sec)
mysql> insert into nopk values ("aaa");
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)
mysql> insert into m1 values(1);
Query OK, 1 row affected (0.00 sec)

Before Percona XtraDB Cluster 5.7 (or in other Galera implementations), there were no such enforced restrictions. Users unaware of these requirements often ended up with problems.

Group Replication:

mysql> create table nopk (a char(10));
Query OK, 0 rows affected (0.04 sec)
mysql> insert into nopk values ("aaa");
ERROR 3098 (HY000): The table does not comply with the requirements by an external plugin.
2017-01-15T22:48:25.241119Z 139 [ERROR] Plugin group_replication reported: 'Table nopk does not have any PRIMARY KEY. This is not compatible with Group Replication'
mysql> create table m1 (id int primary key) engine=myisam;
ERROR 3161 (HY000): Storage engine MyISAM is disabled (Table creation is disallowed).

I am not aware of any way to disable these restrictions in Group Replication.


Galera has it’s own Global Transaction ID, which has existed since MySQL 5.5, and is independent from MySQL’s GTID feature introduced in MySQL 5.6. If MySQL’s GTID is enabled on a Galera-based cluster, both numerations exist with their own sequences and UUIDs.

Group Replication is based on a native MySQL GTID feature, and relies on it. Interestingly, a separate sequence block range (initially 1M) is pre-assigned for each cluster member.

WAN Support

The MySQL Group Replication documentation isn’t very optimistic on WAN support, claiming that both “Low latency, high bandwidth network connections are a requirement” and “Group Replication is designed to be deployed in a cluster environment where server instances are very close to each other, and is impacted by both network latency as well as network bandwidth.” These statements are found here and here. However there is network traffic optimization: Message Compression.

I don’t see group communication level tunings available yet, as we find in the Galera evs.* series of



Galera founders actually encourage trying it in geo-distributed environments, and some WAN-dedicated settings are available (the most important being WAN segments).

But both technologies need a reliable network for good performance.

State Transfers

Galera has two types of state transfers that allow syncing data to nodes when needed: incremental (IST) and full (SST). Incremental is used when a node has been out of a cluster for some time, and once it rejoins the other nodes has the missing write sets still in Galera cache. Full SST is helpful if incremental is not possible, especially when a new node is added to the cluster. SST automatically provisions the node with fresh data taken as a snapshot from one of the running nodes (donor). The most common SST method is using Percona XtraBackup, which takes a fast and non-blocking binary data snapshot (hot backup).

In Group Replication, state transfers are fully based on binary logs with GTID positions. If there is no donor with all of the binary logs (included the ones for new nodes), a DBA has to first provision the new node with initial data snapshot. Otherwise, the joiner will fail with a very familiar error:

2017-01-16T23:01:40.517372Z 50 [ERROR] Slave I/O for channel 'group_replication_recovery': Got fatal error 1236 from master when reading data from binary log: 'The slave is connecting using CHANGE MASTER TO MASTER_AUTO_POSITION = 1, but the master has purged binary logs containing GTIDs that the slave requires.', Error_code: 1236

The official documentation mentions that provisioning the node before adding it to the cluster may speed up joining (the recovery stage). Another difference is that in the case of state transfer failure, a Galera joiner will abort after the first try, and will shutdown its mysqld instance. The Group Replication joiner will then fall-back to another donor in an attempt to succeed. Here I found something slightly annoying: if no donor can satisfy joiner demands, it will still keep trying the same donors over and over, for a fixed number of attempts:

[root@cd81c1dadb18 /]# grep 'Attempt' /var/log/mysqld.log |tail
2017-01-16T22:57:38.329541Z 12 [Note] Plugin group_replication reported: 'Establishing group recovery connection with a possible donor. Attempt 1/10'
2017-01-16T22:57:38.539984Z 12 [Note] Plugin group_replication reported: 'Retrying group recovery connection with another donor. Attempt 2/10'
2017-01-16T22:57:38.806862Z 12 [Note] Plugin group_replication reported: 'Retrying group recovery connection with another donor. Attempt 3/10'
2017-01-16T22:58:39.024568Z 12 [Note] Plugin group_replication reported: 'Retrying group recovery connection with another donor. Attempt 4/10'
2017-01-16T22:58:39.249039Z 12 [Note] Plugin group_replication reported: 'Retrying group recovery connection with another donor. Attempt 5/10'
2017-01-16T22:59:39.503086Z 12 [Note] Plugin group_replication reported: 'Retrying group recovery connection with another donor. Attempt 6/10'
2017-01-16T22:59:39.736605Z 12 [Note] Plugin group_replication reported: 'Retrying group recovery connection with another donor. Attempt 7/10'
2017-01-16T23:00:39.981073Z 12 [Note] Plugin group_replication reported: 'Retrying group recovery connection with another donor. Attempt 8/10'
2017-01-16T23:00:40.176729Z 12 [Note] Plugin group_replication reported: 'Retrying group recovery connection with another donor. Attempt 9/10'
2017-01-16T23:01:40.404785Z 12 [Note] Plugin group_replication reported: 'Retrying group recovery connection with another donor. Attempt 10/10'

After the last try, even though it fails, mysqld keeps running and allows client connections…

Auto Increment Settings

Galera adjusts the auto_increment_increment and auto_increment_offset values according to the number of members in a cluster. So, for a 3-node cluster,


  will be “3” and


  from “1” to “3” (depending on the node). If a number of nodes change later, these are updated immediately. This feature can be disabled using the 


 setting. If needed, these settings can be set manually.

Interestingly, in Group Replication the


 seems to be fixed at 7, and only


 is set differently on each node. This is the case even in the default Single-Primary mode! this seems like a waste of available IDs, so make sure that you adjust the


 setting to a saner number before you start using Group Replication in production.

Multi-Threaded Slave Side Applying

Galera developed its own multi-threaded slave feature, even in 5.5 versions, for workloads that include tables in the same database. It is controlled with the  wsrep_slave_threads variable. Group Replication uses a feature introduced in MySQL 5.7, where the number of applier threads is controlled with slave_parallel_workers. Galera will do multi-threaded replication based on potential conflicts of changed/locked rows. Group Replication parallelism is based on an improved LOGICAL_CLOCK scheduler, which uses information from writesets dependencies. This can allow it to achieve much better results than in normal asynchronous replication MTS mode. More details can be found here: http://mysqlhighavailability.com/zooming-in-on-group-replication-performance/

Flow Control

Both technologies use a technique to throttle writes when nodes are slow in applying them. Interestingly, the default size of the allowed applier queue in both is much different:

Moreover, Group Replication provides separate certifier queue size, also eligible for the Flow Control trigger:


. One thing I found difficult, is checking the actual applier queue size, as the only exposed one via performance_schema.replication_group_member_stats is the


 (which only shows the certifier queue).

Network Hiccup/Partition Handling

In Galera, when the network connection between nodes is lost, those who still have a quorum will form a new cluster view. Those who lost a quorum keep trying to re-connect to the primary component. Once the connection is restored, separated nodes will sync back using IST and rejoin the cluster automatically.

This doesn’t seem to be the case for Group Replication. Separated nodes that lose the quorum will be expelled from the cluster, and won’t join back automatically once the network connection is restored. In its error log we can see:

2017-01-17T11:12:18.562305Z 0 [ERROR] Plugin group_replication reported: 'Member was expelled from the group due to network failures, changing member status to ERROR.'
2017-01-17T11:12:18.631225Z 0 [Note] Plugin group_replication reported: 'getstart group_id ce427319'
2017-01-17T11:12:21.735374Z 0 [Note] Plugin group_replication reported: 'state 4330 action xa_terminate'
2017-01-17T11:12:21.735519Z 0 [Note] Plugin group_replication reported: 'new state x_start'
2017-01-17T11:12:21.735527Z 0 [Note] Plugin group_replication reported: 'state 4257 action xa_exit'
2017-01-17T11:12:21.735553Z 0 [Note] Plugin group_replication reported: 'Exiting xcom thread'
2017-01-17T11:12:21.735558Z 0 [Note] Plugin group_replication reported: 'new state x_start'

Its status changes to:

mysql> SELECT * FROM performance_schema.replication_group_members;
| group_replication_applier | 329333cd-d6d9-11e6-bdd2-0242ac130002 | f18ff539956d | 3306 | ERROR |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

It seems the only way to bring it back into the cluster is to manually restart Group Replication:

ERROR 3093 (HY000): The START GROUP_REPLICATION command failed since the group is already running.
Query OK, 0 rows affected (5.00 sec)
Query OK, 0 rows affected (1.96 sec)
mysql> SELECT * FROM performance_schema.replication_group_members;
| group_replication_applier | 24d6ef6f-dc3f-11e6-abfa-0242ac130004 | cd81c1dadb18 | 3306 | ONLINE |
| group_replication_applier | 329333cd-d6d9-11e6-bdd2-0242ac130002 | f18ff539956d | 3306 | ONLINE |
| group_replication_applier | ae148d90-d6da-11e6-897e-0242ac130003 | 0af7a73f4d6b | 3306 | ONLINE |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec

Note that in the above output, after the network failure, Group Replication did not stop. It waits in an error state. Moreover, in Group Replication a partitioned node keeps serving dirty reads as if nothing happened (for non-super users):

cd81c1dadb18 {test} ((none)) > SELECT * FROM performance_schema.replication_group_members;
| group_replication_applier | 24d6ef6f-dc3f-11e6-abfa-0242ac130004 | cd81c1dadb18 | 3306 | ERROR |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)
cd81c1dadb18 {test} ((none)) > select * from test1.t1;
| id | a |
| 1 | dasda |
| 3 | dasda |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)
cd81c1dadb18 {test} ((none)) > show grants;
| Grants for test@% |
1 row in set (0.00 sec)

A privileged user can disable


, but then it won’t be able to write:

cd81c1dadb18 {root} ((none)) > insert into test1.t1 set a="split brain";
ERROR 3100 (HY000): Error on observer while running replication hook 'before_commit'.
cd81c1dadb18 {root} ((none)) > select * from test1.t1;
| id | a |
| 1 | dasda |
| 3 | dasda |
2 rows in set (0.00 sec)

I found an interesting thing here, which I consider to be a bug. In this case, a partitioned node can actually perform DDL, despite the error:

cd81c1dadb18 {root} ((none)) > show tables in test1;
| Tables_in_test1 |
| nopk |
| t1 |
2 rows in set (0.01 sec)
cd81c1dadb18 {root} ((none)) > create table test1.split_brain (id int primary key);
ERROR 3100 (HY000): Error on observer while running replication hook 'before_commit'.
cd81c1dadb18 {root} ((none)) > show tables in test1;
| Tables_in_test1 |
| nopk |
| split_brain |
| t1 |
3 rows in set (0.00 sec)

In a Galera-based cluster, you are automatically protected from that, and a partitioned node refuses to allow both reads and writes. It throws an error: 

ERROR 1047 (08S01): WSREP has not yet prepared node for application use

. You can force dirty reads using the 



There many more subtle (and less subtle) differences between these technologies – but this blog post is long enough already. Maybe next time ?

Article with Similar Subject



WAN Synchronous Clusters: Dealing with Latency Using Concurrency

WAN Latency

In this blog, we’ll discuss how to use concurrency to help with WAN latency when using synchronous clusters.

WAN Latency Problem

Our customers often ask us for help or advice with WAN clustering problems. Historically, the usual solution for MySQL WAN deployments is having the primary site in one data center, and stand-by backup site in another data center (replicating from the primary asynchronously). These days, however, there is a huge desire to employ available synchronous replication solutions for MySQL. These solutions include things like Galera (i.e., Percona XtraDB Cluster) or the recently released MySQL Group Replication. This trend is attributable to the fact that these solutions are less problematic and provide more automatic fail over and fail back procedures. But it’s also because businesses want to write in both data centers simultaneously.

Unfortunately, WAN link reliability and latency makes the synchronous replication solution a big challenge. In many cases, these challenges force geographically separate data centers to still replicate asynchronously.

From a requirements point of view, the Galera founders official documentation has WAN related recommendations and some dedicated options (like segments) — as described in Jay’s blog post. But WAN deployments are absolutely possible, and even an advertised option, in Galera. The MySQL Group Replication team, however, seem to discourage such use cases, as we can read:

Group Replication is designed to be deployed in a cluster environment where server instances are very close to each other, and is impacted by both network latency as well as network bandwidth.


While perhaps obvious to some, I would like to point out a simple dependency that might be a viable solution in some deployments that face significant network latency. That solution is concurrency! When you face the problem of limited write throughput due to a transaction commit latency, you can employ more writer threads. By using separate connections to MySQL, overall you can to commit more transactions at the same time.

Let me demonstrate with example results based on a very simple test case. I tested both Percona XtraDB Cluster (with Galera replication) and MySQL Group Replication. I configured a minimal cluster of three nodes in each case, running as Docker containers on the same host (simulating a WAN network). For this setup, latency is around 0.05ms on average. Then, I introduced an artificial network latency of 50ms and 100ms into one of the node’s network interfaces. I later repeated the same tests using VirtualBox VM instances, running on a completely different server. The results were very similar. The command to simulate additional network latency is:

# tc qdisc add dev eth0 root netem delay 50ms

To delay the ping to other nodes in the cluster:

# ping -c 2
PING ( 56(84) bytes of data.
64 bytes from icmp_seq=1 ttl=64 time=50.0 ms
64 bytes from icmp_seq=2 ttl=64 time=50.1 ms

The test is very simple: execute 500 small insert transactions, each inserting just single row (but that is less relevant now).

For testing, I used a simple mysqlslap command:

mysqlslap --password=*** --host=$IP --user=root --delimiter=";" --number-of-queries=500 --create-schema=test --concurrency=$i --query="insert into t1 set a='fooBa'"

and simple single table:

`a` char(5) DEFAULT NULL,

Interestingly, without increased latency, the same test takes much longer against the Group Replication cluster, even though by default Group Replication works with enabled


, and disabled


. Theoretically, it should be a lighter operation, from a “data consistency checks” point of view. Also with WAN-type latencies, Percona XtraDB Cluster seems to be slightly faster in this particular test. Here are the test results for the three different network latencies:

XtraDB Cluster latency/seconds
Threads 100ms 50ms 0.05ms
1 51.671 25.583 0.268
4 13.936 8.359 0.187
8 7.84 4.18 0.146
16 4.641 2.353 0.13
32 2.33 1.16 0.122
64 1.808 0.925 0.098
GR latency/seconds
Threads 100ms 50ms 0.05ms
1 55.513 29.339 5.059
4 14.889 7.916 2.184
8 7.673 4.195 1.294
16 4.52 2.507 0.767
32 3.417 1.479 0.473
64 2.099 0.809 0.267

WAN latency

I used the same InnoDB settings for both clusters, each node under a separate Docker container or Virtual Box VM. Similar test result could differ a lot in real production systems, where more CPU cores provide better multi-concurrency conditions.

It also wasn’t my idea to benchmark Galera versus Group Replication, but rather to show that the same concurrency to write throughput dependency applies to both technologies. I might be missing some tuning on the Group Replication side, so I don’t claim any verified winner here.

Just to provide some more details, I was using Percona XtraDB Cluster 5.7.16 and MySQL with Group Replication 5.7.17.

One important note: when you expect higher concurrency to provide better throughput, you must make sure the concurrency is not limited by server settings. For example, you must look at


  (I used 0, so unlimited), 


 for GR and


 for Galera (among others related to IO operations, etc.).

Apart from “concurrency tuning,” which could involve application changes if not architectural re-design, there are of course more possible optimizations for WAN environments. For example:

https://www.percona.com/blog/2016/03/14/percona-xtradb-cluster-in-a-high-latency-network-environment/ (to deal with latency)



for saving/minimizing network utilization using 


 and other variables.

But these are out of the scope of this post. I hope this simple post helps you deal with the speed of light better!  ?


Is Synchronous Replication right for your app?

I talk with lot of people who are really interested in Percona XtraDB Cluster (PXC) and mostly they are interested in PXC as a high-availability solution.  But, what they tend not to think too much about is if moving from async to synchronous replication is right for their application or not.

Facts about Galera replication

There’s a lot of different facts about Galera that come into play here, and it isn’t always obvious how they will affect your database workload.  For example:

  • Transaction commit takes approximately the worst packet round trip time (RTT) between any two nodes in your cluster.
  • Transaction apply on slave nodes is still asynchronous from client commit (except on the original node where the transaction is committed)
  • Galera prevents writing conflicts to these pending transactions while they are inflight in the form of deadlock errors.  (This is actually a form of Eventual Consistency where the client is forced to correct the problem before it can commit.  It is NOT the typical form of Eventual Consistency, known as asynchronous repair, that most people think of).

Callaghan’s Law

But what does that all actually mean?  Well, at the Percona Live conference a few weeks ago I heard a great maxim that really helps encapsulate a lot of this information and puts it into context with your application workload:

[In a Galera cluster] a given row can’t be modified more than once per RTT

This was attributed to Mark Callaghan from Facebook by Alexey Yurchenko from Codership at his conference talk.  Henceforth this will be known as “Callaghan’s law” in Galera circles forever, though Mark didn’t immediately recall saying it.

Applied to a standalone Innodb instance

Let’s break it down a bit.  Our unit of locking in Innodb is a single row (well, the PRIMARY KEY index entry for that row).  This means typically on a single Innodb node we can have all sorts modifications floating around as long as they don’t touch the same row.  Row locks are held for modifications until the transaction commits and that takes an fsync to the redo log by default, so applying Callaghan’s law to single-server Innodb, we’d get:

[On a single node Innodb server] a given row can’t be modified more than the time to fsync

You can obviously relax that by simply not fsyncing every transaction (innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit != 1), or work around it with by fsyncing to memory (Battery or capacitor-backed write cache), etc., but the principle is basically the same.  If we want this transaction to persist after a crash, it has to get to disk.

This has no effect on standard MySQL replication from this instance, since MySQL replication is asynchronous.

What about semi-sync MySQL replication?

It’s actually much worse than Galera.  As I illustrated in a blog post last year, semi-sync must serialize all transactions and wait for them one at a time.  So, Callaghan’s law applied to semi-sync is:

[On a semi-sync replication master] you can’t commit (at all) more than once per RTT. 

Applied to a Galera cluster

In the cluster we’re protecting the data as well, though not by ensuring it goes to disk (though you can do that).  We protect the data by ensuring it gets to every node in the cluster.

But why every node and not just a quorum?  Well, it turns out transaction ordering really, really matters (really!).  By enforcing replication to all nodes, we can (simultaneously) establish global ordering for the transaction, so by the time the original node gets acknowledgement of the transaction back from all the other nodes, a GTID will also (by design) be established.  We’ll never end up with non-deterministic ordering of transactions as a result.

So this brings us back to Callaghan’s law for Galera.  We must have group communication to replicate and establish global ordering for every transaction, and the expense of doing that for Galera is approximately one RTT between the two nodes in the cluster that are furthest apart (regardless of where the commit comes from!).  The least amount of data we can change in Innodb at a time is a single row, so the most any single row can be modified cluster-wide is once per RTT.

What about WAN clusters?

Callaghan’s law applies to WAN clusters as well.  LANs usually have sub-millisecond RTTs.  WANs usually have anywhere from a few ms up to several hundred.  This really will open a large window where rows won’t be able to be updated more than just a few times a second at best.

Some things the rule does not mean on Galera

  • It does NOT mean you can’t modify different rows simultaneously.  You can.
  • It does NOT mean you can’t modify data on multiple cluster nodes simultaneously.  You can.
  • It does NOT set an lower bound on performance, only a upper bound.  The best performance you can expect is modifying a given row once per RTT, it could get slower if apply times start to lag.

So what about my application?

Think about your workload.  How frequently do you update any given row?  We call rows that are updated heavily “hotspots“.

Examples of hotspots

Example 1: Your application is an online game and you keep track of global achievement statistics in a single table with a row for each stat; there are just a few hundred rows.  When a player makes an achievement, your application updates this table with a statement like this:

UPDATE achievements SET count = count + 1 where achievement = 'killed_troll';

How many players might accomplish this achievement at the same time?

Example 2: You have users and groups in your application.  These are maintained in separate tables and there also exists a users_groups table to define the relationship between them.  When someone joins a group, you run a transaction that adds the relationship row to users_groups, but also updates groups with some metadata:

INSERT INTO users_groups (user_id, group_id) VALUES (100, 1);
UPDATE groups SET last_joined=NOW(), last_user_id=100 WHERE id=1;

How often might multiple users join the same group?


In both of the above examples you can imagine plenty of concurrent clients attempting to modify the same record at once.  But what will actually happen to the clients who try to update the same row within the same RTT?  This depends on which node in the cluster the writes are coming from:

From the same node: This will behave just like standard Innodb.  The first transaction will acquire the necessary row locks while it commits (which will take the 1 RTT).  The other transactions will lock wait until the lock(s) they need are available.  The application just waits in those cases.

From other nodes: First to commit wins.  The others that try to commit AFTER the first and while the first is still in the local apply queue on their nodes will get a deadlock error.

So, the best case (which may not be best for your application database throughput) will be more write latency into the cluster.  The worst case is that your transactions won’t even commit and you have to take some action you normally wouldn’t have had to do.


If your hotspots were really bad in standalone Innodb, you might consider relaxing the fsync:  set innodb_flush_log_at_trx_commit to something besides 1 and suddenly you can update much faster.  I see this tuning very frequently for “performance” reasons when data durability isn’t as crucial.  This is fine as long as you weigh both options carefully.

But in Galera you cannot relax synchronous replication.  You can’t change the law, you can only adapt around it, but how might you do that ?

Write to one node

If your issue is really the deadlock errors and not so much the waiting, you could simply send all your writes to one node.  This should prevent the deadlock errors, but will not change the lock waiting that your application will need to do for hotspots.


If your hotspots are all updates with autocommits, you can rely on wsrep_retry_autocommit to auto-retry the transactions for you.  However, each autocommit is retried only the number of times specified by this variable (default is 1 retry).  This means more waiting, and after the limit is exceeded you will still get the deadlock error.

This is not implemented for full BEGIN … COMMIT multi-statement transactions since it cannot be assumed that those are not applying application logic in between the statements that is not safe to retry after the database state changes.

retry deadlocks

Now we start to get into (*gasp*) territory where your application needs to be modified.  Generally if you use Innodb, you should be able to handle deadlock errors in your application.  Raise your hands if your application has that logic (I usually get less than 5 people who do out of 100).

But, what to do?  Retrying automatically, or giving your end user a chance to retry manually are typical answers.  However, this means more latency waiting for a write to go through, and possibly some poor user experience.

batch writes

Instead of updating global counters one at a time (from Example 1, above), how about maintaining the counter in memcache or redis and only flushing to the database periodically?

if( $last_count % 100 == 0 ) {
  $db->do( "UPDATE achievements SET count = $last_count where achievement = 'killed_troll'";

change your schema

In Example 2, above, how above moving the ‘joined’ column to the users_groups table so we don’t need to update the parent group row so often?

INSERT INTO users_groups (user_id, group_id, joined) VALUES (100, 1, NOW());


Choosing a system to replicate your data to a distributed system requires tradeoffs.  Most of us are used to the tradeoffs we take when deploying conventional stand-alone MySQL Innodb with asynchronous slaves.  We may not think about the tradeoffs, but we’re making them (anyone obsessively testing slave position to ensure it’s caught up with the master?).

Synchronous replication with PXC and Galera is no different in that there are trade-offs, they just aren’t what we commonly expect.

If Callaghan’s law is going to cause you trouble and you are not prepared to adapt to work with it, PXC/Galera Synchronous replication is probably not right for you.

The post Is Synchronous Replication right for your app? appeared first on MySQL Performance Blog.

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